Friday, September 09, 2005

MoveOn -- OMG

Last night's 11 pm news showed a short story from Washington DC and Katrina. MoveOn sent protesters to rally in DC as to how the federal response in the Gulf was too slow, etc.

My wife (not too political) wasn't happy.

Her thoughts -- rather than a picket and a protest in DC, grab a broom and get to work helping someone somewhere.

One does not need to go to the Gulf Coast to help, by the way.

Main Page - Recovery 2.0 - a WIKI and people are gathering next week in S.F. too

Main Page - Recovery 2.0
Our goal is to be ready for the next disaster so people can better use the internet via any device to better:
1. share information,
2. report and act on calls for help,
3. coordinate relief,
4. connect the missing,
5. provide connections for such necessities as housing and jobs,
6. match charitable assets to needs,
7. get people connected to these projects - and the world - sooner.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: People Finder Tech

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: People Finder Tech: "There are over 50 sites on the web set up to help New Orleans evacuees and their loved ones find each other. Problem is, none of these sites talk to each other, so people trying to find their family and friends end up having to find and search every one of the sites, just in case the names they were hoping to see only ended up in a single database. The PeopleFinderTech team has set out to implement a standardized data format (PFIF, or PeopleFinder Interchange Format) for these sites, making it possible to search many (hopefully all) of the databases in one go. The database, when completed, will live at

The project is well underway, but still has some major hurdles to leap before it's ready -- and here's how you can help.

To apply for FEMA aid online, Katrina survivors will need IE 6 - Computerworld

Jagoffs smell.
To apply for FEMA aid online, Katrina survivors will need IE 6 - Computerworld To apply for FEMA aid online, Katrina survivors will need IE 6 Mac and Linux users will have to seek FEMA help by phone.

Just a few minutes ago I wrote a letter to the Creative Commons talk list with an update. I'll put that in the comments of this post.

Univ. of Pittsburgh has a club for LIBERTARIANS. The first meeting report follows.

Hi all! We had the first meeting of the Pitt libertarian club last
night, and I think it was a great success!

We had around 15 people come, many of them freshman students.

A few of them were there to get more information, and we had several that already knew alot about the LP that wanted to be very active (perhaps even meeting more than monthly) and raise funds.

We ate 4 out of the 5 pizzas we had (the 5th one was free...they had an extra one I think), cracked some jokes, discussed the politics of South Park and threw around some T-shirt ideas (one student's idea and later drawing of an elephant humping a donkey and the resulting hybrid was hilarious).

We also have another student named Scott, who is in the National Guard, whom shall be interesting to talk to in future about the geopolitics of the military.

Re: Dave E and CMU Libs: It turns out that 7 PM is too early, as there are several people that had night classes (Scott even skipped his first Calc class because he wanted to attend so badly!), so we decided to push the time back to 8PM, perhaps with a video to start things off and let the stragglers coem in. Dave, do you think you and the CMU people can work with this?

I've got to run now...more later!

Evil Jagoffs = MS and

These guys can rot in hell.

The list on that page has 27 sites but does NOT include Meanwhile, a group of volunteer netizens in a loose network there (and elsewhere) pounded the web and merged data from countless sources and crammed tens of thousands of records into a new standard interchange format. People were working their fingers to the bone and not a link to that site -- nothing.

The FEMA, Red Cross, Microsoft corporate folks did a hijack and some seemed to have left the citizen centric project after unloading poison pills.


This is ten days after the storm and that end-all, be-all mega site is just coming online.

By the way, all the work done in terms of bits and bytes by the volunteer network has been submitted and uploaded to the jagoffs' site. They got the data already. And they should have been given it. We all agree that the data should be out there -- far and wide. But, the data ain't coming back. And, the net isn't going to be there for the next update yet alone the next crisis.

I really gets me mad when some people don't play well with others. And, when it is by design -- it is worth a little name calling.

It feels like Steve Leeper or Tom Cox has their hands in this.

Well, more windmills await around the next bend and in the days ahead. Perhaps good, open cooperation will champion for 10-weeks then, rather than 10 days.

Perhaps after all those boneheads at FEMA get sacked, the next crew will arrive and see the stupidity and fatal flaws in thinking and process and security and accessibility and outreach and stability, etc.

Or, there is always the "INVESTIGATION" to come.

Flash slide show of 55 images from Katrina

Defining images of a disaster, from that requires the Flash plugin. - Olympics - Koreas agree on unified team for 2006 Asian Games

Playing well together is nice.

Generally I say that the mind leads and the body follows. Sometimes the body leads and the politicians follow too. Sports are a venue for improvements of relationships. I love to see advances in sports be transfered to other pursuits in life.
Sports Illustrated The two Koreas agreed to field a unified team for the 2006 Asian Games.
The agreement came during a meeting between the heads of the North and South Olympic organizations in the Guangzhou, China, the South Korean Olympic Committee said Thursday. Details are still to be worked out.

The nations also tentatively decided to form a unified soccer team for exhibition games against Brazil next spring in Pyongyang and Seoul.

Sports exchanges between the Koreas have flourished following a breakthrough meeting of the two nations' leaders in 2000. Athletes from the North and South marched together at the opening and the closing ceremonies of the 2000 and 2004 Olympics.

The 2006 Asian Games are scheduled for Dec. 1-16, 2006 at Qatar.

A geek's-eye view of hurricane relief - Science -

Good ink on a project I'm assiting with -- slightly.
A geek's-eye view of hurricane relief - Science -

But now there is much more brewing -- another storm. A fork of sorts. The FEMA and Red Cross and Microsoft folks seem to want to be a uni-center for data. But there are many others who are skeptical.

Katrina: Recovery Information Protection Act (RIP A)

Dan Chaney sent an email to katrinadev. We are working on a people finder application for use in the wake of Katrina. His post is at the top, followed by my reaction.

The Recovery Information Protection Act (RIPA, a term I completely made up as I was typing this in...) would be legislation designed to protect the information being posted in order to find survivors from being used for any other use, such as spam, commercial interests, etc. With the best of intentions, people are providing data on themselves and other individuals in order to find them. However that same data can be used for less altruistic purposes unless there are specific prohibitions against it. As generators of systems that collate and expand that data, we need to be aware of this issue. I am NOT suggestion we scale back efforts in any way, shape or form, the priority of finding people remains the highest priority (I'm not changing FamilyMessages' input screens, for example and we're continuing the PFIF implementations.) Nonetheless, a parallel effort to protect the use of that data should begin.

1. Does anyone know of existing legislation that would cover this issue?

2. Can anyone recommend US Congressional contacts that would be helpful here? I believe this would require quick action at the federal level (and that isn't the contradiction it seems if it can be a rider onto an emergency funding bill) but federal level is the only way to make it apply safely to the Internet.

3. Is there a downside to such legislation? (Let's assume it is narrowly drawn but precedent setting nonetheless)

I recognize this isn't a key issue for most of us focused on the technological, immediate and demanding issues but I'm hoping to help them head off another set of problems tomorrow by sidestepping them today. No one in their situation needs to deal with a million telemarketers with scams designed to play on their misfortunes,
financial or otherwise.



Dan, Good, proactive thread... Nice thinking. You open a big can of worms.

However, I don't think your proposed legislative direction makes for a good outcome. It is NOT something I'd want to push in the real world. But after slamming the core of the ideas -- I'll attempt to offer a better solution / direction / approach (perhaps we'll agree). So, Dan, nice jucy can of worms -- but no thanks. I'll take a different flavor -- say a JAR of worms.

READERS, this has NOTHING to do with "DEV" on the pressing software / network application. So, it will be my ONLY posting to this list. I'll take the concepts to the WIKI, however, and my personal blog. You can stop reading now if busy and only interested in the bits and bytes.

First off -- there is a NATIONAL Do not call database. They also exist on a state by state basis. We also have one in our state.

(FYI, I don't agree with DO NOT CALL LISTS either -- and my name and #s are not in that db. But, that is another point well beyond this.)

Plus, local state attorney generals can be at the forefront of your concerns. An attorney general could -- and should perhaps -- stand up at a press briefing (while talking about gasoline price gougers, etc.) and cover what you put forth in your concerns. The attorney general can say -- "HANDS off to the unscrupulous." Otherwise, you'll feel the wrath of my office, blah, blah, blah.

I'm fine and would even support you taking these concepts to any and all Attorney Generals of each state.

Next, in the marketplace, there is sure to be a lot of backlash to any firm who might mine for sales given these reports. Is Lands End going to do a special Down South Gulfin catalog for the fall season and try to target victims of Katrina? No way.

The data, as we'll be finding out, is going to be very, very fluid. People are on the move. A relationship with a moving target is hard to use in a direct marketing campaign.

Next there is delivery of goods purchased, etc.

But, on the other hand, the people are getting, so says the news, a $2,000 debit card. So, catalog sales and efforts would be possible.

Then there is the matter of the necessary navel gazing that needs to be done by those in office now -- as to the delays and investigations, etc. These guys need to take a long, hard look in the rear view mirror. They are in a reactive mode, sadly. This effort for new legislation is proactive and where they should be -- but they are not. I don't think it will resonate with any office staffers at this time.

This could be a good campaign point to mention in 2006 races, for sure. But it would need a lot of buzz to take root -- when roots are so frail.

Furthermore, why don't we allow the marketplace to heal when it can -- not make these people islands where there can't be outreach. Some want normal relations without "special interest" pockets of "isolation."

For example, perhaps there is a truck load of work boots for $5 a pair headed to the Gulf or a shelter -- and handbills are delivered. Who is to say that those efforts ( relief in part, commerce in part ) CAN'T occur except by special order of FEMA or some other bureaucrat.

I think the tone needs to be "buyer beware" and "protect yourself" and "don't be slopp with your personal security."

However, this does lead to the points of ELECTIONS and VOTER Registrations.

Since 2001's hanging chad fumbles and follies -- we've done more damage than good in efforts of Voter Protection, vote counting, and so on.

What if you are running for school board in Houston and there are 15,000 new neighbors -- and you gotta go door-to-door in the next month, before a November election. ???

We do need, as open-source folks, have good measures of freedom and responsibility -- BOTH are needed.

Furthermore, I think we need to elbow a few along the way in terms of "democracy" and "inclusion" and allowing every voice to count and/or be heard.

This (people finder) is a massive project where each individual needs to be accounted for. The same is true in our American society with voting. Each individual needs to be able to have the opportunity to cast a vote. Not just men. Not just land owners. Not just residents since before Katrina. There is a dignity and worth to every human that DOES not change because of situations (skin color, neighborhood,
parents, job status, etc.)

I don't think we need to be MORE controlling -- but instead insert more LIBERTY -- and have a big sense of the core justice avenues. In America -- we vote. We do JURY Duty. We are all innocent until proven guilty.

Generally, too, we have freedoms to associate and free travel -- and free trade.

We are sure to need efforts of protection -- but, IMHO, they need to be geared to inclusion -- not isolation.

More to come, I'm sure. I just thought of another option.

How about a Creative Commons License that prevents commercial use? I'll email Lessig.

Polo anyone? I hope so. Play begins this weekend at CV.

Dripping with desire -- I'm ready to re-enter the game.

In the early 1990s, I published what is thought to be the best book on water polo, authored by then four time and now five time Olympic Coach, Monte Nitzkowski.

Around the same year, I started some water polo activities at Plum High School. We played there twice a week with adults and high schoolers in a co-ed practice. We did drills and wash-scoring mini-games.

When I coached the Foxes, two of the seniors did "senior projects" with water polo. We even had a joint practice with another high school team to play polo. And, our Firday AM workouts were designed to not include lane lines. We often worked on water polo skills as a change of pace in our overall conditioning sessions.

When we went to China in May and June, 2005, I got to play twice a week with the men's squad against a college women's team. The Physical Education College was starting a water polo team for the women and they needed competition. I was happy to participate.

This weekend a new water polo program is starting in Pittsburgh, at Charties Valley High School. It is open to kids from throughout the area.

The Pittsburgh Water Polo LeagueAction and sign-ups are to start this weekend. The league presents the youth of the area an opportunity to join a water polo team and compete against other teams for the league championship. It is more like an "in-house league" as all the players come from the same location and no travel is involved. It is a great chance to learn the sport and play games against your friends.

This league is open to any boy or girl in 9th to 12th grade.

We need to have many additional water polo programs in this region. It is a great game and keeps many more kids in their respective aquatic programs.

In California, there has been a recent (last 8 years or so) trend to build mega water polo programs for kids of all ages. Some of the teams there now have a couple thousand participants.

I think a good program in the area could include adults as well. And, of course, it is a co-ed activity.

Best of luck to the participants and leaders at the CV program. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to attend, even as a spectator, one weekend in the future. I would have like to be more involved on a day-to-day basis, but our travels this fall prevent me from attending too many of the sessions.

The guys were larger, older and stronger -- but the water makes everyone much more equal.

Photo flashback: More water polo photos from June 1, 2005, while in China.

RUMOR: Show Me State converts prison into apartments / shelter for 10,000 Katrina survivors

This is a working post where the outcome isn't known -- yet. Help with insights is welcomed. Just leave a comment below, please.

I heard in Pittsburgh (from a trusted source, a grad student at Pitt with family in Missouri) that 10,000 people are taking shelter in apartments that were converted from a former PRISON.

Kwel idea. Take a closed prison, rush to convert the spaces to apartments, host your neighbors in need.

But, I can't find any news of this -- yet. Pointers would be helpful. So, in my search I wrote to a journalist with a byline in MO who had done a recent article on ways locals are helping and he replied within minutes:
To the best of my knowledge, that's merely a rumor.

Missouri recently closed an old prison and opened a new one, and I know people have floated the idea of using the old prison, but I don't believe it's happening.



Meanwhile, what has become of the old Allegheny Prison on the North Side?

Niagra Falls visit

There is little else for me to blog about now -- as I'm booked for a flight over the Pacific next month.
The Globe and Mail: Chinese leader still a mystery The President's latest crackdown on dissent has included the arrest of writers and journalists, tougher controls on the Internet, tighter police surveillance of activists, a clampdown on non-governmental organizations, forced propaganda education classes and verbal attacks on the 'bourgeois' system of Western democracy.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Mark your calendars: Pittsburgh Ballet picketing

Dance with musicians in the streets of the cultural district for labor and the arts!
Dear AFM Sisters & Brothers and Pittsburgh Ballet Orchestra Supporters,

On August 18th we held what we believe to be a very successful demonstration and gathering of audience support at the Pittsburgh Ballet's free public performance at Hartwood Acres in Pittsburgh.

Now comes the opening of the season's performances of the Pittsburgh Ballet WITHOUT THEIR ORCHESTRA. It is our goal to flood the streets in front of the Benedum Center Theatre with as many people as possible, who feel that this situation is not only a severe injustice to the Pittsburgh Ballet Musicians, but has serious ramifications for all AFM musicians who play for Ballet and other pit productions. We believe our Hartwood Acres demonstration DID make a difference, and a large demonstration for these opening productions will go a long way towards settling this dispute.

The dates and times of the picketing are as follows (shows start a half hour later):
October 6, 2005 7:00PM
October 7, 2005 7:30PM
October 8, 2005 7:30PM
October 9, 2005 1:30PM

ALL performance will be at the Benedum Center Theatre in downtown Pittsburgh-719 7th Street, 15222. It is on 7th Street between Penn and Liberty Streets.

Please come and join with us in these most important demonstrations. If you are coming from out of town, please do advise the Pittsburgh Ballet Committee and the Pittsburgh Musicians' Union via email (see addresses in the "copy" section), so we may have sufficient signs for everyone, and perhaps arrange for some hospitality.We also hope to have a large turnout from various segments of the Pittsburgh area community.

We hope you can join us in Pittsburgh; together we can win this fight.

Nathan Kahn, Negotiator
Symphonic Services Division
American Federation of Musicians

Leave My Child Alone -- well -- what do you (running mates) think of this?

Here is a pointer for something I've yet to examine. I need to do the homework. But, how about you? What do you think?
Leave My Child Alone Opt Out!

By completing the steps on these pages, you can create letters that will opt your child out of BOTH local and Pentagon databases.

Technology News via talks of Wiki wildness

If you still don't know what a wiki is -- its time to learn.
Technology News Article | News junkies find Wikipedia more than encyclopedia

Can I take my cat to swim at the Sandcastle wave pool too?

Animal Friends has a last splash of summer. Good place for fodder for cat blog postings.

Cats attend sporting events too! Flashback: Can you tell where this photo of a cat at a sporting event was taken? I also saw a dog or two in the stands as well, but didn't get a good photo of them.

Homework -- not just for Republicans: Young Patriots Essay Contest

Go for it. Don't simply just copy my blog postings. GOPUSA - Young Patriots Essay Contest Young Patriots Essay Contest

PARTY COMMITTEES begin to fracture because of the payraise

There appears to be some backlash aimed at the incumbents - from their own party committees! One county GOP committee has publicly denounced its own incumbents for their payjacking votes. One Democratic county committee is considering adopting a resolution condemning the payjack.

Dems, see the comments for a news story from a fair petition effort at a Dem booth that got hot.

The GOP state committee has a committeeman that is to propose a resolution condemning the payjack at their meeting this weekend.

These developments are particularly important to keep our eyes on as it is these committees that endorse candidates (incumbents) year after year. As such, PACleanSweep holds these committees responsible for their role in tainting the electoral system for all Pennsylvanians.

PA Clean Sweep: PCN call in show at 7 pm on SEPT 7

PACleanSweep founder Russ Diamond is slated to join PCN for a live call-in show about the pay raise issue. Russ will be in-studio for an hour to field calls with host Brian Lockman.

September 7th (tonight!!) at 7:00 p.m.

Call 1-877-726-5001 with comments or questions.

PA House Democratic Whip, Rep. Mike Veon, was also scheduled to appear on the program, but backed out for some strange reason. Rep. Will Gabig, reported sponsor of a bill to repeal the "unvouchered expenses" portion of Act 44 is now slated to appear instead.

See comments for tips on good questions to ask if you call in.