Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mark Roosevelt has the "Midas Touch" in reverse. Stop the fuss. Don't break other worthy programs!

KDKA TV coverage (first link) has great video statements from parents. The reporter slants to the side of Superintendent Mark Roosevelt who says the district can't afford the estimated $75 million in renovations the high school needs to stay open. We agree, in part. We don't want to see the district spend $76-million on Schenley. But, Schenley can stay open. Schenley is safe. Much, much less should be spent on Schenley -- because those other schools, the failing ones, are being ignored.

Supporters Urge Board To Save School
KDKA - Pittsburgh,PA,USA
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― Supporters of Schenley High School are making a last-ditch effort to save it. The Pittsburgh Public School Board is set to vote next ...

Group Fights To Save Schenley High School
WPXI.com - Pittsburgh,PA,USA
PITTSBURGH -- Supporters of Schenley High School make a last ditch effort to save the school. They attended a public hearing in front of the school board, ...

Pittsburgh Channel, WTAE TV:
Great quotes: "gentle investment" ... "Colossal mistake."

Schenley supporters push to save school: "Speakers say a new plan must come before decisions to close"

The P-G photo looks as if it came from the TV show, Batman, with the twisted photo. We are evil and crooked, so says the P-G editors. Kathy Fine looks fine. The press event was great. Sadly, the P-G hasn't been 'square' with the coverage nor its watchdog functions.

Pittsburgh Schenley High School supporters last tried to shift the momentum in the debate over the building's future, with leaders of the city Democratic Committee, the Pittsburgh NAACP and the Black Political Empowerment Project calling for additional efforts to save it.

Supporters didn't try. We were successful. We pounded home the message and have taken all the momentum out of Mark Roosevelt's train wrecked policies. This is way beyond Scheley too.

Every member of the city's Dem Committee voted -- VOTED -- to save Schenley. And, I spoke, as a Libertarian, just after the city chair. Wish the Republicans would have answered the call. Everyone is against the moves. And, there is that 'done deal mentality' that we're fighting too.

Mr. Stevens was among the speakers who said it would be unwise to close Schenley until Mr. Roosevelt unveiled a plan for improving all 10 district high schools. Absent such a plan, he said, how can the board make an intelligent decision?

School supporters, many of whom also plan to attend City Council's hearing on Schenley at 6 p.m. today, said Mr. Roosevelt has been able to frame the Schenley debate with exaggerated estimates for renovating the 92-year-old Oakland landmark.

They said they're trying to re-frame the discussion by focusing on how much the school district stands to lose -- in reputation, academic quality and students who withdraw from the school district -- if officials walk away from it.

The city does stand to lose. We'll lose a bunch of school board members when they get voted out. And, we'll lose a politician/superintendent and a few weenie school administrators too. Then, after the next board comes into place, we'll still re-open Schenley and un-do much of the harm these present folks are causing.

Supporters said last night's turnout comprised a cross-section of racial, neighborhood and civic groups, hinting at the breadth of pressure they intend to bring to bear on board members.

Leslie Horne, a member of the NAACP Education Committee, said the reasons to save Schenley include community support for the school, successful academic programs and a diverse student population, including students learning English as a second language.


"What is the hurry?" she said of Mr. Roosevelt's proposal to close the building this month. "Vote to table the permanent closing of Schenley until all options are considered."

There is no rush, except to make a crisis for Mark Roosevelt. He needs a rush to keep ahead of the mob that is still waiting on the report of the things that were messed up so badly in past years. He needs to keep up a new fuss as the prior changes not only didn't bear fruit -- but have crumbled to nothingness. Roosevelt has a "Midas Touch" in reverse.

Democratic Committee Chairwoman Barbara Ernsberger said a group of about 80 voted overwhelmingly at a May 21 meeting to support efforts to save Schenley.

Mr. Roosevelt repeatedly has proposed closing the school, saying the district cannot afford $76.2 million in renovations, including asbestos remediation.

But speakers last night repeated their assertion that a Schenley renovation could be done for less. They questioned his plans to reassign students to new schools and his motivation for wanting to close Schenley, again suggesting that the cash-strapped district will try to sell the building.

Shadyside resident Annette Werner said MacLachlan, Cornelius & Filoni Inc., the architectural firm that provided the $76.2 million estimate, suggested the district save $15 million by renovating only three of the school's four floors.

The $76.2 million estimate represents an unnecessary gutting of the building -- "great if you can afford it," Oakland resident Nick Lardas said, noting one architectural firm estimated that a scaled-down project would cost less than $40 million.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Points were pounded into their brains tonight. Dominos is okay for senior citizen center -- not school reform.

The citizens spoke tonight. If you have comments and want to have them on this blog -- send them to me via email, or post in the comments, or sling them to the wiki, FixPA.wikia.com. If they are on the wiki, they can also be on this blog as well.

Erik, my son, gave his 3-minutes too. Here are his words:

Statement to Administrators and Board of Pittsburgh Public Schools

June 16, 2008

Hello my name is Erik Rauterkus. I am here to address the issue of sports in my school district. First, some background on myself.

I just finished 7th grade at Pittsburgh Frick, 6-8 -- or 6-9 next year. Frick is one of the best middle schools in the city.

This year I got a first place in the regional science competition, PJAS, at Heinz Field. I went onto the state competition at Penn State University for three days in May. I was the only student in Frick to attend. At states, I got second prize in the category of physics among all 7th graders.

I love the subject of science and really enjoy studying it is school and elsewhere.

This morning I got up at 5:55 in the morning to go swimming at from my club swim team. At the Pgh Public Schools Elementrary championship meet, I received first place in 5th grade. This past year my little brother, Grant, got first place in the same meet.

Last school year, as a Frick swimmer, I got 4 gold medals at the middle school championship meet.

Next year I want to continue swimming and getting straight As in 8th grade.

I want to go to High School and make states in swimming. Then I want to go to a great college who likes well rounded students. I expect I'll get accepted because of my academics, sports performances, and my violin, plus all the other activates that I am in, including student council.

Now I could go to a school like Allderdice or Schenley. Hopefully Schenley stays open so I could have that choice. Then there is a choice about CAPA.

I could pass the audition for violin there -- or enter for creative writing. It would be great if I would go there. Plus, there is the new science and technology school. Again, I love science and technology and would love to also go there.

But wait. Neither CAPA nor the new school has sports.

For me, and a lot of my friends, and for many that are there now, the lack of sports is a serious draw back. My friends and I want a well rounded education which includes sports and not just gym. And it is not only that sports make you fit (because they do) but it gives you an experience like no other. You get many more friends. You meet lots of new and fun people. We enjoy sports.

Sports offers competition which is critical for the real world. In our jobs we'll face competition. Sports gives training to face that completion.

Lastly, sports teams give opportunities. I got the pleasure of meeting Schenley Grad, Pitt Player, D. Blair, a few days ago. Without sports at Schenley he would not have been able to go to Pitt on a full ride. I believe it is critical to keep sports in all the school not only for health, but for the rest of life.

Without sports, more people will leaving the district. I believe it is an essential to keep sports in our school.

Thanks for the time.

One of the changes tonight -- beyond the press event, the reportcard, the experts on our side, and the longer nose from the wooden marionettes -- the force and conviction of speakers from CAPA and Rodgers.

CAPA High School is not a clown car.

Chelsa Wagner steps up: Sends letter to Mark Roosevelt about Schenley and SPORTS

See a copy of her letter at the link below:
Chelsa Wagner is an athlete. She is also a key player in Harrisburg as a member of the PA House. Furthermore, in Harrisburg, she has roles and keen interests in education.

I was able to talk to Chelsa and her staffers and explain a few of the details in this saga. Within a few short days -- she sent out this letter.

People are watching. And, people are not happy. Furthermore, the concept of opening these boutique high schools and not having scholastic sports is terrible.

Chelsa also came to understand how Mark Roosevelt's move to fire all the swim pool workers at the school means that the kids in physical education classes will have to both provide their own swim suits and towels. Mark Roosevelt killed swimming in our schools in physical education classes.

Who wants to have a wet suit and wet towel in their book bags and lockers in high school?

Text of letter:

June 10, 2008

Mark Roosevelt, Superintendent
Pittsburgh Public Schools
341 S. Bellefield Avenue
Room 245, Administration Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Dear Mr. Roosevelt,

Over the past few weeks, I have had many constituents contact me with their concerns about the closure of Schenley High School and the restructuring of other schools in the city that would accompany this action. In order to adequately address their concerns and answer any further questions that they may have, I am requesting the following information from you:

1. A detailed cost analysis of the renovations and repairs that would be necessary to
reopen Schenley High School in the fall of 2008.
2. A detailed cost analysis of the improvements to other facilities that would be necessary
to accommodate Schenley High School students if it does not reopen.
3. The availability of sports and extracurricular activities for students who will attend Specialty Schools if Schenley does not reopen.

I would also welcome the opportunity to meet with you to address these issues more fully.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Chelsa Wagner
State Representative, 22nd District

Save it

Posted: "Roosevelt and Board Members rudely belittle TAXPAYERS and VOTERS as they testify to SAVE SCHENLEY
By: Save Schenley"





From Erik

From NZ dump

Report Card Arrives -- and it isn't what you might expect

Click image for a larger view.

Press Event Today

MEDIA ADVISORY: Monday, June 16, 2008, 6:30pm, Press Conference
Pittsburgh Board of Education 341 S. Bellefield Avenue - Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Save Schenley Advocates "Speak Truth to Power"

CONTACTS: Tim Stevens: (412) 758-7898 and Kathy Fine (412) 361-7904
Visual for Press Conference: Large Poster with Report Card that show grades for the School District Administrators, School Board, Students, Parents and Community.


Pittsburgh—A cross-section of Schenley High School advocates representing, parents, students, alumni, community leaders will gather for a Press Conference in front of the Pittsburgh Board of Education Building in Oakland at 6:30pm. Speakers will address issues regarding the lack of a comprehensive plan, safely dealing with asbestos concerns; Green Building, Alternative fiscal and academic plans, transparency, other Reform Proposals and the demand that Superintendent Roosevelt and reform chief Derrick Lopez refrain from writing and saying to other community people we respect, that the Schenley advocates are "the opposition". They have used this tactic to divide the Pittsburgh Public School community along racial and class lines which is a shameful way to push through their high school reform agenda.

Following the press conference at the 7pm Public Hearing where there are currently 65 speakers scheduled which is a strong indication of how important these issues still are. Many Schenley advocates will be asking that the school board "Vote No" to close Schenley on June 25th, demand more information from the administration and take more time to evaluate a complete and comprehensive plan addressing all high schools, all buildings, all programs and enrollment.

Schenley advocates will continue their relentless and noble quest to "Save Schenley" and to improve high school reform for all children, Tuesday, June 17th at 6:00 P.M. where they petitioned and secured the right to have a Public Hearing held before Pittsburgh City Council. City residents are urged to sign up to speak by calling 412-255-2138. Saving Schenley and having good comprehensive high school reform IS a citywide issue and concern that will have a dramatic effect on our quality of life for many years to come.

Schenley advocates are urging the Pittsburgh community to show their support by coming out in full force for these hearings.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Schenley High School -- a 'Green Building' ahead of its time

Great article in today's PG. Wonderful work Vivian and John Allison. Thanks!

Schenley is what it is. But, the option, Reizenstein, has no windows in the entire building. None. Another option, Peabody, is getting the robotics. Peabody is far under capacity. Only 20% of the students in the Peabody feeder pattern choose to go to Peabody. Peabody is working to get its act together -- but. Another option, Milliones, was designed to be a middle school, not a high school. Milliones was already closed. Now Mark Roosevelt wants to re-open that school. Another option for kids is Frick. Frick is a middle school -- not a high school.

Just so you get this straight, the Schenley students will be going to four different locations next year, according to the bone-headed plans: Reizenstein, Peabody, Milliones and Frick. Both Reizenstein and Milliones have been closed schools this past year and they need to be re-opened. Reizenstein would be good to sell. Reizenstein needs short term fix-up investments. And, to make it worthy of long-term school (who wants to spoil your child's next three or four years of their education?) would be far more costly than doing the complete overhaul of Schenley. Milliones needs more than $10-million too. But, it was to get even more if it was to host a move from Rodgers CAPA middle school to that building, as per plans from a couple of years ago.

Frick is like Schenley in that it is a top performing middle school. It is going to close as it is today. It will be converted to a 6-12 high school. Costs are nearly $20-million. And, the work for the fix-up at Frick is going to occur while the kids are in school. Those kids don't get to move out for construction. Rather, Frick's school gets an additional grade while the work progresses.
The Next Page editorial: Sunday, June 15, 2008, by Vivian Loftness

The debate over closing Schenley High School has been long and bitter. It has also been a pivotal event for the Pittsburgh Public Schools, which faces declining enrollment and immense financial challenges.

Superintendent Mark Roosevelt has concluded that the district simply cannot afford to renovate the school, which requires absestos removal and a major mechanical overhaul.

Vivian Loftness, of Carnegie Mellon's School of Architecture, contends that the district will save money in the long run by preserving a school of superb design, rather than wasting resources retrofitting substandard buildings to replace Schenley. Here, she examines the qualities that make Schenley visionary.

"Green Schools" are being built across the nation in an effort to provide the healthiest and most productive classrooms for our children. The attributes of Green Schools are many, embodied in national standards such as CHPS (Collaborative for High Performance Schools) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Some of the most significant characteristics of sustainable, green and healthy schools are embodied in our own Schenley High School.

The quality and invention of Schenley could never be afforded today. It should be a centerpiece for the Pittsburgh Public Schools for tomorrow.

Fresh air in every classroom

Click for larger image.

International research demonstrates that increased levels of fresh air in classrooms increases both student performance and health. Fresh air can be delivered in high quantities through windows that open with "cross ventilation," and through vertical chimneys that contribute to "stack ventilation."

Schenley High School was designed as a naturally ventilated school, the healthiest and highest performance environment. Not only was each classroom given large quantities of fresh air through tall double-hung windows, corridors and stairs, lunchrooms and gyms, even the theater could be naturally ventilated. Natural ventilation does not eliminate the potential for air conditioning as needed, or for additional forced ventilation.

Daylight in every classroom

International research demonstrates that access to daylight as the dominant light source in classrooms, accompanied by views, increases student performance. A 2000 classroom study in three states (by the Heschong-Mahone Group) identified 20 percent higher math scores, 26 percent higher reading scores for students with the most daylight in their classrooms, as well as 7 to 8 percent greater academic progress in classrooms with operable windows.

Daylight provides a high level of lighting needed for reading fine print and music, provides full-spectrum light to ensure illustrations and art are seen in true colors, and provides important vitamins and melatonin production critical to healthy sleep patterns.

Schenley High School was designed for daylit classrooms, daylit corridors and stairs, daylit cafeteria and gymnasiums (originally), and even a daylit theater for practice periods, with blackout shades for events.

Solid acoustic separations

Noise control between classrooms is extremely important for student learning, and for protecting the health of teachers. Overhearing other teachers and background noise makes it difficult for students to concentrate and forces teachers to speak at higher levels, causing vocal strain.

Schenley is built with very solid materials that ensure excellent separation between classrooms and support class management.

Timeless materials with low maintenance

Buildings were at one time built for centuries of service, not 35 to 50 years as today. Materials were timeless and craftsmanship was celebrated.

Once asbestos is abated, the solid materials and craftsmanship in the Schenley High School building will ensure that maintenance, replacement and repair costs are lower than all newer schools with less durable construction.

Given timeless, crafted surfaces, the associated reduction in paints, adhesives, outgassing fabrics and cleaners will support student and teacher health.

Safe, social, and educationally rich settings

The social science community has rediscovered the value of the grand stair and generous corridors that support visual connections between teachers and students and groups of students.

After years of squeezing square footage out of circulation areas, eliminating space, daylight and natural ventilation, we now realize that they are critical to socialization, reducing stress and ensuring safety. Generous daylit stairs have the additional benefit of encouraging walking and climbing over elevator use and sitting, increasingly important in our children's all-too-sedentary lives.

In addition, the provision of classrooms with views and high ceilings provide important inspiration for students and teachers alike, including rooms for art and music and yes, computer skills.

Schenley High School is one of the few Pittsburgh schools with multiple grand stairs, with generous corridors and easy sight lines for adult supervision, with sunlight and fresh air to calm tempers and nervousness, and uplifting windowed classrooms for every discipline.

'Passive Survivability'

If the power goes out in a sealed, artificially lit, artificially conditioned building, we have to go home. Today's most progressive schools are designed as a refuge for our kids and their communities, with passive systems that will run even if the power is down.

Images of Schenley from the Journal of the Pittsburgh Architectural Club in 1916, the year the school opened.

Schenley has the most reliable conditioning systems -- daylighting, natural ventilation, gravity-fed heating (gas or coal needed to create hot water, but no electricity), and the most

amazing fresh air distribution system hidden in the corridor walls.

Hundreds of vertical chimneys with rooftop vents take preheated or earth-cooled air from the basement vertically to every classroom, without the need for fans -- a system that ensures "passive survivability" for all of us, and energy efficiency with the highest environmental quality. Allegheny County Courthouse had a similar system for heating in winter, and bringing in naturally cooled air in summer -- technologies that are today being rediscovered.

Sustainable Sites: mobility, safety, cultural and educational amenities

A key aspect of sustainability is accessibility for diverse populations to the school and to cultural amenities that are important to education. Today, environmentally sustainable communities have been defined as mixed use, diverse and walkable.

The location of Schenley in the cultural, academic and medical center of Oakland ensures multiple transportation options; walkability to cultural and educational amenities and after-school opportunities; and safety to maintain middle-class commitment to public schools.

Historic building -- embodied energy and infrastructures

The green building community recognizes the energy and environmental value of existing buildings and infrastructures. While all public schools under consideration meet this environmental goal, only Schenley has the historic qualities that ensure long-term "cherish-ability." Buildings that don't inspire preservation long-term will end up being "money pits" with funds yielding five to 10 years of prolonged use rather than 25 to 50 years.

This is a very important life-cycle consideration as investments in alternative schools are debated -- schools that do not have the daylight, natural ventilation, timeless materials and craftsmanship, social settings and location, location, location of Schenley High School.
First published on June 15, 2008 at 12:00 am

Vivian Loftness is university professor of architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, where she served as head of the School of Architecture from 1994 to 2004 (loftness@cmu.edu).

Mark C's latest LTE

Mark Crowley of Plum, a LTE Genius reported on LTE on Election Choices, not Counting Methods
I had a LTE printed today in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It was the one I shared earlier that promoted the LP and attacked the Rs&Ds for abandoning the few principles they had at one time. It was in response to this editorial
www.post-gazette.com/pg/08153/886158-109.stm from two Sundays ago.

They trimmed it down a bit, but kept the intent well intact. Oddly, they kept the part about Ron Paul not dropping out yet intact. I was expecting a call from them about that where I would have suggested, "...Ron Paul still hasn't endorsed the Republican nominee..." I guess they're really busy at the PG too.


PS -- Given this editorial, my LTE could have easily been crafted to promote the Voter's Choice Act. That's the great thing about LTEs, often you can go anywhere with them.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The voting problem

Fixing the election system with new counting methods ("Gaming the Vote" by William Poundstone in the June 1 Forum section) is like recataloging recipes while starving. In presidential election years, about 50 percent of the voting age population votes. The persistent silence of the other 50 percent is deafening.

Former Republican congressman Bob Barr is now the Libertarian presidential candidate. Former Democratic Sen. Mike Gravel is now a Libertarian. Former Democratic congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is now the Green presidential candidate. And the libertarian-leaning Republican, Ron Paul, still hasn't dropped out of the Republican presidential race. What's happening?

Republicans traded non-interventionism for a nation-building welfare program. They sold fiscal restraint for ethanol subsidies and a prescription drug program. They replaced tax-and-spend big government with borrow-and-spend big government.

"Little guy" Democrats embraced the Patriot Act's huge government expansion. It treats all little guys equally -- like they're all in sleeper cells requiring surveillance,
control and federal (real ID) papers. Privacy and incandescent bulbs joined gun rights on their ash heap.

It's not about counting strategies. It's about both parties sacrificing our individual rights to grow government.

And they say my Libertarian vote is a waste!


We ask that you Vote NO or table all aspects of this proposed High School Reform plan

Parents and B-Pep (Black Empowerment Project) have called a press conference for Monday evening at the Board of Education building, in advance of the public testimony. I'll be there.

Mr. Derrik Lopez, is now in Pittsburgh and working to advance the Mark Roosevelt agenda.

He must have been one of the ones to hire the newest principal in Pittsburgh Public Schools. A new employee joined the district on May 1, 2008, to serve as the new principle of a new high school, a university prep. That new high school that begins with only 9th graders, is going to be in The Hill District in a former middle school, Milliones. The new principal has been the assistant principal at Woodland Hills High School. Go figure.

Have you heard that one teacher at Woodland Hills who had to break up more than 60 fist fights in the hallways and classrooms of that school this past school year. He is just one example. The media has been reporting on the total lack of discipline at Woodland Hills in the past seasons. Woodland Hills must be the worse breeding ground for a new hire for a new school in Pittsburgh.

Mr. Lopez and the administration have been trying to pull the strings to get their agenda implemented. Generally they get things done without parent involvement and have been masters at avoiding a vote from the school board. Often, much gets done because Mark Roosevelt has been empowered by certain boosters on the school board -- such as Board President and former board member, now councilman, Patrick Dowd.

This "University Prep" school is another 'boutique school' that is part of the Mark Roosevelt agenda. They spent the last few years closing schools (22 with right sizing plan). Now they want to open new schools.

When Milliones was a middle school, it was 100% black. As it opens again, the school is going to be very close to the same population. They seem willing to want to create an all black school in the Hill District. Ninth grade students will arrive in the fall and be the big men on campus. The school starts with only 9th graders, who are there without a choice. The following year, this high school accepts kids in grades 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The new schools, so far, seem to be University Prep (at Milliones), Science and Tech, I.B. Perhaps Vo Tech is on a list of schools to open too, somewhere.

A couple of years ago, there was a plan to move CAPA Rodgers middle school to Milliones. A fix up was needed. But, those plans fell apart. The fix up for the middle school plans does not match what the fix up for the high school plans.

Meanwhile, Pittsburgh has spent a lot of money on changing schools. There was a recent push by Mark Roosevelt to make schools span the grades of K to 8. Now they want to have schools go from grades 6 to 12.

This makes everyone dizzy and is killing the district.

And, they go ahead and do back-channel deals. The Pgh Promise, the selling of Schenley, the take over of Duquesne, the hand-picked commissions (High School Reform Task Force), the junking of gifted, the movement of Rodgers, the re-opening of Milliones, etc.

Here is how some of the district feels about inclusion of city residents and how to out-flank the public process: get to the black ministers in The Hill District. Rev. Monroe is who he is.

Subject: University Prep Vote This Evening
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:23:14 -0500
From: dlopez1@pghboe.net
To: creed1@pghboe.net; tbell@hillhouse.org; rdlavelle@pahouse.net; efrazier@hillhouse.org; jmongrace@msn.com; wallsj216@aol.com
CC: mroosevelt1@pghboe.net; llane1@pghboe.net; lfischetti1@pghboe.net

Hi All,

The events of the next two days will determine whether the work that has been put into the design and concept for University Prep at Milliones will move forward. We have the vote of the Board of Education this evening, and we have the community meeting tomorrow.

I am confident that we have designed a "school" that can and will become the hallmark for school excellence in the district. It was specifically designed with the students that we are charged to serve in mind. That being said, I also know that we have a lot of work to do, to involve the parents in the Hill District and the greater Pittsburgh community to create a joint vision and real partnership to determine how we can partner with them to best meet the needs of our children. Therefore, tomorrow night's conversation will be crucial to this. I hope that each of you can attend this historic meeting, and that each of you will participate.

While I know that the African American community does not speak with a monolithic voice, I am quite certain that when we converse about the needs of African-American youth, we do coalesce around key principles: ensuring that our students have a safe and secure environment that is conducive to learning; setting high expectations, both academically and behaviorally; establishing solid, personal relationships with our students; and providing the needed support and advocacy for students who have not heretofore been served. We need your help in spreading that mission-driven message as we move through tonight and tomorrow. My fear is that right now that mission is being clouded by the supposition that the opening of University Prep is a return to a model of segregation.

I urge you to assist in spreading the message that this is simply not true. The truth of the matter, which the opposition seems loathe to admit, is that students in the Schenley feeder pattern have been allowed to flounder and fail, under the guise of diversity within a building. University Prep as a model brings those students out of the background and requires us to serve their needs in new and real ways. I fear that their needs, in the face of advocacy for the facility that is Schenley, are being overshadowed and drowned out once again.

If there is a letter of support that you are willing to forward to me or telephone advocacy on behalf of these students that you would be willing to offer prior to the vote this evening that we can share with the Board of Education, that would be exceedingly helpful in our efforts to move this project forward. You can send it to me by return email.

I would be remiss if I did not thank you for your willingness to enter into a partnership with us on this very difficult issue, when PPS has not been a willing partner to you in the past. The creation of the University Prep concept document is the essence of faith, i.e. the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (if I am allowed to say that in an email.). You put your faith in us to deliver for your students. If this project is allowed to move forward, I believe we can that we can work together on behalf of our students in this project and in the many to come over the next several years.

I look forward to your participation in tonight's meeting and tomorrow's parent forum.

With warmest regards,


-----Original Message-----

From: Johnnie Monroe [mailto:jmongrace@msn.com]

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:15 PM

To:Lopez, Derrick; Reed, Carolyn Woods; Anthony Bell; Daniel LaVelle; efrazier@hillhouse.org; wallsj216@aol.com

Cc: Roosevelt, Mark; Lane, Linda; Fischetti, Lisa

Subject: RE: University Prep Vote This Evening

Dear Friend,

Please know that I support the opening of the Milliones School Building as University Prep. I think this ventur wii offer great opportunities for the childre of the Hill District as well as the rntire distric. There are those who feel that this is re-segregation. The truth of the matter is when we look at the schools of the district some of them are segregated. My concern is that we have excellence in education. University prep has the opportunity to offer such. This opportunity becomes very crucial also in light of the fact that the children of the Hill district have been short-changed by this district for so long.

Count me as a strong supporter of University Prep at Milliones.

Please pass this along to School Board members.

Peace and love,

Johnnie Monroe, Pastor, Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church

Co- chair, Hill District Education Council

I agree with Larry. Mark Roosevelt and crew have been masterful heretofore in framing the issues and information in this debate. No longer.

Nobody is shocked that Mark Roosevelt got $100-million from UPMC for the Pittsburgh Promise -- and it was a down payment on the building and property that is known as Schenley High School. Roosevelt has a mention in the WTAE TV 4 news yesterday that he expects Schenley to not be vacant -- but be with UPMC for them to do what they want.

Roosevelt wants the district to choose "instruction over bricks?" Fine. Let's keep the places where the best instruction occurs.

Below is an excerpt of the B-PEP statement that addresses some of what the PPS administrators accuse the concerned citizens of NOT caring about.

We ask that you Vote NO or table all aspects of this proposed High School Reform plan and not move ahead with making any other expenditures until there is a comprehensive approach to programs that address the needs of all students associated with the 9 High Schools that failed to make Adequate Yearly Progress. Can you please share with us where you are with that? Maybe those plans are somewhere in the ever growing and changing documents connected to high school reform...

We agree with you and understand the fierce urgency of now to ensure that ALL of our children receive a high quality education, especially the many that have been denied that opportunity for so long.

One more message:

Callie Thuma posted
Date: June 14, 2008

Subject: Be stubborn, be pushy, be aggressive!
To all those who oppose the closing of Schenley:

As a Schenley alumna (c/o 2006), I have watched from my current home in Saint Paul, MN as Roosevelt has moved forward with his plans to close Schenley High. Like many of you, I am outraged.

As I see it, shutting down Schenley would effectively advance the resegregation of the Pittsburgh Public School system. Over the past decades, our nation has returned to an "apartheid schooling" system with high levels of segregation by class and race not seen since before Brown v. Board. I am both furious and heartbroken to see Schenley broken apart by this trend towards injustice and inequality.

I am writing to you today because I want to encourage you all to be demanding and relentless in your final efforts to counter Roosevelt's plans. Here's what I have been taught from two amazing organizers on the West Side of Saint Paul (Carlos Garcia Velasco & Monica Carbajal):

To be effective, you MUST make your voice heard--LOUDLY!
In order to have your demands met, you must DISRUPT business as usual!

I offer this advice so that you will recognize and claim your power. I know you can stop Roosevelt! But you must do it together and you must NOT play by their rules.

Here is a story from the famous organizer, Shel Trap. He is writing about his pet dog, Big Guy, from who he learned much.

"Big Guy is frightened of thunder. He gets very nervous and jumps on our bed--your have not lived until you have had ninety pounds hit you in the middle of a deep sleep. One night during a storm we put him in the bathroom and closed the door. The next morning we found a cabinet door chewed to pieces and the finish of the bathroom door clawed away. He did not want to be in the place we had assigned to him, so we paid a price. The role of the community organization is similar. An organization does not stay where the power structure wants it, sitting quietly in the corner, or closed off in some room; it makes the power structure pay a price for trying to keep it in a place it doesn't want to be.

We were going after a slumloard with little success when we discovered he was an important member of his church and would preach when the pastor was on vacation. On Sunday when he was preaching, we went to his church with fliers using some of the Ten Commandments. 'Thou shalt not bear false witness: Mr. Jones, who is preaching to you now, lies to his tenants when he says he is going to fix up the building.' 'Thou shalt not steal: Mr. Jones, who is preaching to you now, steals from his tenants by collecting rents and not giving them garbage pick-up, cleaning the hallways, or making repairs.' This in not where Mr. Jones wanted us to be. He paid a priace and also fixed up his building. IF YOU STAY MEEKLY IN THE PLACE WHERE SOMEONE WANTS YOU TO BE, YOU LOSE! WHEN YOU STEP OUT OF THAT PLACE AND MAKE HIM PAY A PRICE, YOU WIN. I like winning better than losing."

pg. 9 "Dynamics of Organizing" by Shel Trap

Please remember this wisdom as you prepare your final fight against the plans to close Schenley. Attack back! Don't let them shut you down!

I stand with you in support!

peace and power,
Callie Thuma

Jen's email:

We know it's summer vacation and many families are away.
We know it's been forever and ever.
We know that it may be hot.
We surely know people work and have lives.
But please show up if you can, if you want to speak, even better!

Monday: Board of Education Public Hearing
6:30 pm press conference
7:00 pm public hearing

Sign up to speak is open until noon tomorrow, call 412-622-3600
Overall message: Until there is a comprehensive high school reform plan and that plan has been made clear to all stakeholders, there should be NO vote on closing Schenley and NO MORE SPENDING on other buildings and moves and renovations.

The school board should demand enough information and time to evaluate a complete and comprehensive plan addressing all high schools, all buildings, all programs and enrollment.


Tuesday: 6:00 P.M. - Public Hearing: City Council
City County Building
414 Grant St.

Sign up to speak through Tuesday at 412-255-2138 (have heard you can sign up until 5 pm, but try to do it before noon to be safe!)

Bill No. 2008-0482 - Petition from the residents of the City of Pittsburgh requesting a public hearing before City Council relative to the stated intent of the Pittsburgh Board of Public Education to close Schenley High School. (CABLECAST)

Overall message: same as above, emphasizing the city/public value of Schenley High School.

Please consider writing (especially if you can't make it to a hearing) to:
the school board (boardoffice@pghboe.net)
city council (click on picture for phone number) and/or

Thank you and Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

Jen Lakin

Letter from yesterday's Civic Arena Schenley Graduation

Dear Schenley Graduate,

It has come to our attention that, despite today being graduation day, we have a problem. You might think you are done, but not so fast. We have noticed that there are some outstanding homework assignments that still linger and need your attention.

To rectify this matter, call 412-622-3600 and sign up to speak at the board meeting on Monday, June 16, 2008 to the Pgh Public School Board and Administrative office in Oakland. You'll need to give a 3-minute prepared speech on the value of keeping Schenley High School open for future generations of Pittsburgh's kids.

If that is not possible, call the clerk of the city of Pittsburgh at 412-255-2138 and get a time to speak at a public hearing on Tuesday, June 17 at 6 pm in City Council Chambers. Likewise, your voice is welcomed and needed. The costs to fix Schenley is much less than all the alternatives they are proposing.

If you can't come and speak either of these days, you can have others come and speak on your behalf.

A letter to the editor might be a suitable alternative, if it gets published, and if there are no typos.

Life is going to be a struggle, one after another. Real world success comes only to lifelong learners. As engaged parents, taxpayers, neighbors and citizens, we are thrilled to have you join us in our battles for our community and freedom. Feel recruited.

By the way, the still uncompleted homework assignment you have yet to complete is but a fraction of the work still due from others. Your task is small when contrasted to the still unfinished plans that we await from Mark Roosevelt.

Thanks for your swift attention on these matters.

With love and the greatest respect, today, and always,

A person who isn't your parent nor relative.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Skipping church for tv? Meet the Press

I know some who are going to duck out of church and watch some Sunday morning TV.

District Holds Graduation Ceremony

kdka.com - Pittsburgh Public School District Holds Graduation Ceremony: "'Nothing is greater than a college education,' said Ravenstahl. 'You look at the cost of everything nowadays, it continues to skyrocket, and there are now kids that never, ever would have been able to afford a college education that now can think about it and plan for their future.'
Nothing is greater -- except -- perhaps post-graduate education, finding the love of your life, having a child, religious rapture, dignity in death and until then, and of course, my all time favorite -- freedom. Freedom to do what you want and be who you want to be is tops. More than going to a local college or three.

Others might find it rewarding to ... (you can tell us) ... beyond college to ...

[412] School's out for summer! Now what ...

[412] School's out for summer! Now what ...: "[412] School's out for summer! Now what ...
My latest email blast should also be shared on the blog for those who are NOT on my list.

Hi All,

1. We host a 4th of July party every year -- and you are invited. Arrive around 7 pm. We provide lemon-aid. We'll play badminton in the park at the outset. Rauterkus family 4th of July party is an open house at 108 South 12th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203.

2. Olympicpedia is the new day camp I'm hosting, as part of a new 4-H chapter. We are meeting from 11 to 1 pm, Monday through Friday, starting June 16, ending July 31.


Check it out. Visit and get set for the arrival of the Olympics in August.

3. Sure, school is out but Schenley High School should reopen in September. I blog about this at http://Rauterkus.blogspot.com. It is much cheaper to fix the asbestos this summer (less than $5-million) and not go through all the extra costs associated with moving the students and faculty. A most interesting TV show has been playing on PCTV21. In case you missed it, hear the audio at


Saving Schenley by removing the asbestos is a better solution and far more affordable than the weirdness that Mark Roosevelt proposed -- cloaked in falsehoods. It isn't $76.2-million to fix Schenley like is stated in today's paper. His homework isn't done. His own reports say
he is about $72 million too high.

4. To speak at a public hearing about schools that has been called by the residents of the city for 6 pm, Tuesday, June 17 in city council chambers, 5th floor, City-County Building, Grant Street, call 412-255-2138.

Feel free to forward this email to others. Plus print and post this:


Mark Rauterkus Mark at Rauterkus.com

412 298 3432 = cell

== text of Olympicpedia brochure ==

Olympicpedia Day camp
11 am to 1 pm, Mondays to Fridays
June & July 2008
CyberConXion - 1710 Murray Ave., Level II, - Squirrel Hill

In advance of the Beijing games, gather with us (experts, adults and kids ages 10 and older) to research, write, illustrate and code multi-lingual alphabet books on Olympic sports.

We'll discuss world-wide current events with a focus on sports and languages. Together, with the direction of coach and publisher, Mark Rauterkus, let's "Create Literate Olympians Here."

Mark at Rauterkus.com - 412 298 3432
Cost: $10 for annual 4H registration + $6 per day

Begins June 16. Ends July 31. Meets M-F 11 am to 1 pm.

Volunteers, drop-in guests, world travelers and others are welcome to help in this open-source process of collaboration.

Participants get ownership in a venture that deploys concepts detailed in a leading
business book: Wikinomics.

"Billions of connected individuals can now actively participate in innovation, wealth creation, and social developments in ways we once only dreamed of... Mass collaboration across borders, disciplines and cultures is at once economical and enjoyable."

Four Marines Die in Afghanistan; 870 Inmates Escape

Noor Khan And Jason Straziuso, The Associated Press, report: "About 870 prisoners escaped during a Taliban bomb and rocket attack on the main prison in southern Afghanistan that knocked down the front gate and demolished a prison floor, Afghan officials said Saturday. And in western Afghanistan on Saturday, a roadside bomb exploded near a US military vehicle, killing four Americans in the deadliest attack against US troops in the country this year, officials said.


Building better prisons is hardly the answer.

Hashimzai said the jail did not meet international minimum standards for a prison. The Kandahar facility was not built as a prison but had been modified into one, he said.

A delegation of deputy ministers from the Justice and Interior ministries left for Kandahar early Saturday.

"Plans are under way to renovate all the prisons around the country," said Hashimzai. "Kandahar was one of them, but unfortunately what happened last night is cause for concern."

Mine proposal "dead on arrival," Onorato says

The citizens of South Park have spoken.
Mine proposal "dead on arrival," Onorato says Mine proposal 'dead on arrival,' Onorato says
Next up, the other county parks. There are lots of proposals that have been sent to Allegheny County where firms offer to extract resources -- from trees to minerals to deer and geese.

Carlynton has sports and participation troubles. Some school board members

For a few years, I was a swim coach at Carlynton with the CSC, the Carhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.giflynton Swim Club. Plus, I coached at Crafton at a municipal pool and the Crafton Crocs. Great fun. With the growing boys and changing duties (last fall I ran for city council and city controller), it made more sense to switch to another team and our time is now been spent working out at the JCC.

Furthermore, I ran for public office in a state senate district that includes most of those areas that are west of the city. PA Senate 42 stretches from South Side, where we live, to Green Tree to Crafton to Montour, Scott and the Rocks. So, I like to stay involved with the communities, to say the least.

There is some weirdness going on with a suburban school district outside of the city. Go figure. At Carlynton, a few want to change the school's facility use policy. Bad ideas.

To help get the issue out and understood, another blog has been launched, http://Carlynton.blogspot.com.

Generally, you win by addition. When subtraction is used -- defeat comes quickly, often and with a vengeance.

In the realm of education, being open minded, competitive, inclusive, and outgoing brings big benefits. I want to invest in areas where good things happen and were there is hope and opportunities to create literate Olympians here.

If you'd like to help with this issue at Carlynton, let me know.

By Francesmary Modugno

Some elected school board members of the Carlynton School District are proposing significant changes to how the community uses our facilities. Their policy proposal is sure to cause great hardships to kids and families throughout the district. They want to limit children’s after school programs run by parent volunteers to groups consisting of 100% Carlynton students, kicking out their friends from neighboring areas. Groups that fail to meet that requirement would be shut down or forced to pay thousands of dollars in additional fees. Some school board members want to go a step further and ban adult programs from using the classrooms, pool, gym and fields.

Think again. Let’s side with inclusion and participation so our kids are kept off the streets. We should help the program leaders work with our youth so they have goals to shoot for rather than shooting at each other out of boredom and turf war madness. And let’s make our schools centers for education, culture and recreation for citizens of all ages. Our adult residents should see the schools as resources for them as well.

Curtailing opportunities by advancing a policy to limit programs to school-aged children is short sighted:

  • The proposed plans being pushed by some school board members would destroy swim lessons for our pre-schoolers - that's a safety issue!
  • Adult GED programs, AARP and Silver Sneakers would be barred – not welcomed at Carlynton.
  • Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and local youth groups with kids and volunteer leaders from other municipalities would get axed by the proposed changes, too.

Every Carlynton resident could be impacted by the lack of quality local programs because our kids are going to be hitting the street corners and not be engaged in positive, directed pursuits. The majority of people in the district would be denied access to the properties their taxes built and maintain. No more walks with friends on the track for residents. Walkers, use the streets and co-exist with the kids displaced there too, just hanging out.

The current policy allows youth sports teams and any group to use Carlynton facilities at cost provided the group's enrollment has 75% district membership. The activities with fewer district residents (below 75%) pay heavy fees. Even with this current policy, several youth sports teams told the school board they have trouble fielding teams. Allowing some non-residents to join our clubs gives local programs more stability, more income and lower-fees for in-district participants. Still, some directors want to push forward their agenda to curtail our children’s opportunities.

The May 27, 2008, school board meeting featured several leaders of our youth programs. These leaders clearly stated that changes to the after school policy will wipe out opportunities for our kids and impose additional burdens to our respective programs. Notes.

Schools need to be a part of our community. Families need to keep our kids engaged in safe, healthy, wholesome fitness and team building activities. With rising gas prices, we need to create more opportunities for our kids right here, near their homes. Because Carlynton is the smallest school district in the region, this can only happen if after school activities are open not only to our own kids, but to their friends in our neighboring communities as well.

Still, some elected school board members want to kick out neighboring kids from our programs and raise program fees. The organizations can’t afford those proposals and neither can local tax payers and parents. In essence, these directors want to impose on Carlynton residents an additional facilities tax for the use of school properties that we have already paid for with one of the highest millage rates in Allegheny County.

The reasons these directors give for excluding non-residents:

  1. Non-resident children take away opportunities from Carlynton children because the non-residents outperform Carlynton children (directors Brown, DiPietro and Schirripa)

  1. By allowing non-residents into Carlynton programs, we are “training the competition” and that’s the reason the Carlynton JV and Varsity teams don’t win more often. (directors Brown, DiPietro and Schirripa)

  1. School facilities are for the use of school-age children only. (directors Brown and Schirripa)

Their proposals are detrimental to all Carlynton residents, especially children:

  1. There is no evidence from any group that non-resident children are taking opportunities away from Carlynton kids. Furthermore, it is insulting to Carlynton children to imply that their peers from other districts are better than they are. Moreover, these directors are implying that they need to create artificial environments for Carlynton children to succeed because they don’t think Carlynton children can succeed on their own. That’s insulting, too.

  1. There is no evidence that youth sports groups “train the competition”. Nor is there evidence that non-district youth athletes are the reason Carlynton Jr/Sr high school teams don’t win more often. No way. If non-resident athletes get expelled, they would likely go elsewhere for training and enrich other clubs by keeping those teams’ costs in line. Meanwhile, Carlynton clubs would be unable to field teams and would fold. Sure, Carlynton clubs might not “train the competition”, but they would certainly not be training Carlynton children either. With the plans advocated by some directors, Carlynton's youth would have to go elsewhere and pay higher fees, if our kids are fortunate enough to have parents who could drive them places and pay more money for after school activities. Carlynton youths whose parents can’t provide this type of support would be left out. Their policy attempt to not “train the competition,” results in Carlynton youth athletes being less prepared to compete at the Jr/Sr high school level. Their proposals would backfire and ensure the exact opposite of what the directors are claiming they want to do.

  1. State law (SC 775) allows the use of school facilities by non-school age children and other groups. Carlynton residents have made a tremendous investment in the school facilities. As stated in the School District Policy: “..our schools are an integral part of the community and in order that maximum benefit might be derived by the school system and community from properties held by the district, should be available to the public for education and recreational use at such times when school is not in session…” While school property is primarily for school use, no where is it written that it is exclusively for school use. After spending millions of dollars on facilities, one would hope that the residents could get some return on their investment. This return comes via activities at the school.

The evidence is clear. Carlynton does not gain by excluding non-residents and Carlynton will lose greatly by doing so. The evidence confirms that Carlynton residents gain when our facilities are open to both residents and non-residents.

Many groups stated on the record:

  1. Non-resident help Carlynton groups field teams. Without the non-residents, these teams would fold. That would be lost opportunities for Carlynton children.

  1. Non-residents help in keeping lower fees for residents. Additional members, especially in lean years, help with stability and organizational survival.

  1. More members creates more competitive teams and encourages young athletes to strive to improve their skills.

The non-residents want to be in Carlynton clubs are our friends and neighbors who live in Ingram, Thornburgh, Greentree, and Scott. They live blocks away from the Carlynton elementary schools and down the street from Carlynton high school, itself located in the Montour school district. These non-residents want to be in Carlynton clubs because they are friends with Carlynton youths. Kids want to be in after school activities with their buddies. Some live closer to Carlynton than their own schools and many attend parochial schools, especially St. Philip in Crafton. They consider Crafton their “home town” – where they shop, worship, work, go to school and have fun.

Being neighborly helps. Carlynton Jr/Sr High School was built in the Montour School district. Montour provides gymnastic facilities to Carlynton because Carlynton has none. Let's return the generosity of our neighbors and go a step further by being the most welcoming school district around.

Carlynton is the smallest school district in the area. Plus, we have the greatest number of students on public assistance. Forty percent receive some form of federal aid. That’s more than twice the rate of neighboring school districts. Those districts offer programs and activities not found at Carlynton. Their policies are less restrictive than Carlynton’s current policy, welcoming non-resident youth. Let's hope those districts don't ever adopt a similar “no outsiders here” attitude put forth by some of Carlynton’s school board members.

At the April 17, 2008, school board meeting, the board members considered six (6) different proposals to replace the current policy. These proposals had numerous problems, including charging excessively high fees in the thousands of dollars to sports teams to host home games. The fees were far in excess of the actual cost of running the facilities.

At that meeting, the urge from citizens to the directors was to consider the impact of the proposed policy changes. The text and video of
the statements and discussions are online. Citizens pointed out that Residents already pay for the facilities through their taxes and charging groups a fee above cost to use facilities would be a form of additional taxation. Instead of excluding non-residents or charging a fee to groups that include non-residents, charge a facilities usage fee to non-residents, much the way many municipal swim pools do.

Counter proposal:

  1. Resident groups with a majority of district residents use district facilities at cost;

  1. Resident groups give priority in membership to residents; and

  1. Non-resident participants pay a small facility usage fee. Sure, non-residents do not contribute to the tax base that supports the facilities. The sum of $60 per year, (or pro-rated at $5 per month) represents 50% of the per capita cost of Carlynton facilities operation and management. This is more than fair compensation to the district because no group uses Carlynton’s facilities 50% of the time they are available.

In follow up meetings, the board heard more details about process:

  1. Team are ensuring maximum participation of Carlynton youths in clubs using district properties;

  1. Youth sports and other groups aim to create the best possible environments for members, thus insuring a fertile training ground for future Carlynton Jr/Sr high school athletes;

  1. Teams aim for fairness in the relationship with tax payers. Non-residents charges are equivalent to what tax payers are paying to maintain facilities. The additional monies would offset the cost of running the facilities, thereby decreasing the facilities costs to all Carlynton residents; and

  1. Carlynton parents benefit by avoiding additional “facilities tax” for after school programs.

In this way, Carlynton youths win, the taxpayers win and Carlynton maintains positive relationships with its neighbors.

Hopefully, Carlynton residents will stand up for their rights and protect their children’s futures.

2-fer LTEs (Letters To Editors) against war on drugs and for Barr for President

LTEs on Drug War by Mik and Harold

Mark Crowley:

Do you remember my nagging about using the Barr candidacy to promote libertarian ideas, I suggested a Pgh Post-Gazette editorial about the drug war being an LTE opportunity. Well Mik and Harold both submitted LTEs and they were both printed today -- a two-fer.

Here's the link. Their LTEs are the last ones.


Minds need to change on the drug war

It was disheartening to read about the consequences of the
drug war in the Post-Gazette's June 3 editorial ("Drug War:
In the U.S. and Mexico, the Casualties Pile Up"). There is
no doubt the harm caused by this flawed policy is
far-reaching and has dire effects not only on individuals
but also nations.

This issue must be addressed if there is to be any hope of
eliminating the tragic results of the drug war on people and
communities. Fortunately, there is a candidate who will
initiate a sensible approach to the issue, Libertarian
presidential candidate Bob Barr.

That's right, Bob "Drug Warrior" Barr has realized there is
a better approach and come out against the drug war. He
would completely reorient federal law enforcement
priorities. Clearly there is a better way to approach the
issue of drugs, and I hope Bob Barr can bring some reason on
this issue to Washington, D.C.


Barr can help

I read with interest your June 3 editorial about Mexico and
our failed "drug war," which is really a war against people
and human nature. You noted the elephant in the living room
-- the $400 billion U.S. recreational drug market.

While I don't use drugs other than caffeine and alcohol, and
while I abhor unnecessary violence, I find it both
refreshing and reassuring that many people still take action
to do what's in their own best economic interest, rather
than relying on government handouts.

I'll probably support the Libertarian Party presidential
candidate, former drug warrior Bob Barr, who lately has been
lobbying in favor of states' rights regarding medical
marijuana and for ending the federal government's calloused
role in keeping dying people from getting their medicine.
It's not just cancer patients deprived of their medicine,
slain government officials in other lands and children
caught in the drug dealers' crossfire here at home who are
the victims of this myopic repeat of Prohibition. Mr. Barr
rightly recognizes that our privacy rights also are a

I'm encouraged that Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
also have vowed to let sick people obtain their medicine.
And if Mr. Barr's candidacy does nothing more than prevent
drug warrior and global interventionist John McCain from
attaining the White House, I will consider it a resounding

HAROLD KYRIAZI, Schenley Heights

Friday, June 13, 2008

Schenley proposal called irresponsible'

Yes. Mark Roosevelt's proposal to close Schenley High School, a top performing school, is irresponsible.
Schenley proposal called irresponsible': "Schenley proposal called irresponsible'
Mark Roosevelt is not responsible. To have the slogan, Excellence for All -- one needs to find areas of success, such as Schenley High School, and replicate it. Sustain the high performing places.

Roosevelt's plan is about squashing excellence. Roosevelt seems like he wants domination of all, not excellence.

The full reports from Roosevelt have not been released to the masses and reported upon by the Post-Gazette. Hence, that is were the irresponsible resides.

The headline from the P-G is telling.

Mr. Dowd, a former school board member, said it would be foolish for the district to overhaul Schenley with little more than hoped-for taxes from a Reizenstein redevelopment.
Mr. Dowd says something I am in full agreement with. Read the quote and all the words.

It would be foolish for the district to do an overhaul of Schenley. However, it would not be foolish for the district to do a modest rehab so as to remove the asbestos and patch a bit of the walls and ceilings.

It is Mark Roosevelt who says that the cost is $76 million -- and his plan is an overhaul of all the systems. That is foolish. That is stupid. That is NOT want we need nor what we want.

We don't need a food court.
We don't need air conditioning throughout the entire building.
We don't need to rehab the pipe organ in the auditorium.
We don't need to change all the electrical.

We need the school to be touched up this summer and resume operations again in September.

An overhaul is foolish. That's the only thing that small thinking, high spending, consultant driven, out-of-touch politicians like Mark Roosevelt can spin.

Fix the school and save money by just doing what must be done.

The new windows are being screwed shut in some spaces because the warranty work has not been requested.

Do the basics.

Sustain a good school.

Ask Mr. Dowd if he feels he has been lied to in the past by Mr. Roosevelt.

Ask Mr. Down about the ALAs and the performance of the extended school year and how few of the students go to classes in August.

Ask Mr. Dowd about the performance of Reizenstein in the past.

Ask Mr. Dowd about when the fight to save Schenley really began and why it was on the closed school list when the right-sizing plan looked at Elementary Schools.

Ask Mr. Down about the plan for Vo Tech Education. That was promised when South Vo Tech closed. We are still waiting.

Peduto's Schenley plan praised, panned - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Peduto's Schenley plan praised, panned - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review A Pittsburgh councilman's last-ditch plan to save Schenley High School got a sharp rebuke from school Superintendent Mark Roosevelt but praise from parents fighting to keep the Oakland landmark open.
Frankly, what Mark Roosevelt says any more is not going to matter.

Schenley will either be open again in September or it will be open again in a future year. Schenley is too important to be closed. The future school boards will re-do what he wants to do -- if this board doesn't do it anyway.

What is preposterous is how an entire high school reform task force can do work for a couple of years, with hand-picked mandate from Mark Roosevelt. Then, Mark Roosevelt tosses their suggestions out the window.

On one meeting, the work of one person (Mark Roosevelt) tries to take down the legacy of 91 years and academic success of many students and families each year.

What is preposterous is how clueless Mark Roosevelt is. And, his out-of-town consultants and out-of-town advisors are out-of-touch. The golden parachute from Mark Roosevelt is preposterous.

To begin to build new high schools -- rather than use the capacity of what is already built -- is preposterous. To close 22 schools and make some K-8 one year and then to try to open new schools and make then for grades 6 to 12 another year is preposterous.

Roosevelt dismissed parts of the plan as "preposterous."

What is wrong is Mark Roosevelt.

"From what I can tell, this is a couple students who did some work," Roosevelt said. "Almost every fact throughout the thing is wrong. In some places it's so preposterous. As a paper for a college term paper, it would barely pass muster."

Roosevelt is wrong because Roosevelt didn't do his homework.