Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fw: 4 events. Municipal savings, governance, and business bottom line

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: "Sustainable Pittsburgh" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 13:00:38 -0500
To: <undisclosed-recipients>
Subject: 4 events not to miss! Municipal savings, governance, and business bottom line

Upcoming Events (Please scroll down to view each one.)


1. December 1 - On the Road: Sustainable Roads Maintenance, Operations & Technologies

2. December 2 - Issues in Local Government: Community and Legislative Perspectives

3. December 7 - Business Leadership in Managing Energy Usage

4. December 8 - Energy Saving Opportunities in Municipal Buildings & Facilities






On the Road: Sustainable Roads Maintenance, Operations & Technologies

A program of the Sustainable Development Academy

In partnership with the Local Government Academy and Sustainable Pittsburgh in cooperation with the Washington County Commissioners and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington

Wednesday, December 1
9:00 am - Noon
Alpine Room at Alpine Club Lanes, 735 Jefferson Avenue, Washington 15301
Cost: $10. Representatives from Washington County municipalities can attend for free.
More information

Sustainability is an important quality of today’s public works departments. Everything your public works’ directors, foremen and building maintenance personnel do should be done with practices that conserve resources, comply with state and federal regulations, and protect the quality of life in your community. Implementing and enforcing sustainable practices will save your local government money on materials and equipment. You can’t afford to not be sustainable.

Instructors for this program will provide participants with the most up-to-date information on sustainable practices that can be easily implemented in your public works department. Consideration will also be given to state and federal mandates that currently or will soon affect fleet management, street maintenance and other public works functions.

Other topics that will be covered include:
• Fleet Management Practices, including fuel efficiency, emissions regulations and more ways to green your fleet
• Street & Road Operations, such as alternatives for street lights and coordination of traffic signals as a way to save energy

Speakers Include:
• Next Generation Oil
• Fossil Free Fuels
• G.A. Wozniak & Associates
• City of Pittsburgh, Lindsay Baxter

More speakers to be added.

Both the private and public sectors have a responsibility to the communities they serve to ensure that public works departments are implementing sustainable practices that, over time, will save money and protect valuable resources.






Issues in Local Government: Community and Legislative Perspectives

Thursday, December 2
7:30 am - Noon (continental breakfast included)
August Wilson Center for African American Culture, 980 Liberty Avenue, downtown Pittsburgh
Free and open to the public; advance registration required
Register here
Invitation letter, signed by Dan Frankel, Grant Oliphant, and Fred Thieman
Draft Agenda
Questions? Contact the Institute of Politics at (412) 624-1837        



Federal, state and local governments are in the midst of an extraordinary financial crisis. Local governments in the Commonwealth will undoubtedly be forced to make difficult decisions on topics such as government reform, consolidated services, expenditure cuts, unfunded mandates, and the constant struggle to maintain revenues. This second forum in a series is designed to facilitate thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of local government challenges and possible methods of confronting them. The program will begin with an overview of findings produced by the University of Pittsburgh Institute of Politics' Fiscal Policy and Governance Committee's report, "Key Challenges for Local Government," as well as a presentation of the civic engagement work being done through The Pittsburgh Foundation's Allegheny Forum website. State and local elected officials will have the opportunity to comment on the observations and suggestions of both reports.

The following State officials have confirmed that they will be participating: State Senator Dominic Pileggi, State Senator Jay Costa, State Representative Frank Dermody, and State Representative Mike Turzai. Local officials who have confirmed are Beaver County Commissioner Charlie Camp, Perry Township Supervisor A.J. Boni, and Mr. Lebanon Commissioner D. Raja.






Business Leadership in Managing Energy Usage

Presented by: Champions for Sustainability (C4S), a program of Sustainable Pittsburgh, the Business Climate Coalition, and the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative

Tuesday, December 7
8:30 am – 11:30 am
Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens, One Schenley Place, Oakland 15213
Cost: $25 for C4S/Sustainable Pittsburgh Members; $35 Nonmembers; Students: Special Rate
Breakfast provided
Registration and agenda
For questions and student registration information, please contact: Jake Baechle, BCC Coordinator at (412) 258-6652 or


This event, designed to inspire businesses in Southwestern Pennsylvania, features leading firms that are being proactive in managing how they use energy. Participants will have a chance to interact with a range of internationally-recognized businesses that have demonstrated cost savings and innovative practices in energy measurement and savings. After the interactive panel discussion, participants will gain resources and make connections to enable them to track their energy profiles and cost savings.

Attend this event and learn how to gain a competitive edge through energy efficiency. Everyone is invited to intend. Those who stand to particularly benefit include sustainability professionals; facilities and operations managers/directors; corporate management; partners of the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative, and members of the region’s business and nonprofit leadership.


Panelists include:

Renee Cowell
Regional Environmental Manager
Del Monte Foods


Lowell Cisowski
Coca Cola


Tom Dingo
Bayer Business and Technology Services
Bayer Corporation  


George Hoguet
Native Energy


Daniel Kreeger
Executive Director
Association of Climate Change Officers


Evolve Architecture


Apple White
Environmental Sustainability
BNY Mellon


Businesses that track and report their energy usage:
· Demonstrate their commitment to sustainability
· Save money by saving energy
· Improve transparency
· Qualify for incentive programs
· Are enabled to set well defined goals
· Reduce legal risk due to a changing regulatory environment
· Build market share
· Take action that illustrate their commitment to best management practice






Energy Saving Opportunities in Municipal Buildings & Facilities

A program of the Sustainable Development Academy
In partnership with the Local Government Academy and Sustainable Pittsburgh in cooperation with the Washington County Commissioners and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington

Wednesday, December 8
9:00 am - Noon
Alpine Room at Alpine Club Lanes, 735 Jefferson Avenue, Washington 15301
Cost: $10. Representatives from Washington County municipalities can attend for free.
More information


An energy audit is the first step in the process of improving the energy efficiency of your municipal buildings. This program will provide you with information on conducting an audit, including developing specifications and a Request for Proposals. Additionally, speakers will also discuss what to expect from the auditing process and how findings can be incorporated.

The program will also demonstrate opportunities to save money through the way power agreements can be constructed as well as funding opportunities available through the power grid supplier and utilities.

A portion of the program will also focus on funding incentives, including those provided for in Act 129, low-interest loans that are available for small businesses to help purchase energy efficient equipment.

Speakers include:
• Bridgeway Capital
• G.A. Wozniak & Associates
• Clear Choice Energy
• Premiere

Please feel free to share this program information with others in your municipality, including public works and building maintenance personnel and finance officers. Additionally, please invite your community’s library staff, as they often face the concept of how to incorporate energy savings practices in older buildings.



Sustainable Pittsburgh

425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1335

(412) 258-6646

fax (412) 258-6645


Does your municipality have a handle on these and other essentials? 

Safe Streets – Clean Air – Diversity – Green Space – Housing Choices – Transit Options – Balanced Budget – Recent Energy Audit

Participate in a Sustainable Community Rapid Assessment to rate your community!


Sustainable Pittsburgh affects decision-making in the Pittsburgh region to integrate economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental quality bringing sustainable solutions to communities and businesses.

Become a Sustainable Pittsburgh member and simultaneously become a member of Champions for Sustainability (C4S) and the Sustainable Community Development Network (SCDN). These networks build capacity around the region for sustainable business and community solutions. Visit  for more information.

 Stay abreast of sustainable development news and events by subscribing to 3E Links, Sustainable Pittsburgh's weekly e-news. To subscribe, reply to

Looking for something to do outside? Visit for a resource on outdoor recreation in southwestern PA.


Fw: Lawyers are the problem..not the solution

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: "Bob Logue" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 18:29:57 -0500
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient>
Subject: Lawyers are the problem..not the solution

You know, Bob, I've been thinking. We, as a country, need to stop electing attorneys to govern us. Think about it, every bill proposed is 2000 pages or more. Why? Because they are written by attorneys. Lawyers only know legal speak, so just like the religious hierarchy 1000 years ago told every one that only they could interpret the Holy Scriptures, politicians today tell us only they can understand the law, so we must have them or we would be lost. The convoluted property tax laws play totally into the hands of our politician attorneys in that,  every facet  of these laws involves an attorney of one type or another. Attorneys are like doctors: they support one another, they protect one another, and they get as many of their own involved in a case so that as many of them as possible  make money or increase power.
     We can never hope to break this strangle hold on the public until we stop putting lawyers in charge. We need to start electing plumbers, truck drivers, bank tellers, firemen, Wal-Mart associates, farmers, janitors; in short, normal everyday people who have had to live day to day, keep on a strict budget, maybe get to go on a vacation once every ten years, you know, Common People. Successful business people who have met a payroll, kept up with technology, kept good employees happy, and produced a product or service people want, could guide the country in the direction it needs to go.
     If we are to solve this issue of property taxes, we must first have politicians who are sympathetic to the everyday problems of the common people. Obviously, the current ruling class does not care that the poor and elderly are being dispossessed, as long as they can hold onto their power and they hold the purse strings. Attorneys live in their own little bubble, making more than enough income to cover their needs. They have no feel for the rest of the world. Until "we, the people" realize how this affects us, we cannot win our point about the unfairness of property taxes. I hope you will share this viewpoint, if not this message, with all who read about STOP. Bob, I must applaud your personal efforts against this heinous tax. You are our leader and mentor, God bless you and yours. Hope to see you soon somewhere, Ray Fallon, Punxsutawney, PA

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Erik presented his LTP (long term project) from last year at Duquesne Univ today for other PPS students in CAS

Here are the slides from Erik's presentation:

Had a great day with the students. I got to see five presentations. Erik gave his in the first period.

Fw: The Benefits of Weight Training for Kids

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Fred Gohh <>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 08:14:51 -0500
To: <undisclosed-recipients>
Subject: The Benefits of Weight Training for Kids

Back in the 1970s, researchers in Japan studied child laborers and discovered that, among their many misfortunes, the juvenile workers tended to be abnormally short. Physical labor, the researchers concluded, with its hours of lifting and moving heavy weights, had stunted the children’s growth. Somewhat improbably, from that scientific finding and other similar reports, as well as from anecdotes and accreting myth, many people came to believe “that children and adolescents should not” practice weight training, said Avery Faigenbaum, a professor of exercise science at the College of New Jersey. That idea retains a sturdy hold in the popular imagination. As a recent position paper on the topic of children and resistance training points out, many parents, coaches and pediatricians remain convinced that weight training by children will “result in short stature, epiphyseal plate” — or growth plate — “damage, lack of strength increases due to a lack of testosterone and a variety of safety issues.”

Kids, in other words, many of us believe, won’t get stronger by lifting weights and will probably hurt themselves. But a major new review just published in Pediatrics, together with a growing body of other scientific reports, suggest that, in fact, weight training can be not only safe for young people, it can also be beneficial, even essential.

In the Pediatrics review, researchers with the Institute of Training Science and Sports Informatics in Cologne, Germany, analyzed 60 years’ worth of studies of kids and weightlifting. The studies covered boys and girls from age 6 to 18. The researchers found that, almost without exception, children and adolescents benefited from weight training. They grew stronger. Older kids, particularly teenagers, tended to add more strength than younger ones, as would be expected, but the difference was not enormous. Overall, strength gains were “linear,” the researchers found. They didn’t spike wildly after puberty for boys or girls, even though boys at that age are awash in testosterone, the sex hormone known to increase muscle mass in adults. That was something of a surprise. On the other hand, a reliable if predictable factor was consistency. Young people of any age who participated in resistance training at least twice a week for a month or more showed greater strength gains than those who worked out only once a week or for shorter periods.

Overall, the researchers concluded, “regardless of maturational age, children generally seem to be capable of increasing muscular strength.”

That finding, which busts one of the most pervasive myths about resistance training for young people — that they won’t actually get stronger — is in accord with the results and opinions of most researchers who have studied the subject. “We’ve worked with kindergartners, having them just use balloons and dowels” as strength training tools, “and found that they developed strength increases,” said Dr. Faigenbaum, a widely acknowledged expert on the topic of youth strength training. (His most recent book is in fact titled “Youth Strength Training.”)

But interestingly, young people do not generally add muscular power in quite the same way as adults. They rarely pack on bulk. Adults, particularly men but also women, typically add muscle mass when they start weight training, a process known as muscular hypertrophy (or, less technically, getting buff). Youths do not add as much or sometimes any obvious muscle mass as a result of strength training, which is one of the reasons many people thought they did not grow stronger. Their strength gains seem generally to involve “neurological” changes, Dr. Faigenbaum said. Their nervous systems and muscles start interacting more efficiently. A few small studies have shown that children develop a significant increase in motor-unit activation within their muscles after weight training. A motor unit consists of a single neuron and all of the muscle cells that it controls. When more motor units fire, a muscle contracts more efficiently. So, in essence, strength training in children seems to liberate the innate strength of the muscle, to activate the power that has been in abeyance, unused.

And that fact, from both a physiological and philosophical standpoint, is perhaps why strength training for children is so important, a growing chorus of experts says. “We are urban dwellers stuck in hunter-gatherer bodies,” said Lyle Micheli, M.D., the director of sports medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston and professor of orthopedic surgery at Harvard University, as well as a co-author, with Dr. Faigenbaum, of the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s 2009 position paper about children and resistance training. “That’s true for children as well as adults. There was a time when children ‘weight trained’ by carrying milk pails and helping around the farm. Now few children, even young athletes, get sufficient activity” to fully strengthen their muscles, tendons and other tissues. “If a kid sits in class or in front of a screen for hours and then you throw them out onto the soccer field or basketball court, they don’t have the tissue strength to withstand the forces involved in their sports. That can contribute to injury.”

Consequently, many experts say, by strength training, young athletes can reduce their risk of injury, not the reverse. “The scientific literature is quite clear that strength training is safe for young people, if it’s properly supervised,” Dr. Faigenbaum says. “It will not stunt growth or lead to growth-plate injuries. That doesn’t mean young people should be allowed to go down into the basement and lift Dad’s weights by themselves. That’s when you see accidents.” The most common, he added, involve injuries to the hands and feet. “Unsupervised kids drop weights on their toes or pinch their fingers in the machines,” he said.

In fact, the ideal weight-training program for many children need not involve weights at all. “The body doesn’t know the difference between a weight machine, a medicine ball, an elastic band and your own body weight,” Dr. Faigenbaum said. In his own work with local schools, he often leads physical-education class warm-ups that involve passing a medicine ball (usually a “1 kilogram ball for elementary-school-age children” and heavier ones for teenagers) or holding a broomstick to teach lunges safely. He has the kids hop, skip and leap on one leg. They do some push-ups, perhaps one-handed on a medicine ball for older kids. (For specifics about creating strength-training programs for young athletes of various ages, including teenagers, and avoiding injury, visit, a Web site set up by Dr. Faigenbaum, or the Children’s Hospital Boston sports medicine site.)

As for the ideal age to start weight training, Dr. Faigenbaum said: “Any age is a good age. But there does seem to be something special about the time from about age 7 to 12. The nervous system is very plastic. The kids are very eager. It seems to be an ideal time to hard-wire strength gains and movement patterns.” And if you structure a program right, he added, “it can be so much fun that it never occurs to the kids that they’re getting quote-unquote ‘strength training’ at all.”

--   Fred Gohh  President  Gray Bridge Software  412-401-1045  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Counterattack saves Civic Arena for now

Counterattack saves Civic Arena for now

Parents want to keep preschool program at McCleary

Got some ink today in the P-G as I spoke at last night's school board meeting. Parents want to keep preschool program at McCleary

South Side resident Mark Rauterkus spoke against another proposed revision to move Pittsburgh Obama 6-12 from Shadyside to the Pittsburgh Peabody building in East Liberty in 2011, instead of 2012, as planned.

"The promise was made," Mr. Rauterkaus said. "There's big trust issues if you move it earlier."

The board may vote on the proposed revisions today.

Read more:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mind your matter.

A parent and professor.

My kids are not playing football.

David Nolan past away last night...

Sender: libertarian-304-announce
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 03:07:50 -0500
To: <>
Subject: [libertarian-304] Fwd: David Nolan past away last night...

David Nolan – LP Founder – Passes Away

Sources close to David Nolan tell IPR he passed away last night.
Mister Nolan is survived by his Wife Elizabeth.  IPR does not have information about other family members.

No cause of death is known at this time, confirmed by the same sources.

Mister Nolan was one of the original founders of the Libertarian Party.  He famously founded it in his living room in Boulder Colorado along with a generous handful of other founders.  Some credit him with 'inventing' the diamond political chart with two axis', used often as a tool to debunk the left-right politica paradigm.

Mister Nolan was a sitting Board Member of the National Libertarian Party

This message was sent by DaveP ( from The Libertarian Party of Pittsburgh Meetup Group.
To learn more about DaveP, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Saturday, November 20, 2010

For Cullen Jones, golden chance to teach swimming -

For Cullen Jones, golden chance to teach swimming -

Cullen Jones was about to race in his biggest meet of the year when he heard that six teenagers had drowned in Shreveport, La.

Just over three months later, the Olympic gold medalist went to the city last week to give swim lessons.

"It was so big for me being in Shreveport after something like that had happened," Jones said Thursday.

This is why he spends months traveling the country even as he trains to get back on that podium at the 2012 Olympics. Jones has visited 12 cities in two years as part of USA Swimming's "Make a Splash" program to prevent drowning by minority children.

Maurice Lucas stands tall in mourners' minds

Maurice Lucas stands tall in mourners' minds

Boyhood friends, however, recalled that he had first been a competitive swimmer. "He wasn't going to lose at nothing," Schenley teammate Ricky Coleman told mourners.
Swimming to the other side! Rest in peace.

Shooting and melee disrupt festivities

Shooting and melee disrupt festivities

"You have a large number of people coming Downtown, trying to have a good time and enjoy the festivities. And then you have some people who just don't know how to act and they cause the trouble."

Read more:
Here is the bottom line: Some people don't know how to act. I agree.

So, what do you do? I say a plan should be in place to TEACH people how to act. Put people, mostly kids, into high pressure situations and give them great leadership. Give them opportunities to practice how to act. Teach. Instruct. Coach. Then, when they are elsewhere, out of the schools, out on the weekends, out on their own, they'll have the understanding, the grounding, the philosophy and the experiences of acting in a friendly, caring, sporting and strong way.

When you walk through metal detectors at the gates of the schools, as well as the football games -- feel safe for an hour or two. When you are split with one crowd sitting on one side of the stadium and the other side over there, apart, isolated, buffered, patrolled, -- that safe feeling lasts until you get to the bus stop or go to the parking lot.

People are going to act with a mentality of being in a street gang or being in a community. Both are learned. Both have to be tested in real life settings.

Portland's push and Pittsburgh's reality

Introducing The MARC from marcpdx on Vimeo.

Or, we can cancel varsity swim practice for Light Up Night, go downtown, rumble, dodge bullets, see 30 to 50 in handcuffs and watch fireworks.

Fw: [libertarian-304] Sat Nov 20: End The Fed event sponsored by PittCollege Libertarians and We Are Change PGH

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: DaveP <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 16:13:06 -0500
To: <>
Subject: [libertarian-304] Sat Nov 20: End The Fed event sponsored by Pitt College Libertarians and We Are Change PGH

I hope you can join us on Saturday...there's a lot of energy in the student group and WAC-PGH.
Jake Towne is a good speaker - check out his website (linked at bottom of even details) I'm looking forward to seeing him speak.

Let's get together and network with the students and other activists!


Link with details and RSVP:


12pm-3pm End The Fed Educational Outreach
Schenley Park, across from Phipps Conservatory

We will be passing out FREE educational pamphlets as well as DVD's throughout the day at various manned table locations which will start at 12pm, everyone is to meet at the entrance to Schenley Park across from the Phipps Conservatory. These educational materials will explain in detail about the Federal Reserve Banking System and why it is directly responsible for our current economic crisis and what we should be doing to protect ourselves.

6:30pm-11pm Speaker and Movie Presentation
William Pitt Union, Dining room A, Pitt Campus, Oakland

At 6:30pm, we will join members of The Publius Foundation as well as members of the Pitt College Libertarians Organization and other liberty groups/individuals on the PITT Campus in the William Pitt Union, Dining Room A, for speakers as well as a movie screening of, Aaron Russo's, America: Freedom to Fascism. This event will be free to the public and all ages are welcomed to attend, event will be open to the public from 6:30pm-11pm.

Joe Kennedy, Activist and Independent Political Candidate who ran against Scott Brown and Martha Coakley for the Special Elections Senate Seat in Massachusetts in 2010, has confirmed that he will be one of the ETF speakers to present at Pitt Campus! For more information on Mr. Kennedy, please feel free to visit his site:

Jake Towne, Independent Political Candidate who ran for Congress in Pennsylvania's 15th District in 2010 against John Callahan and Charlie Dent just confirmed that he will also be speaking as well as giving a presentation about fractional-reserve banking as well as how we can return to sound money after ending the Fed! For more information on Mr. Towne, please visit his site:

This message was sent by DaveP ( from The Libertarian Party of Pittsburgh Meetup Group.
To learn more about DaveP, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

Thursday, November 18, 2010

China's Sun Yang sets record in Asian Games pool - More Sports -

China's Sun Yang sets record in Asian Games pool - More Sports -

un Yang of China swam the second-fastest 1,500 freestyle race of all time on the last night of an Asian Games pool program, which finished with the country being disqualified in a relay event.

Sun set the Asian Games record in the 1,500 in 14 minutes, 35.43 seconds on Thursday, finishing within a second of the world record set by two-time Olympic and four-time world champion Grant Hackett in 2001.

Read more:

Moving into Pgh Peabody High School seems to be back to fall 2012

Hi All,

The school move into Peabody for the IB school (also known as Pgh Obama) was talked about again at the PPS Board of Education meeting last night (WED, Nov 17, 2010). Their "agenda review" meeting had a conversation about this topic. We've been organizing a bit on this issue. I was there for a while and did have a couple of conversations with administrators and board members.

Watch the meeting:
Go to MINUTE 52:20 on the slider on the bottom of the frame.

Recap: Ms. Sherry Hazuda put forth some questions to Mr. Lopez. It goes for about 8 minutes.

The push to MOVE the Pgh Obama Academic program from Pgh Reizenstein to Pgh Peabody in the fall of 2011 was pulled. This acclerated move was put in the newspapers last week and caught some by surprise. So, the move is back on for 2012, as the original promise states, and as the past board votes confirmed. However, in the month of December and January 2011, there may be a SURVEY of the parents and students asking them if they would WANT to rush to the new site sooner, in fall 2011. If there is overwhelming support for the rushed move, then the matter could go before the PPS Board again in January 2011 for an amended vote.


The last time a survey was taken by PPS Administrators, the name "OBAMA" was chosen among the students. Let the record show, the Barack Obama Academy of International Studies was not the top vote getter in the prior survey. The top vote getter was Schenley. That poll also had strong votes in 2nd and 3rd for Hogwarts and Frick. But Obama was picked (4th choice) and it is what it is. I love democracy. But, I worry a bit about polls. Who is counting the votes? How are questions asked?

In my not so humble opinion, the best solution: I want trust to be earned by PPS. I want PROMISES to be kept. I hate the trend and feeling of being yanked around by Pittsburgh Public Schools.

The class of 2012, the first to graduate from Pgh Obama, (i.e,, NOT Schenley), has had a rocky road. They should NOT move again at the start their senior year, Give time for the facility at Peabody to be made ready for the new school. Give time for the school to focus on academics, not moving and boxing materials and so on. That was a promise made to them and it should be honored.

In the 2011-2012 school year, it would be GREAT if the facilities of BOTH Peabody AND Reizenstein were made available in AFTER SCHOOL TIMES to the students of the city and the 6-12 school. The middle school setting and the high school needs are hard pressed to fit within one school. The schools were built for either middle school or high school. Not both. The crunch is GREATEST after school as multiple teams with multiple sports try to fit in one pool, one gym, one field. It doesn't work well -- especially if the goal is to develop kids, teams and programs to compete with the WPIAL soon.

On MONDAY, Nov 22, 2010, another PPS Board Meeting happens where the board listens to PUBLIC COMMENT in 3 minute chunks. To speak, or get onto the speaker list, call 412-622-3600 and ask to be included on the agenda. That meeting begins at 7 pm. I am speaker #3. My topic: Moving IB to Peabody in fall of 2012. I will also talk about using all the available facilities for all sorts of after school activities.

Then on Tuesday, the board will vote. But, the question of a rush to Peabody for the fall of 2011 has been removed from the agenda as of now.

Thanks for caring about our kids and their opportunities -- both in and beyond the classrooms.

One of the reason why it is NOT prudent to move into Peabody in the fall of 2011 is the fact that the PPS Summer Dreamers is slated to use Pgh Peabody for five weeks in the summer of 2011. The fix up work, even a fresh coat of paint and removal of the Highlanders markings would take longer than the two open weeks to prep for the new school year for the new school population. It is great to have Summer Dreamers at Peabody. And, it will be great to have the facilities people have a number of months in the next year to spruce up the space.

National Opt Out Day at the Airports

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cullen Jones gives children gold-certified swim lessons -

Cullen Jones gives children gold-certified swim lessons -

Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones was back in the pool Wednesday, sharing his story with a community where six teenagers drowned in the Red River this summer because they couldn't swim.

Jones' appearance was part of Make A Splash, the USA Swimming Foundation's child-focused water safety initiative. Make a Splash partners with cities, schools, swim clubs and non-profit groups across the country to offer swimming lessons.

Cook: Steelers make wrong move with Reed

Cook: Steelers make wrong move with Reed It's never a good thing to take on the paying customers.

As inane as his ramblings were, Reed was much more inflammatory during the summer after he failed to reach a long-term contract with the Steelers. "I was told one thing and another thing happened. I'm not a big fan of lying," he said,

Possibly the Greatest Arcade Basketball Rapid Fire Dominance You’ll Ever See

Possibly the Greatest Arcade Basketball Rapid Fire Dominance You’ll Ever See

Some Running Mate should go to this, before going to the Harry Potter movie at midnight

dorkbot is an international movement centered around people who like to do strange things with electricity. This time:

Heather Knight, a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute and founder of Marilyn Monrobot, creates socially intelligent robot theater performances.

Kelly Gates does work that has focused on the politics of computerization and surveillance system development in post-war United States.

WHEN: Thursday, Nov 18: 7:30 PM at Brillobox Theater:



AGES: all ages



Folks, enjoy this year's NFL while you can as the league is going to take a year-long vacation next year. There will be a labor and ownership problem. The games will not be played. That's a dark outlook, but it has been brewing and may come to pass.

With this in mind, it is a great time to get into world rugby action.

On Saturday there is a game on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This is called a 'Test Match.' South Africa visits Scottland. Who is going to win? Place your vote in the poll on the left side of the blog.

Vote today.

Next year the rugby will be better understood if you get into it this year. And next year is a world championship rugby tournament.

Folks will fall in love with international rugby, if you give it a chance.

End of Liberty - video

This video is 1 hour and 14 minutes. It is a movie. I've not watched it yet.

Linux Install Fest Invite

Western PA Linux User Group will hold an installfest this weekend.

WHEN:Saturday November 20 from 1:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
WHERE: Wilkins School Community Center, 7604 Charleston Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Official Website/Wiki:

Eventbrite Invitation:

At an installfest, you bring in your computer from home and we install Linux together. You do not need any experience with Linux to install Linux at the installfest. All you need is a computer, keyboard, mouse, display and an open mind. Watch this video to see how really easy it is!

Say you've got a problem with your Linux system? Bring it on down to the Installfest and we will take a look together. Some people feel more comfortable just showing someone what's going on instead of posting to wplug at

I got started with Linux by attending WPLUG installfests in 1999. The environment is helpful and supportive. A successful installfest doesn't just happen. It takes people, like you, to sign up to help.

We especially need volunteers who will be available experts to answer questions. You don't need to be an expert at everything. Nobody is. What we need is good neighbours who can share their experiences with installing Linux. Join the technical support staff of the meeting.

Want to help but don't have technical background yet? We always need
people to help us setup, clean up, and give us yummy snacks.

Sign up to be a part of the technical support staff, setup crew, cleanup crew, or refreshment provider on the wiki.

Hope to see you there!

Beth Lynn Eicher

Mark Schubert speaking out about USA Swimming ouster - More Sports -

Mark Schubert speaking out about USA Swimming ouster - More Sports -

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rehab efforts for the South Side branch of the Carnegie Library - call to meeting

The South Side will be getting yet another expresso machine in the library next.

Andrew Lang of Oxford Development posted:

The South Side Library has received funding (approximately $3.9 million*) to perform needed renovations and improvements. If you use the library, the architects would like to know what your priorities are for the renovations.

The first neighborhood meeting to discuss the renovation of CLP-South Side has been scheduled for TOMORROW evening Wednesday, November 17 at 6:00 PM at The South Side Library. See the above flyer.

I encourage you to attend so that you can learn about the process and provide input. Your attendance also shows support for the library.

*Note the $3.9M is from funds earmarked specifically for capital improvements and can NOT be used for operating budgets.

Steelers cut kicker Reed

Steelers cut kicker Reed

Bye Jeff.

How far behind can Ben be?

My letter to PPS Board Member Hazuda

Updated below:

Hi Board Member Hazuda,

We talked at the A+ Schools Meeting and you seemed to not be able to firmly LOCATE the source of the PROMISE to the students who are presently High School Juniors at Pgh Obama, (first class that isn't Pgh Schenley), Class of 2012.

The promise to those kids was made as that class needed to stay in the basement of Frick, their middle school, in 9th grade -- and NOT have a move to Schenley nor with the others in high school at Reizenstein.

The promise said that they would NOT need to need to MOVE again as a move to Reizenstein was for 3 years, at the shortest.

Well, the best source of this promise has been found -- it is the BOARD OF EDUCATION with Pgh Public Schools. TWICE this YEAR the board voted to move the IB Program, Pgh Obama, into Peabody in the fall of 2012 -- NOT sooner.

The plan, all along, has been made clear that the move to Peabody would NOT in the fall of 2011, but would be in the fall of 2012.

I have this on video tape also from Mr. Lopez.

The board voted. That is the way it should be. The promises were made. To change this now is not welcomed.

We would welcome a solution to the tiny middle school gym problems that have been pressing on the school forever -- with the availability of use of the gyms at Peabody and Reizenstein throughout the 2011-2012 school year. We can't fit all the activities into one middle school facility. There are pressing headaches. These can be resolved in that year while the Peabody school gets its touch ups.

Another promise from the IB Site Selection Committee was to relocate the program to a PERMANENT HOME in the fall of 2012 AFTER some renovations were made.

We now hear that no renovations are going to be made.

That Peabody building is 30 years since an update. Sci-Tech got an update. Westinghouse got an update. Carrick got an update. CAPA and now Rodgers got an update! Peabody is missing two computer labs needed that Reizenstein has. The rooms in Reizenstein, while not perfect, are hooked up with six ports for the internet -- missing in the Peabody classrooms.

Summer Dreamers had a BIG site in 2010 at Peabody -- and that should be able to happen again in 2011 summer. So, it makes sense to do the upgrades of the facilities in the fall and winter of 2011-2012 and get the school in top shape for 2012 fall.

This is an all city magent. Kids from all over town go to this school. Everyone should take some care to see that everyone's academic integrity isn't totally washed down the drain on this shifting target still in the wake of closing Schenley.

Finally, I do greatly welcome the change to the single gender academy at Westinghouse in that they will be "ALL CITY MAGNETS." Great. That is something that I pushed for. It makes sense. Kids from the West End should be able to go to Westinghouse, if they choose to do so. Well done with that move.

a reply:


Thanks for your investigation. Because of questions raised, that information was recently provided to us.
While you are an advocate of holding off the move into the Peabody building, we are also receiving communications from stakeholders in favor of the move. As with most things we do, a variety of folks are looking from a variety of angles and the result is a variety of opinions.

Glad to hear you're in favor of the Westinghouse work. It's important that folks understand the opportunity that is being presented there.

Take care,

Thanks for the reply.

Let's look a bit deeper:

+ The only folks I know that are in favor of the move urgently would be MORE in favor of getting access to BOTH FACILITIES, Reizenstein AND Peabody for after school efforts for the duration of 2011-2012 school year.

We need the gym space. That is pressing. But, give use of the gym space URGENTLY. Allow us to work in some intramurals, space for practices, space for clinics for the entire city even. Give use of both gyms and fields and pools for middle and high school use.

Then the academic move can happen in a smooth transition in the fall of 2012.

Presently the auditorium at Peabody is used by the students at Reizenstein -- for the Schenley musical, for example.

I hope you figured out the half-day ROBOTICs issues and how moving the academic elements of IB won't impact ROBOTICs students.

ALL STAKEHOLDERS of PPS are very interested in PROMISES, be they Pgh Promise or School Board Promise or Administration Promises too. No doubt, this promise and VOTE was made. Getting yanked around and getting skeptical of promises is something that needs the highest level of honesty.

Fw: 2011 Team Citius Junior Development Cycling membership head count

From: Fred Gohh
Subject: 2011 Team Citius Junior Development Cycling membership head count

Hi everyone,

After a very successful first year of Team Citius, we are looking tocontinuing to improve next year by adding volunteers, new sponsors, andshorter rides for new cyclists.

We are trying to get a rough head count on how many kids will be participating in the 2011 Team Citius Junior Development Cycling program. It would be greatly appreciated if you can e-mail me back your kid(s) name(s) and age(s). The head count will allow us to plan our budget and ask our sponsors for their support. If your kid(s) are looking for a winter cycling training program, please let me know so that we can arrange our coaching services.

If you know any other kids who may be interested in participating, please send me their parents' contact info.

Thank you for your help and support.


City may stop water bill subsidies for south, west neighborhoods

City may stop water bill subsidies for south, west neighborhoods

Councilman Bruce Kraus, who represents the South Side and Hilltop communities, said he was aware of Mr. Dowd's legislation but hasn't had an opportunity to study the details.

Read more:
Will someone please do the homework for Mr. Kraus. Then give it to him before he trys to order another independent audit and hires another bunch of out-of-town consultants to tell him what he needs to do.

State overseers again reject mayor's 2011 budget

It's back to the drawing board for Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl after state overseers Monday rejected his 2011 budget and five-year spending plan for the second time.

The Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority described the documents as "deficient," and Chairwoman Barbara McNees urged City Council and Mr. Ravenstahl to work together to develop a budget, five-year financial plan and pension bailout.

Budget No. 3 is due to the ICA by Nov. 30.

Read more:
Speaking of past due homework and help with the heavy lifting within the duties of the job, Luke needs some help too.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Steelers' Reed says bad turf contributed to missed field goal

Steelers' Reed says bad turf contributed to missed field goal

Jeff Reed, who in the past has refused to publicly knock Heinz Field as a poor place to kick, ended his diplomacy after he missed a 26-yard field goal Sunday night, his seventh of the season, in a 39-26 Steelers loss to the New England Patriots.

And he tossed in a few critical remarks about Steelers fans as well.

"I'm not one to make excuses," Reed began. "I'll take the credit for the miss. It was a great snap, a great hold, great protection. It's kind of hard when you plant your foot and the hole -- a piece of ground moves where the ball's under the holder. I almost missed the ball completely.

"I'm not going to make excuses. If you've played any kind of sports in your life, you realize that what we play on is not very good turf. It happens."

It was the seventh missed field goal attempt this season for Reed, who missed just 10 total in the three previous seasons combined. He is 15 of 22, the most he's missed since he was 20 of 27 for the 2006 season. He only missed more in 2003, his second season with the Steelers when he was 23 of 32.

Reed said he's not in a slump.

Read more:
Time to get a new stadium? Wait until the ice rink arrives on the field.

Invite: Proclamation for Family Engagement week in PPS

Sent by Mark Connor, and I expect to be there too.
Please join me at 10:00 tomorrow morning, Tuesday, November 16th at City Council chambers on the 5th floor of the City-County building to receive a proclamation from city council on the importance of Family Involvement on our district.

All families are wanted and needed to represent importance of what parents bring to the education of our own children and demonstrate how important community is in this work as well.

Please come and STANDUP for families, meet us at 9:45 outside of chambers.

Family and Community School Involvement Week

November 15-20, 2010

Whereas; Family and community engagement is a key goal for the District;

Whereas; Family and community involvement is critical to the success of our students and schools

Whereas; Families and communities are an essential part of a student’s Pathway to The Promise; helping students nurture dreams and ambitions and ensuring that all students develop the habits and behaviors that lead to success in school and in life

Whereas; The 17th Annual National Parental Involvement Day is on Thursday November 18, 2010.

Whereas, To celebrate this occasion and to raise the profile of the importance of family and community involvement, Pittsburgh Public Schools will host a week of events and activities spotlighting the importance of family and community engagement November 15-20, 2010.

Whereas, the District’s final Pathways to the Promise Night family event is on November 17 at Pittsburgh Milliones 6-12;

Whereas, an Excellence for All parents steering committee meeting featuring Superintendent Mark Roosevelt is on November 18 at Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy;

Whereas, on November 18 the University of Pittsburgh, Africana Studies Department will host the next Dame-Dame series monthly meeting highlighting an outstanding school educator at the University of Pittsburgh’s Langley Hall; and

Whereas, on November 20 the Hill District Education Council will host its Fall 2010 Education Conference titled “Connecting on Education Justice”.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Pittsburgh City Council officially proclaims November 15-20, 2010 as “Family and Community School Involvement Week” in the city of Pittsburgh at its Tuesday, November 16 Legislative Session.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dawida heads the fight against billboard pollution

Dawida heads the fight against billboard pollution

Stan Geier, a local vice president for the company, wrote in an e-mail: "Many more companies than just Lamar are affected by the billboard hate group cleverly disguised as Scenic Pittsburgh."

Read more:

Peace Alliance Sends Message To Stop Neighborhood Violence - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Peace Alliance Sends Message To Stop Neighborhood Violence - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

The Peace Alliance Network brought people together to jump start that process.

Around 100 people gathered today at Schenley High School in East Liberty to discuss issues in the black community that have led to violence.

One of the most recent events touched upon was last month's shooting of Jeron Grayson.
Did anyone who attended this event offer a recap or else a pointer to another site that does have some news and insights. Thanks.

Harry Potter enthusiasts look to capture 'snitch' at fourth annual Quidditch World Cup in Manhattan

Cute sports story.
Harry Potter enthusiasts look to capture 'snitch' at fourth annual Quidditch World Cup in Manhattan

Pipeline companies may seek eminent domain

Pipeline companies may seek eminent domain

It's the latest worry for those Pennsylvanians suspicious of the growing Marcellus Shale industry. Under applications currently before the Public Utility Commission in Harrisburg, pipeline companies would be able to use condemnation powers to gain rights-of-way, even from unwilling landowners.

Read more:
I hate eminent domain. And, I hate condemnation powers too.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are you ready white team? Sports reform should look like this.

Sports reform in Pittsburgh needs to happen at the high school level. But the most important time to begin is when the kids are young, as I've tried to do.

Here we are getting ready for a water polo game with some rookie players. This is from the summer of 2009. In 2010, we did water polo with nearly 100 kids as part of the PPS Summer Dreamers program.

City League: Perry rights ship with playoff win over Schenley

High School football coach talks about Facebook.

City League: Perry rights ship with playoff win over Schenley: "Perry meets Brashear for the championship Saturday at Cupples Stadium.
Gallagher is a former Brashear assistant. After leaving Brashear in 2001, Gallagher led Perry to five consecutive City titles in his first five seasons there. However, Perry has not won a league championship since 2005 after winning it eight times over a nine-season span.
'[The Brashear coaches] are great guys and they do a wonderful job,' Gallagher said. 'In this day and age with Facebook all the kids know each other. It will fun. It's a great honor to be in the City championship game.'"

Panel urges African Americans to build their own institutions

Panel urges African Americans to build their own institutions: "The panel, titled 'The Disappearing Black Community and How We Get It Back,' took place in the auditorium of the August Wilson Center in front of an audience of about 350 people, but was broadcast to listeners throughout the country.
The program was meant to be a frank discussion of the state of black communities in the United States. Panelists, who delivered their messages with the fervor of pastors in the pulpit, drew frequent choruses of applause and affirmations from the crowd.
'We have been playing around with the truth,' said Ms. Smith. 'It's time for the truth.'"

What is the URL?

Community Stream

Steve wrote:
I wanted to let people know about an interesting exchange on the
"Locals Online" group (a community of practice for host on
neighborhood e-lists, forums, placeblogs, social nets, Facebook Pages,
etc.) on the idea of the "community stream":

The general question - at the hyperlocal level, how do you get
community groups and others to simply post the information raw
materials for local community, democracy, etc. - think unedited
pre-news. Since many of us come out of the civic engagement frame and
not journalism, I am interested in other successful examples of
getting this distributed publishing model revved up and sustained.

From our discussion, there appear to be two primary working models -
the multi-tech/multi-space approach/aggregation (Boreal) and the
unitary space, multi-tech syndication approach (our Issues Forums).

I recall a day when online news sites attempted to give online
publishing spaces to community groups on a shared platform owned by
the paper, but I'd call that an "information island" brochure approach
unless "what's new" is pulled into a stream that is presented to lots
of people somewhere. I think most of those efforts died as larger
community groups began to publish on their own.

In our case, the "community stream" seeks to get information from
groups that just do not have the capacity maintain a fresh web site to
at least publish online in lowest common denominator ways. We are
trying to convince community organizations to simply get in the habit
of sending an e-mail to a community forum and if they have in it,
attach the poster they stuck up on cork boards in the community.

If you have more lessons to share, consider joining - - or posting on the groups where you
received this query.

Steven Clift -
Feel free to add my email contact to your blast lists or when you have news. I try to post the items to this blog and elsewhere.

Furthermore, if you want to be a "running mate" and want to post directly to this blog, let me know.

Friday, November 12, 2010

City League Football Game -- Tonight

Tonight could be the last game of football for the Schenley Spartans. Fedko coverage will occur as the game with Perry is on the Skylight Highlights list.

At South Side's Cupples Stadium, tonight, comes the semi-finals between Schenley (away team) and the #1 seed, Perry team. Last year's champions were Schenley. And last week Schenley played Perry to an overtime game. Perry got the 2 point conversion and Schenley didn't.

So, this could be a great game.

I expect I'll be on the bridge. Join me is you can.

They Said This in August 2010

The PPS Board VOTED on this two, if not THREE times already.

Home Run with coaching hire

South Park hires parents' choice for baseball coach
Friday, November 12, 2010 By Sarah Steimer

The South Park school board voted Thursday evening to hire Steve Bucci as its high school baseball coach.

Last month the board had scheduled a motion to approve Rick Bubash as coach, but parents attending the meeting asked the board to reconsider Mr. Bucci's application.

Mr. Bucci's hiring is contingent upon his submission of a letter of resignation to Bethel Park School District, where he is currently the high school's baseball coach. The South Park school board will negate its offer if Mr. Bucci fails to resign.

Mr. Bucci's current position at Bethel Park came under debate when the district's teachers union filed a grievance over his hiring. Under the union's policy, a teacher in the district gets privilege for a coaching position. An arbitrator ruled in favor of the union; however, the school district is appealing the decision. South Park board members were concerned that if they hired Mr. Bucci, he would return to Bethel Park if the court ruled in his favor.
Sarah Steimer, freelance: Source:

Long wish list for Pittsburgh Public Schools chief made - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

My son and I went to the A+ Schools meeting last night in The Hill to talk about the next superintendent of Pittsburgh Public Schools. Let's look at the news that is out today about that meeting.

The Trib says that the community has a long list of qualifications and qualities -- but really -- I think that there was more of a large interest and not so much a long list. The list that got promoted on the screen was long and it was pre-made from A+ Schools. And, the one speaker had a theme that was about 'going deep' in a few areas and NOT trying to go to many points but in a more shallow way.

The little voting was hardly about building 'consensus.' It was a fun treat, but to really build a consensus, there would need to be much more voting and re-voting and re-asking of ballot questions. We don't get too far when the first questions are -- what is your skin color -- and there are less than 10 questions to vote upon throughout the entire night. People in the room could see who was in the room without the need of a clicker response on skin color.

It was an interesting night among community, no doubt. But it wasn't about consensus.

I did enjoy seeing many of my top replies get warm reactions among the others in the room. I want an "open source mentality" from the next superintendent. That means collaboration is important. I want an emphasis on sports reform to continue in planning and become a reality if the plans make sense. I want that because I feel that our schools are with lower spirit and missing out on valued community interactions. Bingo! Many people expressed a desire for the next superintendent to build student and neighborhood morale by bringing all sectors of the community -- like parents, colleges, businesses and service groups -- together for the benefit of students.

Long wish list for Pittsburgh Public Schools chief made - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Community leaders and parents have a long wish list when it comes to the qualifications and qualities of the next city schools superintendent.

They want someone with experience in the classroom and in an urban school district who is fiscally responsible and will listen to the community and reduce the racial academic achievement gap.

"We need someone who knows how to manage change," said James Stewart, who serves on an advisory board working to reduce the achievement gap in the district.

Stewart was among about 90 people who attended an A+ Schools meeting Thursday night at Ebenezer Baptist Church in the Hill District to share their ideas about what qualifications and qualities are important in the next Pittsburgh Public Schools superintendent and what the priorities should be. The information gathered will be shared with the school board members.

The Black Political Empowerment Project and the Urban League of Pittsburgh co-sponsored the meeting.

A+ Schools used an electronic polling system so everyone could see the consensus around the room after smaller group discussions. The options used were gathered from an online survey A+ Schools conducted about the superintendent search.

Superintendent Mark Roosevelt is leaving at the end of the year to become president of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Many people expressed a desire for the next superintendent to build student and neighborhood morale by bringing all sectors of the community -- like parents, colleges, businesses and service groups -- together for the benefit of students.

However, they believe the superintendent's top priorities should be continuing efforts to promote teacher excellence, reduce the racial achievement gap and provide support and instruction based on students' needs.

Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of Great City Schools, a Washington, D.C.-based advocate for urban school districts, spoke before the discussion. He said the meeting is a good start.

"The secret to (successful) searches is the community and the board to be clear about what they want, the direction they want to go in, the process they want to follow and then following that process and being transparent about it," Casserly said.
Frankly, I don't have much faith that Pittsburgh's school board and the diverse community will have great clarity in our wants. We all agree that we need a person to take the job and do well.

The P-G article also talked about "morale" -- more school spirit, IMHO. Trust and morals play into the quality as well.

Being able to listen is a HUGE character trait that comes with leadership.

City schools: Same or new direction?
Citizens tell 6 school board members they want good listener, morale builder as superintendent
Friday, November 12, 2010
By Eleanor Chute, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

What should the Pittsburgh Public Schools board consider when looking for a replacement for superintendent Mark Roosevelt?

About 85 community members gave their opinions at a community forum Thursday night.

The top vote-getter for the most important qualification -- 23 percent -- was experience in the classroom or administration. The second highest, 20 percent, was evidence of being able to reach consensus and work collectively.

For the top quality, two characteristics tied, with 58 percent of the vote combined: being willing to listen and having the ability to build morale and inspire confidence.

The group also picked a top priority, with 28 percent naming addressing racial disparities in access and outcome and 26 percent choosing ensuring that teachers are effective, supported and trained. Only 6 percent voted for continuing the work already begun as a priority.

The forum at Ebenezer Baptist Church in the Hill District was organized by A+ Schools, a public education advocacy organization, and co-sponsored by the Black Political Empowerment Project and the Urban League of Pittsburgh.

Mr. Roosevelt announced that he was resigning at the end of December to become president of Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The board has not yet named a temporary or permanent replacement.

Six of the city school board members attended the forum: Dara Ware Allen, Mark Brentley Sr., Bill Isler, Thomas Sumpter, Sherry Hazuda and Sharene Shealey.

At the forum, participants met in small groups and then recorded their answers on an electronic device.

An electronic tally divided participants into five regions, but the largest number -- 46 percent -- were from the East End. About 55 percent were black, and about 39 percent were white.

The largest groups were concerned citizens, 33 percent; educators, 30 percent; and parents, 24 percent.

The meeting included some expert advice from Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools, and Thomas Payzant, former superintendent of Boston, San Diego and several other districts.

Dr. Casserly said some boards make the mistake of first thinking about whether they want someone with experience, certain degrees, an urban background or other traits.

But he said the first thing that must be considered is what kind of a school district the board envisions. He said board members must think about whether they want to continue in the same direction or make some changes.

He said it would take a different type of leader to build on what's existing than to start over.

Dr. Payzant said the board needs to reach an agreement on both how to sustain what's working and how to change. He recommended the board set three to five key goals.

Sports and the arts also got a mention in one of the long lists -- and got the top support of 23% of the voters. That's a nice win too.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What if the City League Sports Teams merged into the WPIAL?

The City of Pittsburgh school district has sports teams that form its own league, often called the City League, also known at PIAA District 8. In Roman Numerals, VIII. Isn't sports jargon something?

The City League plays various sports, but, all the teams from all the schools play in the same league but also play in the same "classification" for the regular season. The big schools are mixed in with the little schools. Every week there are games between the Davids and the Goliaths. When little Westinghouse plays Brashear or Allderdice, it is Westinghouse with the slingshot and the much larger student body on the other side of the pitch.

Meanwhile, in the WPIAL, the little schools play against the little schools. The middle sized schools play against the middle sized schools. And, guess what, the biggest schools play against the other big schools. This happens all the time, with the exception of a few exhibition games.

Competitive balance matters greatly in sports. In the city, there is none of that. In the rest of thw world, it is one of the most important features for competitions.

In some sports, such as soccer, there are three classifications. In other sports, such as basketball, there are presently four. The smallest schools are Single A. The largest are Quad A.

If the city sports teams merge into the WPIAL, a splendid benefit will be the on-going embrace of the classifications and an awareness of competitive balance. The soccer teams would play in one of three classifications based upon the student population of that school.

To be exact, the students of each gender in grades 9, 10 and 11 are counted, not grade 12. This counting happens every two years.

In the charts below various options are presented based upon the suggestion from some that the PPS schools should enter into "co-ops" as the teams migrate to the WPIAL. For example, with a co-op, the students of Pgh Sci-Tech might play on the same teams as the students of Pgh U-Prep. That's just one possible co-op example. With this example, every day after school the U-Prep students who wanted to play basketball would need to finish their school day at U-Prep and then get onto a bus and go to the gym at Pgh Sci-Tech, put on the Sci-Tech uniforms, and so on. Of course they'd need to try out and make the team first. Sci-Tech's team would have players from both Sci-Tech and U-Prep. Furthermore, the student population from both Sci-Tech and U-Prep would be counted as one unit so as to determine the team's classification.

The smallest schools are listed at the top of the list. The largest schools at the bottom. 

Pittsburgh Allderdice and Pittsburgh Brashear are big schools. No matter what, those teams from those schools would play in the 3A classification against the other giant schools in Western PA: Norwin, North Hills, Mt. Lebo.

But Pittsburgh has a number of smaller schools. Unlike the present city league, the teams at Langley, Oliver, Westinghouse would NOT need to play against the soccer powerhouse Allderdice and the over-reaching Schenley. Unless, of course, the ugly plan of coops is put into place. Then the kids at Langley would play with Brashear and face off with the big schools. And if Westinghouse joins with Allderdice, as one of the plans option reads, they would be playing against the bigger schools as well.

Kids from Pgh Westinghouse and Pgh Langley don't want to play all their soccer games against teams from Hempfield and Seneca Valley. Those kids play soccer year round. Those kids play with their soccer mates for years as they grow and develop in their respective soccer programs and reach varsity status in their high school teams.

For sure, the smaller schools have some talented players. But, the smaller schools don't have a full bench of year-round cup players. Often, varsity athletes at smaller schools get to play two or three sports per year where the players at the larger schools are often more devoted to a single sport and play year-round in that sport with camps, club programs and specific conditioning.

Pittsburgh Obama, in the chart below, given the assumptions of school enrollment, is posted as the second smallest school in the middle classification, Double A. But, if Pgh Obama should contract every so slightly, it would be one of the larger schools in Single A. That's a big difference. Playing Vincentian Academy, with 84 boys students, and playing against Hampton, West Mifflin and Montour means a great deal in terms of competitive balance.

What is worse is if Pgh Obama is forced to hook up in a boys coop with Pgh Sci-Tech and Pgh U-Prep. Then the side goes against Plum, Penn Hills and North Allegheny in every match. Getting a single win might be impossible.

This week those same kids, playing under the banner of Schenley, played against Norwin and Hampton and the combined scores for boys and girls games was 13 to 2.

Example 1: boys, soccer, 3 classifications in PIAA.
Boys Soccer Classifications:
Single A
Aquinas Academy of Pittsburgh, 20
Beaver County Christian, 33
Trinity Christian School, 38
Eden Christian Academy, 49
Geibel Catholic, 67
Quigley Catholic, 68
Saint Joseph, 72
Vincentian Academy, 84
Elderton, 91
North Catholic, 98
Winchester Thurston, 102
Monessen, 106
Sewickley Academy, 108
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 115
Serra Catholic, 128
Pgh CAPA boys, 128
Bentworth, 136
Springdale, 141
Chartiers Houston, 148
Bethlehem Center, 149
Avonworth, 150
Neshannock, 150
Pgh Sci Tech, 150
Brentwood, 162
Riverview, 165
South Side, 171
Pgh Westinghouse, 171
Bishop Canevin, 175
Carlynton, 176
Pgh Oliver, 183
Pgh Langley, 188
Greensburg Central Catholic, 190
Pgh U-Prep, 190
Seton LaSalle, 199
Mohawk, 207
Shady Side Academy, 213
West Shamokin, 218
Riverside, 219
Freedom, 225

AA Classifications
Brownsville, 222
Pgh Obama, 225
South Allegheny, 230
Charleroi, 233
Steel Valley, 241
Ellwood City, 245
Quaker Valley, 246
Freeport, 250
New Brighton, 252
Burrell, 254
Southmoreland, 261
Washington, 263
South Fayette, 266
Deer Lakes, 267
Waynesburg Central, 267
Beaver, 279
East Allegheny, 282
Mount Pleasant, 285
Pgh CAPA girls, 285
Keystone Oaks, 296
Yough, 309
McGuffey, 317
Valley, 318
Blackhawk, 321
Derry, 321
South Park, 321
Highlands, 325
Kittanning, 325
Pgh Perry, 333
Indiana, 336
Belle Vernon, 346
Elizabeth Forward, 353
Pgh U-Prep + Pgh Sci-Tech, 340
Pgh CAPA (boys) + Pgh Obama, 353

Hopewell, 356
Thomas Jefferson, 358
Ambridge, 366
Uniontown, 375
Mars, 378
Knoch, 380
Greensburg Salem, 387
West Allegheny, 389
Pgh Carrick, 392
Pgh Obama + Pgh Westinghouse, 396
Hampton, 399
Montour, 403
West Mifflin, 406
Ringgold, 418

AAA Classification
Central Valley, 339
Trinity, 429
Chartiers Valley, 447
Moon, 465
Laurel Highlands, 481
Albert Gallatin, 482
Franklin Regional, 498
Pgh CAPA girls + Pgh Obama, 510
Pgh Perry + Pgh Oliver, 516
Peters Township, 541
Pgh Brashear, 558
Greater Latrobe, 560
Upper Saint Clair, 560
Kiski, 565
Woodland Hills, 565
Pgh Obama + Pgh Sci-Tech + U-Prep, 565
Plum, 568
Canon McMillan, 577
McKeesport, 578
Pine-Richland, 595
Gateway, 606
Fox Chapel, 610
Penn Trafford, 610
North Hills, 619
Pgh Allderdice, 625
Baldwin, 641
Connellsville, 643
Mount Lebanon, 658
Bethel Park, 665
Norwin, 666
Central Catholic, 670
Shaler, 677
Penn Hills, 686
Pgh Langley + Pgh Brashear, 746
Hempfield, 792
Pgh Allderdice + Pgh Westinghouse, 796
Seneca Valley, 899
North Allegheny, 984
Butler, 1107

Another look at the WPIAL merger with the city comes with a four classification sport. Soccer, as above, has three classifications. But boys basketball has four. Likewise, football has four classifications. But the PIAA wanted to make five for football a couple of years ago, and the WPIAL didn't want to do that as it would be impossible to have five games played at Heinz Field on one day.

Wilkinsburg does not filed a boys soccer team. But it does have a boys basektball team, in Double A.
Example 2: Boys Basketball Classifications (4 classes)
Single A
Trinity Christian, 38
Eden Christian, 49
Geibel Catholic, 67
Quigley Catholic, 68
Mapletown, 69
Saint Joseph, 72
Avella, 80
Vincentian, 84
Elderton, 91
North Catholic, 98
Western Beaver, 98
Cornell, 99
Winchester Thurston, 102
Jefferson Morgan, 104
Monessen, 106
Sewickley Academy, 108
Union, 112
West Greene, 112
Lincoln Park Charter, 113
OLSH, 115
Leechburg, 116
Clairton, 124
Carmichaels, 125
Rochester, 125
Serra Catholic, 128
Pgh CAPA boys, 128
Bentworth, 136

Double AA
California, 140
Springdale, 141
Aliquippa, 148
Chartiers Houston, 148
Bethlehem Center, 149
Avonworth, 150
Neshannock, 150
Pgh Sci Tech, 150
Wilkinsburg, 155
Frazier, 157
Jeannette, 158
Sto-Rox, 160
Brentwood, 162
Fort Cherry, 162
Riverview, 165
South Side, 171
Pgh Westinghouse, 171
Bishop Canevin, 175
Carlynton, 176
Northgate, 176
Shenango, 177
Pgh Oliver, 183
Burgettstown, 188
Pgh Langley, 188
Laurel, 189
Greensburg Central Catholic, 190
Pgh U-Prep, 190
Seton LaSalle, 199
Apollo Ridge, 202
Mohawk, 207
Shady Side Academy, 213
West Shamokin, 218
Riverside, 219
Brownsville, 222
Freedom, 225
Pgh Obama, 225
South Allegheny, 230
Charleroi, 233
Steel Valley, 241
Ellwood City, 245
Ford City, 245
Quaker Valley, 246
Beaver Falls, 247
Summit Academy, 248
Freeport, 250
New Brighton, 252

Triple A
Burrell, 254
Southmoreland, 261
Washington, 263
South Fayette, 266
Deer Lakes, 267
Waynesburg Central, 267
Beaver, 279
East Allegheny, 282
Mount Pleasant, 285
Pgh CAPA girls, 285
Keystone Oaks, 296
Yough, 309
McGuffey, 317
Valley, 318
Blackhawk, 321
Derry, 321
South Park, 321
Highlands, 325
Kittanning, 325
Pgh Perry, 333
Indiana, 336
Central Valley, 339
Pgh U-Prep + Pgh Sci-Tech, 340
Belle Vernon, 346
Elizabeth Forward, 353
Pgh CAPA boys + Pgh Obama, 353
Hopewell, 356
Thomas Jefferson, 358
New Castle, 360
Ambridge, 366
Uniontown, 375
Mars, 378
Knoch, 380
Greensburg Salem, 387
West Allegheny, 389
Pgh Carrick, 392
Pgh Obama + Pgh Westinghouse, 396
Hampton, 399
Montour, 403
West Mifflin, 406
Ringgold, 418
Trinity, 429

Quad A Classification
Chartiers Valley, 447
Moon, 465
Laurel Highlands, 481
Albert Gallatin, 482
Franklin Regional, 498
Pgh Perry + Pgh Oliver, 516
Peters Township, 541
Pgh Brashear, 558
Greater Latrobe Senior, 560
Upper Saint Clair, 560
Kiski, 565
Woodland Hills, 565
Pgh Obama + Pgh Sci-Tech + Pgh U-Prep, 565
Plum, 568
Canon McMillan, 577
McKeesport, 578
Pine-Richland, 595
Gateway, 606
Fox Chapel, 610
Penn Trafford, 610
North Hills, 619
Pgh Allderdice, 625
Baldwin, 641
Connellsville, 643
Mount Lebanon, 658
Bethel Park, 665
Norwin, 666
Central Catholic, 670
Shaler, 677
Penn Hills, 686
Pgh Langley + Pgh Brashear, 746
Hempfield, 792
Pgh Allderdice + Pgh Westinghouse, 796
Seneca Valley, 899
North Allegheny, 984
Butler, 1107

Coops stink for PPS.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NCAA Division Swimming Rankings

Division III
Men's Team Rankings

1 Kenyon 425, 2 Denison 399, 3 Emory 347, 4 Kalamazoo 292, 5 Johns Hopkins 290, 6 Washington (Missouri) 267, 7 Stevens Institute 233, 8 MIT 214, 9 Williams 196, 10 Amherst 194, 11 TCNJ 177, 12 DePauw 158, 13 Carnegie Mellon 154, 14 Washington and Lee 143, 15 Hope 140, 16 Middlebury 137, 17 UW-Stevens Point 127, 18 Grove City 124, 19 Chicago 123, 20 Carthage 93, 21 St. Olaf 91, 22 Tufts 88, 23 Case Western Reserve 85, 24 St. Thomas (Mn) 79, 25 Olivet 78

Women's Team Rankings

1 Emory University 375, 2 Denison University 351, 3 Kenyon College 342, 4 Williams College 270, 5 C-M-S 214, 6 Johns Hopkins 205, 7 Amherst College 199, 8 MIT 169, 9 UW-Stevens Point 162, 10 WashU 146, 11 Carthage College 144, 12 Stevens Institute 118, 13 UW-LaCrosse 117, 14 Grove City College 99, 15 Chicago 87, 16 Carnegie Mellon 85, 17 Hope College 85, 18 Calvin College 83, 19 Ithaca College 82, 20 Mary Washington 82, 21 Kalamazoo 65, 22 Middlebury 62, 23 Gustavus Adolphus 60, 24 Keene State 59, 25 Springfield 58,

Division II Dual Meet Poll - AP Format

Women's Team Rankings
1 Grand Valley State 421,  2 Ashland 341,  3 UC-San Diego 328,  4 Drury 298,  5 Incarnate Word 293,  6 Ouachita Baptist 292,  7 California-PA 254,  8 Truman State 234,  9 Indianapolis 229,  10 Tampa 229,  11 CW Post 222,  12 Indiana -Pennsylvania 206,  13 Wingate 204,  14 West Chester 190,  15 Bridgeport 150,  16 Grand Canyon 136,  17 Clarion 130,  18 Nova Southeastern 123,  19 Henderson State 118,  20 Southern Connecticut 106,  21 Wayne State 104,  22 Saint Cloud State 98,  23 Pace 84,  24 Findlay 79,  25 Hillsdale 67

Men's Team Rankings  
1 Ashland 439,  2 Missouri S&T 385,  3 Grand Valley State 372,  4 Drury 357,  5 Incarnate Word 341,  6 Wayne State 327,  7 UC-San Diego 282,  8 Nova Southeastern 281,  9 Ouachita Baptist 275,  10 Wingate 273,  11 Florida Southern 252,  12 Indianapolis 198,  13 Queens University 197,  14 Grand Canyon 178,  15 Bridgeport 161,  16 Southern Connecticut 148,  17 Tampa 124,  18 Lewis 116,  19 Texas at Permian Basin 111,  20 West Chester 109,  21 Henderson State 107,  22 Limestone 104,  23 Mesa State College 98,  24 Bloomsburg 85,  25 Clarion 79

At first, plans put green in place of Igloo

At first, plans put green in place of Igloo

GRASS. Great.

Councilman protests South Side patrol cancellation

Councilman protests South Side patrol cancellation

Pittsburgh City Councilman Bruce Kraus today sent a letter to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl complaining about the abrupt cancellation of special police details last week in the South Side entertainment district.

The city had saturated the neighborhood with police on recent weekends amid complaints from Mr. Kraus and residents about illegal parking, public urination and other problems connected with weekend revelers.

Mr. Kraus said he was pleased with the progress being made and stunned when the city canceled the operation with little explanation last weekend. Even stranger, he said, the cancellation was announced just hours after the city said the special patrols would continue.

Read more:
I think I did a post on this latest folly from Bruce. KDKA Radio was reporting that the sweeps were nixed after Bruce went to the mayor's office and had a melt down that began with some conversation about the loan that was promised but not delivered to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

Last night the police were in the South Side, in force, giving out tickets to those who ran the red light at 10th Street and East Carson Street. There were nearly a dozen motorcycle police and when I walked past -- three were giving out tickets a couple blocks away and another batch were on their motorcycles ready to swoop as any driver pushed the yellow light into red and dared to pass through the intersection.

Freediver Carlos Coste sets new world record with 150m swim through cave | Mail Online

Freediver Carlos Coste sets new world record with 150m swim through cave | Mail Online

This is a worthy read. Hat tip to ASCA.

Pittsburgh Public Schools -- THIS SUCKS!

Pittsburgh Public Schools shuffles reconfiguration plan - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Pittsburgh Public Schools is proposing two changes in its plans to reconfigure schools in the East End.

Administrators asked the school board Tuesday to make the single-gender academies at Westinghouse High School a magnet program open to all district students and move the Obama 6-12 International Baccalaureate program a year early to Peabody High School, which closes at the end of this school year. The program wasn't to move from Reizenstein until 2012-13.

The district could postpone an early college program at Oliver High School until 2012-13 because of ongoing community discussions about changes to North Side school configurations. The board is expected to vote on the plans later this month.

No way.

Pgh Obama is to stay at Reizenstein for the rest of this year (2010-2011) and for next year (2011-2012). Then the move to Peabody should occur for the start of the school year in September 2012.