Friday, June 29, 2007

Text: Mayor's letter on police promotions

Text: Mayor's letter on police promotions The promotion of these police officers and the resulting controversy has provided us all an opportunity to see how flawed the City's long-standing system is for officer promotion.

Today I will start implementing several reforms to address this situation in the future. I am announcing a new policy that will set a standard of zero tolerance for domestic abuse.
The buck stops there.

Zero tolerance is for those who don't want to think.

Those who can't think again are not well suited for public office.

This is wrong on many levels.

For starters, the reform and future fix resides within the present, mandatory domestic violence. Great double-speak. A supplement to the mandatory training goes an extra inch, perhaps. Relief is sure to come from all concerned now.

Next, they'll conduct actual reviews of candidates. Before they must have just drawn straws. Could not have pulled names from a hat as then there would have been a 'written record.'No written recommendation by the review panel is submitted to the Chief now. That's why they must draw straws -- or else flip coins. The "rock, paper, scissors" options would have counted as documentation to them I imagine.

A list of "disqualifiers" is going to be made. Even Santa Claus checks his list twice to find out the naughty and nice. Our new reforms are going to bring us in line with North Pole like scrutiny. These disqualifiers COULD eliminate a candidate from consideration for promotion, or they could NOT. Sounds less like a disqualifier and more like a finger wagging.

Even eight-year-old swimmers in a competitive team understand what a disqualification means. When police could look the other way, then it is fair to say we've got a resounding enforcement issue.

Enforcement is always a top concern, along with parking, at community meetings these days. Enforcement could be a problem because what could occur and what should result is never clear. Crooked ways dominate.

An internal panel of senior supervisors are going to be the one's to examine themselves. This is peer review. This is just what we don't need from the Police. This would sustain bad behaviors. This is why we have a citizens police review board -- because the police are often at odds with reality when it comes to the management of each other in police affairs. The police gang have a code. The police networks are complicated, deep and standard for the job at hand.

Again, the mayor is passing the buck by putting more weight onto a panel of senior supervisors. The mayor is the city's most senior -- err -- top supervisor. The guy or gal at the top needs to be 'in charge.'

These are LUKE's works, not the reporter's transcriptions of things that may or may not have been said. Luke's letter has serious holes in each paragraph. The logic and outcomes are worthy for the trash.

What procedure is going to more closely track all Police Officer incidents?

The whole holistic approach sorta falls flat with mandates, when necessary.

The shift of burden onto the officers to avail themselves to this and that is but another way to say that the mayor is passing the buck to them. This is Luke's problem now. Luke didn't do the oversight when it was needed. The domestic violence is bad but the cluelessness from the mayor is worse.

Once again, Luke gets the city into a legal problem. Prudence is not on Luke's side.

Look, Luke looked at the rules of the city! Did he listen to the 'acting city solicitor?'

So, again, we have some enforcement here -- and some lack of enforcement there. Works for them, but not for others. This is ignored while that is followed.

If the city rules are obsolete, why didn't Luke change them when he was President of City Council? Why didn't the obsolete rules get fixed in the first weeks of the mayor's new administration. Why are we only here this as an excuse now -- when there is little else to put the blame other than on himself.

It is time that all zero tolerance policies be revoked.

It is time that all leaders (especially the mayor) take deliberate steps to manage, promote and demote people with integrity -- without needing to make 'hard decisions.' This is another 'no win' opportunity. We've got too many no-win choices because there is a lack of wisdom on Grant Street.

It is time that the city embrace pro-active leadership that goes beyond the same, stale Dem. Party Machine.

National Fatherhood Initiative Job Posting - DC based

Looking for a cool job with a nonprofit? Here is a posting that might catch your attention.
National Fatherhood Initiative ::: NFI Jobs Position Title: Director of Corporate Relations (DCR)
Status: Full-time, Exempt
Location: Gaithersburg, MD (National Fatherhood Initiative Headquarters) strongly preferred, although tele-commuting is possible
Hours: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays, as well as occasional evenings and weekends
Travel: Variable -- might average 15-20% of time

Ravensthal will not reverse police promotions - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Ravensthal will not reverse police promotions - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Full speed ahead.

Meanwhile, the building of the new arena took a stumble today on the air with Marty Griffin. Seems the funds are not as available as they were hoped. Such a scam and mess of public trust and purpose.

OpenOffice Sports All-Around Improvements

OpenOffice Sports All-Around Improvements Time to get or update the WIN software called

Scorched Earth. To the victor goes the spoils -- NOT. Blowback of Pgh Dems with envy and attitudes.

The weekly free newspaper called the South Pittsburgh Reporter had a rather long article about the recent behaviors of lame-duck city councilman, Jeff Koch. Mr. Koch is a Democrat who lost his bid to resume as the party's endorsed candidate for the general election. A four-year term goes up for election on November 6, 2007, for city -council district 3. Jeff Koch won't be on the ballot.

But some of the groups that were expecting some cash from the city council's office -- think WALKING AROUND MONEY, have been given a snub. And, the snubbing is clearly because of Jeff's recent loss at the polls.

Go figure. We've got Dems who promise and don't deliver. We've got Dems who are quick to spend money that comes from the taxpayers. We've got citizens who are silenced -- or else. We've got nonprofit groups that show their greed.

Councilman pulls funding for area community groups
Councilman Jeff Koch has changed the funding to nearly a dozen community groups receiving money from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

For at least the second time in his short tenure, Councilman Koch has used his discretion with CDBG funding to withdraw promised money to some community organizations and award those funds to others.

On Wednesday, June 13, 2007, the councilman proposed legislation that rescinded funding from: Allentown Community Development Corp., $4,000; Beltzhoover Citizen�s Community Development Corp., $2,000; Federation of War Veterans, $2,000; St. Clair Athletic Assoc., $2,000; South Side Local Development Co., $2,000; and, the Urban Mountain Gathering Place, $2,500.

The same legislation increases CDBG funding to the Beltzhoover Neighborhood Council, $2,000; the Beltzhoover Neighborhood Council Cheerleaders, $1,000; My Brothers Keeper, $2,000; the South Side Athletic Assoc., $3,000; and, South Side Saber's Youth Football Assoc., $3,000.

The additional amounts increase the amounts for each of the athletic associations to $8,000 for this year, a total of $7,000 for the two Beltzhoover neighborhood groups and $5,000 for My Brothers Keeper.

When questioned about the changes last week, the councilman admitted that at least two of the reductions in funding were related to the organization's board members supporting Mr. Koch's opponent in the last election.

When Councilman Koch was asked about the changes he said that the Beltzhoover Citizen's CDC owed "$80,000 in back taxes" and he wasn't giving them any more money.

According to the Allegheny County Website, the BCCDC owes approximately $3,900 in back taxes on three vacant lots and three buildings including the Hilltop Health Center on Climax Street.

Connie Wellons of the BCCDC explained that some of the back taxes are a mistake that they are working to clear up. She said the organization has paid some of the taxes in the past to "keep (the properties) off the sheriff�s block."

She said one of the properties in question, 121 Climax Street was originally purchased to be used for the Hilltop Health Center. It was later found to be too small for the center�s purposes.

Ms. Wellons said the building is now slated to be demolished by the city, with the BCCDC reimbursing the city for the work.

"What he's trying to do, is divide two organizations in a small community," she added.

Ms. Wellons said she would have preferred that the councilman has come to the organization and "help us" instead of reducing the funding.

"Jeff Koch is not the most honorable of politicians that we know," she said.

In reducing the South Side Local Development Company's allotment from $2,000 to $0, Councilman Koch said the Mayor�s Office was providing money to the organization and he didn't feel the need to give them any more.

According to SSLDC officials, the organization is receiving funding from the Mayor�s Office this year in the amount of $10,000. It was noted that this was the first time or at least in recent history, that the mayor has provided funding for the 25-year-old South Side organization.

The councilman's explanation for cutting the funding to the Urban Mountain Gathering Place, a non-profit gathering place on Mount Washington whose mission is to support at-risk children in the neighborhood, was simply that he "didn't think they benefited the community."

Mr. Koch said he reduced the Federation of War Veterans grant of $2,000 down to $0 because they hadn't used the money and it was just sitting there.

The councilman also increased the grants to several organizations. When questioned about increasing the grant for My Brothers Keeper, an out of district organization, from $3,000 to $5,000, Mr. Koch said the organization would be operating a program in Beltzhoover this year.

Last week, the largest increases for the biggest total came to the South Side Sabers Youth Football Assoc. and the South Side Athletic Assoc.; both had their grants increased to $8,000. Mr. Koch explained that he increased their grants because they worked with kids and the previous councilman didn't provide funding to the groups.

A check of records indicates that during Councilman Gene Ricciardi's tenure, he provided the Sabers with $5,966 in CDBG funding and the South Side Athletic Assoc. with almost $17,500. In addition, the former councilman provided support for the organizations for South Side Park Baseball Field and Quarry Park through Public Works and Neighborhood Needs money.

The biggest surprises came when Councilman Koch admitted that the reductions to the St. Clair Athletic Association and the Allentown CDC were politically motivated.

Mr. Koch at first said that he cut funding for the St. Clair AA because the organization recently received $30,000 in city money. When it was pointed out that there is a difference in what CDBG funding could be used for compared to Neighborhood Needs money the councilman elaborated further on his decision.

He said that on Election Day, members of the St. Clair AA Board of Directors were working the polls when an Arlington resident whose mother had recently died came into the building. At this time according to Mr. Koch, one of the SCAA directors said that, "his mother would be turning in her grave if he voted for Jeff Koch."

Mr. Koch said the comment just wasn't right and gave it as the reason for cutting the funding.

Questioned about the $4,000 reduction in the Allentown CDC�s funding the councilman said that the group "had a lot of money sitting there for a long time and they were just recently starting to spend it."

Without prompting, Councilman Koch added that, "a lot of their board members worked against me in the last election�so I cut them."

The week prior to the election Allentown CDC vice president Ken Wolfe took photographs of a city Redd Up crew wearing political t-shirts on the job, a violation of the rules. In addition, Tom Smith, editor of the South Pittsburgh Reporter, serves as an officer on the A-CDC board and endorsed Mr. Koch's opponent in the primary election.

Neither man was acting on behalf of the A-CDC when they took their respective actions. The A-CDC took no position for any candidate in the election.

A-CDC president Judy Hackel reiterated that the organization took no position in the last election. She said that it was "inconsiderate" of Councilman Koch to take away the funding after the A-CDC had planned and budgeted for using the money.

Further review of the boards of directors for the organizations that had their funding cut turned up similarities, including board members who individually supported Mr. Koch�s opponent. The organizations that had their funding reduced didn't support one candidate over another in the election.

However, some of the organizations that received funding increases seemed to have ties to supporting Mr. Koch's reelection bid. The South Side Sabers and South Side Athletic Assoc. were both listed as having made contributions on campaign financial documents the councilman filed in his election bids. In addition, one of Mr. Koch�s staff, Dawn Jones, is a board member with the Beltzhoover Neighborhood Council.

CDGB money is used by community groups for a variety of purposes including but not limited to paying for utilities, supplies and equipment. In order for the funding to be utilized, the organizations must submit a budget, have that budget approved and submit receipts showing the organization has already spent the money before it is reimbursed.

Each of the nine city council representatives receive about $75,000 in Federal funding each year to distribute at their discretion using the CDBG guidelines. Although city council approval is needed to disburse the funds, generally the funds are distributed according to the individual council representative�s wishes.

Occasionally the funding is rescinded if the organizations leave the money "sit" for a long while without spending it. This process often takes years before the council representative acts.

According to city officials, the council representative must submit the requested changes for the CDBG funding to the director of the program in City Planning. The director drafts the legislation and submits it to city council for approval. After city council approves the changes the only notification that is required is for city planning to publish the changes in a legal notice. It is not required for the community groups to be notified that their funding has been changed.
- South Pittsburgh Reporter Editor

Great news reporting to the South Pittsburgh Reporter. But, make no mistake, the South Pittsburgh Reporter has been happy to endorse the D opponent of Jeff Koch. Before the special election in March of 2006 a "news" / "editorial" ran that was suspect in my opinion.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pittsburgh - Police Statement - For Ravenstahl, trust wearing thin on policing - Views - Potter's Field - Pittsburgh City Paper

The Told Ya theme is played again, this time with Chris Potter at Pgh City Paper concerning the police management folly.
Pittsburgh - Police Statement - For Ravenstahl, trust wearing thin on policing - Views - Potter's Field - Pittsburgh City Paper “Here’s a tip: If you want to prove you are your own man … hire a woman as [police] chief. ... If you want to rein in the cowboys, it can’t hurt to hire a few more girls.”

The Liberty Card - The Most Powerful Tool in the Freedom Movement.

The Liberty Card - The Most Powerful Tool in the Freedom Movement. Get the message out about Ron Paul!
Anyone can order these and help a Pittsburgh product. Representative Kathy Manderino to introduce 'THE FAMILY AND BUSINESS HEALTHCARE SECURITY ACT' in the Pennsylvania State House Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Sentinel Online talks of Pens, ticket sales and arena

The Sentinel Online : State: The Pittsburgh Penguins set a new season-ticket sales record after making the playoffs for the first time in six seasons.

The team has sold nearly 13,500 season ticket equivalents to fans who have bought either full-season (43-game) or half-season (21-game) plans.

The team announced Thursday that it stopped taking season ticket deposits for next season. It created a waiting list for fans who want to deposit $200 per seat for the right to purchase season tickets that become available for future seasons.

The Penguins' previous record was 12,350 full-season tickets sold for the 1992-93 season after the team won two consecutive Stanley Cups. Forty-six-year-old Mellon Arena, the oldest in the NHL, seats 16,940.

The Penguins stopped selling full- and half-season ticket plans so fans who can't afford them will still have a chance to buy seats, team president David Morehouse said. The Penguins plan to put six- and 12-game ticket plans on sale Aug. 8 and sell individual tickets starting Sept. 15.
Humm. Good for the Pens. Now there is no need to build a new arena. Or, if the Pens really want a new arena, they can build it with Penguin money, not taxpayer funds.

Bike on Friday

We'll try to join Critical Mass on Friday afternoon. Then there is a bike party.

I offered to lead a presentation about our adventures on bikes in China and New Zealand. But, the proposal didn't even generate a 'no thanks' from the organizers. So, it is on the back burner.

We're in the market for a new bike with gears for Grant. He rode a 26 inch mountain bike in New Zealand. His bike is without gears and needs to go.

We are looking for friends who want to join us for That Dam Ride in early September. The ride is 70 miles on Saturday and 70 miles on a return trip on Sunday. Erik and I did it two years ago and had a great time.

Forum Urban Parks: Study Criticizes NYC Parks Dept. Management | Project for Public Spaces (PPS)

Forum Urban Parks: Study Criticizes NYC Parks Dept. Management | Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
See the NY Times article, the real report, and reactions too.

One way to better insure 'equity' in the parks is to use a 'park district model.'

I think Pittsburgh should have a new "Pittsburgh Park District." In Illinois, they have Park Districts.

The park district give democracy and accountability to operation and management of the various parks.

Relay Carnival -- eeks

Our summer swim league has five teams:

Crafton, Scott Township, Green Tree, Mt. Lebo and South Fayette.

Each summer the teams have three big meets:

Relay Carnival, All-Star Meet, Championships.

I hate the relay carnival meet format. The meet is to be fun. But, sadly, it turns into a big 'sink' that doesn't do a good job at developing the swimmers, teams, and experiences that should come about from that meet.

So, I've offered an alternative meet format. Last year I passed about a position paper on how I'd love to see the new meet come into being.

This year at the league's rules meeting, among coaches, I raised this concern again. However, I was NOT able to attend this year's pre-season meeting among teams. So, the chance to change the meet was lost.

I'll be passing out this handout again at this year's relay carnival.

Perhaps we can, as suggested, host another meet in 2008. Perhaps the existing relay carnival can happen on one day and this relay celebration could happen on another day.

One of the best benefits of the structure of the new relay meet format is that everyone (as much as possible) gets to swim in three events. Because the 'extra' swimmers are relegated to the conference squad, there are extra relays.

When we were in New Zealand, there were plenty of opportunities for the boys and girls to swim against each other. This was good. Our winter swim league has only one gender of relay -- say 11-12 age group. You can have boys and girls in the relays. No need to have 4 boys only in a boys relay and 4 girls only in a girls relay.

DeSantis for Mayor site arrives

Mark DeSantis for Mayor of Pittsburgh | Mark DeSantis for Mayor of Pittsburgh
A new web site is now live.

It has copyright notices.

Transportation blog and the call for accountability for board members

Transportation I've been worried about the fact that these boards are hand-picked and never accountable for years.
See my other blog on my thoughs about Authority Board Members facing retention votes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

JetBlue marks anniversary with free travel offer

Here is a free market come on that needs your attention.
JetBlue marks anniversary with free travel offer As an enticement, Mr. Barger announced a 'gift' of free travel to any Pittsburgh-area resident who books a flight on the Forest Hills, N.Y., carrier by Saturday. To qualify, you must be a member of JetBlue's frequent-flier program, TrueBlue, and the flight must take place between June 26 and Nov. 15.

Travelers who book flights through will receive 100 TrueBlue points at the conclusion of their travel, which can be redeemed for a free trip anywhere JetBlue flies. JetBlue serves 54 cities with up to 575 daily flights. The TrueBlue points will expire in one year from the date of issuance.
I've never flown with JetBlue. So, I'm not a JetBlue frequent flier. So, I guess I can't take them up on the offer.

In run for White House, Giuliani stops in the Strip

In run for White House, Giuliani stops in the Strip With businessmen Jimmy and Nino Sunseri as his tour guides, the former mayor picked up some pasta and peppers before heading out onto Penn Avenue for a brief walking tour.
I feel better about him already. Why didn't he go to a downtown department store too?

Rudi kissed a baby. Didn't he also pucker up to Mark DeSantis?

Mitt is next.

DeSantis should be with all of these guys on every visit. Locals should be cutting checks to the national guys -- AFTER they cut one for the local guy.

Beijing weather leaves Oly officials in haze - Wednesday June 27, 2007 8:22PM - Olympics - Beijing weather leaves Oly officials in haze - Wednesday June 27, 2007 8:22PM Even by Beijing standards -- the city is one of Asia's most polluted -- Wednesday stood out. By early afternoon, a thick haze significantly reduced visibility. At street level, soot and humid air produced a fog of pollution.

After several days with temperatures hovering near 100 degrees, a rainstorm cooled but further darkened the city with vehicles using headlights most of the afternoon.
This is sorta funny to me. When we were in China, mostly in another part -- the southwestern part -- the drivers didn't use their headlights in the evening or nights. It makes no sense for the drivers in China to turn on their car's headlights at night when there are streetlights in the city.

The act of shutting down the factories in the period of the Olympics will work wonders.

I've blogged about this before somewhere. When we first arrived in China, it was in the first week of May. They have a major week of holiday the first week. Everyone is encouraged to travel to different parts of China. The schools are shut and so too are the big factories. It is a national holiday. May Day and beyond. This is a new holiday as well.

On May 8, I awoke in the middle of the night and it seemed as if there was a house fire down the street. The air was dirty -- like that of a not too distant fire.

There was no fire. The vacation was over. People were back to work.

Throughout our months there, we could generally see the moon two to four times a month. These were on windy days. Otherwise, the smog was such that the moon was not visible.

Beijing's filthy air is one of the biggest concerns of the International Olympic Committee and 2008 Olympic organizers, who worry that elite athletes may be unable to perform under such conditions.
My worry would not be for the elite athletes. There will be a 'level playing field.' Everyone gets to compete in the same 'air.' The top level athletes will be fine.
From china - foods

Clothing Drive

Network of surveillance cameras proposed for Pittsburgh

Network of surveillance cameras proposed for Pittsburgh Councilman William Peduto said there must be a 'transparent set of rules on who views [video data], who's authorized to view it, and that it's not being specifically targeted' to given groups or institutions.
We've got transparent rules that are not enforced.

We've got news about the CIA and FBI and family jewels too.

The video cameras need to be pointed at the government officials, the police, the budgets, the tax collectors. Until those folks are documented and really transparent, we should not point anything at the citizens.

Here are the numbers DeSantis needs to consider

Mark DeSantis is a Republican who wants to run for mayor. I asked him before his kick off in our personal meeting who he liked for President. I pointed out that the mayor's race and the race for county executive is going to take a back seat, sadly, to the race for the White House. We nominate and elect a president/vice-president in 2008. But, we've got lots and lots of coverage already devoted to that race. We've even had a hand-full of debates for the 2008 races and none for the 2007 general election.

So, the race for president is going to, at times, overshadow the race for the city's and county's top executive.

In no uncertain terms, I favor Dr. Ron Paul for president. Dr. Paul is a former Pittsburgher, former Libertarian and presently a Republican in the US House and from Texas. I love what he has to say on most issues and I love how he says it. Plus, his is a real grass-roots and internet driven campaign.

Since Ron Paul is a Republican, I figured I'd ask DeSantis what he thinks of him and who he likes in the GOP race for the nomination for President.

Perhaps DeSantis didn't want to hurt my feelings, or perhaps he hasn't thought about the issue. But, it is sure to come up.
President Bush's Approval

Pennsylvania voters disapprove 67 - 29 percent of the job President George W. Bush is doing, his lowest score ever in the state.

Voters disapprove 70 - 26 percent of the President's handling of the war in Iraq and say 60 - 34 percent that going to war in Iraq was the wrong thing to do.

From May 22 - 28, 2007, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,318 Pennsylvania voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points. The survey includes 575 Republicans, with a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percentage points, and 585 Democrats, with a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percentage points.
Getting voters in Pittsburgh, in November 2007, to vote for DeSantis, R, is going to be nearly impossible. The impossible becomes probable as Luke Ravenstahl does further damage to the city and continually acts in ways suitable for 'moron status.' However, this isn't the year to be a Republican running for office because we'll still have George W. Bush as the most powerful man in the world.

On another blog in another discussion, one wrote that a vote for DeSantis could be considered after he would renounce his party affiliation and become an Independent, not a Republican. That sentiment is real and pervasive.

I would have ever thought we'd find our political landscape with these compounded situations:
  1. Our city is on the brink -- as it is and has been -- with no end in sight.
  2. Our mayor acts in nearly worthless ways.
  3. Our city council is fully marginalized by its own doings.
  4. The biggest political problems loom in the nation's capital, not on Grant Street.
This is not the year for DeSantis to run for mayor as a Republican and expect to sway many voters.

I'm never going to say it is impossible. I think in positive ways. I'm optimistic. I'm a realist. I've seen the tide turn in a number of ways in a number of instances throughout life. I've helped turn the tide in a number of instances as well. It is fun going downstream after going for a long time against the current.

DeSantis can win if he is brilliant and if Ravenstahl is arrogant.

Arrogant is neither 'good' nor 'bad.' I predict that Ravenstahl can be bad and responsive or else good and responsive and this will work well enough for Ravenstahl to keep voters on election day. A responsive Ravenstahl, even should he fill his resume with repeating blunders, is still going to trump a brilliant, Republican DeSantis.

Basically, we're screwed locally until 2008. By the end of 2008, Bill Peduto should announce that he's switching his party from D to independent. Furthermore, by 2008 Dan Onorato's ambitions are sure to buffer the harm he can cause to Allegheny County. In 2009, there will be another mayor's race as well.

With better planning, the 2009 mayor's race will occur in the fall. And, by then, the guy or gal running for the GOP won't need to carry the weight of the world on every step.

Tips for navigation of the landscape in 2007 follow:

Mark DeSantis needs to talk in candid ways about who he supports in the unfolding 2008 GOP Presidential Primary.

I would love to hear that Mark DeSantis loves Ron Paul too. That would be great. But, I don't know that.

I figure Mark DeSantis is not a 'small government advocate.' Rather, he is a 'good government advocate.' That's what he told me, and I take him at his word. But, there are plenty of ways to read that between the lines.

'Tom Ridge Republicans' like John McCain. Melissa Hart liked McCain too. It is fair to say that I don't get along with the typical 'Jim Roddey Republicans'. Jim Roddey Republicans voted for Dan Onorato in May 2007 and are not far from the Tom Murphy Administration. Hillman and hundreds of others love to wheel and deal with government money, corporate welfare, contracts from DC (even defense department contracts) and central planning actions.

Those folks are "bad" in the eyes of many die-hard Dems. I'm not that judgmental. But, it is fair to say that I'm not excited by the typical Republican directions and policies put forth from those in power in Allegheny County and Pennsylvania.

So, it is fair to say that we need to size up Mark DeSantis and his Republican Roots. He should do that for us in public in an urgent way.

Should DeSantis likes George W. Bush and like the idea of a first strike against Iran -- then ouch.

I think that the DeSantis campaign would double in size and strength in one week should he announce that he'll serve as an "Independent" as mayor of Pittsburgh. Within a month, that message will allow his campaign to grow tenfold.

Jumping from a BLUE State to a RED State -- yet alone a BLUE to RED city -- is a big leap. DeSantis needs to meet the city and region half way.

The other day as we talked about party stuff and this issue of liabilities with being a Republican he said it was like he was half-way on a journey in a row boat. He is crossing the ocean. He is way out there. He can't turn around now. It is what it is.

But, I think that there is more to that story. If a smart guy is half way between England and the US in a row boat and a cruise ship or sail boat or freighter comes along -- he's out of that row-boat. He'll 'jump ship' because that row boat is now a liability. He'll pick up a larger crew. He'll keep the row-boat as a great memory, but he'll look to the days and weeks to come. His chances for survival are greatly increased when he's is pushed along by the company of many others.

"Our City is Not Fulfilling Its Promise."

That was a sign at the DeSantis kick-off. I think it is fair to say that our nation is not fulfilling its promise too. And, DeSantis should 'de-cloak' and make a promise as to what kind of politician he supports and wants to stand with in the years to come.

The promise of doing nothing is bad news for the city. Do something makes for a good theme as long as DeSantis himself does indeed talk and make deeds occur.