Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Action photo of our water polo game

The white caps are looking to shoot and score on the goalie -- red cap -- at the right edge of the frame. The defender has one arm high to block a possible shot. Shows good position for the offense with a semi-circle forming. No player is in the hole however.

Don't do this. I'm putting my hand on the top of the ball. Bad ball handling. Pick up the ball from the bottom.

Water polo coach and two players -- with two tourists. We just finished a practice game.

Erik took this photo.

It is hard to get good action photos of water polo as much of the water is in the way. The light is soft and the action is fast. Plus, I don't generally hold onto the ball all that long. So, getting good photos was very hard to do.

Water Polo Player -- in Chengdu.

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