Friends, Do you feel good about your choices for President of the United States? Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? If you are like millions of other Americans, you may not be entirely comfortable with those choices. And if so, you need to know that there is another option. I am Governor Gary Johnson, and I am running for President. Thanks to the news media's obsession with the two major party candidates, you may not be very familiar with me. I would like to change that. I served as Governor of New Mexico for eight years, elected and reelected as a fiscal conservative and social liberal in a state that is 2-1 Democrat. While I was Governor, we cut taxes 14 times, balanced the state budget, and created an environment for job growth that led the National Journal to say that my record of job creation was the best of all the governors running for president. Some called me Governor Veto -- a nickname I accepted with pride. We need leaders who aren't afraid to say NO to bigger government and excess spending. I did that, vetoing 750 bills during my eight years in office. That is probably more vetoes than all other governors combined. If you are interested in learning more about my record, my philosophy and my plans for restoring opportunity and individual freedom as government's priorities, I hope you will go to and check me out. You might also want to read this from GQ magazine: Is This the Sanest Man Running for President?  As you will see, I'm not just a former governor. I'm an athlete who loves challenges and achieving goals, and I'm an entrepreneur who grew a one-man business into a successful company that employed more than 1,000 people. You know as well as I that the way our government works has to change, and if you're like me, you also know that it won't change if we just keep electing the same politicians who thrive on spending too much, involving government in every aspect of our lives, and insist on sending our military into wars we can't afford and don't need to fight. To see what I mean, take a quick look at this video: Be Libertarian With Me - Just This Once I'm the only candidate for President who will submit a balanced budget in 2013, get us out of unnecessary wars NOW, support marriage equality for all Americans, end the failed War on Drugs, and repeal laws like the Patriot Act that are robbing us of basic privacy and freedoms. I hope you'll take a little time to learn more about me and what I want for America. You may find we are on the same page, and that our revolution is a cause you want to join. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.  Governor Gary Johnson P.S. If you want to help me spread our message of less government and more freedom, I welcome your support. Go to  |
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