Onorato is the Chief Executive of Allegheny County. He wants to be Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At one time he had a shot.
Then came the 10% drink tax.
It's no surprise that
Onorato is a Democrat from Pittsburgh. What was a surprise was the fiscal fact that Dan was more financially conservative than moderate-Republican Jim
Roddey, the county's first ACE.
Roddey, one of the region's premier and most-respected businessmen, laid a gigantic political egg in his first and only term.
Onorato's "fast track" to Harrisburg included only token competition in his re-election.
Then came the 10% drink tax.
It's no surprise that
Dan Dan the Tax Man is a Democrat from Pittsburgh. Democrats from Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and Harrisburg for that matter almost never pass up the opportunity to tax the
bejesus out of their electorate. That's how they employ their cronies and political pals.
Onorato forced his "tax baby" down our collective throats as a way to pay for the extremely bloated and wasteful Port Authority of Allegheny County.
There's a big budget crunch, so what do these progressives do? Allow seniors to ride for free. Many of these same seniors board the bus to their local lottery ticket emporium. There they plop down hundreds of dollars. Then they board the PAT bus again for free. Why they don't have to pay a single greenback is
anyone's guess. These same freeloaders vote in droves. And they vote in droves almost exclusively for Democrats. Why not give them a free ride? The seniors will allow their favorite liberal enablers plenty of free rides.
Surprise, surprise. Union leaders turned down a fact-finder's report that suggests contract concessions. The contract suggestions a 3-percent pay increases for each of the next three years as well as a
minuscule addition to
health care costs.
The Port Authority drivers in Allegheny County are the highest-paid in the country. when salaries take into account cost-of-living data. As good union stewards, like attorney Joseph J. Pass charged in a recent Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial, someone else, namely corporations, need to bend over backwards to make sure that the
filet mignon and champagne keeps on coming.
Port Authority bigwigs say the agency could run out of money in January if the status remains
Onorato needs to fire the Port Authority drivers and find folks who want to do the work. President Ronald Reagan's legacy was cemented early in his first term when he fired 12,000 air traffic controllers who were violating their contracts.
Onorato needs to realize that he was elected twice to represent the citizens of Allegheny County and not just the fraction of union workers who enjoy the spoils of a happy-spending
Onorato will not do the right thing and replace the drivers and other employees who would rather rake in
exorbitant salaries and benefits while providing less spectacular performance due to cost-cutting service cuts.
If Onorato doesn't stay firm...doesn't win this round of negotiations decisively, then he will be completely out of the running for Harrisburg's biggest throne.
Dan is still trying to get voters to decide between higher drink taxes or higher property taxes. Never does he speak of reducing costs by trimming some of the employee fat at PAT. That's not the Democrat's way.
Dan Onorato must fire the Port Authority employees if they don't soon agree to that very favorable contract proposal. He won't do it.
And he won't make it to Harrisburg, either.