Sunday, March 06, 2005

Giggle at the WHISPERS, as it hits close to home

This article snip in the Trib is funny. And, it hits close to home as well:
Fast Eddie flunks finance - "MAN OF MANY HATS. We received a perplexing news release this week from Pittsburgh City Councilman William Peduto regarding the staffing for his mayoral campaign.

Peduto announced that his campaign communications director would be someone he's very close to: Pittsburgh City Councilman William Peduto.

'Unlike some other candidates, Bill has chosen to speak for himself during this campaign,' Peduto the candidate said in the release undoubtedly approved by Peduto the communications director. 'Bill has a reputation for thoughtfully speaking out on many issues. In addition, Bill has a lifetime of experience speaking for himself.'

But if you wanted additional information on the release, you were instructed not to turn to the candidate or his communications director. No, any follow-up questions were directed to campaign manager P.J. Lavelle.

Probably just an internal campaign miscommunication.

I too could use a campaign helper on communications, media releations, press releases and PR. Or, just pick one.

To reach my campiagn manager, email Katrinia at

Playing music with new friends -- and doing it oh so well.

Teacher, I know the answer.

This was more than a concert. It was also an experience and educational opportunity. The teacher from New York engaged with the students from Pittsburgh.

Violin players from New York performed in Pittsburgh

Leader and his charges -- a musical gang of young people.

Editorial: Dan's world / A fantasy land of assessment caps won't last

Our ACE, Dan O, is told to get real in an editorial from the PG: Editorial: Dan's world / A fantasy land of assessment caps won't last
In Dan Onorato's world, the men are strong, the women are handsome, all children are above average and property assessments rise by no more than 4 percent. Even over three years.

The stage is being set for a three way showdown. At one point is the plan from Dan with a 4% cap. The other players are homeowners and public opinion. And the last comes the county council.

Saturday, March 05, 2005 Bush to visit family support center in Pittsburgh Bush to visit family support center in Pittsburgh President Bush and Laura Bush will visit a family support center on Monday as the first lady promotes a White House plan to steer at-risk youth away from gangs, the leader of the center said.

The Bushes will tour preschool classrooms and meet with teen program participants at the Providence Family Support Center on Pittsburgh's North Side, said Sister Maria Fest, a member of the Sisters of Divine Providence. She is also the executive director of Providence Connections Inc., which operates the center.

The center, which started in 1995, provides early childhood development, day care, after-school programs and parenting classes.

It also has a connection to the White House.

H. James Towey, the head of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, spoke at the October 2002 dedication of the center's new building. Fest also sat with Laura Bush during the president's 2003 State of the Union address.

Before she heard the news of the Bushes' visit, the office of faith-based initiatives called and asked Fest about her programs catering to teenagers, she said.

The president has budgeted $150 million over three years in Justice Department funding for anti-gang efforts.

Tonight, our family is hosting two teens from Ithica, New York. Both boys are in high school, one a junior and the other a freshmen. They are here with a group from their music school. They teemed with young musicans from the Pittsburgh Music Academy in Carnegie. Tonight we were treated to a fantastic string concert at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library in Carnegie. They were amazing, and joined with some of the Pittsburgh kids.

My boys, ages 10 and 7, are just thrilled to have the house guests.

This is one way to have an anti-gang efforts, music. Great music.

The touring musicans from Ithica play again on Sunday at the 11 am service at First Unitarian Church in Shadyside (corner of Moorwood and Elseworth). A one hour concert is set for 1 pm. The Suzuiki schools are doing some expert teacher classes. The visiting music teachers give a master's class where they teach the Pittsburgh kids and the Pittsburgh teachers watch and witness.

Another great way to keep teenagers out of gangs is to put them into a gang we want them in -- like a swim team. I think 5:45 AM swim practices three times a week makes a great gang intervention program.

Rendell, Comcast and Cable Modems still undelivered in Pittsburgh

Post Gazette: GOP turns up heat on Rendell 'Ed Rendell is on the payroll of Comcast and the state delivers a large grant for Comcast. People have a right to know who made that decision,' he said.

The city of Pittsburgh has a cable franchise agreement that has bounced around and now resides with Comcast. Used to be TCI and others. In the contract, clearly visible on the web, it says the city is to get some 80+ cable modems for use in city rec centers and senior centers. These provisions were made years ago.

Phili deals hatch skyscrapers and mega tax breaks. We in Pittsburgh, despite my attempts, can't even get some stinking cable modems to advance technology literacy.

Perhaps this will be next week's new release on the heels of the Bush visit and since a few of the Rec Centers opened again.

Tuesday -- two events on Transit

Peduto's campaign workers put this call out:
On Tuesday at 10:00 AM, Councilman Bill Peduto will be introducing a resolution calling on the SPC to support the use of flex funds to avoid PAT Transit service cuts and fare increases. We want to fill the room to show the region how important this issue is to Southwestern Pennsylvania. Please join us in support of public transportation.

RALLY TO SAVE PUBLIC TRANSIT, 10:00 AM in City Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City County Building, 414 Grant Street

The regular city council meeting is at 10 am. So, the rally must be the public comment period before the meeting. People get to speak for 3 minutes each. No need to sign up in advance. A real rally at 9:30 am on the steps of the city county building, then the 10 am meeting might have worked better. But, people might not show up to the rally at this date and time.

I'll be sure to have my transit statement at 10 am too.

At 7 pm, at an event on the North Side at Finnegan's Wake, (Drinking Liberally, no charge to enter), I'll give more details as to what to do for transit and how I plan on helping as a State Senator. Please attend if you can.

PG coverage: Fontana resigning county council seat -- soon

Fontana resigning county council seat -- soon Fontana resigning county council seat -- soon

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Wayne Fontana, the Democratic candidate for state Senate in the 42nd District, says he plans to resign his Allegheny County Council seat, just not yet.

Fontana rebuffed a call yesterday by Libertarian candidate Mark Rauterkus that he immediately resign the seat now that he has been nominated by the Democrats for the May 17 special election.

Rauterkus said the county's home-rule charter requires members of council to resign as soon as they become candidates for another office.

However, Fontana said he has opinions from the county solicitor and council's solicitor stating that he has 30 days from the time he is nominated to step down.

He also said he has been told by officials with the state Democratic Committee that he is not officially a candidate until he files formal paperwork with them. Fontana said he has until March 28 to do that.

Fontana is running against Rauterkus and state Rep. Michael Diven, a longtime Democrat who recently switched to the Republican Party, in the special election to replace Jack Wagner, who was elected state auditor general.

Another mention was made to this story on Rob Pratt's KDKA radio show. Pratt was on the air with an interview of the council chair, Rich Fitzgerald, D, about the assessments.

Council benefits from cap. That's the point: The TRUST has been broken!

Council benefits from cap - Fontana, who chairs council's assessments committee, said it is unfair to think personal interest will sway the vote on Onorato's plan. 'You have to trust that your elected officials are looking after the interests of the taxpayers,' he said.

You have to, he says, That is the point! We don't. The trust is broken. The connection between the right course of action and what really gets done is absent. The "gotta trust" song has departed the political landscape of Pittsburgh.


The slogan for the breakfast cereal, Wheaties, is breakfast of champions. The PG reporter was right. The menu was with eggs over easy. I'm not sure if anyone broke a yoke. I'd love to talk about this race, point by point. However, it is too late and the recap would put readers to sleep.

Mayoral candidates meet over breakfast He said he was the only candidate who has managed a large public office amid budget constraints. In terms of consolidation, he said he was the only one to have 'actually walked the walk, going so far as to recommend the elimination of my own position.'

Lamb isn't walking the walk in terms of speaking about the county charter's violation. Why have row-office reform when the ones in office don't behave as they should. We don't need reform, we need to read, comply and be fluid.
Les Ludwig did do a wonderful job. He nailed home the points on creativity.

The Ludwig answer to a question about development and the role retail has in that mix was astonishing. He blew me away. I expect the leaders in the audience got the points. Others on stage didn't. This was a clever, as Les didn't use the word retail, development, nor subsidy once in his answer. He talked about the customer base that is needed to make retail work. He talked about the money and a multiplier effect when we have people of all ages living here. It was as if the word "retail" was not even worth a breath of his attention.

To the uninformed, one could listen and think he was off-target and scattered in the delivery.

Then Peduto went right into the Ludwig trap. Peduto talked about the past studies that looked at the region and the six or eight core strengths: robotics, bio-tech, eco remediation, blah, blah, blah. A study was cited, something Bill Peduto can do well. But all in all, Peduto's tight focus on the business marketplace allowed him to ignore the one factor that Pittsburgh has above all others -- seniors. Pittsburgh is what it is. Pittsburgh is a mecca for growing old. with grace. Les said that there isn't one master plan that deals with home health care for the city. Zippo.

That was a great exchange for what was said, and what wasn't said.

As soon as the others learn to chew up their food and their opponents, Ludwig will be wearing the champion's belt, as awarded from the ringside judges.

In a four, five or six way debate, given the big guys with so little to say, the soaring numbers is going to be with Ludwig. But, there is a long way to go from zero.

ARTICLE in Trib - glad to raise a chuckle out of my opponent -- all the way to April Fools Day

Candidate tells official to quit - Candidate tells official to quit

By Glenn May, TRIBUNE-REVIEW, Saturday, March 5, 2005

A campaign foe of Allegheny County Councilman Wayne Fontana is accusing Fontana of violating county laws by remaining in office while seeking election as state senator.

'He has a little bit of power, and he doesn't want to relinquish it,' said Mark Rauterkus, Fontana's Libertarian opponent in the race to fill the 42nd Senate District seat vacated by Jack Wagner, now the state auditor general.

Rauterkus points to language in the county's home rule charter indicating that council members shall not be candidates for nomination or election to other offices 'without having first resigned from county council.'

Fontana and Jack Cambest, the council's solicitor, said the definition of a candidate as spelled out in the county's administrative code means Fontana has a few more weeks before he has to give up his council seat.

'I'm going to resign by April 1, no question,' said Fontana, 54, a Brookline Democrat.

Cambest said the administrative code would require a council member to resign in a regular election immediately upon filing nomination petitions, but the rules differ for special elections.

Nominations for special elections are, in effect, bestowed upon a candidate by a party rather than sought by the individual, Cambest said.

Fontana has been endorsed by the local Democratic Party to run for the Senate seat, which has the effect of giving him the party's nomination once the decision is accepted by the state Democratic Committee.

Cambest said Fontana has 30 days under party rules to reject the nomination or to accept it by filing papers with elections officials.

If he accepts it, Cambest said, Fontana must resign his council seat.

Fontana has until March 27 to file papers.

The special election will be held May 17, the same day as the primary.

The Senate district includes neighborhoods in the south and west of Pittsburgh, as well as 20 municipalities in the suburbs.

Rauterkus said Fontana owes it to voters to concentrate either on county council or on the race.

Fontana laughed off the idea that running for the Senate will shift his attention from being a council member, which is a part-time job.

'You gotta be kidding me,' Fontana said. 'I've been doing a full-time job the whole time I've been on council.'

He said Rauterkus is playing politics and he doesn't know why Rauterkus wants him to leave the council so quickly.

Council members have long complained about the resignation rule, saying it was inserted into the charter by state legislators to fend off potential challengers.

County voters twice in 2003 rejected referendums seeking to abolish the rule.

Rauterkus said the rule helps officeholders stay focused on their current posts instead of using them as steppingstones to higher office.

Two other big points didn't make the article. The election to fill the seat after the resignation might not be able to materialize between April 1 and May 17. The county suffers. We'll have a hand-picked member on county council for seven months. The un-democratic democrats theme returns.

The other point of reason is that a possible shift in candidates is possible. Wayne could step out of the special election and make way for another to enter the race.

Burnt out -- not me but many others.

This email came from a contact:Could you please remove my email from your list as I am leaving CMU. ITs not that I disagree with your observations its just that I have finally reached the age where I am so sick of County and City polotics, I can devote one more square inch of my stomach lining to them. The assessments really crown the bunch though.

But alas its too late to save the city or the county. They are done. Both have successfully put a sign up saying "Go Away" or "You'd have to be crazy to work or live here." I admire your energy. I have lost it over planning and zoning issues and crime
Its someone elses battle now. See you sometime under better circumstances like downtown slipping into a sink hole.
Sadly, these types of emails are all too normal.

People vote with their feet. Too often the feet are taking the worn away from the city.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Resignation waves, and Michael Lamb won't stand with me on the request.

I was asked by a State Rep via email:
Why not file for a declaratory judgment? You can accomplish the appropriate result and get some press.

Press is coming. (I think I can, i think I can, i think i can...) Watch for a letter by a long-time friend in the PG. I talked with a reporter from the Trib. Two days ago I gave a KQV interview. The South Pgh Reporter was going to follow-up and City Paper showed some interest.

I'm one who is NOT in favor of running to the courts to settle our issues. I'd rather keep pressing the voters.

Every hour Fontana does NOT resign he drops another 50 votes.

Let him not resign. I still win. I'm a "champion of democracy."

Meanwhile at a downtown event this morning, I got to direct a question to Michael Lamb. Lamb should know the county charter. Lamb is in the same county district as Wayne Fontana. Lamb is a leader among Dems. Lamb is a reform kinda-guy, so he says.

I asked Michael Lamb to stand with me and join in with the call for an immediate resignation of Fontana.

Michael Lamb said "No."

Email blast: [412] Resignation Requested and Required - (making waves and awake)

Email blast shows archived message. It is reposted as the first comment.

Wilburn, Director of Social Policy and Research reports:

The release on Fontana was very good. Your comments on WDUQ yesterday about transportation was on target as well.

At this point Fontana is running on his record as County Councilman and banking on his name recognition. Diven is trying to run on being a Republican puts him in with the majority party in Harrisburg, thus able to do more for Pittsburgh. What he forgot to consider is that this is a Democratic strong hold, bad mouthing Dems do not get many D votes. He also will be running having to deal with his switch. Switching is not one of those things that go over well in Iron City.

Notice that none of them are ready to address state issues. Right now the field is yours. Getting our top issues out there may enable you to have them playing catch up. We could set the direction of the short lived campaign and get people to take notice.

Good job, if only we had some money.

Take Care,

Wilburn Hayden, Jr.

Election's big question: Who would want to lead troubled Pittsburgh?

AP Wire | 03/03/2005 | Election's big question: Who would want to lead troubled Pittsburgh? MIKE CRISSEY, Associated Press

Thursday, March 03, 2005

County wants to limit diesel engine idling. Thanks GASP! This type of wellness gets my full support.

County wants to limit diesel engine idling The Allegheny County Board of Health approved a regulation yesterday to limit unnecessary idling of diesel trucks and commercial buses that's similar to one already on the books for school buses.

I walk my kids to and from school each day. I've noticed a huge difference since the school bus idle restrictions have come into being. Thanks! This is a good next step.

County posting new property values on Web site -- Another VICTORY

County posting new property values on Web site Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato said the new market values for reassessed properties would be posted on the county's Web site after 5 p.m. today.

Dan listened. When this story broke, I wrote and even called Dan on this very issue. Then I caught him on a talk show last week. It was one week ago. Then he said that the numbers were being worked on, but hinted at it being much longer into the future until they'd be released.

Thanks Dan.

Let's read em and weap.

We need an open government approach.

Until now we were talking about a set of numbers that were unknown.

I'm going to give credit where it is due. And, I'm going to say I had a hand in pushing for the release of these numbers so soon.

Next, let's get down to brass tacks. Let's begin to renew a topic that I had raised before -- assessment buffering. I feel that a one-third assessment buffering plan would be a much better solution.

To implement assessement buffering, I'm going to to need to be elected to the PA Senate.

Simple reading of county charter reveals the details.

Clearly states in the county charter, a candidate can't be on council

Wayne Fontana is in violation of this part of the
county charter (in PDF).

A County Council Member, (such as Wayne Fontana, the vice-chair no less,) shall not be a candidate for nomination or election to any elected political office other than that of County Council without having first resigned from County Council.

We are working hard on County Row Office Reform. What about the reform that is taking place now due to the rule-breaking of the charter. We need reform. But we need to not break the existing structures that are in place.

Sometimes we don't need reform.Rather we need to replace these people. We need respect. And when things don't go as they should, we need to react.

Smoke Free City

I would love to see cigarette smoking go out of style.

I recently discovered a local group, Smoke Free City, that seeks to make this happen. I especially like that they provide information about where you can go to get a meal or a drink without being choked by cigarette smoke.

Their legislative agenda is primarily focused on overturning the state's (PA's) pre-emption laws that prevent local governments from regulating smoking in their own way. I get goose-bumps every time some social reformer wants to change society by legislative fiat, but at the moment their agenda is pretty reasonable.