Saturday, April 09, 2005

Supporting a loser. Onorato takes a LTE hit from Beechview

This is a letter to the editor from another person (Emily), just reposted here.
Supporting a loser - Supporting a loser - Friday, April 8, 2005

I think Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato is making a huge mistake by endorsing Bob O'Connor for mayor of Pittsburgh (O'Connor picks up Onorato's support,' April 1).

Onorato is supposed to be a reform-minded politician, yet he's supporting someone who has been a key player in creating the problems that our city government is currently facing.

O'Connor is a politician of the old school, having supported Mayor Murphy's costly spending until it became convenient for him to do otherwise in election years. He's a two-time loser in the mayor's race for obvious reasons -- where was he all those years that the city was being irresponsible with our money?

I'm greatly disappointed by Onorato's decision. We have a chance to move this city forward by electing a new mayor, but he wants us to choose someone who represents everything we should be getting away from.

I guess he's not the kind of leader I thought he was.
Emily Waschak, Beechview

I'm not exactly sure what Onorato will do in the PA Senaate race, nor when. Dan has some political strength, of course. However, political strength isn't something that I'd put as his ace in the hole. What does Dan's Onorado blog tell us as to what he's projecting and thinking about? Then we'd know and he'd have more sway.

Lt. Governor Long List... 2006 from Politics PA

The site, PoliticsPA, has message boards that are vile harbors, and forced to disclose data to authorities for investigations.

Lt. Governor Long List... 2006

Auditor General Jack Wagner:  Fresh off an impressive victory, Jack Wagner provides an impressive resume, geographic balance and a good shot at 2010 Democratic gubernatorial nomination.

Wagner's former seat is still empty, and others are putting him on a list as a possible replacement for Lt. Governor.

Property Taxes Got You in a Pinch? Get a tent.

Eyes changes for appointments -- with a wink and a lobby group

Yesterday while walking on East Carson Street a young women walked by with a black t-shirt that displayed the words on the front, "Question authority."

We need shirts like that and on the sleves we'd be able to put and

Peduto eyes changes for city appointments Democratic mayoral candidate William Peduto said yesterday that he wants to 'professionalize' appointments to city agencies such as the Urban Redevelopment Authority or the zoning board by choosing candidates from a list developed by a third-party panel.

The two other major mayoral candidates, Michael Lamb and Bob O'Connor, have also talked about the mayor's appointment powers on the campaign trail, saying they would use them to add more minorities and women to boards.

Peduto, a city councilman from Point Breeze, said if he were mayor, anyone could apply to be on the city agencies, and a third-party panel would study the candidates and issue recommendations on appointees to the mayor.

My solution is more democratic, more elegant, more effective.

Retention votes should be a regular part of our politcal landscape in terms of boards, authorities and voter participation.

Board members should face retention votes to remain in their positions.

Furthermore, term limits make sense in most situations.

The proposed measures insert accountability into the process and inject election opportunities. These are short and mid-term steps as overall evaluations occur for each and every authority. The best long-term solution is the outright elimination of all the authorities.

With the proposed plan, the appointment powers of council, mayor, county executive (and such) would continue. However, to stay in the job, the voters would need to certify the board members with positive votes for retention.

Peduto wants to appoint a new, third party pannel to pick the appointments. Who picks the pickers? Is the third-party pannel really made from those of a third party? (joke)

Peduto could be on to something if the Green Party and Libertarian Party got to pick all the people to the various authority boards. That is an idea that could energize this city. Sadly, I suspect, Bill's idea of third-party is really just more of the same hand-picked sillyness that chokes the region.

When the elected official makes appointments to boards, then the elected official is accountable. When the boards are picked by a picking authority, then nobody is accountable.

City council gets to pick a member to the Citizen Police Academy. That person, so goes the press reports, has NOT been to a meeting of the Citizen Police Acadmey for the past year-and-a-half. That board appointment is the responsibility of the city council. City council is fumbling. The others on the board have asked for a resignation. The city council members should toss out the culprit as soon as possible.

It is time to toss the bumbs out and make accountability a real part of our public landscape.

Tom G's Letter to Editor about the Pope's passing

The letter ran in the Trib but noticed online in the Libertarian discussion email list.

Friday, April 8, 2005

There is much in Pope John Paul II's thought, as expressed in both his writings and his life, for libertarians to admire:

a.. By his words and his example, he affirmed the dignity and rights of every person, regardless of country or creed.

b.. He did much to inspire the peaceful resistance that ended decades of Soviet tyranny in Eastern Europe.

c.. He spoke for peace and mutual respect among nations, and against aggressive wars, including the U.S. war against Iraq.

d.. He had a qualified but very real appreciation for the free market, proclaiming it morally as well as economically superior to socialism.

e.. He was skeptical of government attempts to solve social problems, preferring that they be addressed by the voluntary associations of civil society.
Pope John Paul II didn't propose a political blueprint, and his social thought can't be tagged with any ideological label. But he was a true friend of freedom, and he'll be badly missed.

Thomas Gillooly
Forest Hills

I owe, I owe, Its off to work I go.

Tip to those on Grant Street: Lay the Shovel Down!

You've dug a hole for the city. We are in over our heads with debt. Stop digging. Lay the shovel down.

Pittsburgh Laurels & Lances - "Lance: To Pittsburgh City Council. This week it adopted Mayor Tom Murphy's plan to refinance $200 million worth of bond debt in a usurious deal that will cost taxpayers about $3 million to net about $6.5 million. Worse, the only alternative offered was a plan proffered by Councilman Doug Shields that actually would have increased the city's already crushing debt load. And Mr. Murphy and these councilors wonder why the public has so little faith in their 'leadership.'

Pittsburgh Laurels & Lances - Trib editors catch on to "Don't Put Me in a Box" tune

Pittsburgh Laurels & Lances - But it represents fresh thinking that's outside the normally closed 'Burgh box. In the least, it's worth exploring.

You don't even need to read between the lines to see the message that springs from this song.
If you have my campaign CD -- you'll hear Johnsmith's tune, "Don't Put Me in a Box."

Friday, April 08, 2005

Arts and Culture Observator

Arts and Culture Observatory Transcript: Intellectual Property Law and its Effect on the Creation and Presentation of Art

Last night, a night and time among many, we made music and media.

Your comments on the postion paper and panel are welcomed.

Stakes grow for state Senate seat

Stakes grow for state Senate seat PG article that stands like a two-legged stool.

Fat Cats?

What is growing, really?

What is up for question, for goodness sakes, is clarity, honesty, democracy, stewardship, and the status quo.

Ohligarchy: Signs of the Season -- and the links keep flowing

Another blogger posted:
Ohligarchy: Signs of the Season The special election for the vacant 42nd District Pennsylvania Senate seat is scheduled for May 19, Primary Election Day in PA. Diven has a worthy opponent facing him in this race, Libertarian Mark Rauterkus.

See Stupid Statement #2 -- from another blog

By the way, I was at another board meeting. We're interviewing coaching candidates for a summer swim team. Sorry I was late. Since I had already spoken at two prior meetings, I didn't expect to address the audience.

Jeebas -- Music, Politics, and Other Jounx: "OK onto crazy stupid statement #2, someone said this regarding the PA Senate 42 race when the discussion of whether to endorse Mark Rauterkus (Lib.) or Wayne Fontana (Dem.) came up:

'Mark has a lot a great ideas, but that seat needs to stay Democratic'

It seemed like the point he was trying to get at was to only vote for a third party candidate when a seat is safe for a Democrat. That's about the most un-Democratic thing I have witnessed since PA state legislators filed suit against Ralph Nader petition gatherers in the summer of 2004 to force him off of the PA ballot. People should vote for who they agree with most on issues, not because it might screw up other people's shot. Anyone who discourages people to vote for who they believe in is despicable.

Thanks. Nice recap.

Time not ripe for merger -

Nice general article.
Time not ripe for merger - 'Everybody here is saying we're at the crossroads. I'm a mile up the road,' said Peduto, touting his work on City Council to map out feasible consolidations in the city, county and region.

Bill is a mile up the road -- and -- sadly -- he is alone.

To go the next step with this story, consider a bulk of the other candidates at the crossroads. The Peduto is a mile up the road. Meanwhile, I'm out of traffic resting in the park, playing with the kids, talking with the other citizens, kicking a stone.

Peduto is elected. He is up the road, and others are not following. A leader, as he is, needs to guide and lead policy. We're going to go to Bill for leadership and guidance. However, he is riding his ideas into the sunset and they zoomed beyond clear sight.

Bill is okay with consolidation. He would work hard to take the city apart by design.

Meanwhile, Tom Murphy took the city apart by default.

My plan for consolidation goes to the parks for the next step. We need to talk about a NEW PITTSBURGH PARK District. Peduto could come back home, slide over into the parks, and then sound off on what he wants to do with this position paper on the park district concept.

Then he should do something with it -- such as call a meeting, host a post-agenda, introduce a bill for a task force. Do something that elected people do -- beyond running for office.

Start reading the position paper at DSL.CLOH.Org/v1/

The dog wags back!: The Last Mayor

The dog wags back!: The Last Mayor Les has high entertainment value. If you only hear one candidate before the primary, be sure to give him a listen.

Nice review of the race. No mention of HOP.

Les does have a web page, Do More With Les dot com.

Great event last night at the community concert and rally for Rauterkus


We had a great gathering last night at a community concert and Rally for Rauterkus. It was our best ever. It is followed by our best bank depost ever as well.

Last night's event featured, among other things, great music from Johnsmith.

Plus, the event allowed for the "birthing of our buttons."

The campaign,, has campaign buttons now. If you missed the event and want one, and each is unique and special, we can deliver.

As an introductory special, this week only, for a $25. campaign donation you'll get five assorted buttons. Payments in person at our headquarters with a personal check or else via Pay Pay at

You'll want five as you'll be able to give a couple away. And, you'll want more than one for yourself.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Concert with Johnsmith for

Johnsmith entertained with pointed messages in Pittsburgh.
Photo by Mark Rauterkus. Click image for enlarged view.

Songs included:
Kicking the Stone,
Don't Put Me in a Box,
Rooks in the Castle,
Put the Pedal to the Medal and Go Straight Ahead.

Stakes grow for state Senate seat

Stakes grow for state Senate seat 'The stakes are very high in this race. It would be a significant defeat for the Democrats if they can't hold onto Wagner's seat,' said pollster G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Froth Slosh B'Gosh: Cafeteria Libertarian?

Froth Slosh B'Gosh: Cafeteria Libertarian?: "Cafeteria Libertarian?

I didn't catch this posting until now. My reply, posted here and at Froth's site. Thanks for the positive mentions too.

What if, 35 years ago, the then private transportation operators went bankrupt? What if they were not merged into the PAT?

Or, what if the 2005 band-aid recently applied to the public transit situation hit a snag and was NOT delivered at all? Plus, the recently saved PAT is presently with a two-year extension. PAT's long-term health is still set to expire.

Some 35-years ago we were moments away from a total system shutdown. Today the region is still just months away from a possible (if not probable) tansit melt down. Some were calling for ongoing operations until $0 was left. They wanted no service changes until gasoline and payroll could not be covered. No nights and weekend service was a build up to NO SERVICE at all.

The crisis 35 years ago was avoided, perhaps, but replaced with a bigger crisis that is knocking at our doorsteps.

For the past 35 years, we've given a lot of $ to transit and transportation. This just makes the real bust a crisis that is millions of times worse.

I don't want a total privitazation of the system of mass transit. I do think an evolution is necessary -- and it has to happen. We need to let it happen.

The brink of failure is still here. It is time to diversify in measured steps. And, as with the sell off of the schools -- I think the public has a place for doing the harder to handle jobs we confront in our communities.

DFA Endorsement

A progressive Pittsburgh group held an endorsement meeting. I had spoken to the group in the past and showed up tonight to plug the community concert I'm hosting tomorrow. Plus, I mentioned that I'm strong on democracy (small "d") skills and perspectives.

My Dem opponent spoke at the outset of the meeting, and I missed his pitch.

Then a ballot was taken -- among a number of races and a number of candidates.

Neither I nor Fontana got the endorsement. No endorsement is being made by the group for the race in the PA Senate 42nd district.

I'm fine with the outcome.

The one discussion point that seemed to resonate with everyone among the audience was the displeasure with the "Rs."

I'll leave the results for the other races to the DFA blog. The leaders there hosted another well run meeting.

62% Say Union Not Helpful With Bad Bosses

62% Say Union Not Helpful With Bad Bosses

Pittsburgh firm gets ink with

Republicans won a seat in state senate in eastern PA

A special election for the PA Senate was held on April 5 -- and the Republican won.