A search for "Rauterkus" at capitalwire.com turn up these hits:
capitolwire.com 5/17/2005 Search Rank: 936
Mark Rauterkus: Libertarian candidate for PA Senate in the Special Election, releases regional regrets.
capitolwire.com 4/1/2005 Search Rank: 304
Rauterkus: Open letter to residents of Western Pennsylvania.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Archives) 5/1/2005 Search Rank: 152
Post-Gazette endorses Fontana for 42nd state Senate District, says he's a better fit than opponents Diven and Rauterkus.
capitolwire.com 4/15/2005 Search Rank: 152
Mark Rauterkus, candidate for PA Senate: Tax Day, April 15. Going from BAD to WORSE.
The Associated Press 3/31/2004 Search Rank: 123
Parents, nonprofits stepping in to keep Pittsburgh facilities open while officials debate funding.
Tribune-Review 5/1/2005 Search Rank: 101
42nd District state Senate election expected to set spending record. The showdown pits Rep. Diven, a Democrat-turned-Republican, against Democrat Fontana and Libertarian Rauterkus. From Saturday's edition.
The Associated Press 5/18/2005 Search Rank: 72
AP: Democrats hold onto both of two state Senate seats that were up for grabs in special elections Tuesday.
The Associated Press 5/16/2005 Search Rank: 57
Mayors' troubles draw crowded races in Erie, Pittsburgh and Allentown.
The Associated Press 5/16/2005 Search Rank: 48
AP: Election action in Tuesday's primary mainly local.
The Associated Press 3/25/2004 Search Rank: 48
Parents worry free summer meals another casualty of Pittsburgh's debt.
The links won't work, above, as the terms of the service are very restrictive. One can get a trial subscription for a few days at the site. Let me know what you think.
I'm far more impressed with an open-source approach as with the WIKI concepts. So, I'm not too excited to subscribe and see content that I can't link to and quote with liberal context and fair use understandings.
I've got more to explore there. Pointers and insights welcomed.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Superior writting contest rules and endeavor
This writting contest endeavor is a work of beauty in its construction and purpose.
It's an attempt to increase the story output on Wikinews across all languages, inspired by the English writing contest in April. The basic idea is simple: Each contestant needs to write a story a day, or use a joker if available. When one fails to write a story within 24 hours, and runs out of jokers, one drops out of the contest. The last three persons to remain in the contest will be the winners.
Prizes, judges from each language, and contestants are needed. The hope is to start on September 1, 2005.
This would be a great first day of school activity for a college communication class or a high school engligh, media, journalism class. Or, spring this to a reading circle for adults or a group in a congregation. See if you and a buddy can have a mini-contest among yourselves within the larger contest.
It's an attempt to increase the story output on Wikinews across all languages, inspired by the English writing contest in April. The basic idea is simple: Each contestant needs to write a story a day, or use a joker if available. When one fails to write a story within 24 hours, and runs out of jokers, one drops out of the contest. The last three persons to remain in the contest will be the winners.
Prizes, judges from each language, and contestants are needed. The hope is to start on September 1, 2005.
This would be a great first day of school activity for a college communication class or a high school engligh, media, journalism class. Or, spring this to a reading circle for adults or a group in a congregation. See if you and a buddy can have a mini-contest among yourselves within the larger contest.
Breakdowns among the scope of issues: Global, International, Federal, Regional, State, Local
All politics is local, some might say.
Others might feel that everything is about "self-interest."
I don't have a HARD LINE rule of engagement for myself. Principles apply, of course. But I try to never say never. For the most part, the bulk of my attention goes to local (family, neighborhood, city, state) matters. Sometimes I raise an international comment or mention about the war -- but those are more rare.
Among my party, there is a discussion brewing about dealing or not dealing with national issues. Talking about the war in Iraq takes away from getting people on the ballot for state-wide office and fixing the more local property tax messes.
As a guiding goal, I strive to be open-minded, prudent and effective. There are zillions of instances when I lurk, stay aware, ask questions, and allow for time to figure and ponder among peers who agree and argue. Going with the flow is fine when there is hope of educational value. I might go to a rally or picket and won't hold any sign, but mingle so as to ask questions, gather perspectives, and dig for knowledge details and personal lessons.
I don't generally blog about the war, but I do visit blogs about the war.
People also understand and want to hire (i.e., elect) local leaders with the understanding that these people often change jobs and springboard to other roles. A city councilman becomes a state senator who runs for Lt. Gov and wins a state audior general position -- like Jack Wagner, PA's Auditor General. Not that everyone needs to run for every higher office -- but the future is always rolling along. So, people don't want to elect a local official who is small-brained, cosmetic on litter patrol for his or her ward and can't see the big picture in life nor in politics.
This hiring trend with voter mindset is both a curse and a blessing. I can't defend it but do understand. For instance, we might find a great candidate for "dog catcher" who would be splendid in that role but would stink at the art of crafting legislation. If great "dog catchers" would only aspire to the dog-catcher hall-of-fame, we'd be set. But, too often we see good dog-catchers running for other offices.
Mark C, a freelance running mate of sorts, wrote this letter to the editor (not yet published):
I value state rights. I would like to see more open discussions. I would like to see clear distinctions among candidates among various offices. I think Mark C is on the mark with this trend.
Others might feel that everything is about "self-interest."
I don't have a HARD LINE rule of engagement for myself. Principles apply, of course. But I try to never say never. For the most part, the bulk of my attention goes to local (family, neighborhood, city, state) matters. Sometimes I raise an international comment or mention about the war -- but those are more rare.
Among my party, there is a discussion brewing about dealing or not dealing with national issues. Talking about the war in Iraq takes away from getting people on the ballot for state-wide office and fixing the more local property tax messes.
As a guiding goal, I strive to be open-minded, prudent and effective. There are zillions of instances when I lurk, stay aware, ask questions, and allow for time to figure and ponder among peers who agree and argue. Going with the flow is fine when there is hope of educational value. I might go to a rally or picket and won't hold any sign, but mingle so as to ask questions, gather perspectives, and dig for knowledge details and personal lessons.
I don't generally blog about the war, but I do visit blogs about the war.
People also understand and want to hire (i.e., elect) local leaders with the understanding that these people often change jobs and springboard to other roles. A city councilman becomes a state senator who runs for Lt. Gov and wins a state audior general position -- like Jack Wagner, PA's Auditor General. Not that everyone needs to run for every higher office -- but the future is always rolling along. So, people don't want to elect a local official who is small-brained, cosmetic on litter patrol for his or her ward and can't see the big picture in life nor in politics.
This hiring trend with voter mindset is both a curse and a blessing. I can't defend it but do understand. For instance, we might find a great candidate for "dog catcher" who would be splendid in that role but would stink at the art of crafting legislation. If great "dog catchers" would only aspire to the dog-catcher hall-of-fame, we'd be set. But, too often we see good dog-catchers running for other offices.
Mark C, a freelance running mate of sorts, wrote this letter to the editor (not yet published):
Lt. Governor Knoll's attendance at a local serviceman's funeral ignited a storm of controversy. Family privacy, the Iraq War, patriotism, political attacks and backpedaling, and political strategies were thoroughly reported in the Pgh City Paper ("The Crass-y Knoll", John McIntire, 8/3/2005). One compelling aspect, however, escaped detection.
Knoll allegedly said that the Rendell administration opposed the Iraq War. It's not my intension to debate this she-said vs. family-heard question.
Instead, imagine if state governments routinely showed a libertarian streak and issued formal, stated positions in direct opposition to imposed federal policies. Consider state opposition to:
** The Patriot Act.
** The surveillance state.
** Out-of-control federal spending.
** Federal laws regulating firearms.
** Federal laws regulating marijuana.
** Mandatory emissions inspections.
** The Endangered Species Act.
** The income tax, its compliance and the IRS.
The above list is a fraction of the growing federal intrusions into state operations and into the lives of citizens.
Maybe it is time to reject Rendell, Knoll and their Republican counterparts who either welcome the power that comes with these intrusions or can only whisper their opposition when masked by sobbing at funerals.
Mark Crowley, Plum
I value state rights. I would like to see more open discussions. I would like to see clear distinctions among candidates among various offices. I think Mark C is on the mark with this trend.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Mark R of Pgh Public Schools -- visits in our future
The Urban League of Pittsburgh, in collaboration with A+ Schools, Greater Pittsburgh Alliance of Black School Educators, Leadership Pittsburgh, NEED (Negro Education Emergency Drive), New Pittsburgh Courier, Pre-college Component for the School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, The Pittsburgh Chapter Links, Inc., WQED Multimedia, YMCA of Pittsburgh, and YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh present the ACHIEVEMENT MATTERS COMMUNITY FORUM featuring MARK ROOSEVELT, New Superintendent of the Pittsburgh Public Schools at 5 pm on Thursday, September 15, 2005 at Schenley High School, 4101 Bigelow Boulevard.
Parents, School Personnel, Business and Civic Leaders and the community at lartge is invited.
Program notes:
Introduction by Henry M. Thomas, III, President and CEO of the Urban League of Springfield, Massachusetts. Mr. Thomas is a professional associate and friend of Mark Roosevelt. He is also the Vice Chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Education.
Question and answer with Mark Roosevelt, led by Esther L. Bush, President and CEO of the Urban League of Pittsburgh.
We expect to see the new Mark R at our neighborhood school tomorrow as part of a mini-open house to kick off the new school year. The first day of school for Pgh Public Schools for grades 1 to 12 is on Thursday. Grade K starts a week later.
Parents, School Personnel, Business and Civic Leaders and the community at lartge is invited.
Program notes:
Introduction by Henry M. Thomas, III, President and CEO of the Urban League of Springfield, Massachusetts. Mr. Thomas is a professional associate and friend of Mark Roosevelt. He is also the Vice Chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Education.
Question and answer with Mark Roosevelt, led by Esther L. Bush, President and CEO of the Urban League of Pittsburgh.
We expect to see the new Mark R at our neighborhood school tomorrow as part of a mini-open house to kick off the new school year. The first day of school for Pgh Public Schools for grades 1 to 12 is on Thursday. Grade K starts a week later.
Cookie Cruise with Bobby O
I went on the annual Bob O'Connor Cookie Cruise. Saw lots of people. Talked lots of politics. Had a great time.
Sadly, John M, the D.J., wouldn't play my requested song. He said, "No way." Jeepers. I felt that the song by Johnsmith, Don't Put Me In a Box, was fitting for both Bob and myself. It covers: Irish, Catholic, big family, grew up in the heartland, and all the colors of the rainbow too.
In other news, a number of candidates for the soon to be open seat for City Council District 3 were present as well. I count myself in that mix too.
Didn't see many other bloggers. But that might be par for the audience. A video crew or two were getting candid interviews.
The $25 donation was worth it. And, I stayed away from the hotdogs and cookies too!
And, the clincher: Bob O'Connor told me personally that he'll fix Pittsburgh once he's in office. So there. Guess I can rest my fears now.
Sadly, John M, the D.J., wouldn't play my requested song. He said, "No way." Jeepers. I felt that the song by Johnsmith, Don't Put Me In a Box, was fitting for both Bob and myself. It covers: Irish, Catholic, big family, grew up in the heartland, and all the colors of the rainbow too.
In other news, a number of candidates for the soon to be open seat for City Council District 3 were present as well. I count myself in that mix too.
Didn't see many other bloggers. But that might be par for the audience. A video crew or two were getting candid interviews.
The $25 donation was worth it. And, I stayed away from the hotdogs and cookies too!
And, the clincher: Bob O'Connor told me personally that he'll fix Pittsburgh once he's in office. So there. Guess I can rest my fears now.
Getting back to school means the return of music lessons too.
Tune up with the instruments too!
We had a good summer with music -- on our own. The teaching begins next week, as school schedules return.

Music lessons resume at the PMA (Pittsburgh Music Academy) on Tuesday with Jennifer. The PMA got three foot of water last year -- as it is in Carnegie.
Meanwhile, the Pgh Ballet is not doing the right things by holding its season with recorded music. We won't be going to the ballet anytime soon. Nor are they getting our donations. And we did go and did support them with modest cash gifts. Expect some pickets this fall as well -- from me!
We had a good summer with music -- on our own. The teaching begins next week, as school schedules return.

Music lessons resume at the PMA (Pittsburgh Music Academy) on Tuesday with Jennifer. The PMA got three foot of water last year -- as it is in Carnegie.
Meanwhile, the Pgh Ballet is not doing the right things by holding its season with recorded music. We won't be going to the ballet anytime soon. Nor are they getting our donations. And we did go and did support them with modest cash gifts. Expect some pickets this fall as well -- from me!

Flash Quiz: Chickens

One of these chickens is not like the other. Which one and why?

These creatures are named Mable (white), Hurricane (black and white) and Violet (brown). They are the pets of my sister and her children in Quakertown.
We got to visit them before and after as we drove to New England on a weeklong trip.
Hint: The distinction for the one came as we traveled.
Finally, this posting is dedicated to all those "cat bloggers" among the reaches of the internet. Cat blogging has become popular. They won't be able to hold a candle to chicken posts.
Road Trip; Ohio Linux Fest, Oct. 1.
Ohio LinuxFest continues to grow and its 3rd event is slated for Oct. 1, 2005. Drawing from Ohio, the surrounding states, and Canada, the event has moved to the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
Pittsburgh should have a YOUTH TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT -- and that event could be one of the biggest in the city every year. However, we've got candidates for mayor who might not be able to spell email.
And in the tech front, we have a push to make one organizer try to organize the tech organizations. One voice advocates are pin heads, in my book.
Pittsburgh should have a YOUTH TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT -- and that event could be one of the biggest in the city every year. However, we've got candidates for mayor who might not be able to spell email.
And in the tech front, we have a push to make one organizer try to organize the tech organizations. One voice advocates are pin heads, in my book.
Bits & Bytes: Umbrella for tech groups gets less-than-warm reception Umbrella for tech groups gets less-than-warm reception
Made for Hollywood sports saga - Former Russian Olympic official, mob, fixed 2002 gold medal --> shot and killed
Most of the time, the real world provides all the drama we need in life. Here is a true story that has HOLLYWOOD movie written all over it.
There is more.... Mob, etc.
The next winter games are to be held in Italy too.
SI.com - Olympics - Former Russian Olympic official shot and killed - Tuesday August 30, 2005 2:09PM Former Russian sports official gunned down
MOSCOW (AP) -- A former Russian sports official allegedly linked to the fixing of figure skating results at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City has been shot and killed, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported Tuesday, citing police officials.
Chevalier Nusuyev, former president of the Russian youth sports federation, was shot late Monday as he left his office in southwest Moscow and died shortly after being taken to a hospital, the report said. The unidentified gunman escaped by car.
Moscow police did not immediately confirm the killing. Nusuyev was allegedly linked to reputed Russian mobster Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who in 2003 escaped extradition from Italy to the United States on charges of fixing the figure skating results.
Tokhtakhounov spent nearly a year in a Venice, Italy, prison until June 2003 on U.S. charges that he helped secure a gold medal
There is more.... Mob, etc.
The next winter games are to be held in Italy too.
Scoop: A "Green Mayor" in the 'Burg' is Demanded!
Sadly, this read is published in New Zealand, not Pittsburgh. And, that "demand" seems more like a "prayer" and less of a urgent need that is strongly requested.
I've always understood that I'd get press (both as a candidate and with other endeavors) from other outlets, other than those in the city, well before it would come from the established press here.
Scoop: A Green Mayor in the 'Burg' is Demanded!: "A �Green Mayor� in the 'Burg' is Demanded!
Opinion: United States Green Party
By Ceci Wheeler, Green Party
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
If readers are not acquainted with the Green Party of America http://www.gp.org/ it is because a national two-party structure has managed to block its existence from the time it was born in the United States, 15 years ago.
The Green Party, the party of the issues, presents to its new recruites with its 10-key values which dominates its national platform. These values are based on the needs of all the American people, specifically the poor and the working classes.
I've always understood that I'd get press (both as a candidate and with other endeavors) from other outlets, other than those in the city, well before it would come from the established press here.
Monday, August 29, 2005
SuperDome leaks. Isn't Heinz Field with the same feature?
When is the next ballgame slated for The Super Dome?
Doesn't Heinz Field leak when it rains too?
How many people could bunk down at Heinz Field in the time of a major community crisis?
And, what about numbers for those other larger community facilities?
Doesn't Heinz Field leak when it rains too?
How many people could bunk down at Heinz Field in the time of a major community crisis?
And, what about numbers for those other larger community facilities?
Panhandling laws beg lawsuit
"Why, oh, why" comes to light in this post, again.
Think again.
Downtown's "economic vitality" is the reason given for expanding laws and shrinking freedoms under the concepts of new panhandling laws.
Some must think that downtown's economic vitality hinges upon the down-and-out who are homeless.
The Downtown Partnership has been gathering its forces, plus the mayor and city council so as to leverage "partnerships" and gang-up upon the homeless folks.
I think of the playground order: "Pick on someone your own size."
Simply put: The keys to the revitalization of downtown's economic development don't rest with the homeless. Furthermore, those (i.e., PDP) that what to drive our partnerships on that pathway are not well suited for Pittsburgh's solutions.
Perhaps the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnerships is failing at its core mission of building partnerships and vitality.
Think again.
Downtown's "economic vitality" is the reason given for expanding laws and shrinking freedoms under the concepts of new panhandling laws.
Some must think that downtown's economic vitality hinges upon the down-and-out who are homeless.
The Downtown Partnership has been gathering its forces, plus the mayor and city council so as to leverage "partnerships" and gang-up upon the homeless folks.
I think of the playground order: "Pick on someone your own size."
City's panhandling limits beg lawsuit - PittsburghLIVE.com Civil rights advocates are warning that Pittsburgh's attempt to give the bum's rush to Downtown panhandlers could land the city in the same losing free-speech fight that has doomed anti-begging ordinances across the country.
In the name of economic prosperity, the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership is asking the city to limit when and where people can beg for money. Of particular concern are scraggly, unwashed homeless people who approach customers outside stores, restaurants and ATM machines. The partnership's proposal would outlaw begging at night and soliciting people as they enter many businesses.
Simply put: The keys to the revitalization of downtown's economic development don't rest with the homeless. Furthermore, those (i.e., PDP) that what to drive our partnerships on that pathway are not well suited for Pittsburgh's solutions.
Perhaps the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnerships is failing at its core mission of building partnerships and vitality.
SEA bills, debt and gambles miss. Place a better bet with a better direction. Sell the Convention Ctr as the Gambling Hall.
Tell me why! Why can't we kill off the debt of the SEA (stadium and exibition authority) by selling the Convention Center building as a stipulation of the new casino's opening.
These guys are doing it all wrong. They are barking up the wrong tree with the wrong tune.
The time is right for the debt to go away. To get rid of the debt, get rid of its source. Then everyone wins.
SEA seeks help for center's bills - PittsburghLIVE.com The city-county authority had counted on the slots money to cover operating losses at the convention center, to pay off debt from its construction and to repay a 2004 loan taken out to cover earlier losses at the convention center. The state has allocated one slots-casino license for Pittsburgh, but such a facility is at least a year away from opening.
These guys are doing it all wrong. They are barking up the wrong tree with the wrong tune.
The time is right for the debt to go away. To get rid of the debt, get rid of its source. Then everyone wins.
In perpetuity --- phoey!
Mayor Murphy and the others who have been at the helm of the city have put us into a deep, deep hole. Years will pass before the city is able to lift itself. Hope is measured in decades as the debt is a "long-term obligation." Hence, the notion of a deal set by them that goes forever is no kind of deal at all.
The last deal that was cut, at the state level, is with the letting of the $50-million gambling casinos. That deal NEVER expires. That blunder is something I tried to prevent.
To sunset deals and legislation is generally wise.
To trust those who have broken the city to fix it -- in perpetuity -- is foolish at best.
The last deal that was cut, at the state level, is with the letting of the $50-million gambling casinos. That deal NEVER expires. That blunder is something I tried to prevent.
To sunset deals and legislation is generally wise.
To trust those who have broken the city to fix it -- in perpetuity -- is foolish at best.
City council wants more from nonprofits - PittsburghLIVE.com Council President Gene Ricciardi wants to make the charities' donations to the city a very long-term obligation.
'I believe it should be in perpetuity,' Ricciardi said. 'It should not expire in three years. If the nonprofits don't agree to that, then we need to go in another direction.'
New York's Power headed to South Central
We were charged on the highway today as we passed a convoy of eight cherry pickers from New York State headed south and west in Central Pennsylvania. They had EDISON Power logos on the doors and were chugging at moderate speeds (aprox 50 mph).
I told my sons to wave and give them a big salutes and thumbs up signs.
We are sure the men and machines with ample tools, road snacks and long-lists of jobs yet to do were headed to cover some of those in need in the wake of the storm.
Our prayers go out to them and they're families at home. Safe travels. Thanks for being so generous with your skills, energy and capacities.
I told my sons to wave and give them a big salutes and thumbs up signs.
We are sure the men and machines with ample tools, road snacks and long-lists of jobs yet to do were headed to cover some of those in need in the wake of the storm.
Our prayers go out to them and they're families at home. Safe travels. Thanks for being so generous with your skills, energy and capacities.
OpenOffice.Org releases public beta 2
The second public beta release of OpenOffice.org 2.0 is now available for download, and techies everywhere should go get it. This beta release allows a broad user base to test and evaluate the next major version of OpenOffice.org, but is not recommended for production deployment at this stage.
I hope to press CDs with this program, and its source code, for handouts in the weeks to come.
I hope to press CDs with this program, and its source code, for handouts in the weeks to come.
This second public beta release is the result of many months' work
improving upon the first public beta announced in March, 2005. OpenOffice.org 2.0 introduces a new database module, implements the OASIS OpenDocument XML file format and a myriad of other new features and capabilities. The redesigned interface and enhanced document filters combine to make the application even more interoperable with other office suites and easier to use and learn, regardless of operating system.
OpenOffice.org Conference - 2005 is slated for Koper - Capodistria,
Slovenia, from 28 to 30 September.
OpenOffice.org is a fully featured open-source productivity suite available as a free download for major computing platforms in over 45 languages. Data is stored in an XML file format standardised for office documents by the international body OASIS. OpenOffice.org is developed, supported, and promoted by an international community of volunteers with its main sponsor and primary contributor being Sun Microsystems.
Soon to be held CMU events: College of Fine Arts
See the comments for full listings.
Carnegie Mellon's Regina Gouger Miller Gallery, Exhibition Animal Nature from August 26 - October 2, 2005, with opening reception September 2 from 5-8 p.m.
Cuarteto Latinoamericano concert at 7:30 pm on Thursday, September 22.
Philharmonic - Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Director of Orchestral Studies, conductor, September 28.
Drama Production of Lysistrata, the classic Greek “make love, not war” comedy, October 6 through October 15. See notes from Elizabeth Bradley, head of the School of Drama. "The notion that women, appalled by the cost of war, would rise together in protest to thwart aggression is an enormously .... "
BILL SEAMAN, lecture, 5 pm on September 6 to explore text, image and sound
through multiple technological forms, exploring the continuum between physical and virtual/media space. He holds a M.S. in Visual Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and now heads the Digital Media Graduate Program at RISD.
And more.
Carnegie Mellon's Regina Gouger Miller Gallery, Exhibition Animal Nature from August 26 - October 2, 2005, with opening reception September 2 from 5-8 p.m.
Cuarteto Latinoamericano concert at 7:30 pm on Thursday, September 22.
Philharmonic - Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Director of Orchestral Studies, conductor, September 28.
Drama Production of Lysistrata, the classic Greek “make love, not war” comedy, October 6 through October 15. See notes from Elizabeth Bradley, head of the School of Drama. "The notion that women, appalled by the cost of war, would rise together in protest to thwart aggression is an enormously .... "
BILL SEAMAN, lecture, 5 pm on September 6 to explore text, image and sound
through multiple technological forms, exploring the continuum between physical and virtual/media space. He holds a M.S. in Visual Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and now heads the Digital Media Graduate Program at RISD.
And more.
Jerry's back
Jerry Bowyer promised you that he would be back on the Pittsburgh airwaves at the end of the summer, and he's true to his word!
Tune in this Thursday, September 1st at 3:00 pm to 101.5 WORD-FM. Jerry will do his show every weekday from 3-6 pm and looks forward to talking to his old friends on his new station.
Call the show and make Jerry feel at home at his new perch, as 412-921-TALK, (that is 412-921-8255.)
Cabela's -- Unreal.

What a store. Unreal. This one is in central PA near Rt. 78.

This is a new development. Wonder what type of tax breaks were used?
The store is massive. Selection ranged from a trailer for six hunting dogs, log cabin for the hunting get-a-way, rods, guns, clothing and even flip-flops. The prices were okay. The selection is what is such an eye opener.
I guess one is a bit closer on Rt. 70 too.
While in Boston we went to REI and other fun rec shops.
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