Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Pitt Sports Blather -- Rantings on the Pitt's building woes

Pitt Sports Blather -- Rantings on the Panthers: "Apostolou/Rosser made the allegations in response to a lawsuit that Pitt and General Services filed in December in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court. The architects claim that Pitt filed its lawsuit 'as a means of redirecting criticism on this project' that was raised by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in a series of stories published in April.

My headlong involvement in politics came in the fight about Pitt Stadium. Closing the stadium and moving to the dwarf fields on the South Side was such a blunder. Seems to me that 'state of the art' should at least be regulation sized.

This adds insult to injury with the building of The Pete on the same space.

Big City Blues - CFO Magazine - February Issue 2005 -

Thanks for the pointer to

Big City Blues - CFO Magazine - February Issue 2005 - Pittsburgh doesn't look like a city that almost didn't pay its bills last year. Its streets are clean. Crime rates are low.

Sadly, the city's image in the article does not match mine in the slightest. The pools and rec centers are a mess. The kids are shooting each other. The flight is mounting. The ruts in our political landscape are hard to ignore.

There is much more to say within the article's content. Later.

Good grief and blog bye-ways

Nice PG article on the digital life and times some of us choose to lead. An online chronicle of grief Reading some of these blogs is like rubbernecking at the scene of a car accident -- it's difficult to watch but impossible to turn away.

But with their rising popularity, these journals may become the next big thing, said Amanda Lenhart, a research associate at the Pew Internet & American Life Project. During the recent presidential campaign season, political blogs were widely read as insider scoops. Online journals may serve both as ways for those going through a health crisis to talk about it and to promote awareness about various illnesses and conditions.

As I'm out and about more and more each week, I'm meeting more of the regular readers to this blog. Often it is just a passing nod to me. In a hurry tonight, one paced by me as he left the Gold Room and a County Council meeting saying, "I read your blog every day."

My reply, "Leave a comment."

I don't think so, he said. The he allowed how he's surfing from a public building. Yep. Makes sense. Keep a lid on the feedback. Thanks too for the words of encouragement and winks of appreciation.

Beautiful children too.

The issue of race in the mayor's race, again looms under the surface.

The PG reported in a line in the paper that Mark Brentley, a Pgh Public School board member, is a possible candidate for mayor. I called Mark as soon as I noticed the mention. It was yesterday, so no reply yet.

A comment from another via email:
I would say that there is a feeling that race is an important issue in this race and that someone must addresss it. If someone other than an African American trys to address the issue then it will hurt his chance of winning.

Humm... Race matters might be akin to the third rail for politics in Pittsburgh, so goes conventional wisdom. James Carmine and I talked a good deal about race issues in Pittsburgh four years ago. LeRoy Hodge was in the race on the Dem's side. Boy do I wish he was still with us.

Then comes the big can of worms when one starts to talk about our outgoing school boss, Dr. Thompson. I think Dr. T will do well in his future endeavors. I hope that they are local.

There are many that are left wondering about the well being of our district. The leadership from the professional educator matters greatly. The school board did not evaluate Dr. Thompson in any of the past three years. The board had not set any goals and objectives. To be fair, the board as a body has to have a majority to make actions occur. Board members learn how to count to five rather quickly, and often as on-the-job training, as there are nine on the board.

Board members said Dr. T is not the person to lead us in the future. Frankly, it might be hard to obtain a good superintendent when it is general knowledge that the board treats its supers in the manner it treated Dr. Thompson.

I agree with the notion that Dr. T was good for this district in many ways. None of us are 100% ideal. I can't see why this board would do what it did with an early buy out. Transition, evolve, and don't renew the contract, but don't dump on the person, the relationship with the role and the budget hit.

Even if the board had reason not to renew the contract, there seems to be no reason for not letting him finish out the term of his contract. The board members refuse to answer that question except to say that it is best for him and the district.


The Allegheny County Council voted to approve the TIF at Deer Creek last night. I was there to wintess it. Last month I spoke before council at the public hearing.

Cheers to David Fawcett, R, and Rich Fitzgerald, D, for the votes against the TIFs.

Wayne Fontana, Dem, and possible candidate for PA Senate, in the race I'm already in, voted in favor of the TIF, providing the corporate welfare deal for infrastructure.

Another worry, unspoken, includes the view that as the politicians become developers then the developers become the ones that govern. A role reversal occurs that isn't healthy. I want to see the elected politicians govern and the investors, developers, business people do their work in the economy. As they merge into the council meetings, and council worries about levels to the marketplace or profits -- then real trouble looms larger.

For example, the new strip mall is going to now include two clasrooms. A slice of the school is going to be among the stores and food court. Why in the world would we put two classrooms in a mall?

Most knew that the TIF was going to be approved. I'll fight another day. But it was interesting to see the TIF evolve to include various other treatments to the project from the outset, years ago. The opposition got a pound of flesh, so to speak.

I made a handout and passed it around to those there. It will also go to others such as Democracy for America crew as they don't want to see corporate welfare expand, as will happen if either of the old party candidates get elected to the PA Senate. The county chair of the Republican party, Bob G, was at the meeting to insure the TIF passed.

My statements are simple:

Too many TIFs are failures.

TIFs represent poor economic policies.

TIFs hurt our market place.

TIFs for sprawl are the worst.

My opponents support TIFs while I have been and will continue to fight TIFs.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Now Hiring

You are invited to consider, apply for and interview for a position with a
new team. The campaign of Mark Rauterkus for Pennsylvania Senate would like
to deploy your talents in meaningful opportunities in the weeks and months
to come.

Help make waves and win battles on issues. Building team seeks creative
participants. Earn political capital at the polls and gain experiences. The
special election for PA Senate is May 17, 2005.

Apply to: Launch Director, Robert Maple, an indie voter with email to:

Wanted: Tech literate, engaged citizens who want to make history and not be
a slave of it.

The campaign committee has people from all parties (and
that's more than two), various sections of the county, wide experiences and
diverse aspirations.
Candidate: Mark Rauterkus, 412-298-3432 (cell phone) Headquarters in the
historic South Side. (EOE - of course)

Pledges grants

Can we get it right once in a while, please.

I am in favor of safe pedestrian avenues, walking to school, crossing guards, ped bridges, curb cuts, bike lanes, and cross-walks. There are few if any that are as jazzed about sidewalks. The urban life needs clean and safe passage.

I've pushed strollers around town to a point that the tires went bald. Pittsburgh stinks in its surface treatments. Oh the stories that I'd tell -- for another day.

So this is great news:
Rendell pledges grants - "repair sidewalks and curbs and put up signs and maps in Oakland's Fifth and Forbes avenues corridor."

But the sticking point for me is that there are no schools around Fifth and Forbes, other than the colleges and universities. If we had an elementary school or middle school in town, that would be a different matter.

Fifth and Forbes needs a serious touch up. The present administration has starved that area by design. This area needs extra help, but it should be from the city, not the state.

When we burn money from the state, it is still our money. I don't care if you take it from the front pocket or back pocket, it is still our money. That money came from us, the taxpayers.

We need to take care of what we got. We can't punish areas like has been done at Fifth and Forbes and with other parts of town. We can't let our guard down so far. These sidewalks and curb cuts need to be a much higher priority.

Philadelphia & Saidel tops campaign cash list

Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/01/2005 | Saidel tops campaign cash list: "Philadelphians got their first glimpse of some of what really matters: the money.

Oh my gosh. Think again. What really, really matters is NOT the money. Money can't buy you love. Money can't buy you talent. Money can't buy you health. Money can buy you the friends that you might not really want.

New campaign-finance reports reveal who of the dozen or so rumored Democratic mayoral contestants spent time actively raising money last year.

At the top of the heap: City Controller Jonathan Saidel, who has raked in nearly $194,000, ending 2004 with nearly $380,000 in the bank for a campaign committee...

I'm on the task force that is working on a new suite of laws for Pittsburgh's campaign finance reform matters. We meet for the second time tomorrow.

The City Controller in Phili is a big advocate of the Land Value Tax. That is also a big point in my campaign. And, for Pittsburgh, we had it and lost it, thanks to Bob O'Connor. So, here is something that Phili is moving to and Pittsburgh is moving from. Harrisburg, as in the city of Harrisburg, has made some great strides to the land value tax and is seeing great results.

Great quote: "How much money a candidate raises is an indication of what sort of appeal he or she has to political fat cats."

Swim and skate opportunities

The two events, both with a sporting theme, were fine events.

The Carlington High School guy won as they host Montour. Pack the pool night worked. Meet at the meet worked. Should have made hand fans. Do that for next year. Got to meet with some swim parents in the stands.

The outdoor Schenley Ice Rink for Peduto's event was fun. Schenley Park, a RAD Park, (no RAD parks are on this side of the river) delivered good weather. A group of rug rat neighborhood kids came along for a good cause. Bill Peduto is gearing up for a two race season. He'll be defending his city council seat and, perhaps, being on the offense for the mayor's race. More news in a few weeks on the mayor's run.

My wife, kids and some friends should be there. My boys were the one's with helmets. Our family uses the rink once a week or more throughout the winter. They all love to skate. Sadly the city's lone indoor ice rink is closed, still.

When I do my kickoff for my re-election campaign, I'll make the party at the re-opened indoor ice rink on the South Side. I expect it will be a new building, energy efficient, green and such. And I expect it will have a private operator too, like it used to have.

I'd be involved and deliver plenty of oversight and management. When the private operators don't do what is required by contract, they'll be gone. The city did too little, too late and was too closed in the past in terms of these deals. And, the city shares much of the blame for cutting weird deals as well.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Love great music. Universal outreach. And not hidden for long

This artwork is from the cover of a band, The Three of Us. Funny for three reasons as the small group size fits my campaign staff. The campaign committee is growing. And, a new recruiter has signed up. Second, the hidden element fits on many fronts. The candidates are just starting to climb out into the open. Third, the music behind the cover is great. One song, Burgers and Fries, is one I hope you'll hear soon.

We had a great time at three different concerts this weekend with Mindy Simmons. She played on the radio the the SLB, in Shadyside and again in a private event.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Diven's in GOP: "Who's Next"?

Michael Diven is now a member of the Republican Party. Finally, a crack for Pennsylvania Republicans to exhibit some sway in the city of Pittsburgh.

Diven, who has oftentimes voted along Conservative issues, wasn't a great city councilman. Not even a good one. Don't know how he's done in the state House. A few former constituents told me that he was unresponsive and lousy.

Let me defend Mike: maybe the Democrats in leadership let him down and didn't give him anything. But now that he's a member of the Majority party, I think it should be rather nice to be a state House constituent. Maybe some Walking Around Money will make a couple of projects "happen."

Don't know if he'll win the Republican nomination for state Senate. He's going against a decent suburban guy; not known outside of his own town...but a decent guy. Diven certainly has the "news cycles" and name recognition.

But the interesting question is: will anyone else have the guts to follow? State Representative Harry Readshaw (D-Carrick) perhaps? Readshaw is the classiest guy in local politics, the Republican party would increase its power in the region expedentially, and there isn't anyone in the 36th legislative district dumb enough to run against Harry.

If Ralph Kaiser was still in the game, you know he might have gone. GOP probably doesn't want a guy like Ken Ruffing; I've been at the West Mifflin borough council meetings as a reporter and watched Mr. Ruffin inject himself into municipal politics.

The Republicans, if they were smart, would even go after a guy like Bill Peduto...conservative fiscally...while he might be more liberal socially, who really cares.

State Senator Sean Logan from Monroeville would be another interesting suburbanite to look at.

Do you think Republicans in the state House and Senate would be smart enough to talk with County Executive Dan Onorato? Might not have to, as he ran as a stronger fiscal conservative than one-time GOP powerhouse Jim Roddey.

But the city is the big jewel. Diven has taken a big risk; even if he weren't to win the Senate seat vacated by Jack Wagner, hope he stays in the GOP as a member of the state House. With majority rule in Harrisburg, the 22nd legislative district looks like it could be a nice place to live.

It'll be interesting to see what (if anything) happens.

Sala Udin would NOT be my choice for Dept. Mayor

I'm not making these types of job offers to Sala.
Sizzle in the steak house, fizzle on the field - "The word on Grant Street is that Lamb would appoint city Councilman Sala Udin deputy mayor

I respect Sala. He has a lot of sizzle. He'd be great in plenty of roles in the private sector.

Being his own man

Mike Diven: Being his own man - "Diven's critics will say the switch is about opportunism and ambition.

Not quite. Diven gave a hint what it's about last week.

First the headline. Bing his own man. Well, I'm all in favor of boys growing up to be men. I'm also in favor of people being themselves and not morphing into your manhood or being someone else's man. Slave trades stink.

But Diven ran away from one party and figured out he couldn't stay on his own as an independent and ran himself into the cozy confines of another party. Diven ran from a straw house to one built with sticks much like the little pig did when the big bad wolf came huffing and puffing.

If he was his own man, he'd handle the thug on his own turf.

Brad also misses the point when it comes to generous, overboard hype. Diven can give a "HINT" at a point and have it turn up in some manifesto.

Diven's career has been like a string of pearls -- all hinted together. Hints are not hard hitting to me.

Finally, being his own man is really not the goal that one should aspire to in the represenative form. He was elected.

As Diven was ejected by the dems, he ran away from accountability. And Diven ran to exploit an opportunity.

If Wagner's seat wasn't open, Diven would still be a Dem.

Diven could and should switch to the R's side and not run for the Senate.

Lost his phone lines

Brookline Democrat Diven switches to GOP: "Harrisburg Bureau chief Tom Barnes can be reached at or 1-717-787-4254.)

Note to Tom Barnes of the PG: Please make a mention of the one who is IN the race. Duty calls. Friends, please give Tom Barnes a call and ask him to be an objective reporter and always mention all the participants in the race when talking about the 42nd race. Barnes (with the PG) has an message machine at: 717-787-4254.

To reach Diven, now that his phone lines were cut off and he didn't make other avenues available, use his cell phone: 412-418-6691.

To reach me, Mark Rauterkus, use my cell phone too: 412-298-3432.

County Council's phone, for good measure, so as to leave a message for Wayne F, 412-350-6490.

Listing the numbers is healthy as we have a lot to talk about in order to get this city and region healthy.

What's Jayson's phone contact? Is there a political office with a phone for the row office guy too?

A.J. SPEAKS OUT -- and goes after my heart no less

Nice rant:

A.J. SPEAKS OUT I am now registered as no affiliation and I have no intention of supporting a system that lies to it's people. I challenge everyone of you to think with your own mind and don't just vote democrat or republican anymore because they don't care about you or me and If we do nothing then we will lose the greatness of this country and that greatness starts with voting.

You go, guy! Click to see the entire posting.

Perhaps this guy should be courted to the Libertarian party.

Flaherty won't run for mayor

PG: Tom's not running. Friday, January 28.

Because of his opposition to efforts to merge some Pittsburgh and Allegheny County services, City Controller Tom Flaherty announced yesterday that he will not run for the Democratic nomination for mayor.

Flaherty has said for weeks that he was seriously considering a run but yesterday said he did not want the job.

The announcement leaves one official candidate in the race -- Allegheny County Prothonotary Michael Lamb -- as well as former Council President Bob O'Connor, who has not yet made a formal announcement.

City Councilman William Peduto likely will make some kind of announcement next week, and others could still get into the Democratic race.

Republican Party officials also are seeking a candidate.

Flaherty, oh where to begin? I hope that the people in the controller's office and who have been part of the fight of opposition will come, in due time, to join my true struggle. Sure, the 21-year controller has been a big part of the problem. But sure, he has stood up to some of the ills as well. Some good. Some bad.

Flaherty does not need a resume building campaign like Lamb and Peduto do. Flaherty doesn't want to be mayor and have the city in a worthless, weakened, stalled condition. Without the WAM, Flaherty crams. (WAM = walking around money)

I could take some of the "opposition efforts" of Flaherty and recast them into more principled counter attacks that have more purpose. And my points of opposution isn't to prevent progress, as was the case with the machine. But, we've had recent progress in the wrong directions.

In the entire SABRE Systems saga, Flaherty attacked. But, the Flaherty attacks were leveraged against the wrong points and only landed on the person of Jim Roddey, R. Flaherty didn't attack the "unified tax plan" that Bob suggested and Tom Murphy had to embarace as well. No, the baby went out with the bath water and Flaherty was a front row witness.

I had agreement with Flaherty in that the city should not have celebrated 'distressed status.' The city's leaders should NOT have given up their control of the city to overlords. The power to the people has evaporated. However, I feel that the struggle from Flaherty should have materialized for much more meaningful justifications. And, now that the oversight board is here, as well as Act 47, I can live for a new day and new rules.

Take the good and use it. There is good and bad in each decision. We can't turn back time.

Those in the controller's office can be very independent. That's good. There is hope that they'll join in the campaigns I'm associated with in the future.

Friday, January 28, 2005

AP -- Dem close to joining GOP

AP Wire | 01/28/2005 | Allegheny County Dem close to joining GOP: "Senate Democratic aides said Diven this week asked them for $54,000 in campaign funds to pay off debt in exchange for him remaining a Democrat. Diven, who reported a $35,000 debt in December, said he never made such a request and that he would not base his party affiliation on it.

I'll meet with anyone. Mike called me yesterday and we got together this AM for a civil conversation as the 2-hour delay unfolded.

Understanding that I'm a realist and not in a fantasy land, here are some highlights from my vantage point: One: I'm in the race. Diven isn't. There is a great chance that he'll get second among Republicans and not make it to the special election.

Two: I've got my ideas and platform out there now. People have a clue as to what I stand for and what I care about. I'm in this for ideas, principles, values that are dear to me and to our community. Without a platform from him, its hard to have much of a conversation. Should I see ten press releases and position papers that deal with technology with the youth (he did start a computer lab that closed the minute he left city council) and recreation -- then I can begin to lift a smile. The formation of a Park District shouldn't be a foreign to the solution line-up in the months to come.

Presently, I've never heard Diven tell Mayor Murphy to resign. He still needs to go from Grant Street. Diven likes Murphy, alot. (gulp)

Presently there is a Deer Creek TIF in the process at Allegheny County Council. I hate TIFs. I've spoken against that one at its public hearing. Wayne Fontana, Dem, possible race participant as well, is in FAVOR of the TIF. He'll have to take some heat on that sprawl position, even for infrastructure. We need infrastructure redevelopment too. Diven who voted against a TIF or two back in the day needs to put out the word that the TIF is bad. Will he?

There is more that should be left for future postings. And, its time for the family meal.

Elsewhere mentions of mine in other blogs.

See the comments area:

One is to Grassroots PA: "PoliticsPA."

TV 11 says Tom F. won't run for Mayor: No Bob vs. Tom rematch.

Four years ago as I was a candidate, it was generally Bob vs. Tom. A dozen debats had ONLY Bob and Tom. Bob and Tom each spent $1M. Frick and Frack. Machine politicians. Then Tom Murphy is out but inject a different Tom! Oh no!

Now we hear that TOM Flaherty won't run for Mayor, so says the report on TV 11.

Humm.... Months ago I would have never expected him to be a candidate. Then I was more convinced that it was possible. Tom has some capacity to get fired up. But, he'd have the potential to overheat and melt-down too. And, perhaps, there might be others out there that might try to make his road more trouble than it is worth.

The other alliance to watch is between Tom F and Bob O. Will Tom stay neutral as he is the chair of the Dem party? I can't see him being "above the fray" in terms of the back-room dealings.

Thanks for your feedback.