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From: Bryan Harris <
Date: Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 7:06 AM
Subject: 13 tools and spreadsheets of 2017
To: <
A few cool software tools I started using in 2017… 1. Process.St: All of our core internal processes run in Process.st. It's great. 2. SERPWatcher: We use this to monitor our rankings and SEO goals. 3. Clubhouse: To track and plan all of our development stuff 4. Full Page Screen Capture: I build my email and landing page swipe files with this. 5. Trip Mode: Kills internet to certain apps to make sure nothing is hogging it. … A few cool tools Videofruit built in 2017… 1. DripScripts: Quit writing email sequences from scratch. 2. One Click: Get 40% more partner webinar registrations. 3. Don't Hit Publish: Confidently write better emails, blog posts and sales pages. 4. Agent: Find your next speaking gig in 30 seconds. 5. SmartBribe Pro: Get more shares and traffic to your content. ... A few cool spreadsheets Videofruit started using in 2017… 1. Profit Tracker: Each day our bookkeeper updates our profit numbers so I always know where we are at. 2. Goal Setting: What the team uses to log their daily and monthly goals 3. Sales Planner: How we project and plan for promotions and content .. What cool tools and spreadsheets did you come across in 2017? Hit reply and let me know! -Bryan | |

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