Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ballot Access Coalition announces speakers for voters choice act rally

For more information contact:
- Ken Krawchuk, 267-496-3332
- David Jahn, 610-461-7755

The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition will be holding a kickoff rally to introduce their Voters Choice Act on Saturday, September 24th, at 4 PM in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg, with a reception to be held immediately afterwards at the Harrisburg Hilton, Second and Market Streets in Harrisburg, beginning at 6:15 PM. Both events are open to the public.

Speakers at Saturday's Rotunda rally include the 1998 and 2002 Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Ken Krawchuk, Libertarian Party state chair Dave Jahn, former Green Party state chair Jennaro Pullano, Constitution Party national chairman Jim Clymer, Reform Party state treasurer Tom McLaughlin, and John Murphy of the Ralph Nader campaign, among others.

Speakers at the Hilton reception include the 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik, among others, and entertainment will be provided by Green Party activist Tom Mulligan.

The Voters Choice Act reforms Pennsylvania's draconian ballot access laws by leveling the playing field for third parties and independent candidates. Under the current law, Democrats and Republicans must collect 2,000 signatures to have their names placed on the statewide primary ballot, and none at all for the November ballot. However, to have their names placed on the November ballot in 2006, third party and independent candidates will be required to collect a minimum of 67,070 signatures, more than 33 times as many, despite a Constitutional provision that "Elections shall be free and equal".

The Voters Choice Act would change the definition of a minor political party from the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of a recent winner's vote total) to one based upon statewide voter registrations (0.05%), and allow minor political parties to nominate candidates for all offices directly according to their party rules, and at their own expense, rather than by the existing nomination papers process. Independent candidates would continue to nominate candidates for all offices via the current nomination papers process, but using the same signature requirements required of the two old parties rather than the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of a recent winner's vote total).

A copy of the Voters Choice Act and its accompanying white paper can be found on the Coalition's website at

The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition (PBAC) is an association of representatives from Pennsylvania’s largest political third parties and independent campaigns, including the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the America First Party, the Reform Party, the Prohibition Party, the Socialist Party, the Unified Independent Party, the New American Independent Party, and the Ralph Nader campaign, among others.

The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition, PO Box 309, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
Voice: (610) 543-8427 Fax: (215) 572-9248

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

KSDK News - FEMA Sends Trucks Full Of Ice For Katrina Victims To Maine

KSDK NewsChannel 5 - Where The News Comes First - FEMA Sends Trucks Full Of Ice For Katrina Victims To Maine

Flight 93 movie and memorial

A couple of my friends have recommended the Discovery Channel film about Flight 93, the plane that was hijacked on September 11, 2005 and crashed in Somerset County, PA -- about 130 km east of Pittsburgh.

The film is called "The Flight that Fought Back" and the Discovery Channel is selling it on DVD. I checked it out and decided that this is a really good deal:
  1. They say that the ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE will be dedicated to the Flight 93 memorial
  2. There's no charge for shipping (enter code FLT93)
  3. The total comes out to about $23.
It's a good deal, raising money for a good cause, and helping to memorialize the heroic actions of the 40 passengers on Flight 93. Check it out.

Sunnyhill, our church, turns 40 this weekend.

Keep on thinking free.

We'll be missing The Great Race due to services. Oh well.

PA Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims News - Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims 09/16/05
Advocate staff writer

In the midst of administering chest compressions to a dying woman several days after Hurricane Katrina struck, Dr. Mark N. Perlmutter was ordered to stop by a federal official because he wasn't registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Rescuing a School Technology Program: Linux Thin-client Overview OP/ED -

Rescuing a School Technology Program: Linux Thin-client Overview OP/ED - Rescuing a School Technology Program:
Linux Thin-client Overview

Oak Hill developer sues Pitt over tactics

Pitt, known for taking other universities to court to force them to be friends in a football conference, is playing under the table games with others now.
Oak Hill developer sues Pitt over tactics A developer is suing the University of Pittsburgh, claiming that it's offering 'inducements' to Hill District residents in an effort to undermine a proposed housing expansion.
The inducements include scholarships and business opportunities for key residents of the Oak Hill development, says the lawsuit by Boston-based Beacon/Corcoran Jennison, which owns that 639-home complex.
The lawsuit, filed in Common Pleas Court, is the latest heave in a long tug-of-war between the developer and Pitt. The developer wants to build 200 more homes on land bordering Pitt. The university wants the land for sports fields.

Who was it that told Pitt it could buy off his influnece if Pitt used the old Pitt script on its helmets? For two games this season, we'll see turn the clock back uniforms with the Pitt script! (giggle)

It stinks to have bullies in your neighborhood. It stinks worse when the bullies are non-profit institutions. It stinks tripple-dog bad when the bullies are universities -- institutions of higher learning.

OMG. "Mostly is is our way of saying to Pitt -- back off." The developer isn't done playing with its vision.

Pittsburgh needs to be done with the playing of childish games.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Disasters and governance

WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Disasters and governance by Jon Lebkowsky

Libertarian Party statement on eminent domain reform

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
3863 Union Deposit Road #223
Harrisburg, PA 17109

For Immediate Release:
Date: 09/20/2005

For more information contact:
Doug Leard (Media Relations) or David Jahn (Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS

Eminent Domain Reform
A step in the right direction, but further steps are needed

The State Government Committee is holding a public hearing on House Bills 1835 and 1836 on Thursday, September 22nd at the City Council chambers in Pittsburgh. House Bills 1835 and 1836 reform Pennsylvania statutes to prevent municipalities from using eminent domain to appropriate property to:
• turn the property over to a non-public interest
• add or increase the tax base of the municipality
• take land by condemnation without a reverter clause in the declaration of taking.

This clause assures that the property will revert to the condemee or his/her heirs or assigns should the condemned property ever be used for a non-public purpose.

"While a step in the right direction, these bills do not address the root cause of the outrage over the Supreme Court decision," said Ken Crippen, Chair of the Legislative Action Committee of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. "Municipalities still have wide latitude to take our property by just declaring that the property in question is in the 'public interest.'"

The United States Supreme Court ruled in the Kelo v. City of New London case that local governments hold the power to widely interpret what “public use” means for their purposes. As witnessed by the Kelo case, this expanded power comes at the expense of tax paying property owners.

According to David Jahn, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, "the Supreme Court betrayed the constitutional sanctity of property rights in the Kelo decision. Local governments can now seize private property and transfer it to developers of shopping centers, office complexes, hotels and sporting arenas for no more reason than the wishful hope of an increase in local tax revenues. The Court’s decision blights the 'public use' clause of the Fifth Amendment with corporate welfare."

The Libertarian Party plans to make eminent domain and the protection of private property rights a key campaign issue in 2006.

The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States with over 600 officials serving in office throughout the nation. Please visit or for more information on the Libertarian Party.

Running Mates, help. Input on eminent domain needed urgently!

I'm slated to make a presentation for up to 10-minutes (with 10-minutes of time for possible questions from the committee) to a PA State House Committee hearing slated for Thursday afternoon on Grant Street (City Council Chambers) on EMINENT DOMAIN.


Got content? Insights? Tips? Pointers?

Want to offer your services as a reviewer of a draft of my prepared statements? Email me,, and watch your inbox for their arrival shortly.

Frankly, I'm not too worried. But, I do want to put out this call in advance to others who might like to have a meeting on the minds about this important issue. Thanks for the consideration.

Otherwise, I'll upload the statements to this blog in the next 48 hours or so.

Flex Your Rights (wallet card)

1. Officer, am I free to go?

2. Officer, I don't consent to any searches.

3. Officer, I want to speak with a lawyer.

The movie, Busted, from, was shown at Pitt by the College Libertarians.

The Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable causes, supported by Oath or affimation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons of things to be seized.

Alcosan Open House

Gratis events for the public from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, October 1, 2005. Call 412 732-8002, or

Welcome to Pittsburgh, Mr. Roosevelt. My address to the Pgh Public School Board and Administration

My words: Welcome to Pittsburgh, a city where politics matters, as it should. But where what matters in politics isn't as it could be.
Statement before the Pittsburgh School District and its Administration, September 19, 2005

Statement before the Pittsburgh School District and Administration
September 19, 2005

From Mark Rauterkus, 108 South 12th Street, South Side, 15203
412 298 3432

I'm a parent of two students at Phillips Elementary (PPS), a community activist, swim coach, former stay-at-home dad, and a ballot candidate:
-- for PA Senate (May 2005),
-- for mayor, city of Pittsburgh (May 2001), and
-- expected candidate for City Council, 2006.


Welcome to Pittsburgh, Mr. Roosevelt. (I too am Mark R.)

We both are self described non-traditionalists with shared interest in education and politics.

Politics is a part of life. Only the foolish choose to ignore it.

In my opinion, Dr. Thompson tried to ignore politics. Upon Dr. Thompson's arrival to Pittsburgh, like those before him, I wrote him a note saying we had a dysfunctional political landscape. In computer-speak one could say, “garbage in, garbage out.” I hinted that the life of a school superintendent would bound to be full of frustrations as long as this Pittsburgh political quagmire persisted. Dr. Thompson was not interested in actions in this realm. Suffering in our community continues.

Three on city council formed an alliance to exert influence in school board elections. These were no friends of public education. (Diven, Motznik, Ricciardi)
A+ Schools is a resume builder for Michael Lamb and certain factions and special interests.
A wealthy gatekeeper for school board elections has been Elsie Hillman who can stroke $10,000 checks for lawn signs so as to win the day.
Religious leaders, such as Rev. John Monroe, are going to work themselves into a state of frenzy and protest – perhaps with another extended prayer in the public school's board room disruption's sake.
The teacher union leader, the late Mr. Fondy, never was known to speak to non-Democrats without an abundance of profanity.
Mayor Tom Murphy only came to the school administration when he was seeking a TIF (tax break for a new development). That robs the present incomes on the hope for the future – but they have not pulled their weight in the slightest.
Bob O'Connor spoke in all seriousness when he said, if he was mayor, every school student would have his homework completed by 6 pm. Yeah right. I guess he has an after school magic pixie dust.
The state situation is no better as Gov. Rendell can't understand why 80-percent of the school districts in the state didn't swallow his plan for gambling incomes.

Pittsburgh's dysfunctional political landscape comes from neglect.

The good news, with some attention, the potential for improvements exist. Great strides can be made with some time and energy investments – and a new attitude. Benefits are sure to touch the lives of the students and school performances – and city-wide wellness.

Politics and voting are significant elements of the American way. We need an open minded approach that is inclusive and educational. The decision logic for voting in Pittsburgh is frail. Sadly, ignorance rules.

A solution suggestion:
I would love to either lead or assist with a coordinated effort from the Superintendent's office to create an extensive position paper. Perhaps it should be called a “PINK PAPER on Pittsburgh Politics and Schools.”

Better policies on politics can be established after wide debate:
Where are:
- school assembly opportunities,
- TV debates (with cable and public TV),
- policy talks with web streamed delivery, and
- zones for politicians and issue discussions at and following PPS sporting events?

A handout from a suburban school district invites citizens to meet the candidates for school board at a school function. Those type of events are rare in Pittsburgh.

Furthermore, suburban districts have the distinct advantage of being smaller and more intimate in terms of knowing candidates. In the suburban districts, neighbors have better chances of knowing one another. Pittsburgh's larger, urban district has 10 times the schools and neighborhoods yet the same number of board members. City-wide, Pittsburgh needs many more opportunities to meet the candidates, but we have less.

Another problem stems from petitions. Petitions should be dealt with in a simple and direct manners – and not treated as if they were plans for the overthrow of a dictator.

Another larger solution suggestion for the political landscape of Pittsburgh and schools is to end the stepping-stone trend.

I'd love to see a rule/law/charter addition that is similar to the one in place with Allegheny County Council. Twice, the voters of the county upheld a charter provision that makes a resignation necessary before a member of county council can seek candidate status for another elected office.

If you are on county council and you want to run for state senate, you need to resign your seat on county council before you are a candidate for the other office.

People like this rule. It imposes a clean purpose. Those with ambitions elsewhere need to leave their present positions first.

The same would work wonders for Pgh Public School Board Members.

I think those on the Pittsburgh Public School Board should be IN-ELIGIBLE for any ballot position for two years from the concluding date of their tenure on the board.

We have a history of others using the school board as a way to increase in power and and personal influence. This career advancement uses the school board seat as a stepping stone to other jobs.

Valerie McDonald and Barbara Burns moved to City Council after being on the school board.

Once the elected school board members – and the public know that these positions were TERMINAL and not a pathway to advancement -- then a different flavor of behavior and different style of candidate for these seats for arrive.

We need politics in the schools, about school matters and beyond. We do not need to continue the flooding that rage from a litany of other political factors appearing in our school decisions. Now it is as if the tail (politics at large) wags the dog (our schools, educational efforts and children's best interest). This happens because of ignorance by design from the main body.

Education reform might work without any political process reform. However, education reform that occurs with political reform, in parallel, is what I desire.

Reform should be like a pitched fork – with multiple prongs, one being politics.
Or, the dog can be whole, tail and all. But each needs to be aware and engaged and grounded.

Welcome to Pittsburgh, a city where politics matters, as it should. But where what matters in politics isn't as it could be.

State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue

Pipedreams go poof!
State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue
Who woulda thunk it.

The over-hyped gambling incomes are now not what was promised. Nor are the new incomes to arrive when they were expected.

Too little. Too late.

Mayoral candidates endorse bike trails

Mayoral candidates endorse bike trails 'I'm all in favor of expanding the bike trails and getting them to come together as a unit,' said Republican nominee Joseph Weinroth. 'Whether I would put that as a top priority? I don't think so.'

Joe does not think bike trails should be the top priority but fails to mention what would be a top priority.

Bikes should be a top priority in terms of city transportation. They are effective, economical, efficient.

But sadly, Mayor Murphy's view of bike trails is to go to DC -- and same for Bob O'Connor. When going to DC, bikes are NOT economical, effective nor efficient.

Bikes can be a lifeblood for the city in terms of getting people and goods to school and work.

Gas prices are up again. The gas prices went down -- for a week -- and then the went up on a rebound. Ouch.

Cars and toll roads are not the answer. Parking garages and parking taxes are sources of headaches.

We can't bike everywhere in this city. Going to Carrick on a bike is hard work and isn't happening. But, going from the South Side Works to Hazelwood to Station Square to Downtown to the North Side and to the Strip District makes for flat, easy bike transport.

People can use bikes well in Shadyside and Oakland too.

If we had a few simple road treatments -- bikes could go much farther in our city.

Monday, September 19, 2005

'Last Chance' casino by Dimitri

'Last Chance' casino - Now that the City of Pittsburgh has mastered the nuances of urban redevelopment, retail merchandising -- and pretty soon rodent control -- it wants to own a casino.

Going to speak to the Pgh Public School Board tonight

I'm going to speak tonight and share some ideas with the Pgh Public School Board about politics. Mark R is in town and on the job now as the new boss of the schools. He's a man with a politcal background. I'll offer up a few of my suggestions -- formally.

School board members should not be permitted to enter the ballot for any other elected office for a two year period following their exit from the the Pgh Public School's board.

Once the elected postion as school board member was converted into a somewhat "terminal" position instead of a stepping-stone to other, higher elected office, then serious school advocates who want to better the schools would run for those offices rather than those who want to better their power-base at the expense of the school students.

Those who work in The White House know that they won't be able to leave their position as an employee in the White House and just pick up any other position they'd like (like with a lobby firm).

More to come, sortly.

Green Event with 2004 Presidential Candidate in Pittsburgh

David Cobb (Green Party Presidential Candidate, 2004) and Titus North (Green Party Candidate for Mayor of Pittsburgh) are slated for a House Party/Fundraiser at 2140 Wightman St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, September 20, 2005.

Suggested donation for the fundraiser $10.

David Cobb is billed as a true hero of Election Reform, a passionate speaker, and he is definitely one of the strongest National voices for fair and auditable elections.

Gipper, gadfly, or GOPer

Gipper or gadfly? - "Allegheny County's Republican Committee should not consider the coming mayoral election as an inevitable failure. Bob O'Connor, poised to snatch the Grant Street throne from Tom Murphy, began his political identity as a registered Republican.
Yes, a Republican.

Word on the street says Tom Murphy was a Republican as well. And, he went to the established Republicans early in his ramping up for elected office and put the cards on the table. He sold his soul to them in some early meetings and got into bed with the Allegeheny Conference.
To this day, many Pittsburgher folks are sure Tom Murphy isn't a Democrat. I was on a talk-show and this same noise came up. It is everywhere. Tom Murphy acts like a Republican comes from the Dems and the denial of Tom Murphy as a pawn of the Republicans is bold too.
Tom Murphy used to speak to Jim Roddey, R, County Executive, every day while both were in office. They were tight. They were reading from the same playbook until late 2001. Roddey wanted Murphy to win election in 2001.
Life here isn't so much about Rs and Ds. Salena might wish it was, because that is the national sizzle that makes smoke for the business model to scale up to bigger and different accounts in the political PR world.
Bob O'Connor is cut from the same cloth as Tom Murphy. Both are the leading Democrats in the city. Both are for status quo. Both are for corporate welfare.
The article says the sky has already fallen on Pittsburgh. Well, I'd say it fell, sure. But, today is a new day and it is falling again. The sky is still going to fall -- and further debt is sure to mount. There is still a valid reason for sounding the alarms when the city's budget for 2006 calls for an additional $25-million in new debt.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

FreeMarkets founder Glen Meakem contemplates future in politics -

Trib article Meakem said he doesn't have faith in the Pittsburgh electorate to put people in place that will make real change. He said he supported Bill Peduto and Michael Lamb in the Democratic primary, and urged that one of them pull out of the race and support the other in order to present a realistic chance against front-runner and eventual winner, Bob O'Connor, whom he doesn't view as a strong agent for radically transforming the way the city does business.

Both Lamb and Peduto are partly to blame for O'Connor winning the D's spring primary. I wish there was more teamwork among the challengers. Sadly, they fumbled those opportunities.