Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Building Neighborhoods By Bulldozing Blight

As a licensed Realtor in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, "building neighborhoods" is one of my responsibilities. And as a city Realtor with great pride for my adopted hometown, I try to do whatever I can to improve the "quality of life" in and around our fair city.

That said, I was interviewed by a prominent TV Reporter, KDKA's Paul Martino, for a piece concerning the demolition of some blighted properties, so people can invest in nice homes in improving neighborhoods.

With assistance from city Councilman Gene Ricciardi's office, one long-vacated home in the Allentown neighborhood was razed. Another, next door to the first, is slated for demolition in the first quarter of 2005.

With luck and more than a little diligence, those active in their communities can help improve their neighborhoods by communication and good will.

Look for the report on Channel 2, KDKA TV, sometime soon. There's a chance that they may want to return to film a "speed boat full of garbage" near another of my listings.

Monday, November 22, 2004

My comments before City Council in OPPOSITION to Act 47's wrath of ordinance changes

Today, Nov. 22, City Council hosted a public hearing at 3 pm that was NOT put onto the city's cable television station, for some unknown reason. The meeting should have been on the government station as it was very important.

Jack Shea spoke just prior to my statement. He finished his statement with a comment about wanting a 9-0 vote, against the Act 47 package.

My name is Mark Rauterkus. My family and I reside at 108 South 12th Street. Pittsburgh's South Side. My home on the internet is at Rauterkus.com.

I have to take exception to Jack Shea's mention of wanting to see a 9-0 vote. The lock-step boosterism is a mentality that got us into this situation. These guys are all of the same party. We need someone around here to break ranks. We need to value dissent.

We need people like Jack and Tom Flaherty, our city controller and leader of the county's Democratic Party, to say Tom Murphy is a big part of the problem and that he should resign.

We don't need a 9-0 vote. Rather, we need to value some disent.

Today I speak more from a parent's perspective. We, the people, are baffled, confused, betrayed and angry. Our public sector is a heavy burden, an anchor, that is pulling us down. We are sinking in our hopes, faith, dreams, and aspirations. We must tell another generation of our kids, and mine are here with me today, that they can't get to where they want to go in life by living here.

We, the people, want to see and need self reliance.

As a parent, an at-home parent, I'm going to take care of my kids. I'm not going to farm out my children's welfare. As an engaged parent, I am not going to choose to stay in a city with absentee elected leaders. I want you to step to do the job and be self-reliant too.

I spoke here a number of months ago and gave away four badminton shuttlecocks as a prop to encourage the ones to vote "no" then and "ruffle feathers."

I spoke four years ago and said "All the king's men and all the king's horses won't be able to put our city together again." We've had a massive fall. Those others have proven that they can't do it on their own. The city needs all the people working together. This plan stinks.

The crossing guards -- they need to write tickets.
The RAD Tax shift -- that antiquated RAD Tax (sarcastic point) is wrong.
The mix tax shift away from schools is bad.
The worst is the deed transfer tax hike.

Ten minutes ago we stepped out of the chambers and I took my son to the bathroom. I told him something that applies here too. You're old enough now. I don't need to wipe. Clean up after yourself.

We teach our kids this. City council is expected to do the same for itself.

We, the people, need to see our city council become more self reliant.

24% of businesses in the state can't find enough qualified workers.

Insights from a friend's email and associated article in mainstream media.
Among the 50 states, Pennsylvania ranks 46th in the percentage of its
labor force with education levels beyond high school. Currently, only 3% of working-age Pennsylvanians are enrolled in part-time, postsecondary education, compared with 6% for the country as a whole.

What are the 47th, and 48th states? Obvious MS, and AR are at the bottom.

Labor Pains: Closing the 'Skills Gap'
November 22, 2004; Page A2

PITTSBURGH -- One conundrum that continues to vex the U.S. job market is this: Workers can't find jobs, and companies can't find workers.

A Labor Department report released Friday on employment trends by state showed that .... (see the comments) ....

Oversight with or without malice?

This blog, Mark Rauterkus & Running Mates ponder current events, is one of the most vibrant in the blog-landscape. It was part of the PghBloggers.Org site, until this weekend.

Wonder why the blog got zapped?

Another area where the light needs to shine, but the switch is to "off" is the city's cable television department. I was looking forward to seeing the public hearing, on cable. It didn't get done. Funny business. Non-open ways.

Wonder why the public hearing wasn't on the city's government tv station?

So, I had to go there and testify with my kids in tow.

Toss the poor fellow something, but don't make eye contact

An opinion cartoon has the above caption being stated by an older white guy in a suit with briefcase and "non-profits" -- talking with a pear wearing older white women. Then is the City County Bldg in the background with a wire leading to a two crate desk and the mayor sitting there reading budget and a big bucket with "GIVE" sign. The city skyline is in the background.

BTW, a web search on the PG site by Tim Menees doesn't lead quickly to this image. ??

The only problem with the cartoon is that Mayor Murphy is sitting on the sidewalk. Rather, Murphy isn't in the public eye. He isn't on the front lines. He isn't doing 'retail politics.' The Mayor is in a hole. He is accessible.

Editorial: Pgh children left behind by Marian Wright Edelman

No child should have to worry about surviving the walk to and from school each day, but ...

The efforts on the part of bus companies and escorts are laudable, but they are not a long-term solution for Homewood, and they do nothing to address the hundred of other Homewoods scatter across the country.

We must insist on making the safety and needs of children America's supreme moral value and demand investment in the most vulnerable instead of the wealthiest among us.

We have to look more deeply at why so many of our neighborhoods have become like Homewood and devolved into place of drug dealing, brutality and lost purpose.

We've got a bully problem in the city. The biggest bully has an office on Grant Street.

Folks, called a, " Dismal failure"

Ferlo and Wagner voted no.
Schools got raped.
Not reform.
Oversight impotent and lightweight.
Today, the city is in worse condition compared to a year ago, due to Mayor Murphy and the oversight boards.

Those are the words of Gene Ricciardi, City Council President, on KQV on Monday AM. Gene voted for the Act 47 plan. Gene has never called for the resignation of Tom Murphy.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

PA's new clean energy bill

See the comments for the text of a press release.

Jeopardy, the shows from Pgh to air shortly

My son went to see the Jeopardy show from Pitt's campus on October 10. He's been waiting to see those segments. He figures that they'll begin to air on Monday.


From another source, Chris L, of YC of PA.
Imagine if your State Representative or State Senator walked into your house, opened up your strongbox, removed some money, and placed it directly into his own wallet. Well, disturbingly, state legislators are going to attempt to vote themselves a huge pay increase, which achieves the same effect. Unless you and other concerned taxpayers act now, this week state legislators will vote themselves a 20% pay increase that they don't need or deserve, especially when we're the ones paying for it. Consider the following:

State legislators are paid $66,203 -- each. A few big shots get more, with the House speaker and Senate president pro tem hauling home $103,347.

As reported by the Harrisburg Patriot-News, state legislators get an extra $126 per day stipend just to show up for work. We also give them a car and insurance -- up to $650 a month -- plus mileage. We pay for their health insurance and provide an annual cost-of-living increase, which there salary automatically goes up with inflation.

State lawmakers increased their pensions by 50 percent three years ago. They already make 51 percent more than the median household income in Pennsylvania. And unlike many state residents, pay nothing toward their health insurance.

If their salary is increased to $80,000 or more, Pennsylvanialawmakers would zoom up from having the fourth-highest legislative salaries to the No. 2 spot, behind California's $99,000, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Unlike members of Congress, state legislators are not forbidden from earning outside sources of income in addition to their legislative pay, and many do.

Pennsylvanians were just socked with a higher income tax rate, and we are paying increasingly higher property taxes--thanks to the very politicians who want to take still more of our money to line their own pockets. Working families cannot afford this outrage!



Speaker of the House John Perzel
(717) 787-2016

House Majority Whip Dave Argall
(717) 787-9024

House Appropriations Chairman Brett Feese
(717) 787-5270

Rep. Sam Smith
(717) 787-3845

Senator Robert Jubelirer
(717) 787-5490

Senator David Brightbill
(717) 787-5708

Senator Jeff Piccola
(717) 787-6801

Friday, November 19, 2004

Allegheny County Libertarian Party Elects 2005 Board Officers

Press Release
Libertarian Party of Pittsburgh



November 20, 2004

Pittsburgh, PA - The Libertarian Party of Pittsburgh (which serves Allegheny County) announced the results of its internal election for its 2005 Board of Directors. The 2005 board, a healthy mix of senior and newer members, will officially take office at the end of final 2004 regular meeting on December 15, 2004. The 2005 board member are:

* Timothy Crowley - Chair
* David Powell - Vice-Chair
* Henry Haller - Secretary
* Richard Loether - Treasurer
* Mark Rauterkus - Member at-large
* Thomas Gillooly - Member at-large
* Jerold Gloekler - Member at-large

Tim Crowley, Henry Haller and Rich Loether are the most senior board members. Each has served the Libertarian Party in various administrative and activist capacities for many years. Henry Haller was the 2002 Libertarian Party Lt. Governor candidate. Tim Crowley also serves as the Western Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania.

Dave Powell and Mark Rauterkus are the newest Libertarian Party members to serve on the board. As a 2004 at-large board member, Dave Powell played a key role in starting a Libertarian Club at the University of Pittsburgh. Mark Rauterkus is a welcome and recent convert from the Republican Party. Before his recent efforts to seek private solutions to closed Pittsburgh recreation facilities, Mark was a candidate for the 2001 Republican nomination for Mayor of Pittsburgh.

In 2005 the LPPGH board will focus efforts on increasing party membership, adding to Libertarian voter registrations, running candidates for local offices, assisting local university libertarian groups and general party building activities.

Libertarian Party of Pittsburgh
P.O. Box 71333
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States, in Pennsylvania and Allegheny County. It runs more candidates than all other third parties combined.

Nearly two dozen

By one count, there are nearly two dozen candidates seeking elected office for the bench. Seems like there is about to be a mad rush with people hoping to be judges.

Glad I'm only going for the Mayor's office as the field is more thin.

Four years ago in this time, I was beating the bushes to try to recruit opponents for the Mayor's race. Now my strong personal advice to others to toss their hat into the judge races -- or that of city or county council.

Come Live Over Here -- two lists of urban top spots

This list is nice, but not mine. Not that I have a list, yet. But, it is mind food for travelers.
Discover Pittsburgh
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) - Placemaking for Communities - The 20 Best Neighborhoods in North America

1. Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia
2. East Village, New York, NY
3. North Beach, San Francisco, CA
4. Camden, ME
5. Coyoacan, Mexico City
6. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA
7. The Plateau, Montreal, Quebec
8. Kensington Market, Toronto, Ontario
9. Center City, Ponce, Puerto Rico
10. Fells Point, Baltimore, MD
11. Lower Garden District, New Orleans, LA
12. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL
13. Lake Street, Oak Park, IL
14. 23rd Street, Portland, OR
15. South Beach, Miami, FL
16. Federal Hill, Providence, RI
17. Downtown Northfield, MN
18. Chautauqua, NY
19. Venice Beach, CA:
20. Adams Morgan, Washington, DC

Around the world in 20 places:

A few of our favorite neighborhoods abroad

* Arbat Street, Moscow
* Asafra Beach, Alexandria, Egypt
* Downtown Christchurch, New Zealand
* Fez Souk, Fez, Morocco
* Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
* Le Marais, Paris, France
* Miraflores, Lima, Peru
* Muslim Quarter, Kunming, China
* Neal's Yard, London, England
* Old City, Dubrovnik, Croatia
* Old City, Krakow, Poland
* Old Delhi, India
* Old Havana, Cuba
* Otavalo, Ecuador
* Pedestrian Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
* Pedestrian Center, Freiberg, Germany
* Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland
* Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland
* Yemenite Quarter and the Carmel Market, Tel Aviv, Israel
* Weekend Women's Market, La Paz, Bolivia

One of my sites at CLOH.Org is "Come Live Over Here" -- and it is getting rusty around the edges. No much effort has been given there in some time, sadly. Oh well.

Bail out hits hardest at --- take a guess --- those who don't vote.

The kids are getting crushed again. This time the blow comes from Harrisburg. The new bailout for the city, still in the wind, is going to hit hardest against the school district and the kids of our city.

The RAD tax has been an on-going source of $4-million to the PPS (Pgh Public Schools). Gone. Send that money to Mayor Murphy and the city.

The tax rates are shifting. For the consumer / citizens / taxpayers the rates are not shifting. Rather the shifts come in that the percentage given to the schools is less and the amount to the city and Mayor Murphy is more. This is a one-two body blow too as it hits in two different flavors. It's all in the mix.

Then comes the crossing guards. Mayor Murphy ran away from that duty. He fumbled to the school board. In the past this had been a 50-50 deal. Murphy went to zero as per the budget a year ago. Now the crossing guards are fully the responsibility of the schools. Wrongheaded.

Crossing guards need to work for the police department. They can write tickets. Or, they used to be able to have law-enforcement capabilities.

We just build a new school in Homewood and there are people pulling out of that place as it isn't safe getting there. The last thing we need are fewer police and crossing guards.

By the way, the Mayor's Commission on Public Education was shameful. The A+ Schools effort is still a joke.

Next we'll see a reverse on the reversal. Dr. John Thompson had expected to raise taxes. Then he took a reading of the board and got the message. He said this week that there won't be any new taxes in his 2005 budget. Now Harrisburg is smacking the schools on repeated fronts.

The Homeland Security grant for $3-million should be made to $8-million and given to the Pgh Public Schools. Is there some under-handed state money due to arrive to PPS's budget?

Then there are the foundation folks. They used to provide $4-million to the schools. The mayor pulled their chain and ended that to great fanfare three years ago. Well that money crept back to the schools recently. But, now they are being dragged in part ty Dr. Trueheart of the Pittsburgh Foundation to the table to pony up $6-million a year.

Everyone around here needs to get back the their knitting. The foundations need to do foundation work in nonprofit ways without a threat of taxes. They need to help in the schools and not run the city swim pools. The mayor needs to stop stealing from others (foundations, schools, Homeland Security, Harrisburg, parkers, suburban residents). The schools need to do their thing without getting yanked around.

This is a total mess. And, the fix is so easy. But we can't heal with these dunderheads.

Stevens out and time to join the NAAC

Trib coverage of NAACP election. New leader said, "My No. 1 (priority) is to build the membership base."

Moss is the director of Naomi's Place, a transitional housing affiliate of the Rodman Street Missionary Baptist Church in East Liberty. Naomi's Place assists single mothers suffering from drug and alcohol addiction and mental illness.

Moss said she also will focus on job training and education.

'Our people are gravely unemployed,' she said. 'We're going to form new partnerships with the government and CEOs of companies that pull the purse strings in this community for economic development.'

Where is that NAACP membership form?


Producer Jude Pohl is pleased to announce the opening of his latest
production, THE USO CHRISTMAS SHOW, at the Perry Como Dinner Theatre in
Canonsburg, Pa. The show will open on Friday, November 26 for eight
performances only. Dates are: Friday & Saturday, Nov. 26 & 27; Friday,
Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 3, 4 & 5; and Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 10, 11
& 12.

THE USO CHRISTMAS SHOW provides a trip back in time to the 40's and World
War II when Hollywood stars went overseas to entertain the troops, with old
favorite songs like: "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree," "Boogie Woogie Bugle
Boy," "Paper Moon" and "I'll Be Seeing You."

Starring in THE USO CHRISTMAS SHOW are Gary Baughman, Karen Hanes, Lisa
Weiss and Leigh-Anne Yost. Musical Director and accompanist is Carol Karl
with percussion by Roger Dimit.

Because of the nature of the show (similar to The Bob Hope Christmas Shows),
Pohl is inviting all military personnel, Active Duty or Reserves, to come IN
UNIFORM for free. He will also offer a special discount if they choose to
bring their families. He does ask that they make reservations since seating
is limited.

The Perry Como Dinner Theatre is located in the Canonsburg Elks Ballroom,
diagonally across the street from the famous singing statue of Perry Como.
On Fridays and Saturdays, dinner is served at 6:30 with the show starting at
7:30. On Sundays, the dinner will be served at 2:30 with the show at 3:30.
Price of the dinner theatre package is $32 and is all-inclusive.

Reservations are absolutely required and several performances are already
filling up. For additonal information and/or reservations, please call JUDE
POHL PRODUCTIONS at (724) 746-1178.

Dr. John Thompson, another prediction comes true

Looks as if Dr. John Thompson, Pgh Public School's Superintendent, is going to get a new contract and sustain his position.

I'm fine with an offer of a contract extension. And, I was fine with the lack of action a number of months ago as well. Be calm. Be patient.

A number of months ago a few including Rev. John Monroe, pitched a fit and folly about the position and the person.

I had good expectations then, and told many that Dr. Thompson was going to stay and would be offered another contract, all in due time.

Furthermore, it is great to hear that the school budget is NOT going to raise taxes. It is of interest to see how that news of no new taxes is tied with such closeness to the news of contract extention talks. Humm. I see direct links.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Photo content for the PennFuture's e-calendar and screensaver

A collection of beautiful scenes from around Pennsylvania, urban, suburb, rural and wild are welcomed. See www.pennfuture.org for this year's version.

If you have beautiful Pennsylvania photos that you would like to donate to this project, please submit.

Preferred image size is 1600 x 1200 at 72 dpi, saved as a .TIF file.

Submissions should be sent to taylor@pennfuture.org

Deadline for photo submissions is Monday, November 29th.

Troma's Lloyd Kaufman at Pitt this Friday

Lloyd Kaufman, Troma President (TOXIC AVENGER) and author of MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOVIE is coming this Friday, November 19th, 2004, at 5:30 PM at Room 501 of the Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Forbes Ave, University of Pittsburgh.

FREE and open to the public!

Lloyd Kaufman: "Make Your Own Damn Movie!"

Entertaining and informative advice from the producer/director/actor who has
done it himself (Toxic Avenger, Tromeo & Juliet), and runs Troma, the oldest independent production company in the world!

Troma has a loyal fan base and gave stars such as Kevin Costner, Billy Bob
Thornton, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert DeNiro, Dennis Hopper, Dustin Hoffman
and the South Park creators the chance to get a start!

With 30 years of experience with independent films, Lloyd can show you how
to make a movie, even if your funds are tight. Don't miss this FREE
interactive event that already taken campuses across the country by storm!

Everyone is welcome, so spread the word!

Don't just dream about making movies, do it!


We just talked about this last night

Trib covers special election for PA Senate listing some possible Dem candidates.

I expect to enter that race as a Libertarian.
PA Senate Map - smaller
Official announcement(s) expected December 15, 2004.

Click the map to see a full sized image that is more readable. Thanks Chris.