Tuesday, April 06, 1993

Deal with a suit maker -- didn't develop

Not sure this was even delivered.

Sports Support Syndicate’s

proposal to the brand

I. Benefits For brand.

A. The xxxx increases sales by $200,000 a year and profits by $95,000.

B. The brand expands it’s product-line to include “intelligence products” (i.e. publications).

C. The brand's logo and sales materials are prominently displayed on the products packaging throughout the life of the product.

D. Following the exclusive-period, the chosen Syndicate products, which carry The brand  logo, are sold in alternative markets; such as bookstores, magazines, and sports dealers.

E. The brand takes a leadership role in the minds of the consumers.

F. The brand joins the marketing trend of advertising inside books.

G. The brand utilizes the talents of its advisory coaches in meaningful, product related tasks without having to expend energy in managing these projects.

H. The brand can refer all author inquiries directly to the Syndicate for future product-development proposals.

I. The brand can pick-and-choose from a selective list of excellent, well-researched products available to the Syndicate.

J. The Syndicate products allow The brand the opportunity to enrich the sports-specific knowledge of The brand’s customer base. Informed and smarter consumers become more active and dedication to their recreational activity.

K. The Syndicate products allow the brand to teach and reach entry-level participants about subtle issues in their sports activities.

L. The brand can choose to either end or extend the agreement with the Syndicate following the first year of operation.

M. The brand  and Syndicate can grow in future years and extended product offerings into a variety of additional sports

after the first year including: Water Polo, Diving, Synchronized Swimming, Triathlons, Cycling, Aerobic Fitness, Running, Track & Field, Volleyball, Crew, etc.

N. The Syndicate products give salespeople another type of hook and interaction with potential customers.

O. The brand  has a no-risk purchase plan with a guaranteed supplier at a minimal expense.

P. The brand  becomes a cutting-edge resource to the sports community without any of the research and development expenses.

II. Agreement Details

A. The brand  dedicates one-half page of their catalog to promote two products produced by the Swimming Support Syndicate.

1. If the contract is extended in future years, the catalog’s page-space size will be adjusted.

B. The Syndicate provides professionally-prepared, camera-ready art for the half-page promotion in The brand catalog.

1. This art can be used by the brand’s art director. However, the catalog art-director can illustrate and promote the products however The brand  feels appropriate.

2. The Syndicate’s art is provided as a suggestion and cost-saving alternative for the brand.

C. The brand purchases products from the Sports Support Syndicate under the terms of a risk-free buying contract.

1. The Syndicate will inventory all products to minimize The brand cost for stock and inventory.

2. The Syndicate will credit or buy-back all unsold and returned items to protect The brand from all wasted stock.

3. The Syndicate products will carry a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee for customers.

a) The Syndicate will pay a $5.00 fee to The brand  (or The brand dealers) for their time to process all money-back guarantees from customers.

b) The returned products need to be shipped to the Syndicate.

4. The Syndicate will supply products to The brand  in a 14-day delivery schedule. The Syndicate will insure prompt delivery and the elimination of all back-orders.

D. The brand  will have a one-year period for exclusive sales for the chosen Syndicate products.

1. The brand  will have the opportunity to extend the exclusive period with one option year if the product’s sales meet base-line projections and the product’s catalog promotion continues.

2. After the exclusive period, the Syndicate will continue to supply the product to brand  under the existing sales terms.

3. After the exclusive period, the Syndicate can expand the product’s sales to include other distributors, dealers and markets in addition to The brand .

4. The Syndicate reserves the right to operate it’s own Order Center and sell the exclusive products to Syndicate retail customers.

E. The Syndicate will research and prepare a complete report to The brand  six months following the first catalog mailing.

1. The Syndicate will review the sales activities and profitability of the new venture.

2. The Syndicate will present all the options for product offerings for the second year of operation.

III. Product Descriptions

A. Overview

1. This first year, the Syndicate presents two products in swimming. One product is designed for individual swimmers, the other product is designed for teams and coaches.

2. In future years, the Syndicate can present products in many activities. The high-sales products can remain in the catalog for more than one year.

B. SprintSalo’s Practice Companion

1. Author, David C. Salo

a) Dave Salo is a scientist, and he has done a controlled study for The brand  on swim suit performance. He is a personable writer and advocate of the Low-Yardage/High-Intensity Training which won Paul Blair a National Team Title and keeps Brad in top sprinting form at the Master’s level.

b) Forward will be written by Rowdie Gaines, former world record holder and Olympic Gold Medal swimmer.

2. Package Includes:

a) SprintSalo book (included for your review)

(1) 92 pages

(2) softcover

(3) chapters on physiology, workout design, glossary and practices.

b) Workout cards

(1) The 24 double-sided, water-proof workout cards. One sample workout card is included.

c) The brand Catalog

(1) A custom catalog can be printed especially for the SprintSalo package if you choose not to use the full catalog.

d) A pair of swim goggles shrink wrapped into a top pocket on the outside of the package.

e) Everything is contained in an attractive, colorful case suitable for retail display.

3. Prices

a) Retail Price = $35.00.

b) The Price for brand ’ Dealers = $20.00.

c) The brand ’ Factory Price $15.00.

4. The Author made more than 150 advance sales of the $10.00 workout book with a one-line mention in the back of his Swimming World column.

C. Tide Teamwork

1. Author, Don Gambril and Jonty Skinner

2. Target market is swimming coaches and sports scientists.

3. Package Includes:

a) 250 page, softcover book

b) optional computer data disk for $25.00 on mail-in offer directly to the Syndicate.

4. Prices

a) Retail Price = $29.95

b) The Price for brand ’ Dealers = $10.00

c) The brand ’ Factory Price = $5.95

IV. Projected Sales Figures

A. SprintSalo sells 5,000 units

1. Price of $35.00 x total sales = $160,000. gross sales.

2. Cost of $15.00 x total sales = $75,000. product costs.

3. Sales Profits from SprintSalo = $85,000.

4. Cost of quarter page in The brand catalog = ?

B. Tide Teamwork sells 2,000 units

1. Price of $29.95 x total sales = $59,900.

2. Cost of $5.95 x total sales = $11,900.

3. Sales Profits from Tide Teamwork = $48,000.

4. Cost of quarter page in The brand catalog = ?

V. Background of the Sports Support Syndicate

A. The Syndicate has an extensive business plan which can be sent to The brand for review, if you desire.

B. Company Highlights

1. The Sports Support Syndicate, recently formed by Mark Rauterkus, was established to fill a need in the marketplace as a distributor of “Sports Intelligence Products.”

2. The Syndicate product-line includes more than 10,000 titles, believed to be the largest offering of sports-related products anywhere.

3. The Syndicate thrives by building double-win relationships with associates business.

a) Sport-specific magazine publishers are on the growing list of publishers who are taking an active interest in the Syndicate’s services.

b) Points Press serves as the Syndicate’s Order Center.

c) Authors interact with the Syndicate to create specific product development items while capitalizing on the profits.

Sunday, April 04, 1993

Points Press, deal flopped

This was fruitless.

Sports Support Syndicate & Points Press


To the Publishers and Producers of

Sports Intelligence Products

Sports Support Syndicate Facts

The Leadership Double-Team

Mark Rauterkus, founder of the Sports Support Syndicate and Publisher and Points Press of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Paul Mathews, President of Points Press and Officer of Mathews Printing.

Points Press Order Center

Points Press is a new, independent, mid-sized, wholesale operation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As the name implies, the business prides itself on titles with a strong message and the inventory includes more than 1,000 different titles, and the list is growing as other sources are discovered.

Points Press serves as the exclusive order center and production headquarters for a number of publisher inprints, including the Sports Support Syndicate. All the Syndicate's products are developed, manufactured, ordered, stocked and delivered from the Points Press.

Besides retail activities, Points Press offers extended services that include: 1-800 service; informed telephone operators available than 80-hours a week; credit-card acceptance with MasterCard, VISA, and American Express; electronic mail communications from headquarters; acceptance of school purchase-orders and a credit department willing to sell to the trade and special markets.

Sports Intelligence Products

Books, video tapes, audio tapes and computer software are the major product categories of "Intelligence Products". Intelligence products and other interactive media appeal to the user's cognitive process to disseminate information and ideas for education and enrichment.

Uniforms, clothing, equipment, accessories, games and coaching/training aids might have "intelligence" value, but these types of products are not part of Syndicate's product line.

The Syndicate's scope of sports includes the Olympic boundaries and extends far beyond. The Syndicate covers the major sports as well as anyone, but our strength comes through the variety

and depth of specialized activity selections. Marathon Swimming, Beach Volleyball and Powerlifting are few of the 50 different sports categories which are all important.

No-Cut Try-outs

Unlimited Selection

All publishers and producers with sports related titles are already on our team. We carry all sports-related titles.

Ninety-nine percent of the publishers accept the invitation to join our team as vendors. The Syndicate is striving to contact the missing one-percent. Our open invitation to sports publishers and additional discoveries continually expand our product-line.

It is easy to include your products as a part of our product-line. We can sign-up any title in an instant. But the Syndicate hopes for more than a simple involvement from the publishers.

Just as in sports, it's easy to sign-up for a team, but difficult to play in the games. Athletics are not about casual involvement, neither is the Syndicate. The Syndicate wants to engage publishers in a profitable partnership. The Syndicate wants to work with publishers in a dynamic program with Double-Win results.

The Syndicate is turning all titles into play-makers, not bench-warmers.

Today's Marketplace

Today's sports marketplace is fragmented, specialized and more technical than ever.

Today's products are produced to appeal to narrow populations in vertical markets.

Today's knowledge is the sports sciences has expanded and is stressing the traditional sources of information.

Today's consumers are spending more time and money in leisure activities.

Today's consumers thrive on cross-training and have diverse interests in a variety of activities.

Today's costs for advertising and direct mail prohibit profitability for most titles.

Today's one-stop solution for consumers, dealers and media is the Sports Support Syndicate.

Specific Sales Markets for the Syndicate

The Syndicate's operational plan includes sales activities in every type of market. All aspects of the plan are functioning at present, and dramatic growth is projected throughout the 1990's.


Visit the retail store.

Repeat customer request the general, seasonal and mini catalogs.

Direct Mail delivers mini-catalogs to specific-sport participants.

Special event promotions attract customers and builds demand for products.

Institutional-Based Consumers:

Direct mail promotions aids coaches and athletic directors.

Direct mail literature targets schools for text book and library needs.

Sports Wholesale:

Independant, sports-specific stores benefit from the dealer program.

Super-Dealer program offers many support services including joint promotional assistance.


Publisher program establishes comprehensive and customized interaction with vertical market magazines.

Media press-releases and articles are made available to editors on a regular basis.

Book Trade:

Experience and available resources allow the represenative from Points Press assist your staff to service and sell directly to retail bookstores.

Support is our Middle-Name

Normal Customer Service Includes

Toll-Free numbers from anywhere in USA and Canada.

Telephone receptionists with hands-on knowledge of stock levels, prices, delivery dates, full-title list, alternative suggestions, order process and every other detail necessary for customer assistance.

Telephone support lasting for 12 hours a day, seven days a week, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Accepted credit cards include MasterCard, VISA, American Express.

Institutional purchase orders accepted.

Catalogs available in sports-specific areas.

Syndicate Cognitive Coupons sent to customers to encourage repeat sales.

Normal Dealer Service Includes:

Easy credit applications.

Net 30-day terms with approved credit applications.

Discounts on quick payments.

Minimal volume restrictions start on orders as small as 10 items with mixed titles.

Expanded sales support with a service fee for as few as one item.

Orders accepted via electronic mail which support local phone calls.

Supplemental dealer literature to assist with sales without inventory.

Custom-designed, camera-ready art provided for use in the dealer's own sales materials.

Confidential dealer price lists mailed free of charge.

Normal Special Event Services Include:

Syndicate Cognitive Coupons offer discounts to participants at tournaments.

Sales booth for regional and national events for direct consumer contact.

Normal Media and Magazine Services Include:

Press release information on specific titles.

Advertisements from classified to 2-page spreads.

Annual Press Release covering product trends on the global market.

Advisory Board activities and press-release information on top products, evaluations, rankings and recommendations.*

* All programs scheduled for implementation in 1989.

Our Game Plan

Publishers' Interaction with the Syndicate

The Syndicate seeks start-up assistance from Publishers in only two areas. Then the publishers can step aside and let the Syndicate carry the ball. We will score with sales.

Publishers Provide Product Information to the Syndicate Publishers are encouraged to educate, inform, and interact with the Syndicate about their title. Please keep us up-to-date with press-releases, review copies, sales literature, artwork, review article clippings, and possible trends.

The Syndicate thrives on product knowledge. We recommend reading lists. We have an expansive file system and computer data base which is organized for productivity. The Syndicate needs to know you products before we can promote them properly.

The last page of this introduction lists many of our questions about your titles that are most helpful to us. Send us a copy of that page for every sports-title you carry. Send us copies of important notes from the files of your sports titles.

Put the Syndicate's headquarters and the Points Press Order Center on all your mailing lists:

Publishers Communicate Pricing Approval

The Syndicate want to purchase your titles at wholesale or mail-order prices. Most publishers have this type of schedule in place. The Syndicate needs at least a 50% discount off of the suggested retail price.

The Syndicate price for your products have to reflect our additional efforts to resell and promote the titles to dealers and a national market. The news releases, direct mail, catalogs, advertisements and other services and proposals cost much more than setting the book on a shelf in a store.

Review of the Syndicate Requests

1. Send us as much product information as possible.

2. Allow a 50% to 55% discount schedule.





Vendor of choice

Alternative vendor

Date of First Publication:


# of pages

hard or soft cover

Describe the illustrations:

(i.e. number of photos, drawings, charts, in color or b&w, subjective judgment)

target audience:

sporting activities:

suggested retail price:

Syndicate % discount:

Syndicate Price (s):

Cost for shipping 1 book via US Mail book rate: $

Book reviews on hand?:

B&W photo on hand?:

Catalog description:

Short Sales Discription for ads:

Overall Subjective rating of book:

Monday, March 29, 1993

More File's open

  • Mark To Do by Project

    • Pull

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Aquatics

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of the last two manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Build marketing package with special sales agents.

      • Help get our books into catalogs by providing film output when necessary.

      • Send an opening inventory of all our books to the special sales agents to assist in moving books.

      • Consider dropping the price on books to turn the inventory when helpful.

    • Judd

      • Work with the author to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the author and visit magazine publishers to lend support for their special reprinting of Dr. Judd’s articles.

      • Send books to printers.

      • Write article sales missions so other magazines can start to publish Dr. Judd’s articles.

      • Launch PR campaing once Dr. Judd’s final books are available, i.e. reviews, samples, interviews.

    • VB

      • Deliver final manuscripts

    • USVBA

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Supervise production of final VHS and send the existing elements to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Audio

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Swim & Aquatics (part 2)

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Bird

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Misc. Fitness

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Best Sellers

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Reference

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

    • Series

      • Work with the authors to get final elements of manuscripts.

      • Work with the authors to lend support for their special sales activities with major organizations.

      • Pull together all the existing elements and send books to printers.

      • Write sales mission for books with special populations as needed, including other equipment manufactures.

Tuesday, February 16, 1993

Post-Gazette Letter to Editor from Mark Rauterkus rips John Craig's about schools and youth violence

The grade is in for John Craig Jr.’s column: A big, fat zero


Regarding John G. Craig Jr.’s Jan. 30 column, “Zero in on Specifics” about a forum
he attended on the media, gangs and youth violence. John, before you read my suggestions, you might want to get a copy of your column and read it aloud. Then try to put your thoughts into an outline.
You ask if we – “regardless of race, creed or national origin” – can agree on something.
Well, I can’t easily agree with you because your communication skills are foggy and your
lack of logic makes for confusing statements.


You talk about the need for “calm and peaceful” schools. I don’t want “calm and
peaceful” schools. Knowledge enrichment can be brutal. and it can’t be achieved in an
environment riddled with compromises.


Let’s not make nice. There is a war in our midst. We are either winning or losing, and I
contend that if we make an easy peace today and allow gangs’ existence, we are losing.


The “keystones” of your “new policy” to combat the problems of youth violence are
useless. “A sense of proportion”? A tiny bit of poison can kill. Informed choices are what’s
needed. “A sense of responsibility”? To me, it’s irresponsible to come down hard on
parents, like those of the Carrick girls’ basketball team, who were looking out for their
children. “A sense of reality”? Refer back to proportion. “A sense of fairness”? Agreed. But
Why should “getting tough” on crime cost money?
Here is an old idea. You have an institution at your disposal called the Post-Gazette. Why
not use it to effectively communicate clearly thought-out, well-written ideas and solutions?


Don’t use up space in your paper with some gibberish that in reality is only meant to say
that the Post-Gazette is fair and responsible.


John, please get a critical proofreader and a specific sense of a logic in your writings.
Your column gets a zero in rhetoric by my standards.
South Side


Letter to editor: Headline = The grade is in for John G. Criag Jr.'s column: A big, fat zero

Published in the Post-Gazette on Tuesday, Feb 16, 1993.
Regarding John G. Craig Jr.'s Jan. 30, 1993 column, "Zero in on Specifics," about a forum he attended on the media, gangs and youth violence:

John, before you read my suggestions, you might want to get a copy of your column and read it aloud. Then try to put your thoughts into an outline.

You ask if we -- "regardless of race, creed or national orgin" -- can agree on someting. Well, I can't easily agree with you because your communication skills are foggy and your lack of logic makes for confusing statements.

You talk about the need for "calm and peaceful" schools. I don't want "calm and peaceful" schools. Knowledge enrichment can be brutal, and it can't be achieved in an environment riddled with compromises.

Let's not make nice. There is a war in our midst. We are either winning or losing, and I contend that if we make an easy pace today and allow gangs' existence, we are losing.

The "keystones" of your "new policy" to combat the problems of youth violence are useless. "A sense of proportion"? A tiny bit of poison can kill. Informed choices are what's needed. "A sense of responsibility"? To me, it's irresponsible to come down hard on parents, like those of the Carrick girls' basketball team, who were looking out for their children. "A sense of reality"? Refer back to proportion. "A sense of fairness"? Agreed. But why should "getting tough" on crime cost money?

Here is an old idea. You have an institution at your disposal called the Post-Gazette. Why not use it to effectively communicate clearly thought-out, well-written ideas and solutions? Don't use up space in your paper with some gibberish that in reality is only meant to say that the Post-Gazette is fair ad responsible.

John, please get a critical proofreader and a specific sense of logic in your writings. Your column gets a zero in rhetoric by my standards.

Mark Rauterkus
South Side

This old letter, in a swim book file, clipped and yellow, was re-typed and posted to the Running Mates blog on Dec 6, 2005. The original editorial by Craig isn't here.

Tuesday, February 02, 1993

Plum water polo

Plum water polo, Feb 2, 1993

Plum will experiement with pater polo team

OLD NEWS to be inserted into this blog for the sake of HISTORY!
By Michelle Kanche, Tri-State Sports & News Service

A unamimous school board vote has given Plum High School the go-ahead for the school's first water polo team and aquatics game program.

The program will have a trial period, which will run from March 15 - Aug 1. At the end of that time, a full report and evaluation will be presented to the board. The report will describe the program's acceptance in the community and future feasibility.

"The success of this program will depend on the right communication," said Plum superintendent John Cummings. "If it turns out to be a wholesome experience, the committee will look at it favorably for the future."

The program has been coordinated to make it possible for a wide variety of players to participate.

Co-ed sessions for adults, college students, high school students are scheduled.

"The creation of the water polo program does not mean that we'll be fielding a varsity team next year," said Mark Rauterkus, Plum's head swim coach and coordinator of the water polo team. "But if this trial period generates enough interest on the high school level, then I hope it will increase the probability of that happening in the future."

Penn-Trafford head swim coach Dave Babbick is interested in seeing Plum get its water polo program started. Last December, the P-T swim team visited Plum for a joint practice and water polo scrimmage to complement their swimming schedules. Plum hopes to coordinate some exhibition matches this year throughout the state.

In order to help raise money for the program, Rauterkus will conduct a Sports Lecture Seris. Modest admission charges to hear lectures will generate money for the student-activitie fund, but will also allow for interaction with respected athletes and coaches with educational messages.

"You can sell candy bars, or you can teach kids important things," said Rauterkus. "Kids today need to see and hear from experts in the field."

Potential speakers, according to Rauterkus, include former USA Olympic water polo coach Monty Nitzkowski and Olympic gold medal-winning swimmers.
A handout had this extra text:

For futther information, please call of visit the Plum High School pool on Tuesday (HS & college students) or Thursday (adults) evening from 8:30 - 9:30 pm. The Plum HS is on the Orange Belt.

Call Mark Rauterkus.

Swimmers, old and young, fast and slow, male and female, needed for water polo fun. No prior experience preferred!

Plum opens pool to water polo program

Tuesday, Feb 2, 1993, Valley News Dispatch - page B3

By Joe Starkey, staff writer

Mark Rauterkus hates to see a swimming pool with no people in it.

Rauterkus, in his second year as Plum High School swimming coach, couldn't believe the school's indoor pool lay dormant nearly all of last summer -- and he's determined to fill it wiht activity once school lets out this year.

In fact, he's going to get an early start.

Beginning March 16 and running through Aug. 1, Rauterkus will direct a water polo program at the Plum pool.

The Plum School board voted unanimously Tuesday to give him the go-ahead and Rauterkus can't wait to get started.

"There is a need to use the facilities herer," he said. "Last summer, we must have had the only pool in America that kept its doors locked all day. I had wanted to run an entire aquatics program here, but (the school board) said to pick one thing. I came up with the water polo idea.

"Hopefeull, it's the first step to a more advanced aquatics program. After it's finished I hope to go back to the board and say, 'Let's talk about some other things.'"

The obvious question is -- why water polo? Even Rauterkus knows it's not the most popular sport in the world.

"The standing joke in water polo is that you don't need your own horse to play," he said. "But I wanted something that might appeal to more than just swimmers on the swim team or just divers. And this is a good recreational outlet for kids in the summer. I thought I could reach a large population with this and have maybe 100 people or so get excited about it."

Once person ready to play is Plum diving coach Fred Luffey, who played on Franklin Regional High School's now defunct traveling water polo team in 1978-79. He hasn't played since, but is looking forward to the opportunity. And he says others are, too.

"There's a free swim over at Plum on weeknights and I've talked to a few guys there about water polo," he said. "Some of them are interested. I think it's a great sport.

"It's a great tool for conditioning -- a lot like baseketball. But it's easy on the knees compared to basketball or jogging. Plus, all you need is 15 people or so."

Rauterkus is countin on many more than that. He will divide the co-ed sessions into three classification: adults, students (high school and college) and kids. Rauterkus has projected 25 people each for the adult and student sessions and 60 for the kids'.

Most sessions will be divided into periods of instruction, clinics and scrimmaging. Robert Webster, formerly the head water polo coach at Harvard University, might be one of a handful of guest coaches Rauterkus plans to utilize.

Rauterkus claims anyone can get the hang of water polo.

"If you can float and feel like you can pass a ball to someone else, you might be interested," he said.

And if you feel like you can't float?

"Well, there is a shallow end," Rauterkus said. "And in the shallow end the goalie can stand on the bottom. Maybe after a few weeks you could build some stamina and be able to float a little."
This article will be put back into is proper place in time, 1993, shortly.
Plum Water Polo (printed in a box on the page)
Director: Plum High School swimming coach Mark Rauterkus
Begins: Tuesday, March 16, 1993
Ends: Sunday, August 1, 1993
Sessions: Tuesdays - high school and college students 8:30-9:30 pm; Thursdays -- adults 8:30-9:30 pm. Saturdays = kids 3-6 pm.
Fees: Adults, Plum residents, $20, non-residents $23; Students, Plum residents $15, non-residents $18; Kids -- $3.

Monday, February 01, 1993

Modest Expansion of Plum's Aquatics Program with Heach Coach Leaderships

Page 9 -- reprinted

Further Explanation:

Why These Activities?

The aquatic environment is a fantastic setting to exercise and learn about health, tewamwork and kinetic senses. Since the first priority of the pool, swimming lessons, is generally covered, let's enhance further learning activities. Water polo and aquatic games are fresh, new, dynamic areas that have not been tried locally in the past.

Water Polo is an excellent Olympic Sport, played in the pool with boys, girls, men and women.

New Games Clinics are action packed, moveent oriented and teach both cooperation and competition to engaged, thinking and fitness-striving participants.

the combination of water polo and new games clinics will serve as a valid test area to Mark's overall plan of increased usage and programming based upon challenging, learning opportunities.

More Reasons for Water Polo and New Games Clinics:

Our water polo and underwater hockey teams can succeed early and beecome the best around with modest improvements.

A literacy component can be built into these activities.

We should play polo because we have already purchased the goals and getting a few more balls and hats are quite inexpensive items. (The school owned the goal. The goals were in storage and not ever used since the pool was built.) (The polo hats were purchased by myself, personally. I still have them.)

Water polo, underwater hockey and fin swimming have international status with cross-cultural events.

Mark wants to have fun when he is at the pool too.

These activities can succeed with a larger base of participants and a smaller staff, making the supervision costs easier to recover from the user fees.

Plum Counter Offer

Plum School District’s Aquatic Expansion Program

History, Summary, Counter Offer

1. A 35-page Aquatics Expansion (Water Polo) proposal was presented to the board by the Head Coach and voted down (3-4) in December, 1992.

2. In January, the proposal was voted up with the following conditions. The salary paid to Mark Rauterkus, the head coach, is to be equal to the amount of revenue generated by the program minus the expenses paid out by the program.

3. This counter offer by the board was stated verbally by Mr. Neff to Mark Rauterkus.

4. Quick action was favored so that the time-line could be adhered to. However, plenty of new questions and issues need to be formally written before the head coach would consider and accept this plan.

a. Sunday sessions are permissible.

b. Sunday custodial services are not necessary.

c. The Head Coach must authorize all expenditures.

In writing, the Program Administration = coach, lifeguards, etc., not Mr. Neff.

d. In the event that the program’s total revenues do not exceed total authorized expenditures, Mark Rauterkus will not be liable in any manner.

e. Minor schedule adjustments are permissible.

f. The head coach need not be present for every activity.

g. Minor variations to the plan are permissible.

h. This Aquatic Program, since it is a School District sponsored event, will be classified by the school district as a School Function similar to the PTA, School Booster Groups, and the YMCA Latch-key program. This program is not a private interest group, nor is it a community organization like a church, nor is it even a youth group from Plum Borough.

i. The Aquatic Program will request the use of the auditorium and adjoining cafeteria for three events to be held in the trial period, ending August 1, 1993. All the board policies will be followed including security, custodial charges and Air Conditioning payments. The events will include ticket sales and possible appearances of Matt Biondi, an Olympic Water Polo Coach, a Sports Psychologist, a weight lifter, a professional golfer, a scientist and any other author/expert that can be scheduled for a community appearance. Co-Sponsorships packages might be solicited from national organizations that do not already sponsor board activities and no sponsorship will be for alcohol or tobacco products.

Friday, January 01, 1993

Australian Institute of Sport gets water polo book

Date unsure.

Plum Swimming Recap

Attention Kevin Smith, Sports Editors, Valley News 

For the Special Edition, 40-year history.

Competition in Swimming, Diving and Aquatic Programing

by Mark Rauterkus, Head Swim Coach at Plum High School
Both the boys and girls swimming teams at Plum finished among the sweet-16 at last year’s state championships. Plum swimming, like that of most of the other programs throughout the area, is as strong as ever. Good programs stretch from Penn Hills, to Kiski Area and local bragging-rights encompass the state-champions, North Allegheny.
High school swimmers and divers look forward to the WPIAL meet and advancing to states. For serious athletes, it is a big-deal to compete at WPIALs. This year, the WPIAL championships are split into two different meets, one for large schools and another for smaller schools.

 The kids on today’s scholastic teams know that to be good, it takes year-round involvement and plenty of additional practice beyond the school team season. The club swimmers and divers rule at the championship meets. For decades, the champion athletes could be found on the club teams which offer year-round training. Everyone knows that the best way to reach the finals in swimming or diving is to stay in shape and practice well beyond the short, 4-month high school season. Hard work pays off in swimming, and it will continue to do so for many years to come.

Forty years ago, many of the suburban and rural schools did not have swim teams. And in the near future, the swim team structure in place today in many of our area schools might die. Today, many of the swim teams are alive, but a majority are choking and could be in their final twilight hours.

Don’t get me wrong. Swimming and the equally important aquatic sports are here to stay. However, things are bound to be quite different in the years to come. Dr. Robert Thomas, assistant swim coach at Penn Hills said, “Swimming, as a recreational form will always be around.” But he sees some changes, like co-ed mixed relays and diving leaving the scene—“unfortunately.”

“I don’t think diving has a chance in the long-term, said Scott Klugh, Shaler’s diving coach. “When I was a kid, if a school had enough people to do an activity, it would start something, even if it was intra-murals at first. Now the administrators at the schools are worried about money.”

Communities will continue to operate their facilities and realize a return on its investments, but community leaders will further emphasize programing and educational enrichment, rather than the recreational benefits. The trend toward more independent coaches will lead to  partnerships in the schools and at the pools in due time.

Plum built its pool in ’76 and Penn Hills started its team in ’62. In the older years, kids swam at the Ys and in the summers.

Back in the ’50s, the good teams were in the City of Pittsburgh where swimming pools were in the schools. Vandergrift High also had a pool and a team in its old school, which became part of Kiski Area in ’63. Obviously, swimming pools and swimming teams go hand-in-hand and as the modern high schools in the area were built, they included the pool within the school facilities. 

Today’s exceptions are Oakland Catholic and Central Catholic who bus their teams to practices and survive with rented pool time.

Robert Kozak was a Pittsburgh resident and former, City Swimming Champion in the past period of time. Kozak recently retired after working a career in the printing trade.and he is now living in the North Hills. Kozak says he thoroughly enjoys swimming at the N.A. pool in the evenings and weekends. 

“When I competed for the city title, we were in the war years and there were races such as the tired-swimmers-carry, the 60-yards underwater and one race where you had to kick and carry a rifle over your head as you swam.” 

Forty years ago butterfly wasn’t in the rulebooks and the 220-yard race was competed at A.A.U. Nationals.

In those times, the war was near and it touched everything, including swimming. For competition, the focus was the U.S.A. against the world. The swim races reflected the times of society. 

In the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, the competitive focus became more localized and pitted one school against another. In the ’80s and ’90s, the competitive drive is often now only found in face-to-face settings, often among classmates. In today’s competitive swimming meets, it is rare to find a school or a team getting an overtly competitive focus of beating an arch-rival. The great team battles in swimming with months of total team involvement are dying.

Individually, some awesome talent and excellent results are being posted in the aquatic sports at today’s schools. But the gap between the competitors is huge. 

At Plum, there are no “try-outs and cuts” to make varsity teams. Plum does not have enough students on the team to complete a meet line-up. Plum does not have any male divers. Anyone who shows-up for practice can make the swimming team.

It is common to see the star swimmers lap the field. A 55-second race for some finds others finishing in 1-minute-55-seconds. The best athletes are getting better and better while the lower-end seem to be getting progressively worse.

Chris Troilo, Kiski Area Swim Coach said, “With better training and better preparation, the kids are going faster and faster. Swimming has less in quantity but more in quality.”

Head-to-head, close races are rare. In swimming, the clock is an objective judge and improving one’s time is where self-satisfaction occurs, not in winning.

The future for swimming needs to stress personal excellence. Swim teams should be incubators for excellence. With a shift in athletics away from the team concepts, coaches and athletes can get individualized attention and develop personal bonds. Teams with 3–6 members will be common.

Team sports needing large numbers of participants will flounder or have to adapt in the future. The best athletes will compete in individual sports. Plus, professional swimming will exist and the other professional leagues, like the NFL will diminish.

In the future, athletic departments in schools will not be able to boast valid win-loss records because the competition will be too diverse and unreliable. 

Swimming is an ideal environment to teach and experiment with high-level learning. The technical, physical and motivational components of the aquatic sports are demanding and require year-round attention. The fundamental lessons in ethics, decision-making, analysis and performance are difficult concepts to teach and study. The lessons of hard-work and fitness at the pool transfer beyond the athletic arena and into everyday life. 

In the future, let’s utilize swimming pools and coaches with vision to capture the imaginations and to inspire greatness in some of our students.

About the author:

Mark Rauterkus, Head Swim Coach at Plum High School, is publisher of the Sports Support Syndicate, Inc. now in Pittsburgh. His company publishes cutting-edge books on sports-participation. Mark has coached swimming state-record holders in five different states. In Mark’s first year of coaching swimming at Plum, the girls team finished in 2nd place at the WPIAL championships in 1992.