McKeesport history in focus The film should offer more than just accounts of personal tragedy and triumph; Mr. Wilson said political and economic forces will also be examined.
A self-described libertarian, Mr. Wilson said his experience in McKeesport has made him question his own political views.
'One of the things that concerned me about the town was that the government is stepping in and doing this top-down development and that, to me, seems wrong. I believe the government should be involved in as little as possible.
'But I think there is a point that you get to in a city like McKeesport, where, if that doesn't happen, the city is doomed,'' he said.
'They're kind of doing it the right way,' he added. 'They're building infrastructure here ... but they're also giving business big tax breaks,' he said.
Mr. Wilson said his goal in McKeesport is to create a film that is apolitical ...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
McKeesport history in focus, Libertarian film producer in town
Whole Foods CEO turns blog into weapon in battle with FTC
Whole Foods CEO turns blog into weapon in battle with FTC In a blog posting on the Whole Foods Web site, the full force of Mackey's personality was laid bare as he attacked the Federal Trade Commission for trying to stop his company from buying rival Wild Oats Markets Inc.
For openers, Mackey accused the FTC of acting in 'a biased, adversarial and arrogant manner' and of using 'bullying' and 'unethical' tactics.
Got ink: Libertarian leaders eye Pittsburgh for convention
The Tribune Review printed an article about the National Libertarian Meeting that is to take place this weekend at the Hilton and quoted me.
Here is the full story:
Libertarian leaders eye Pittsburgh for convention - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Mark Rauterkus, of the South Side, who plans a race for City Council in the fall as a Libertarian candidate, said the party 'has a growing base in Western Pennsylvania.' New members include some people 'turned off' by the war in Iraq and others disillusioned with the city's 'Democratic model of giving away things that's failed.'
'We're bankrupt and still losing people,' he said.
Here is the full story:
By David M. Brown - TRIBUNE-REVIEW - Thursday, July 19, 2007
Leaders of the Libertarian Party plan to size up Pittsburgh this weekend as a potential site for a future national convention.
While it wouldn't draw the crowds that typically attend the Republican and Democratic national conventions, the organization that bills itself as the nation's third-largest political party could bring as many as 1,000 delegates, family and guests here, Libertarian National Chairman William Redpath said Wednesday.
"We are different from Republicans and Democrats," Redpath said. "Republicans and Democrats try to control people's lives in various ways."
Redpath maintains Libertarians represent "the only party that is consistently in favor of individual freedom and individual responsibility."
The Libertarian National Committee will conduct its quarterly board meeting Saturday and Sunday at the Hilton Pittsburgh, Downtown. Redpath will discuss the possibility of a national convention in 2010 or 2012 during a news conference at 5:15 p.m. Saturday at the hotel.
The party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two major parties, holds national conventions every two years.
Mark Rauterkus, of the South Side, who plans a race for City Council in the fall as a Libertarian candidate, said the party "has a growing base in Western Pennsylvania." New members include some people "turned off" by the war in Iraq and others disillusioned with the city's "Democratic model of giving away things that's failed."
"We're bankrupt and still losing people," he said.
Rauterkus twice ran unsuccessful campaigns as a Libertarian for council and the state Senate. He said he believes the campaigns helped promote important issues, including consolidation of functions in city and county government.
The 3,269 voters registered as Libertarians in Allegheny County rank as the largest third party, but equate to a fraction of 1 percent of the county's 893,606 registered voters. There about 36,000 registered Libertarians statewide. There are 29 Libertarian officeholders in the state, all of them at the local level.
Nationally, the party is in a rebuilding phase, Redpath said. Its membership of active donors -- contributors of $25 or more a year -- has slipped to about 11,000 from a peak of 34,000 in 1999, he said.
More than 200,000 Americans are registered as Libertarians, according to the party's Web site. In 2006, about 13.4 million votes were cast for Libertarian candidates around the nation, according to information on the site.
"In a nutshell, we are advocates for a smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom," it says.
The party has recorded an 18 percent increase in membership since January, said Shane Cory, the party's executive director.
Seventeen national committee members and alternates are expected to participate in the board meeting in Pittsburgh. The group will discuss the party's progress and future goals and assess the city as a convention site.
Suitable hotel accommodations is part of the formula. The group also will get "general impressions of the city," Redpath said. "Is it clean, comfortable and fun, and will it provide a positive experience for our members."
"I've been to Pittsburgh often enough to know that it would," he said.
David M. Brown can be reached at or (412) 380-5614.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Edwards lifts poverty as his platform - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Edwards lifts poverty as his platform - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 'We've got two public school systems in America. We've got one for those who live in wealthy suburban areas and one for everybody else,' Edwards said at the Hill House Association in the Hill District.
'We have got to build one public school system' to give all students equal opportunity for education, Edwards said to applause from a crowd of about 250.
Donna Vlassich, Assistant Director of Public Engagement is slated to retire
She has been the Assistant Director of Public Engagement for the Pittsburgh Public Schools. We'll miss her.
This is sad news to all the parents who have worked hard in the district in the past years.
This is sad news to all the parents who have worked hard in the district in the past years.
Ron Paul is headed to Pittsburgh for August 3 - North Hills
Ron Paul in Pittsburgh!
Ron Paul will be in his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Friday August 3rd and will hold a rally for supporters.
Please come and hear Dr. Paul talk about freedom, peace and prosperity in the city that helped shape him in his youth and taught him the importance of family and work ethic.
The event will be held from 7 to 10 pm at the Four Points Sheraton North. The address of the hotel is: 910 Sheraton Drive, Mars, PA 16646. The phone number is 724-776-6900.
The event will be free of charge, contributions are welcome. To RSVP, please click here.
Honesty matters to me. With public issues, like treatment at the parks, honesty's value is double.
Birds of a feather, Luke and Dan.
Lies suck. Luke and Dan have not learned that lesson.
Geese mate for life. Likewise, a stigma of telling lies is sure to stick for life as well.
They said that they would NOT kill the Canadian Geese in North Park. They did kill. Onorato not only lied, but he was too chicken to have County workers thin the flock. The feds did the dirty work in the early hours on a weekend, so it is reported. Pass the buck, err, duck, to the feds.
The crap in the park is one thing. Crap behaviors that allows lies from our politicians to fly is something that can't be tolerated.
Federal agents euthanize 272 Canada geese in Allegheny County - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Lies suck. Luke and Dan have not learned that lesson.
Geese mate for life. Likewise, a stigma of telling lies is sure to stick for life as well.
They said that they would NOT kill the Canadian Geese in North Park. They did kill. Onorato not only lied, but he was too chicken to have County workers thin the flock. The feds did the dirty work in the early hours on a weekend, so it is reported. Pass the buck, err, duck, to the feds.
The crap in the park is one thing. Crap behaviors that allows lies from our politicians to fly is something that can't be tolerated.
Animal-rights groups quickly attacked the move, which they called a violation of earlier pledges to avoid euthanasia.
"Extermination was not the answer, and it is not going to be the answer," said Peter McKosky, 26, of the North Side, a wildlife coordinator with Voices for Animals of Western Pennsylvania. "They lied about what they were going to do. And now they're going to have to deal with a lot of ongoing controversy from people who appreciated the geese being there.
Pole vaulter banned for diary. Drug war gone wild.
This is over the top, pun intended. - More Sports - Pole vaulter banned for role in doping scandal - Wednesday July 18, 2007 11:15AM Gibilisco is mainly being punished for his association with Santuccione. He's among a growing list of Italian athletes suspended for doping without testing positive.These officials are over the line. Are they high? (more bad puns)
AVOID ROCK SLIDES - swim to work
Carbolic Smoke Ball: TO AVOID ROCK SLIDES AND ROAD CLOSURES, MORE AND MORE COMMUTERS ARE SWIMMING TO WORK DOWNTOWN Swimmers say they're getting to work faster, despite backups at PennDOT's orange buoys
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
John Edwards hits the trail at the Hill House to talk about poverty. "We" were there!
The big buzz at our seats in the balcony at The Hill House before the start of the John Edwards event was about the use of the "Royal WE." Well, we were there. Erik and I attended.
Jon Delano says he 'never uses it.' Other bloggers were in the house! We get to clap when we hear something we like. The slaves in the MSM don't.
A number of big points were made on stage that are worthy of blogging.
John Edwards is in favor of "Magnet Schools." We I shook his hand as he was about to depart, I said, "Keep up the strong messages about magnet schools." He said he will. Erik attends a middle school magnet, Pittsburgh Frick. And, our elementary school is also a magnet, Pittsburgh Phillips. Grant goes there and Erik did as well.
John Edwards thinks, as do I, that we need great urban schools. They need to be so good that our suburban parenting peers are willing to send their children to our magnet schools too. Not all of them, of course. But, this is one technique to bridge the concept that we don't live in ONE AMERICA. Rather, we have the wealthy suburban communities and the poverty heavy city schools.
The urban magnets are important stepping stones to more equity throughout our region. John Edwards understands this. For that, I can clap and cheer.
More to come later.
Jon Delano says he 'never uses it.' Other bloggers were in the house! We get to clap when we hear something we like. The slaves in the MSM don't.
A number of big points were made on stage that are worthy of blogging.
John Edwards is in favor of "Magnet Schools." We I shook his hand as he was about to depart, I said, "Keep up the strong messages about magnet schools." He said he will. Erik attends a middle school magnet, Pittsburgh Frick. And, our elementary school is also a magnet, Pittsburgh Phillips. Grant goes there and Erik did as well.
John Edwards thinks, as do I, that we need great urban schools. They need to be so good that our suburban parenting peers are willing to send their children to our magnet schools too. Not all of them, of course. But, this is one technique to bridge the concept that we don't live in ONE AMERICA. Rather, we have the wealthy suburban communities and the poverty heavy city schools.
The urban magnets are important stepping stones to more equity throughout our region. John Edwards understands this. For that, I can clap and cheer.
More to come later.
Campaign promise that goes beyond the campaign
Preamble: Why is the DeSantis website without the pledge points? I want to quote the source.
This "REQUESTED PROMISE POINT" -- goes out of the realm of a campaign challenge. DeSantis might as well offer to stay sterile for the time that he is in office, and force Luke to do the same. Neither of the guys have children. And, no recent mayor was in office while a baby was delivered. It would be a huge competitive advantage for Luke to become a father while in the mayor's office in a race against DeSantis. Even the news of a baby shower would send Luke's approval ratings through the roof. DeSantis won't want to compete against baby photos N@, even in 2009. Talk about being a vedor for the city will be put on its head after mom and dad depart UPMC McGee.
Point being, pledge challenges about campaigns should focus on behaviors of the campaign. Don't make a framework challenge that talks about city outcomes for years to come. Rather, raise those issues in another set of leadership and policy points.
I think it is important to know that DeSantis is going to do everything in his power to insure that the city NEVER go bankrupt. That is a prime motivation for the DeSantis campaign. Something is in the air with that.
Leading the city to bankrupt status is something that was celebrated by Tom Murphy. He was so happy to get the distressed label. Getting there and pinning blame is a big snowball -- on a hot summer day. But what is harder to figure is the future.
If the city goes bankrupt -- then what?
The city has been on the brink. The city is very heavy with debt. The city might want to go bankrupt. I'm not sure. But, I'm sure I want to keep that open as an option.
The sky is falling. And, the sky will continue to fall for the next generation or two. We need to know how bad it is. How bad it will get given various options. And, how in the world it is going to be put onto a normal status again.
Will my child, now age 9, ever have any hope of living in Pittsburgh when he is an adult? Has the overspending of the past decades been so great that the one's that stay will never be able to catch up?
Opportunities can't come to Pittsburgh when the public debt is such that it crushes the people, the taxpayers, the economy, and many other sectors. So, if Luke or Mark has a child while in office in the next two year term, and either one of them become a dad, like me, will they be able to look the child in the eye and say that Pittsburgh is a place where anything is possible.
Pittsburgh has been driven to ruin. Turning to bankrupt status might not be such a bad option.
2PJ has the point in question:
#3: The candidates put forth a plan to prevent the City of Pittsburgh from entering bankruptcy. The plan will be submitted by both candidates on or before October 1, 2007;
That point does NOT wash as a viable point in the document. DeSantis should re-do the contract and take that framework plank out of the campaign behavior agreement.
Of interest to me, the last point calls for 8 (eight) debates to happen AFTER August 1. That's the date of of deadline for putting in as a 3rd party candidate.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Local News - Early Returns Mr. DeSantis also said he will release a plan to keep the city out of bankruptcy, and asked the mayor to do the same.I would NEVER agree to that pledge. That is a bogus pledge request among a list of campaign offers. However, the reporting of the request is also in doubt.
This "REQUESTED PROMISE POINT" -- goes out of the realm of a campaign challenge. DeSantis might as well offer to stay sterile for the time that he is in office, and force Luke to do the same. Neither of the guys have children. And, no recent mayor was in office while a baby was delivered. It would be a huge competitive advantage for Luke to become a father while in the mayor's office in a race against DeSantis. Even the news of a baby shower would send Luke's approval ratings through the roof. DeSantis won't want to compete against baby photos N@, even in 2009. Talk about being a vedor for the city will be put on its head after mom and dad depart UPMC McGee.
Point being, pledge challenges about campaigns should focus on behaviors of the campaign. Don't make a framework challenge that talks about city outcomes for years to come. Rather, raise those issues in another set of leadership and policy points.
I think it is important to know that DeSantis is going to do everything in his power to insure that the city NEVER go bankrupt. That is a prime motivation for the DeSantis campaign. Something is in the air with that.
Leading the city to bankrupt status is something that was celebrated by Tom Murphy. He was so happy to get the distressed label. Getting there and pinning blame is a big snowball -- on a hot summer day. But what is harder to figure is the future.
If the city goes bankrupt -- then what?
The city has been on the brink. The city is very heavy with debt. The city might want to go bankrupt. I'm not sure. But, I'm sure I want to keep that open as an option.
The sky is falling. And, the sky will continue to fall for the next generation or two. We need to know how bad it is. How bad it will get given various options. And, how in the world it is going to be put onto a normal status again.
Will my child, now age 9, ever have any hope of living in Pittsburgh when he is an adult? Has the overspending of the past decades been so great that the one's that stay will never be able to catch up?
Opportunities can't come to Pittsburgh when the public debt is such that it crushes the people, the taxpayers, the economy, and many other sectors. So, if Luke or Mark has a child while in office in the next two year term, and either one of them become a dad, like me, will they be able to look the child in the eye and say that Pittsburgh is a place where anything is possible.
Pittsburgh has been driven to ruin. Turning to bankrupt status might not be such a bad option.
2PJ has the point in question:
#3: The candidates put forth a plan to prevent the City of Pittsburgh from entering bankruptcy. The plan will be submitted by both candidates on or before October 1, 2007;
That point does NOT wash as a viable point in the document. DeSantis should re-do the contract and take that framework plank out of the campaign behavior agreement.
Of interest to me, the last point calls for 8 (eight) debates to happen AFTER August 1. That's the date of of deadline for putting in as a 3rd party candidate.
Edwards to push plan for 'economic integration' of schools - On Politics -
Edwards to push plan for 'economic integration' of schools - On Politics - His campaign staff is saying he'll make news by talking about the need for 'economic integration' of the nation's schools, which he has been saying throughout the campaign are still 'separate and unequal.'So, John Edwards is worried about the economic integration of the nation's schools.
Well, first of all, we don't have many 'national schools.'
But secondly, I am worried about the economic integration of our local schools and the various situations regionally.
More than a year ago I spoke in public about about the situations with a Pittsburgh neighborhood district in distress, Duquesne schools. Duquesne will not have a high school this year, because it was so bad.
When the Pittsburgh Public Schools issued its "Rightsize" plan, it was 'blind' to Duquesne. I thought that shortcoming was wrong. We needed to plan for Duquesne.
Pittsburgh should have administrators and plans that have the vision to adjust in the future based upon the needs of those here and near.
Schools that are on the side of the city that are closest to Duquesne should not have been closed.
Children that live in Duquesne should not need to be put on a buses to ride 45 minutes to schools, one way, even if that bus is subsidized by federal funds.
In AP-Ipsos Poll, 'none of the above' now leads GOP side; Gallup disagrees - On Politics -
None of the above is winning the poll because the poll is without the option of Ron Paul. Ron Paul needs to be an option in the poll. He is not. How silly.
In AP-Ipsos Poll, 'none of the above' now leads GOP side; Gallup disagrees - On Politics - USATODAY.comAccording to the latest AP-Ipsos national poll:
• Among Republicans surveyed, 23% 'can't or won't say which candidate they would back,' from their party's contenders, 'a jump from the 14% who took a pass in June.' Rudy Giuliani leads the list of those who are chosen, with 21% support. Fred Thompson is second, at 19%. Sen. John McCain's support stands at 15% and Mitt Romney's is 11%.
Getting into the golf bogies now for the sake of public trust about nonprofits
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Local News - Early Returns 'We're not commenting on anything,' an employee told us. 'It's a private golf event.'Shame on you. What employee said that?
The public figure attended a private event. The public wins out on disclosure.
The private event is for a nonprofit. The nonprofit has a duty to be open and transparent so it keeps its nonprofit status. It the Mario events aim to be private -- then the organization has squandered its duty as a nonprofit. It has lost the trust of the people. It should depart with the nonprofit status.
A private organizaiton can make a donation to a nonprofit. However, the private organization does NOT get nonprofit status. The money that the nonprofit collects is NOT tax exempt.
With answers like the one's above, Mario's nonprofit, good-will, and charity centered activities and organization is doomed. That is NOT service to the community.
The Mario organization needs to come clean with the press and the public on its affairs. Those matters are PUBLIC affairs. Don't continue to hide information.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Jazzed about open water swimming's re-birth.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — July 16, 2007, Austin, Texas
The Highland Lakes Challenge: An Open Water Stage Race
The American Swimming Association, L.L.C. (ASA) announces the first-ever open water swimming stage race: The Highland Lakes Challenge, to be held Wednesday, October 24 – Sunday, October 28, 2007. The Highland Lakes Challenge will consist of races in 5 consecutive days in 5 lakes: Buchanan, Inks, LBJ, Marble Falls, and Travis, all lakes formed by dams in the Colorado River.
Swimmers will opt to compete in one of four stage races:
1. The Highland Lakes Monster Challenge — a 5-day race of distances ranging between 2.6 and 4.0 miles per day.
2. The Highland Lakes Mini Challenge — a 5-day race of distances of either a half mile or a mile per day
3. The Weekend Warrior Monster Challenge — a 3-day race of distances ranging between 2.6 and 3.5 miles per day
4. The Weekend Warrior Mini Challenge — a 3-day race of distances of either a half-mile or a mile per day
Places in each stage race will be determined by swimmers’ aggregate times.
Swimmers may also participate in single day stages of either Monster Challenge or Mini Challenge distances. Entry information and applications may be accessed at:
In 2007, The American Swimming Association hosted the first-ever open water swimming high school state championship and what may be the first-ever open water race on New Year’s day in the continental U.S. On November 3, 2007, ASA will host the first-ever open water swimming national collegiate championships.
For more information contact:
Dr. Keith Bell, Race Director, 512-327-2260
Transit vote looming from Chelsa Wagner
An email arrived:
I'm a big advocate of transit, as I know you are. I just heard that Rep. Chelsa Wagner - whose remarks about how to save transit are on You Tube. She is not only going to vote against the transit bill, but is also advocating for other members to oppose it as well.Beats me about the change of position.
As you can imagine, an Allegheny County member lobbying against legislation to aid the Port Authority is raising a lot of red flags. Wonder why she's suddenly changed her position?
Reason Magazine - The Ron Paul Movement
Reason Magazine - The Ron Paul Movement It's transpartisan.
Paul's fan base stretches all the way from Howard Phillips to Alexander Cockburn. His libertarian message has resonance, as you'd expect, among free-marketeers dismayed by the GOP's love affair with federal spending. It is also attractive, as you'd expect, to lefties who like his opposition to the Iraq war and the post-9/11 incursions on our civil liberties. But the race has no shortage of anti-spending conservatives and antiwar liberals. Paul is especially appealing to people who don't fit the narrow stereotypes of Blue and Red: to decentralist Democrats, anti-imperialist Republicans, and a rainbow of independents.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Google HQ visits with candidate Ron Paul
This video is 65 minutes in length. It is excellent. This is MUST SEE material. If you have never watched Ron Paul -- you gotta watch this.
DeSantis staff and PR
Kerry may have to ketchup - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review DeSANTIS SHORES UP STAFF. Republican Pittsburgh mayoral candidate Mark DeSantis has tapped a former WTAE-TV newscaster to be his press secretary.When I first heard the news, former WTAE person, I thought of Lynn Cullen. Then I wondered, did Johnny Mac work at TAE too?
DeSantis announced last week that Meghan Jones has joined his campaign.
Jones resigned from WTAE in January 2006 after five years with the station to pursue a full-time legal career. She is an attorney and adjunct professor of media law and regulation at Duquesne University.
DeSantis will take on Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl in November in the special election to fill the remaining two years of the late Bob O'Connor's term.
I hope Megan can blog! We'll find out shortly.
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