Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hogan's second book due soon

Hogan Hilling, a fellow proud dad, wrote to me with some news:

My second book “The Modern Mom’s Guide To Dads” is scheduled for release in September 2007. I co-authored the book with a mom, Jesse Jayne Rutherford.

View the cover and learn more.

Hogan Hilling
Hogan and I were both stay at home dads. We met and interacted with hundreds of other dads around the nation and world with a wonderful network of other stay-at-home dads. To this day, those email lists (and there was more than one) and extended internet discussions were the best I've ever interacted with a subscription, postings and plain old lurking.

Hogan delivered a talk to the International Lamaze Conference when it came to Pittsburgh's Hilton a few years ago.

Ninth Grade Nation

Ninth Grade Nation Be the Change!
This seems wonderful.

A Dozen Show Up For Anti-War Rally

The Post Gazette reports that about a dozen people showed up for the Anti-War "Let's cheer on the Insurgence" Rally.

Of course the ONE person who protested the protest was described as a guy in a pickup truck.

We'll see what happens with TV news coverage. I'm still most proud of being at the Support the Troops rally at Point State Park a few years ago.

It's just too bad that Jerry Bowyer isn't on the air anymore. He would have been perfect to arrange another Support the Troops Rally.

Again, and I re-iterate, people are more than free to protest anything they want...this remains without question the greatest country on the planet. Just have some respect and not do it in the Independence Day news cycle.

100 year old house, right next to the Crafton swim pool and park -- what a find

Only in Pittsburgh can you get this:
A 7 bedroom 2 1/2 bath home. This is a 3 story home with a beautiful staircase and three stained glass windows. It has wood floors throughout. There are two mantels with fireplaces that are not functional. The upstairs bathroom has a large claw foot tub. It borders Crafton park and pool. It has a garage and a shed. The house was built around 1907. The furnace is new and the fuses have been replaced with an electrical panel. The roof is also fairly new and in good shape. There is a wood burning stove on the first floor. The front porch has a great swing. The asking price is $119,900. Please call Sandy Caine 412-922-4778 with any questions.
The address is on a tree-lined Stueben Street. An little D.Q.-ish (ice cream) stand in a short block away. A H.S. baseball diamond is on the other side of the street in the park.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Boosting tourism funds spurs hot debate point

This is bad.
Boosting tourism funds spurs hot debate point Area lawmakers are at odds over a proposal to shift about $1.6 million in funding from Allegheny County libraries, recreation and cultural programs to fund Pittsburgh tourism.

The hotly debated proposal passed through the House Urban Affairs Committee last week on a 15-7 vote.

Sponsored by state Rep. Thomas Petrone, D-Crafton Heights, the bill calls for VisitPittsburgh, Allegheny County's official tourism agency, to get 2 percent of funds that the Allegheny Regional Asset District receives each year as its share of the county sales tax.
Globally, I'm in favor of a complete re-do of the RAD tax. The RAD tax (Regional Asset District) is bad for Allegheny County. However, we need to re-think it from scratch.

Otherwise, if we can't do a re-do and 'think again' about the RAD tax, then it is bad public policy to take money from the RAD funds and pass them to the tourist organizations.

I'd much rather do things for people who LIVE, WORK, INVEST and RESIDE here rather than tourists who live some place else.

I don't want to give more money to the Convention Center. Rather, we should sell the Convention Center and get it off the backs of the public and the taxpayers.

I'm with John Maher and strongly opposed to Tom Petrone's bill.

iPhone and Ron Paul

Ron Paul Campaign First to Provide iPhone Platform

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign today became the first campaign to launch an iPhone platform. This new platform will allow iPhone users to access the campaign’s Web 2.0 applications, such as social networking tools and online videos, directly from their iPhones.

"The iPhone is an exciting technology that will help us reach potential voters across the country," states eCampaign director Justine Lam. "The Ron Paul campaign continues to utilize new technologies to spread Dr. Paul’s message of freedom, peace and prosperity."

Terra Eclipse of Santa Cruz, California designed this special platform for the Ron Paul campaign. "Our web development team has built a robust tool that will allow iPhone-equipped volunteers to bring Ron Paul’s online popularity into offline households in key early primary states," says Wyatt Hull, creative director of Terra Eclipse.

The Ron Paul 2008 iPhone platform is available at www.ronpaul2008.com/iphone .

Tux Paint has a new upgrade. Got kids -- then get this.

Children's software that rocks.
Tux Paint Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (preschool and K-6). It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program.

Where Have All The Heroes Gone?

It’s always a little disappointing to see anti-war protests like the one scheduled below, as they almost exclusively feature folks who have nothing going on in the middle of the day, other than have plenty of time to burn at misguided rallies. It’s possible I’d would have more reverence for a group of responsible business and community leaders—not drinking from the public through by the way—which would call for immediate pullouts. That just doesn’t happen.
The scheduled event will be highlighted with a veteran who calls the War in Iraq “reckless.” Nothing in the press release mentions his agenda, but don’t fret, as there is one. Let’s not hear the “he’s a Patriot for standing up against the administration,” as a July 3rd hate speech is the opposite of productive.
To hold such nonsense right before Independence Day is a slap in the face of our men and women overseas and on our own soil. I’ll even use the old chestnut: “They fight so you can protest.”
It is sad that we don’t have a whole lot of “heroes” being showcased in 2007. Marvel Comics killed off Captain America, surely in a thinly veiled way to tweak the Bush Administration for a war that some call unnecessary (I say let the experts do what they know best. Defending this country militarily isn’t in my comfort zone). Even John Rambo was originally supposed to come back and put a boot to Osama Bin Laden’s neck, but instead he will now be slitting the innards of a nameless goon in a little-known jungle somewhere.
Popular culture used to champion our troops, but now there’s barely a peep in support for them.
World Wrestling Entertainment, which made untold fortunes in the 80’s with Cold War Heroes like Hulk Hogan praising the Red, White and Blue. Rival AWA had Sgt. Slaughter vanquishing evil foes. Today, only WWE exists and a Red, White and Blue standard bearer is nowhere to been found. In fact, those heroes might be booed today, what with guys like John Murtha and Ron Paul turning their backs on Good Old Fashioned American Resolve for their own personal plan. Murtha needed a way to cement his legacy of pabulum; meanwhile, Dr. Paul needed something to set the Internet world afire (despite the fact that nearly none of his supporters are Republicans who would be able to vote for him. Republicans are “not cool” to the slackersomethings). Yes, I’m especially hard on Paul, as he’s not a bad guy and I actually agree with some of his other initiatives, but when Bill Maher is pimping your platform and getting applause from his uber-out-of-touch crowd, my pro-military/America stomach churns just a little bit.
Stallone’s other character, the more popular Rocky Balboa even wore Apollo Creed’s flag-emblazoned trunks to the ring when he faced off against Ivan Drago.
If I had my druthers, Captain America would be back stronger than ever, defending the nation’s patriotic causes in comic books that would be sent free-fo-charge overseas to our men and women who want to see unwavering support and not imprudent grandstanding.
We are seeing car bombs being set off in London. Don’t think for a second that if we take our foot off the accelerator, someone will figure out a way to blow a car bomb up here. There have been several foiled attempts to destroy something near and dear to our hearts in America since 9/11. Of course, under-employed protesters don’t care about such issues when there’s an opportunity to sit on the sidewalk and sing protest ditties.
Where are the true American heroes? It’s clear that they are the men and women who proudly serve our country without a complaint. They are the ones who will return to our land, and lead us into the future. Remember, Cindy Sheehan’s own family disowned her for her grandiose pomposity, but you don’t hear much about that.
Happy Independence Day everybody. And God Bless our American Heroes.

Local Vets blast the war and to hold protest before PA Congressman's office in Mt. Lebo

Running mates, check out this protest on the war. Attend if you can. I'd like to go but will be at swim practice.
Local Vet Blasts War - Help us Put Pressure on Rep. Tim Murphy to End the War

Be there, 7/3/2007 10:30 am to tell US Rep., Tim Murphy, R, it is time to abandon the Bush war policy! On Tuesday, 7/3, we will rally from 10:30 to 10:45. At 10:45, a local Iraq Veteran will speak about the reckless war policy. From 11:00 to 12:00, we will conduct a peace vigil on the sidewalk.

Help us put pressure on Tim Murphy to end this war!!!

Dress patriotic!! We will start celebrating our independence early and remind Tim Murphy who he works for!!

Any questions call Caleb at 202-486-8607

504 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon - Murphy's local office

Quiz: Why do we welcome Tuvalu and Montegro?

What's up with Tuvalu and Montegro?

See the comments for an answer.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Carbolic Smoke Ball



Ron Paul 2008 - Gets shut out of debate and trumphs the show from next door.

The sideshow in the GOP circus just out-flanked all the others.
Ron Paul 2008 Ron Paul Speaks to 1,000 in Iowa

DES MOINES, IOWA – Presidential candidate Ron Paul held a rally today celebrating life and liberty at the Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines, Iowa. The event was held immediately after and next door to a Republican candidates forum sponsored by the Iowa Christian Alliance and Iowans for Tax Relief.

Dr. Paul was the only GOP candidate excluded from the forum, so his campaign organized an event of its own. Despite being planned in less than a week, Dr. Paul's event singlehandedly outdrew the other forum and its six participating candidates by several hundred attendees.

'Today, Ron Paul demonstrated how deeply his message of freedom and limited government is resonating across the nation,' said campaign manager Lew Moore.

Dr. Paul, addressing a packed room, received thunderous applause many times and as well as several standing ovations. Observers believe that this event was the biggest rally for a Republican candidate in Iowa during this campaign cycle.

'Ron Paul has generated more grassroots excitement and support than any other candidate in the race,' continued Moore. 'The campaign is building on this momentum around the country as we drive toward the nomination.'
Ron Paul came into Pittsburgh on his way to Iowa, with a media crew. A photo ran in the P-G in front of his house.

Meeting in Belvue with Ron Paul supporters

MoveOn.org Political Action on 7-7-07

I was going to host a MoveOn.org meeting at our house on 7-7-07, a party for the planet. But, thankfully, some others have come aboard.
MoveOn.org Political Action: "Live Earth

South Side - Pittsburgh
07 Jul, 7:00 PM
Handicap accessible.
No Pets.
Smoke free.
Location: Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Host: Steve Root / Louise Silk
Status: Public, open for RSVP, 5 Guests (Max 20)"
I'm going to opt out of hosting my event then.

Blow a certain trumpet - Trib headline

From texture - misc.
Blow a certain trumpet - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Just as you have to break a few eggs to make that proverbial omelet, any reform-minded Pittsburgh mayoral candidate telling the truth will have to step on some toes. Actually, a lot of toes. And a lot of egos:"
Sadly, the biggest toes to jam upon are those at the Trib. The watchdog needs a big kick to awaken. The watchdog is not only sleeping, but also filling his landscape with waste.

The Trib is the first place that needs to get serious with coverage, issues, and politcal vision.

To look at the list from Colin, you'll find I agree with him as I've done the walk.

1. I've blasted developers, development deals, the URA and other mindless, costly, unproductive, undemocratic, unconstitutional happenings in our region. TIFs should end. Public dollars should not be used for things beyond roads, sewers and such.

2. I've blasted the nongovernmental organizations and elite weenies like few others. The South Side Local Development Corporation -- for starters -- here in my doorstep -- is a joke. The Planning Department, the Riverlife Task Force that didn't allow us to talk about the river's edge between the stadiums, etc., etc. The Allegheny Conference is poison to Pittsburgh.

3. The oversight boards are usless. Yes. And, I've called for the removal of the overlords. I've asked that they not be welcomed. Getting them out of town needs to be one of our very highest priorities in terms of vision and efforts in the week and seasons to come. I've called for them to meet. I've called for them to do different tasks. I've gone to their meetings and they've done nothing to help Pittsburgh except protect their own survival.

4. The organized labor stranglehold that the Trib calls upon DeSantis to break is funny. First, check to see if the unions have a pulse. Putting finger to the neck to feel for the beating blood from the heart so as to take a pulse might be called a choke hold to others. Frankly, it makes no sense to have government (in this case, the mayor -- or yet a candidate for mayor) be called out by an editor to strangle unions and organized labor. Better sense and actions would be for the strangle to be leveraged against the Trib's editors. But, I'm not in favor of anyone doing harm or calling for it. The unions are what they are. And, that ain't much.

For if the trumpet you say you're ready to blow should give an uncertain sound, expect few to join your battle.
Great hogwash Colin.

Last Place Pennsylvania

Lebanon Daily News - Getting up to speedPennsylvania is the last remaining state to fully grasp the power and utility of the Internet as a means of connecting citizens to government.

Some might think, given the state’s pitiful open-records laws, that those in power aren’t all that fired up about giving people access to the halls of power. Some might think that those populating those places of power have something they’re trying to protect — or hide. Some might quite possibly be right.
This is why we need to elect some people who are keen to making online advances for the sake of public knowledge.

New Native American Swimming Championships slated for Colorado

The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Four Corners Aquatic Team-Towaoc, in Towaoc, Colorado is putting out an invite for a new swimming meet that is exclusively for Native American swimmers. Contact: uteswim@yahoo.com
The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe would like to take this opportunity to invite all swimmers of Native American descent to compete in the first ever championship-type USA Swimming meet held exclusively for Native American swimmers: The First Annual Native American Swimming Championships, to be held in Towaoc, CO on July 20-22, 2007.

The intent is to create an annual championship meet that will serve to crown champions who are of Native American descent – a National Championship – so to speak!

The meet will be conducted as an “Approved Meet,” under the auspices of Colorado Swimming Inc. and USA Swimming. Those rules for competition will apply, and the competition will be officiated by certified USA Swimming officials. Swimmers need NOT be registered with USA Swimming in order to be eligible to compete.

We are also pleased to announce that some wonderful lodging arrangements have been made for our guests. At the Ute Mountain Hotel, Resort, and Restaurant, rooms are available for just $35/night (rate good for reservations made through July16th). A limited number of rooms are available, so be sure to make your reservations right away. Call 970-564-2500. Be sure to ask for the Native Swim rate.

Our meet information is also attached, along with the Hytek event template for email entries. Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at the above addresses.

So why not be a part of history? We would love to see you here in the land of the Utes! Hope you can attend.

Dick Taylor, Meet Director
In New Zealand, there is a rugby team that is open only to those who have Maori blood, (see Maori). The team is called the Maori All Blacks -- go figure. The team is the third best squad after the All Blacks and the Junior All Blacks. It plays international test matches all the time, much like an all-star team.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Amy Carol Webb gets some buzz with her songs and music in competitions

Great news today comes from a singer/songwriter and dear friend, Amy Carol Webb.
From Amy Carol Webb
She posted:
Unisong International 11th Annual Songwriting Competition just announced its 2007 winners and I'm THREE of them! Yep -- finalist in two categories and third in another. Here's the scoop!

"With You Without You" -- finalist in AAA/Americana
"Narrow Places" -- finalist in Topical/Political

and ...

"Lay the Shovel Down" -- Third Place in the L.U.N.C.H. category.

The L.U.N.C.H. category is for social issues songs, which is teamed up with the L.U.N.C.H. Project [Local United Network to Combat Hunger], which continues the legacy of Harry Chapin! Doncha love the synchronicity!

Upcoming, there will be a "People's Choice" award on-line, so I'll send out that link and info when it's launched!

Here's to a wonderful weekend -- and I am ever grateful for your support, encouragement and enthusiasm for this music we love so much!

DesMoinesRegister.com reports on Tom Murphy's latest antics

Look out Iowa. Tom Murphy, Pittsburgh's mayor who nearly killed the city of Pittsburgh, is pushing for the cultural elite and new taxes.
DesMoinesRegister.com Ex-Pittsburgh mayor pushes for 'Destiny'
A tax increase would help cultural attractions flourish and would keeps jobs filled with young Iowans, he says.
When king's and their kingdom's covered the lands, the arts were able to flourish at the bequest of the throne. Court jesters, chamber music, salon musicians, and other cultural benefits thrived with a subsidy of the king. In turn, the kings, queens and people of the city enjoyed these cultural attractions.

However, consider the outcome when "cultural attractions" are put on a scale and measured next to another important attraction, i.e., "freedom." There is no comparison.

People will choose to die for the cause of freedom. Freedom and liberty rock the will and the spirit all people everywhere.

Great culture can happen along with oppression. Culture can go hand in hand with taxes. As taxes increase, freedom declines. In turn, the people notice and vote with their feet. They leave.

Tom Murphy has nothing to offer the people of Iowa, or anywhere else. As government chooses to back the arts, cultural attractions and regional elitism, expect one-way tickets to despair.

The Yes to Destiny sales tax is a joke. Don't fall for it. Tom Murphy is nothing but a court jester for hire.

Tom Murphy knows nothing about what really moves American society -- freedom.

Back the arts all you want -- with private efforts, not government supported taxes.

We love the arts. We back the arts. Music runs through to the highest degree.

Pittsburgh has a ballet that plays to recorded music. The orchestra was all laid off. Now the Nutcracker is danced to CD. There are a couple of productions where there is an orchestra. The "cultural district" in Pittsburgh has been more interested in doing real estate deals than really working on the arts. When the government officials play cultural gatekeepers, the cultural gatekeepers have to fill the void and become policy makers. When governmental officials play developer and use their master plans to try to impact what should occur in the marketplace, then the developers are the one's who pull the strings for public policy, again filling the need.

Public officials need to focus on freedom, liberty, defending the constitution. Everyone has a role to play. Don't let the public officials stray into arts funding. It is wrong. And, it doesn't work.

Tonight they'll play a major league baseball game in a public ballpark. The Pirates play at PNC Park -- a venue built and owned by the public -- not the baseball team. And the fans are staging a walkout in the third inning. Everyone in the region is disgusted with the baseball team, its ownership, the amount that they 'invest' into the operations. The team is a joke in terms of competitiveness. The team is one of the most profitable ones in baseball. However, the fans are getting a giant rip-off.

Tom Murphy gave sugar-daddy deals to the sports teams in Pittsburgh. This was justified, in part, to keep people in the region. Well, it didn't work. More people are moving away. The population decline continues in its downward spiral.

People move to places without baseball teams, without cultural attractions, without taxes. People move to places where government officials have their priorities straight and worry about public matters -- not the elite, cultural and unimportant.

Iowa should tell Tom Murphy to exit. We did. His type isn't welcome here any longer.

Iowa should go listen to Ron Paul. He'll make mention of a few more pressing matters that need the attention of elected policy makers and stewards of public matters.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pirate walk out on Walk's Bobble-head night

We've been talking a bit about what we'd do if we were at the game and a walkout was called for by the fans.
From family - travels
I told my sons I'd be out of my seat.

The entire buzz about the game and protest is interesting to witness. Reactions welcomed.

My wish -- have the Pittsburgh Pirates buy PNC Park. Have the Pittsburgh Steelers buy Heinz Field. Sell those venues to the teams. Get ownership off the backs of the public.

From Grant