Friday, July 06, 2007

The Burgh Report: Excellent Post by Mark Rauterkus

The Burgh Report: Excellent Post by Mark Rauterkus ... I really couldn't understand precisely what he was trying to do ...
Motivations are hard to understand. The easy questions in life are "who" and "when" and perhaps, "what."

The questions and insights of "how" and "why" are for the most advanced.

From time to time, I understand that I'm guilty of speaking over the heads of most of the folks in the audience. I aim to deliver content that goes beyond the basics.

I really confound my out of region friends and family. They don't know what's what in Pittsburgh. They don't live our Pittsburgh life. Our shared experiences of being in the Burgh -- is understood by a vast majority of my neighbors. So, lots of readers here, and lots of people who know me, my family, my passions, my work in other sectors are just "deer in the headlights" when it comes to a topical shift about Pittsburgh's political landscape. They zone out because they don't live in our 'twilight zone.'

Case in point, lots of the folks in suburban Pittsburgh felt good about Tom Murphy. Murphy gave them the Convention Center, PNC Park, Heinz Field, Lord & Taylor and an evacuation plan from the tallest downtown buildings in the wake of 9-11 fire-drills. My disdain for Tom Murphy and the logic of my objections to his leadership was lost on everyone 30-miles away from The Point -- and nearly everyone within 10-miles of The Point.

Case in point 2, few in the local media have a handle about what I'm about. Nearly none in the media have ever generate professional expressions that bolster and inter-twine with my positions and issues. There has always been a 'missing link' of sorts between myself and the MSM (mainstream media).

I've never been in the 40-under-40 crowd. I'm not going to show up on the Sunday Business Page shows. These are givens that are fine with me. But the point to make is that my mo-jo isn't defined by others. There isn't a focused, feature piece that connects the dots for John-Q-Public.

Complicated. Self-made. Multi-media, multi-dimensional, blah-blah-blah.

I'm a Libertarian too! I'm free. I'm stressing liberties. A framework for freedom isn't something that can fit in a downtown retail outlet with a tax-break. Home Depot, on the other hand, is something that you can drive to in East Liberty under a big orange logo that employs guys in bibs, each with a W2 on file, selling bricks and mortar. Go figure.

Finally, for now, I'm a coach. I love to push, pull, drag, trick, and cheer so that others get out of their "comfort zones." Education, like democracy, is messy. Community conversations are wild.

That's why. To kick up some dust.

I understand that my city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 2007, is still not a place where my children and their peers will want to reside. I understand that what we got here today is lacking. The opportunities are better elsewhere. There are too many hurdles to both prosperity and freedom in our region. I want my kids and their friends and classmates to thrive. I want what is best for future generations.

Politically, Pittsburgh is nearly a wasteland. The weirdness that resonates from within our public sector crumbles all sorta of other aspects of our lives. Our community lives are with big weaknesses. We are all poorer and less able to live up to our potential because of those nagging problems.

I'm fed up and I'm NOT going to flee. I'll stay put and fight with issues, ideas, concepts and votes -- from time to time. With us thinking again, perhaps some physical violence will be kept at bay.

I understand that I'm fortunate in this period in my life. The flexibility that I have isn't by chance. But, it does summon a sense of duty and purpose to what I do. I do what I do in large part because I am able and others are not.

Thanks for asking. Hope to see you around town soon. I'm sorry if we haven't met yet. Cheers.

Transforming Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania

More reading from Mark F. -- from the past.
Transforming Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania: "Hold That Thought - Pittsburgh Quarterly Magazine"
Trivia time: My middle initial is "F" too.

Trivia time quiz: What's Mark F. DeSantis birthday?

Local scholarship fund with swimming, cancer, travel, and hope all mixed together

Home The Marissa Boyan Scholarship Fund is a 501 (c)3, non-profit corporation.
Here is where the Pittsburgh Bloggers should lend some attention, good will, and financial assistance.

Scholars: Divide Iraq Into 3 Regions

Scholars: Divide Iraq Into 3 Regions: With President Bush's war strategy clouded by limited results and mounting casualties, two scholars are proposing a partition plan that would divide Iraq into three main regions.

The authors, Edward P. Joseph of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, are hoping to draw the attention of Bush administration policymakers.

They are circulating their suggestions within the Bush administration.
I always felt that this was a good idea and the way to go. But, it isn't my business to tell them how to behave and how to manage their own affairs. The trend is to break up big countries. Look at the USSR and Texas. Plus, there is a move to more regional unions too, i.e., E.U. The nation-state of Iraq isn't worth saving when there is so much bad blood. And, we've been in their civil war, anyway. They can decide.

I got upset when I heard US brass saying that we must keep Iraq as one nation, years ago. Think again.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

IOC approves Youth Olympics; first set for 2010 - Thursday July 5, 2007 4:52PM - More Sports - IOC approves Youth Olympics; first set for 2010 - Olympic leaders voted Thursday to create a Youth Olympics meant to drag kids from computer screens and onto the playing fields. The first is planned for 2010 for 3,500 athletes, ages 14-18.

It would be the first major international sports festival created by the International Olympic Committee since the advent of the Winter Games in 1924. The program was approved unanimously by a show of hands.

Democracy Now! | We Shall Overcome: An Hour With Legendary Folk Singer & Activist Pete Seeger

Democracy Now! | We Shall Overcome: An Hour With Legendary Folk Singer & Activist Pete Seeger: "We Shall Overcome: An Hour With Legendary Folk Singer & Activist Pete Seeger"

iPhone Supply Already Dried Up - Switched. Gadgets. Tech. Digital Stuff for the Rest of Us.

iPhone Supply Already Dried Up - Switched. Gadgets. Tech. Digital Stuff for the Rest of Us.: "According to Apple's own retail locater, the world iPhone supply has been suckled dry everywhere except Tigard, Oregon and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
My wife and I both got a new phones this week too. But, neither of us went with the iPhone.

As an extra feature of the iPhone for the Pittsburgh market, Steve Jobs and Apple's marketing department should have contracted with iJustine. She could have hand deliver the phones to any willing buyer. And, she could still do so, perhaps, if asked.

More pointers:
Red light district: Apple Stores out of iPhone stock - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Apple's iPhone retail availability page is showing a nearly clean sweep of sold-out stores, with only stores in Pittsburgh, PA and Portland, OR lighting up ...

European wireless carriers camping in lines outside Apple offices - San Jose,CA,USA
MacRumors reports that, according to Apple's online iPhone availability tool, the only Apple stores that still have units in stock are in Pittsburgh, Pa., ...

Advance article for A.E. about Mark DeSantis -- from Mark Rauterkus

I posted an article via The American Entrepreneur newsletter in advance of the Mark DeSantis interview slated for Saturday.
The American Entrepreneur - Newsletter Articles A business person, Mark DeSantis, is gearing up his political campaign against Luke Ravenstahl. A number of common threads appear beyond our first names, ambitions, age-group (DeSantis is 47, I'm 48), home towns, party politics and entrepreneur's spirit.
Here is the entire article on my blog too.

Mark Rauterkus pondering Mark DeSantis and the 2007 general election campaigns
(Rauterkus is a candidate for city council, an advocate for Ron Paul in the 2008 Presidental campaign, and a free-wheeling blogger.)
A business person, Mark DeSantis, is gearing up his political campaign against Luke Ravenstahl. A number of common threads appear beyond our first names, ambitions, age-group (DeSantis is 47, I'm 48), home towns, party politics and entrepreneur's spirit.

Both of us jumped into the political fray to run for mayor of Pittsburgh under the GOP banner. My run in 2001 hatched from frustration too. Both of us are upset with the leadership from Grant Street.

Candidate DeSantis and I talked before his official kick off. My insights and tactical bits of wisdom, coupled with some action points, were delivered in person. Now is the time for public noise.

This year's race for mayor is going to be a two-way ordeal. I pondered the possibilities of running for mayor and county executive, in the same same election, as a Libertarian. Rather, my efforts for the next months are going to focus as a candidate, again, for Pittsburgh's city council, district 3.

We all have roles to play.

Mark DeSantis has two jobs. He needs to expose himself, first. Second, DeSantis needs to reveal a plan and process that gives voters confidence that he'd make a good mayor for the next two years. That's it for him.

Mark DeSantis is slated to be a guest with Ron Morris. I'll tune in and be sure to download the podcast. Furthermore, I'll attempt to reconstruct the issues and ideas DeSantis delivers. When DeSantis is a guest on shows, he is able to expose himself.

DeSantis needs to be everywhere. He needs to meet and greet on the buses, outside Giant Eagle, in the Strip District, at the bars on the South Side, and at little league games. DeSantis needs to be at churches, temples and fire halls. He'll have to invest in door-to-door, telephone, the works. People's comfort in Mark DeSantis has to skyrocket.

Second, DeSantis needs to perform and execute in the creative realm. He has to deliver a vision that makes sense and earns trust and support.

The rest, and there is plenty more that is yet unsaid, is beyond the control of Mark DeSantis within this election cycle. All of the remaining matters still unresolved are up to us. Voters, citizens, business people, fellow politicians, and of-course, the media have much more to do.

Mark DeSantis has two tasks. We, the people, have countless matters to attend to.

This campaign is about DeSantis and Ravenstahl, however, the city and region is about us all. Everyone has roles to play. Without real civic engagement in this election, the city is toast.

Hopefully, DeSantis can stick to his tasks. Meanwhile, everyone else enlivens and pulls Pittsburgh into the future with a sense of long-term hope. I think that the real burden of the 2007 mayor's race isn't upon the backs of either DeSantis nor Ravenstahl. Rather, it is with the leaders of all sectors throughout the region.

Mark DeSantis could be the next mayor of Pittsburgh. Anything is possible. However, that milestone isn't the real goal we are called to accomplish this fall.

As listeners, here are a few of our duties:

1. Luke Ravenstahl needs to be discredited. Mark DeSantis can't do much of that.

2. Eduction and experience needs to be valued. DeSantis has it. Luke doesn't. We need to point that out.

3. One party domination needs to be terminated for the city. Opposition matters. Opposition comes in many shapes and sizes against oppressors.

4. The stage must be set for the showdown between DeSantis and Ravenstahl. Real audience hunger for repeated skirmishes must be vocalized. Daily events must be organized, promoted and flung.

5. Hard questions, follow-up, and pushing for depth and scope needs to occur. We can't settle for the same answers time and again. When Michael Lamb ran for mayor two years ago, he told of the selling of dog licenses by both the city and county. I heard Lamb's dog licenses script a hundred times. Yikes. Sustain the conversations.

6. Buzz about Pittsburgh needs to resonate. Dividing the city is fine -- if passion builds. Bring it on. Create moments of political boldness that take people out of their comfort zones.

7. Expect flaws. Deal with them. Don't let a few pimples derail DeSantis nor the efforts of restoring hope in the city. For example, I love Ron Paul as a 2008 presidential candidate. Of course, I don't agree with everything he says. But his platform is wonderful and I want you all to know about

8. Teamwork, above all else is mandatory. Without teamwork, the downward spiral continues and Pittsburgh will become a ghost town of one-party jerks who are clueless in matters of liberty and wealth creation. Candidates need teams. Teams need to interact. Leagues and legions need to get orders, make maneuvers and skirmish. All team efforts start with recruitment. Find out now, who is in and who is out.

9. Everything in life is about either protecting equity or else building equity. Pittsburgh in 2007 has little to protect. The capital budget of the city has been at ZERO for years. Now we must do something, grow, be aggressive, conduct outreach. Pittsburgh is at the brink. We have to swim upstream with all our might. Shift to overdrive.

It is his campaign, but it is our city.

This Week on The American Entreprenuer, radio show, podcast, on Saturday -- AM 1360.

This week, Ron Morris and The American Entrepreneur will feature the
following guests and topics:

Mark Desantis, who will be the Republican challenger to incumbent Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl in this November's Mayoral election for the city of Pittsburgh, will join Ron in studio to discuss his campaign, and the ideas he'll bring to the city's business community.
Ron has podcasts of past shows at If you look there you'll find a prior interview with Luke Ravenstahl. Later in his rants, he mentions the interview.

Channel crossing a tribute to friend

Channel crossing a tribute to friend Channel crossing a tribute to friend

Brent McAuliffe, right, will try to become the first Pennsylvanian to swim across the England Channel in mid-July. He is doing it to raise funds for Marissa Boyan, left, who has been battling a brain tumor for seven years.

Pittsburgh - On Your Mark … - Mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis prepares to run a race no one thinks a Republican can win - Main Feature - Main Feature

Pittsburgh - On Your Mark … - Mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis prepares to run a race no one thinks a Republican can win - Main Feature - Main Feature - Pittsburgh City Paper On Your Mark -- Mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis prepares to run a race no one thinks a Republican can win"
On Your Mark is the title of my podcast, by the way.

Funny how DeSantis jumped into the campaign on June 26, yet the write in election was May 15. Then go ahead and talk about 'standing still.'

He does sway when he speaks when standing. That's something that a few Toastmasters sessions would help to fix.

There it is -- the 'sacrificial lamb' -- label. Give it a rest. Time to eat gyros again.

The moral obligation to pin upon Luke for the next five years is three years too long. The next election will be in two years. This November we elect a mayor for a short term, a two-year term. It would be good to know what the hell you're running for.

I'm not sure if DeSantis is a "political outsider" or not. Good research in the article. Well done C.D.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

How is your Russian? Sochi to host 2014 Winter Olympics - Sochi beats South Korean city for '14 Winter Olympics Backed by the Russian president's personal lobbying, charisma and government support, the Black Sea resort of Sochi was elected Wednesday as the host city of the 2014 Winter Games.

Sochi defeated the South Korean city of Pyeongchang by four votes in the final round of a secret ballot by the International Olympic Committee, taking the Winter Games to Russia for the first time.
The kids that are 7 now will be 14 then.

The 4th of July by Glenn Beck

Celebrating Our Independence, and the Men & Women Who Make it PossibleThe Fourth of July is the day that we as Americans celebrate our independence. And while it's come to be a holiday that usually means fireworks, cookouts and time spent with family, we must never forget who we have to thank for that freedom to rest and relax: The troops. America's independence was achieved and continues to be maintained by the brave men and women who volunteer for the armed forces. When they step up and put on a uniform, they put themselves in harm's way...risking the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I can live a quality of life that is the envy of the entire world. I can remember a time in this country when a word like "patriotism" got people rolling their eyes at you, treating a love for your country as an outdated, nostalgic notion. Sadly, it took a tragedy like the 9-11 attacks to remind us of what our parents and grandparents knew far better and never forgot: Our nation is rare and precious—because of that, she is also vulnerable and must be protected and loved. We cannot afford to be indifferent or complacent because our enemies see our restraint and compassion as a weakness-we have been challenged once again, and I'm proud to say that America continues to stand tall. Since the 9-11 attacks, we as a nation have new-found respect for our men and women in uniform...I'm just sorry it took such a vicious wake-up call to remind us what we should keep in our hearts and minds all along. Other nations need to make military service mandatory-in this country, we stand as the world's lone superpower because those with the right stuff stand up and choose to carry a gun and stand a post. We have the most powerful military on the planet and it's not because of weapons and technology-it's due to the character and commitment of our fighting men and women. A gun isn't noble, brave or courageous...but the American carrying it is. Let us not forget that we are at nation at war-some of those fights have been declared (like the struggle in Iraq and Afghanistan), and some are happening more subtly, as with the growing threat of Iran and rogue terrorist states the world over. No one hates war more than a soldier-just ask one. But at the same time, no one knows better than a soldier that sometimes a fight is what's needed to save lives in the long run. Yes, July 4th we celebrate our independence, so let's take special time today to think of those in uniform both here and abroad. It's the least we can do for those who selflessly give the most. We are who we are because of them, and I for one am eternally grateful. -glenn

Crafton Celebrates 5K run and new biathlon, a success

We did it.

I'll get more 'official results' soon, but I've got some house work done to prep for our 4th of July party first.

The 5K run was a bit long. The distance was 3.5, not 3.1 miles. But, 110 runners and walkers participated. In 2006, there wasn't a race. This year was a revival of past years.

In the future, we'll have to have a race that goes 3.1 miles -- exactly. I promised that to Grant.

Seven athletes did the biathlon. YEAH!

In the competition with the running mates, Grant and Erik, I WON the 5K run. But, I got third in the 1K swim. Overall, Erik was first, then me, then Grant.

Official Results and New Course Records:

Key: Athlete (age-gender), Run/Walk time for the 3.5 miles (5K+) + Swim time for the 1K (1,000 meters / 44 lengths of 25 yard pool) = Total Biathlon Time

Chris Popovich (female): 27.22 + 17:56 = 45:18

Erik Rauterkus (12-male): 32.53 + 15.48 = 48:41

Mark Rauterkus (48-male): 31.28 + 19:24 = 50:52

Grant Rauterkus (9-male): 38.50 + 18:37 = 57:27

Sharon Gaitens (female): 50.24 (walker) + 18:50 = 1:09:14

Suzie Kozy (female): 60.05 (walker) + 20:12 = 1:20:17

Fin Swim Category:

Mary Luxbacher (female): 57.17 (walker) + 18:21 (with fins) = 1:15:38
We'll need to expand upon the fin swim and swim assist category. I love that as a competitive distinction. Next year, we'll advertise it far and wide.

It was a great experience. The boys and I loved our morning. The running award distribution concluded at 9:30. We went to the swim pool from 9:30 to 10:30, just as we expected.

Feminist Wire Daily Newsbriefs: U.S. and Global News Coverage

We make national news in this Ms. magazine published bit.
Feminist Wire Daily Newsbriefs: U.S. and Global News Coverage PA Activists Take Action on Promotions of Domestically Violent Police Officers

Women's rights activists in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have galvanized over the recent promotion of three police officers with histories of domestic violence. Despite admitting that he was aware of one of the promoted officers' violent record, Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl announced on Friday that he will not demote any of the three officers.
At least we are not Canton. (Read the article.)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

You gotta Regatta. You gotta be joking?

What's up with the Regatta?

Is there one, really?

What gives?

I understand Point State Park is closed. (Dumb spending.) But is there really a Regatta? Is this an 'off year' such that it should have been called off until next year?

My next race is ....

We are set to hit it hard for my next race.

I was going to put this into an email blast, but my blog is good enough.

My next race is with my sons -- as we'll do the Crafton Celebrates 5K run and then hop into the swim pool for a 1K swim. It is a first ever biathlon. Two trials, same morning and I've got two nasty competitors.
From Frick-swim

There is NO WAY I'll win. Erik, 12, is the favorite. I'm fighting for respectability and a shot at 3rd among the three of us. It would be the same in the November 2007 mayor's race too. Oh, well... It is great family building.
From Erik

Predictions welcomed.

Last year, Grant (now 9) and I did 5Ks at Brookline Breeze and the Great Race. He did a 38 and then a 35. I ran with him on both. But, he out sprinted me at the finish. Throughout, he was a mule and I was a ram. It wasn't about 'grace.'

Well, a year makes a big difference in the life of a kid under 10. But, who knows what his attitude will be like.

We're up at 6 am (our regular time). And then we are at the park at 7 am. The 5K race starts at 8 am. We'll be done by 9. Then the pool is to open from 9:30 to 10:30 for the 1 K swim.

In the swim, last year, at Camp Chikopi, in the 1 mile open water swim, I beat Grant by less than 1 minute. Erik was about 9 minutes ahead of me.

The boys are in very good shape. I'm not. But, attitude and experience -- as well as plain old pride and bribes, are going to count for something. Erik might not be so keen on stepping out on his own. It may depend upon the girls in the vicinity as to what he does in the road race.
From Erik

My predictions among my main running mates:

5K run:
Erik = 31 min
Mark = 32 min
Grant = 39 min

1K swim:
Erik = 13:20
Grant = 15:50
Mark = 17:00

Biathlon totals:
Erik = 44:20
Mark = 49:
Grant = 54:50

Trouble is, Grant could go 39 on the run -- or he could go 45 on the run. Or, he could go 29 on the run. No joke. He is untested. Check back around noon to learn of the outcomes. I hope the weather holds.
From Grant

And, you too can be a part of one or both races. Cost is just $8 for the 5K.

Next year, this will be big! This year, we'll be there to establish new course records.

Liberty Dollar goes with a Ron Paul coin - check it out.

Liberty Dollar Commemorating Independence Day!

In celebration of The 4th of July, 2007 you are invited - even urged - to flex your independence with the Volunteer Network's 'secret weapon' - the Ron Paul Dollar bringing new meaning to the U.S. Mint's 'Presidential Dollars' and symbolizing the Congressman's values. WOW! Now the Internet's favorite Presidential candidate has his own money to help turbo-charge his shot at the White House.

Impossible, you think? Long shot? Dark horse? Think again. This election is different. Want to stand this Presidential election on its head? Well guess what? As utterly amazing as it may seem, we the people, could actually get Ron Paul nominated. Why? Because there are so many Republican liars running for President and the field is so fractionized, that a classic dark house candidate could win. And that is amazing!

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board says the Gambling application for Monroeville is in play

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board HARRISBURG: The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board announced that as of today it has received four applications for the two available Category 3 licenses permitting the operation of up to 500 slot machines at a resort hotel. Applications were to be postmarked no later than June 29, 2007.

The following submitted applications:

CE-Palace, LP, a/k/a the Palace Inn -- The Palace Inn has 278 guest rooms and is located at the intersection of William Penn Highway and Mosside Boulevard in Monroeville, Allegheny County.
Monroeville as a gambling headquarters. Humm...

Ron Paul interview

Talking about parenting, internet, government regulation, youth, grass-roots, timing of primary elections.