Mayoral hopefuls debate police review board 'If you have a mayor who coddles the police, they're going to continue to run amok. Bob O'Connor's in bed with the [Fraternal Order of Police] -- he's not going to challenge the FOP,' Kendrick said.
James Carmine and I were both in strong agreement with the Citizens Police Review Board in 2001. Meanwhile, the front-running Dems were not.
In 2005, Bob O'C has not chaged his tune. Now Bob is the only one still out of touch on this important issue.
But, as a small note, where is the City Council member to the Citzen Police Review Board? A seat designated for appointment by that body has been empty for a year. So, what's up with that?
Peduto pushed for the Citizens Police Review Board at the start -- but what about the follow-up? I worry and wonder.
Continual execution of the plan and continual outrage of its stumbles are needed from council's members -- and other leaders who might like to one day be mayor.
We don't need Bob to build new bridges here and there as much as we need hi to walk all around the pavement that is already in place. We don't need new bridges. We just need the right people to be forced to show up -- or go work elsewhere.
And I don't take too much comfort in the answer from Bob about how he'll "follow the law." If a lawyer told me to do xomething -- then that's what I'll do. Yeah, right. The lawyers you pay often have a way of giving you the answers you want to hear. Mayor's have a good pool of lawyers to leverage on their behalf.
The citizens voted to enable the citizens police review board. The citizens want it still. The review board has never worked well. The city has an opportunity to recraft energy for the board and get it rolling.
In two or three years, then we can look to retool the CPRB, if needed. Let's get it moving as it should in 2006.