... railed on about how pitifully few people the 1.2 mile boondoggle would carry. How badly its construction would tear up both banks of the river. How the idea would never even be considered if it weren't for that "free" 80 percent federal contribution.
And how, except for a few cranks and free-market ideologues at the Trib, everyone was so gung-ho to build it - including Specter and his allegedly conservative comrade, Rick Santorum.
Great news, except the part about the "few cranks." I could resemble that remark. And, what good does it do?
The cranks, the "naysayers," -- we citizens -- are the ones who know best.
Why would he do this?
To me, the Trib and this friend of the "free market" is p*ssing in his own breakfast cereal.
Comments about the treatment are welcomed here. Comments about the meat of the transportation elements should flow into the transportation blog.