---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol
From: Carol
Dear Bicycle-loving Friend,
As you may already know, we are holding a Fundraising Event for Danny Chew on June 17th, to help raise funds for making his home handicapped-accessible, as well as for the uplhighly increased living expenses that come with being paralyzed. He is temporarily living in Ohio, but is coming home to Pittsburgh in a month. Time is of the essence!
The Fundraiser should be a great celebration with food, beer, music, bicycle-related games and activities, as well as Danny himself.
(For details on the event, please look below)
If you cannot make it to the fundraiser, but would still like to contribute, here is a link to help Danny: https://www.helphopelive.org/campaign/12584 . We are also accepting gifts-in-kind for our Silent Auction and Basket Raffle (there is a form attached to this letter, and arrangements will be made to pick up anything donated), so you have an opportunity to participate in those ways as well.
Just for the Record, I fit into all this by being one of the original cyclists in the Chew Cycling Crew...Danny's sister Carol and I were the first to check out the Thursday night bicycle rides at the American Youth Hostels, then other members of the family became interested, and well, the rest is - HIStory.
Please see the attached letter from Danny...Be well everyone,Susan Richter412-736-xxxx (removed by blogsmaster)
Here is the event information:
Come to an exciting FUNDRAISER for DANNY CHEW, creator of the DIRTY DOZEN BICYCLE RACE here in Pittsburgh, and lovingly known as The MILLION MILE MAN for his goal of riding a million miles on a bicycle in his lifetime. He was paralyzed last Fall in an accident while riding, when he suddenly passed out: https://www.greatbigstory.com/stories/the-million-mile-man https://www.outsideonline.com/2138711/danny-chew-wont-let-pa ralysis-keep-him-riding-100000 0-miles
The event will be held on June 17th from 4-10pm, in the large parking lot in front of the World's Largest Bicycle Museum, BICYCLE HEAVEN, on the North Side (https://www.bicycleheaven.org/ ). There will be tours of this massive historical collection throughout the event, and JOHNNY ANGEL'S MUSIC MUSEUM, (http://www.jaginchystuff.com/), is nearby and open until 6pm. The Museum is also located right behind the THREE RIVERS HERITAGE TRAIL, so you can even ride on the trail to the event!
https://friendsoftheriverfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/1 0/2014-Map-and-Guide-1.pdf
4:00 - 6:00 pm:
Bicycle obstacle courses, activities and games for kids of all ages. Plus, ATTILA DOMOS, (unofficial, but soon to be official) world's-record holder for # of miles on a handcycle in a 24-hour period, and recent winner in the handcycling category of the Pittsburgh Marathon! He has pledged to bring two of his handcycles for people to try, and will participate in other creative ways later on in the program. (http://www.attiladomos.com/index.html )
FOOD, BEER and WATER for sale.
BASKET RAFFLE and SILENT AUCTION, with some pretty incredible items, many related to bicycling.
DANNY CHEW (and Family) MEMORABILIA TABLE, with DANNY present at the event to tell the stories behind everything!
CHERYLANN HAWK sings Children's Songs with awesome drummer Pete Shell www.facebook.com/cherylannhawkmusic
5:00 - 6:00pm:
JIM DONOVAN, drummer from "Rusted Root" & his lovely daughter, TUPELO https://www.tupelodonovan.com/
6:00 - 7:00pm:
FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK ACADEMY http://www.post-gazette.com/local/west/2013/08/12/Academy-pr .ovides-grooming-for-rock-s-nex t-generation/stories/201308120 101
7:00 - 7:45pm:
PRESENTATION WITH & ABOUT DANNY, with special guests and dedications
7:45 - 8:15pm:
8:30 - 9:00pm:
CHERYLANN HAWK returns, with other great songs for grown-ups!
9:00 - 10:00pm:
STANDING WAVE with Steve Sciulli and Dennis Childers
10:00 pm:
MUSIC JAM and DANCE to close the night
Please join the fun, and for now, the conversation...Let us hear your ideas and any ways you want to get involved! We would especially love to hear from young people, especially teenagers who want to participate in the kids bicycle games, crafts and "safe obstacle course" area. When they are done with their 2-hour shift with the kids, the young musicians from the Rock Academy will be performing! PLUS, WE PLAN TO SERVE PIZZA (and BEER, for the adults...) around that time!
If you know Danny personally and have had some adventures with him, we need your stories, either written or recorded via webcam, etc., for a power-point presentation that will be created in honor of the event. DEADLINE IS NEXT MONDAY, June 12th.Please send all entries to: DannyChewFundraiser@gmail.com.
Tickets can be purchased online: http://bit.ly/chewfundraiser
and are available at the door -
$10 Pre-Registration (until 6/16 ) for persons 12 and over
$15 at the Door
$10 Students
$5 Children 4 to 12 Under 4 Free
WE CAN ALSO USE ALL THE VOLUNTEER HELP WE CAN GET, BOTH BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE EVENT! Please let me know if you can help...DannyChewFundraiser@gmail.com
Keep checking the facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/885643608240335/
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