lotto sa
Company Reg No;1996/079414/23M T N Building,132-133
Park Hurst,Balfour-Unit 1440
SOUTH AFRICA2IN CONJUNCTION WITHSOUTH AFRICA 2010WORLDCUP LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITEE M T N 2010 LOTTERY DRAW NOTICEDear Winner,This is to inform you that the M T N Lottery Game Consulting and the Local Organizing Commitee (LOC) of the 2010 World Cup, here in South Africa, has held an Internet Raffle Draw, and your Email Address was among the 2010 Email Addresses that was picked by the computer during the Third Quarter Raffle Draw (TQRD).We are therefore with great pleasure, to notify you that your Email Address once again, happened to come out top number (1) out of the 2010 Email Addresses, on the FINAL BALLOT DRAW, and this had made you the JACKPOT WINNER OF THE SUM OF US$ 850,000.00(EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLAR).Be aware that this M T N Raffle Draw was organised by the M T N Lottery Game Consulting (L G C) and the Local Organizing Commitee (L O C) of the 2010 World Cup, to create awareness for the world, as South Africa is finalizing their preparation for the hosting of the 2010 World Cup.BELOW ARE YOUR WINNING DETAILS:DRAW NUMBER: 4,13,21,27,36,38 BONUS 45.EMAIL CODE NUMBER: 15/76/EF36FINAL JACKPOT NUMBER: 0001SN: 2010 / MTN LGC / LOC / ZAWINNING INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER: JJA23ZAINSURANCE COMPANY: OLD MUTUAL INSURANCE SAAMOUNT WON: US$ 850,000.00AGREEMENT: IT IS NOW AGREED BY THE M T N Lottery Game Consulting (LGC) and the Local Organizing Commitee (LOC) of the 2010 World Cup, THAT THE WINNING INFORMATIONS WRITTEN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL WINNING INFORMATIONS AS WAS SELECTED BY THE COMPUTER ON MONDAY 8 OFSEPTEMBER 2008, AND IT HAS ALSO BEEN AGREED THAT THE WINNER WHOSE THESE WINNING IN FORMATIONS HAS BEEN SENT TO, WILL BE PAID THE WINNING SUM OF US$ 850,000.00 BY SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE'S OF 2010 WORLD CUP LOTTERY WITHOUT FAIL. Note that this program is being sponsured by:SOUTH AFRICANGOVERNMENT,MTN AND FiFA.
Mr. Kuash Behler, Our First Quarter Winner ofUS$ 850,000.00 from Amsterdam, Holland30th April 2008. ![]()
Our Second Quarter Winner Mrs. Ali Fatima from Nepal receiving her winning cheque ofUS$850,000.00 also on the picture is her husband and friends rejoicing with them. 27th March 2008Congratulations from all our staff and we also extend our thanks to the Sponsures for being part of our promotional program.VIVA SOUTH AFRICA! VIVA SPONSURES& VIVA THE WHOLE WORLD.PRIZE CLAIMING INSTRUCTION:To receive your prize, contact our Paying agent on the following Details:Company: GLOBE FINANCE CORPORATIONCompany Registration number: 1947/027670/07Contact address: 27 NEWTON STR, NEWTON PARK,P.O BOX 7706 NEWTON CENTRAL JOHANNESBURGContact person: MR. CALEB SMITH.Position: Finance DirectorTEL: + 27 787 931 175Email Address:Please keep this form confidential from public to avoid double claiming and contradition over the receiving of your fund. Very important, Lottery rules says that you must be 18 years and above to be able to claim a prize.
Announcement Made Today Tuesday 10 Of September 2008 (South Africa Time 10:25 am)Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the 2010 World Cup Lotteries Board Commission ;![]()
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
OMG - got a winning ticket to South Africa's prize in advance of the World Cup Soccer
Thailand jail holds author for 3 lines in novel of 300 page book sold 7 times w 40 other books in inventory
Reporters sans fronti�res - Thailand: "Nicolaides added: “I know the importance of respecting this country’s traditions, customs and expectations. I am not an agitator.”
Guide to setting up a public issues forum released from New Zealand leader
After setting up the Canterbury Online Public Issues Forum,
I wrote a guide to starting a local online public issues forum in Aotearoa New Zealand. It documents some of what I learned in the process, and includes various resources that we created along the way. It's available from this post on our blog.
Please use, circulate and comment.
best to all,
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Extreme Strings Orchestra gets ready for the 2008-09 season soon
The Extreme Strings Orchestra will kick off it's 3rd season on Saturday morning September 27 from 9-11 AM and you are invited. You can come to check us out or come and join - and we hope you do!
Here are all of the details you should know right now.
The XSO is an educational youth music program that specializes in the great American music styles of Fiddling , Jazz, and Rock.
We also play electronic instruments and work with pickups, wireless units, effects, amps and sound systems.
We are looking for middle, junior high, and high school students who play Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass and are also open to Guitar and Mandolin players as well.
This program is open to ALL students from suburban schools, private schools, Pittsburgh Public Schools, and home-schooled students from all over the tri-state area.
We would prefer at least 2 years of experience playing the instrument but we can discuss that. Although we have some very fine advanced players this is not an elite group and we break the XSO into 2 or 3 groups most weeks and work with students at their own levels. However, it's most fun when we put the whole XSO together and we try to do that every week.
We meet at the Pittsburgh Creative and Performing Arts High (CAPA for short) at the corner of 9th St. and Fort Duquesne Blvd. Downtown Pittsburgh as part of the Centers For The Musically Talented program.
We meet most Saturdays through the school year from 9-11 AM.
Tuition cost this year will be $450. There is a discount of $75 for full payment by 10/31/08. Also, families with more than one child in the program receive a discount of $100 per child.
There are full tuition grants available for up to 20 Pittsburgh Public School students.
Your tuition covers 24 educational sessions as well as performance opportunities through out the year. Last year we performed for the Three Rivers Arts Festival, in the Heinz Hall lobby as part of the "BOWFIRE" concert, the All City Arts Festiva, the "Saturday Light Brigade Radio Show" (twice) l and did workshops with students in the Norwin and West Mifflin School Districts and the Pulling String private music studio. We even had two of our students perform on stage with "BOWFIRE"
Our faculty includes myself, Sena Thompson as an instructor and arranger - the kids love her, Erin Snyder as low strings instructor, and Alex Van Laningham - a recent XSO grad - as well as outside professional instructors who will visit to do workshops in their specialty.
Last year we had about 25 students and many are returning. We hope you will join us. It's big fun.
Our new brochure will be ready later this week and we can send you one if you wish. It will definitely be on our site ASAP and we may attach it to a future email message.
Although we hope to do a complete update of the web site this week - which is overdue - there is some good information about our program including video and sound clips at
Contact me if you need more information. Thank you for your consideration.
Steven Vance
Yamaha Certified String Educator
Executive Director
2549 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh PA 15222
Jazz, Rock and Fiddling
Teaching, Learning and Playing Great American Music
Macworld | Live Update: Apple’s ‘Let’s Rock’ Event
Macworld | Live Update: Apple’s ‘Let’s Rock’ Event: "10:08 PT - JS: Just a funny note from the event. We are surrounded by the sound of fast, furious typing fingers. Is the entire world liveblogging this event? I suspect it is. They're all here.
Here's an easy way to start your day in a positive way:
1. Create two new files on your computer.Sent to me by a friend. I did a few edits and doubled the elation by changing some of the words.
2. Name one file, 'Barack Obama' and the other file, 'John McCain.'
3. Send them to the computer's Recycle Bin.
4. Empty the Recycle Bin.
5. Your PC will ask you: "Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama' and 'John McCain?"
6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'
7. Feel better!
Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi and the PA House of Represenatives.
Flashback: Joe Jencks played a prior House Concert for us in Pittsburgh A Media Empire A Media Empire: "here's Bruce Kraus harassing the businesspeople of the South Side for selling food on the sidewalks - horrors! Apparently, he's been getting constituent complaints about messy drunks at 3:00 a.m. It is achingly obvious that these constituents are old. I am 100% certain that the young people who are spending $100,000 to colonize the ugly little aluminum siding box houses around East Carson are not concerned about the 3:00 a.m. drunks - in fact, they came for that atmosphere. I have a better solution than trying to put the poor chicken-on-a-stick guy out of business: if you don't like the South Side, move. You're ugly little box house will sell for 18 times what you paid for it in nineteen ought eight, and you'll be in good shape to head out to a ranch home in Edgewood, or wherever old people like to live. Meanwhile, the city won't waste its time and energy making one of its most appealing spots less appealing to the people they're constantly claiming they want to appeal to: young people. Lord!I do not agree with Kraus -- nor with the blog posting above for a few reasons. Sure, constituents are going to complain. Sure, some are old. But, many are not.
Our drunk problem isn't at 3 am. Rather it is from midnight to 2:15 or so. Mostly the worse as the bars close around 1:30 to 2 am.
But, the aftermath of the crowds presents another problem that surfaces about 7 am as it gets light and the trash lingers. The drunks are gone. The bouncers are gone. The rented beer is spent an returned to 'Mother Earth' too. But, those that have jobs and lives to lead are seeing the remains.
Frankly, I didn't move here for the South Side bar atmosphere. Wrong. This is a neighborhood, a mixed neighborhood with churches, schools, institutions, families, single folks, seniors, recreation, business, retail, history, eating/drinking and the flexibility/freedom to make yourself here without the burden of conformity's pressures.
The option of moving, if we don't like the South Side, has been done thousands and thousands of times already. The one's that are here now are the cranky types that are going to stay because of the principle of things -- or -- because of their lack of capcity to move.
If the South Side turns into an entertainment district to the detriment of everything else, then the city will die. Dead. Bankrupt. Worse than Detroit. Not just the neighborhood, but the entire city, and in turn, the region.
Frankly, the South Side has done well for itself because the government types have stayed out of the South Side, by and large. The Local Development officials can't move their way out of a wet paper bag. The URA is only something most on the South Side know about from reading the newspapers.
We do not need the city and Mr. Kraus of city council working, as said in the blog post, to make the South Side appealing. But, things need to occur for other motivations, without the city. And, selling food on a stick under a sidewalk umbrella to midnight with a three-block litter patrol from 12 to 3 am (by the same business people) would be a great next step.
In the end, you might want to buy a house here -- as there are dozens of them available up and down our streets now. And, to make that investment, insurances need to be understood so it is a great long-term location. Better than South Park and Shaler, even after your children grow to their tenth birthday.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Here I am on the Great Wall. Shows my better side too.
From Beijing - Great Wall |
There were few people on this stretch of The Great Wall -- so we had some peace and quiet to absorb its magnitude.
Ron Paul - In Government We Trust? Part 2 - Texas Straight Talk
Congressman Ron Paul - In Government We Trust? Part 2 - Texas Straight Talk Imagine if the money you earned had honest, stable value, or even appreciated like an investment! No such special measures, like converting dollars to gold, would be required to ensure that your savings would sustain you in your golden years. That is the way it could be and is supposed to be. However, the government's thirst for power will not be easily, or cheaply, quenched. Fiat currency is one tool governments have to extract wealth quietly from the working class. It is time for the people to wake up to this ruse and look to the Constitution to restore sound currency.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac get bailout - as did others like Bear Stearns
I am sure you must be as angered as I am by the government take over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This taxpayer rip-off is guaranteed to cost you and me billions. . . and who is to benefit?
First and foremost, THE BANK OF CHINA. That's right, the government bank in the People's Republic of China. Among others, numerous countries in the middle east and institutions around the world are also benefiting. Billions and billions are being sent overseas at our expense.
What do Senators McCain and Obama say about this government nationalization of our home lending system? They are both reported to be supportive.
I can tell you unequivocally, that Presidential candidate Bob Barr opposes this bail out!
Why? Because our tax dollars are being used (once again - remember Bear Stearns?) to fatten the bank accounts of speculators who bought bad loans. This is a case of the government rewarding those who took high-risk investment positions and were about to lose. . .
And where is Congress through all of this? Today they are back from a six week vacation and after just three more weeks, they quit work for the rest of the year! Between lengthy paid vacations, you can be sure they will be privately encouraging federal regulators and bureaucrats to bail out their friends. You see, Congress is paid handsomely - in the form of campaign contributions and other gifts - to make sure that the wealthy are protected from their own mistakes.
Do you need still more evidence that the only ones to benefit from this bail-out are foreign investors and Wall Street, check out all the major stock exchanges TODAY and you'll see massive gains that you are paying for.
John McCain and Barack Obama support this. No surprise there. Bob Barr is alone in blowing the whistle on this multi-billion bail out.
Scolding: I sliing this in the wake of a bone-headed comment
The last thing this country needs is another oil state governor with boob connotations (he is one, she has them.)My reply:
Anonymous | 09.08.08 - 9:53 am | #
So, it is okay to judge people on where they live? (oil state)
Isn't PA an "oil state?" It used to be, i.e., Oil City, PA.
The sexist part is ignored.
I'd say the "last thing this country needs" is someone (racist/place-ist and sexist) to de-rail the conversations with silly comments.
Behaviors matter. Voting is a behavior too. Words and deeds in the weeks to come are sure to be measured at great length. Anonymous can help -- or hinder. To hinder by design brings a scolding.
From Passion to Action” Parent Leadership Training
Pittsburgh: September 19 & 20, 2008
Harrisburg: October 17 & 18, 2008
Pennsylvania Parent Information and Resource Center (PA PIRC) is sponsoring two regionally based workshops for parent leaders from local, regional and statewide parent leadership and parent advocacy groups, including parent members of family-school-community partnership teams.
PA PIRC supports strong connections between families and schools and advocates the
development of family-school-community partnerships focused on student success. PA PIRC
recognizes that to contribute effectively to these partnerships each member benefits from solid information to support him or her in this work.
“From Passion to Action” Parent Leadership Training
The two-day workshops, scheduled on Friday, September 19, 2008 and Saturday,
September 20, 2008 in western Pennsylvania and Friday, October 17, 2008 and Saturday,
October 18, 2008 in eastern Pennsylvania, are designed for parent leaders who want to
have an integral role in achieving student success through effective parent involvement and leadership in family-school-community partnerships.
Presenters will facilitate workshop sessions that will include:
Discussing personal leadership experiences
Understanding parent roles as leaders in the family-school-community context
Learning about the National PTA Standards of Parent Involvement
Reviewing the Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) regulations governing parent
involvement with schools
Utilizing Pennsylvania’s “From Compliance to Effective Practice”, a standards-based
rubric aligned with the regulations
Parent leaders will have opportunities to learn and enhance involvement and leadership skills through networking with one another. Each participant will leave with a plan for transferring what they have learned to other parents.
Sign up: via PA PIRC at
Action Alert: Verify Our Voting Software!
At 5 pm on Tuesday Sept. 9, 2008 we get to tell Allegheny County Council and Our Board of Election to "Audit Our Voting Software."
If we can't have a paper ballot, at least verify that our voting software is authentic!
County Council Meeting - Tuesday at 5pm, Sept. 9th
4th Floor, County Courthouse - Gold Room
Sign up to speak to council before Monday at 5pm with this link here:
When you sign up, put "Verify Voting Software" in Agenda Item.
In the two years since our voting machines have arrived from a factory in the Philippines, the voting software has never been audited for authenticity. We are asking for public software audits that compare our voting software with the software certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. "Unauthorized Patches" have been used illegally in other states by the voting machine vendors. Allegheny County promised to verify our voting software. Now, we are calling for the Board of Election to hold a special meeting to make software verification happen.
Our goal is to have 30 voters show up this Tuesday at county council and call for software verification. All folks have to do is walk up to the podium and say "Please, Verify Our Voting Software!" If we show up with 30 voters, we will make news.
See you there!
David Brown,
Missing blacks at GOP Party and in line-up for US Congress
Smart black candidates run as for office as an Independent, not Republican. That's why there are only 7 blacks running for US Congress. Marty's concepts and benchmark is more mole-hill than mountain.
URA ignored its own rules in parking lot contracts
URA ignored its own rules in parking lot contracts: "Mr. Ravenstahl has said there was no connection between the award and a $10,000 campaign contribution from Matthew McTish, the firm's president.No fooling.
Ugh. There is so much to say. But the first thing that needs to be said is, "Good job Rich Lord." Thanks for being a watchdog. Thanks for the research. Thanks for telling the story. We need -- Pittsburgh needs -- articles like this to come into the light of day. Pittsburgh needs the 4th estate to rise up and help to correct its ills. Splendid job here.
Restaurant owners face ban on food sales -- city councilor trying to enforce it
Food Fight - South Side restaurant owners say a ban on outside food sales -- and the city councilor trying to enforce it -- are bad for business - News - News - Pittsburgh City Paper - Pittsburgh: "'Why enforce it now?' Obaid asks.Notice the trend: Bigger government, over-reaching, anti-marketplace, enemy creation, fear establishment, sustained uncertainty, doubtful laws.
Some say the answer is easy: Councilor Bruce Kraus.
'He's making life miserable for us,' says Mary Tolomeo, a bartender at City Grill, located next door to Obaid's market.
Tolomeo says that in recent weeks, Kraus has warned her that City Grill will be cited if she doesn't move her pizza stand off the sidewalk and inside the restaurant. She says he's even taken pictures of her and other vendors selling on the street.
'It's harassment,' Tolomeo says."
Other elements might be part of the trend too.
What do you think?
South Siders urge review panel to reject cafe owner's plan for patio
South Siders urge review panel to reject cafe owner's plan for patio: "City Councilman Bruce Kraus, who represents District 3 and spoke at the meeting, said he did not advocate a position but asked for a resolution that didn't involve the courts.Bruce Kraus won't take a stand other than to wish upon a star and hope that the decision does not come from a person wearing a robe.
'I feel a judiciary responsibility to the city to not let it come to litigation,' he said.
Neighborhood residents who serve as the city's historic review monitors spoke against the patio last week. They had opposed the demolition two years ago.
Architect Bob Russ, who serves on the local committee, had defended the neo-Dutch colonial facade of the demolished building as unique and worthy amid an architectural collection that is largely Victorian."
Again, what do you think?
Both articles are worthy of a full read. Follow the links.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Come back to "your vote doesn't mean shit anyway."
I will not be voting this election. I have talked to many folks about this and they all say the same thing. Why vote? Your vote doesn't mean shit anyway. The past few months have proved this. They make it to where everyone is confused and they get who they want in there anyway..My reply, re-posted here:
Your vote is welcomed with the Libertarians. If you feel your vote doesn't mean shit -- make it so -- walk the talk -- deliver a good deed to turn the tide -- and cast your vote for President of the USA for Bob Barr, Libertarian.
You'll feel better for that day at least. And, it insures you'll have bragging rights for the next four years -- or longer -- if we ever turn our nation to a pathway of lawful peace and justice for all.
Inequity found in city staff's pay - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Inequity found in city staff's pay - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: 'But (Pittsburgh) is a city that still runs on patronage and who knows whom,' Hansen said.But, it is worse than this. You gotta know the person and you gotta not care that the work gets done in a quality way. If everyone knew one another and the city was a model of productivity and efficiency, we'd be able to say we are just friendly, easy to know, and outgoing. But, we've got the best buddy thing down pat so it is often 'cover one's ass' while naps get taken on the job and not much gets done.
So, bad patronage is about who knows whom and all in that network care to do as little as possible. Understood? Rocking the boat is not tolerated. And, the gate-keepers know those people as well.
My comment at BurghReport
It isn't the "American economy?"
My point: I get very worried when any of those over-reaching fix it all politicians take credit for macro things with micro tinkerings.
Empowering them to, for example, fix the energy mess by building power plants (etc.) and in the next breath hearing them saying that they'll deliver 'smaller government" plus have 100-year occupations of foreign lands - golly -- those conflicts do not sit well with me.
Bush's economy is BS.
Bush's war is right on.
The US president can run an invasion just fine on his own. But it is a different matter for this -- or other D & R Presidents - to run an economy.
College Football in a nutshell
If you like underdogs, this might be a "glory year." Pitt lost to B-G-S-U-cks on opening day with few in the stands and lots of booing.
Great article for all to read:
Yolk’s on egg-laying Big East, ACC, Big Ten: The Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore.: "the Big East, where Louisville was trounced by Kentucky, Pittsburgh was shocked by Bowling Green and Rutgers was run over by Fresno State. Oh, and Syracuse looked as bad as ever in a loss to Northwestern.I think it might be more rewarding to devote my limited attention to spectator sports in the direction of the Paralympics now ramping up in Beijing.
,,, snips about Pitt ...
But how’s this for desperate: the Big East is pulling for Cincinnati to raise the league’s stature. The Bearcats are at Oklahoma.
“If Cincinnati went out there and got a win, that would do a lot for Cincinnati and a lot for our conference,” UConn coach Randy Edsall said.
Indeed, it would. But beat the Sooners in Norman?
“This is a huge measuring stick for our program and our football team,” Cincinnati coach Brian Kelly said. “Certainly we cannot go to Norman and lay an egg.”
Why not? Half of the league already did.
It’s truly the Pitts
Is there any team that needs a win more than Pittsburgh? The Panthers play host to Buffalo but might rather be on the road after that 27-17 loss to Bowling Green led their own fans to boo Pittsburgh off Heinz Field.
“It was probably justified,” Pittsburgh coach Dave Wannstedt said. “I mean, let’s be real ... when people are disappointed, they are going to express it.”
They’re also going to be questioning the coach. Wannstedt replaced Walt Harris, who was eased out despite a 32-18 record in his final four years, including 2-2 in bowl games.
What’s Wannstedt done? He’s 16-20 (three of the wins over lower-division foes) with no bowls, and there seems to be a notable pratfall every season. He did receive an extension last December that takes him through the 2012 season, but the best advice right now would be better beat Buffalo.
... another giggle ...
Even the ACC winners didn’t look very impressive in what should have been one-sided openers as North Carolina struggled past McNeese State and Maryland held on to beat Delaware.
How bad was it in the ACC? North Carolina hired a pair of skydivers to land at its Kenan Stadium with the game ball, but the two parachutists instead arrived at midfield of Wallace Wade Stadium, where Duke was warming up to play James Madison. That means they missed their mark by only about eight miles.
“In about five years, this will be funny,” said Rick Steinbacher, an associate director of athletics at UNC. “Right now, I’m just glad no one was hurt.”
Friday, September 05, 2008
China Journal : After the Games, China looks High-Tech
China Journal : After the Games, China looks High-Tech: "While debate continues over how much the Olympics changed China, a recent survey indicates that hosting the Beijing Games changed some views of China among the 4.7 billion people who watched the event on TV.
PS in email from Iceland says "You suck."
Well, he might be right. But, I hate this crap.

Earlier today I send a nicer, yet still scolding email, to Rev. Ricky Burgess of Pgh City Council. He was able to lead a prayer at the start of today's city council meeting and prayed for "both candidates" for US President. Shame, shame, shame.
See reply in thread comments.
Hiring: Pgh part time job
POSTED: 8/28/08
In 1989, a small group of community activists joined together to create a new kind of philanthropy in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Recognizing that grassroots community organizations are often too small to gain the attention of larger foundations, the Three Rivers Community Foundation focused its efforts on funding groups that were too small, too new, or too controversial to get traditional streams of funding.
Three Rivers Community Foundation embraces the philosophy that the best way to bring about social justice is to support community-based organizations working “on the ground floor” of change. This idea has been exemplified in our grantees. The Foundation’s grants are designed to help people work to change their own lives and communities for the better, resulting in sometimes small but critical changes. Our grantmaking committee is dedicated to an open, honest, compassionate, and accountable decision making process. It is made up of activists, community representatives, past grantees, donors, and Board members, all of whom have an equal voice.
Since our humble beginnings in 1989, the Three Rivers Community Foundation has been at the forefront of recognizing critical social justice movements in the region. We have awarded nearly $837,000 in grants to 257 different organizations.
While we are proud of all our grantees, and what they’ve accomplished, there are some standouts:
Before it was legal to have a needle-exchange program in Allegheny County, Prevention Point Pittsburgh (PPP) was on the ground, passing out clean needles to drug users to prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases. The Three Rivers Community Foundation funded the organization many times during this, and watched with pride when, in 2002, PPP became a legal, officially-sanctioned syringe exchange program.
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students, along with their straight allies, decided to help others struggling through high school by forming Dreams of Hope (DOH), a performing arts troupe. DOH members perform their own pieces, telling their own, personal stories, and encouraging honesty and openness. Each performance is followed by a talk-back session with the audience, where all questions are answered.
Not being content to just provide food to the hungry, Just Harvest Education Fund consistently works on educating the community about the links between hunger and public policy, giving people the tools needed to take action against hunger.
Formed after police brutality killed Jonny Gammage, the Black and White Reunion works to build bridges between black and white communities, and hosts the annual Summit Against Racism in January.
Chain of Hope, a recreational and vocational center in Wilkinsburg, was established by and run by mental health consumers. With a grant from the Three Rivers Community Foundation’s, they created a 25-minute video addressing mental illness and self-help, and a manual to establish similar centers around the country.
Revenue generation
Increase funding through the organizations annual campaign and endowment giving programs.
Oversee all grant writing efforts
Develop collaborative projects/partnerships with other community providers
Manage fundraising efforts including direct mail, special events, sponsorship proposals, United Way, corporate solicitations and in-kind donations
Develop a donor stewardship plan to keep donors engaged.
Personnel and human resources
Manage the organization’s part time office manager
Evaluate and update the employee handbook as needed
Financial management
Monitor and report to the board and key stakeholders on financial activities
Develop, obtain approval from the Board and manage annual budget
Manage outsourced accountant to ensure proper record keeping and tracking
Monitor grant spending and reporting to funders, oversee all compliance issues
Organizational management
Ensure that systems, policies and procedures exist and are being followed at all times
Manage risk, due diligence, insurance and other operational best practices
Ensure that the organization is in compliance with all laws and guidelines governing nonprofit organizations
Manage vision and purpose, work within goals identified by Board of Directors, report out on how the organization is performing to the board and appropriate committees
Redesign the Three Rivers Community Foundation newsletter and issue to donors bi-annually
Give a written Executive Director’s report on a monthly basis to the Executive Committee. This report will be shared with the Board at each Board meeting and should highlight monthly accomplishments.
Expand the profile of the Three Rivers Community Foundation in the community.
External and board relations
Board of Directors
Support and prepare for board and committee meetings
Work collegially and collaboratively to accomplish organizational goals and support board governance and oversight
Recruit, manage and support volunteers in the office, on committees and at events
The Three Rivers Community Foundation has an expectation that the part-time Executive Director will work 20 hours per week out of our Point Breeze office with oversight of our part-time office manager.
In addition to the requirements stated above, the ideal candidate will possess the following:
Outstanding communication skills, including written, verbal and presentation skills
Experience in raising funds
Interpersonal skills required to relate well to, and work well with, all people, including volunteers, sponsors, donors, and board members
A high degree of integrity that garners the trust and respect of others
A track record of successful growth and the demonstrated business acumen to continue the growth trajectory of the Three Rivers Community Foundation
A pragmatic and professional nature exhibited by, among other things, an ability to establish and meet deadlines and to establish clear priorities quickly
A high degree of organization and a work ethic that promotes thoroughness, timeliness, attention to detail and an ability to work effectively under pressure
Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Prior experience working with or reporting to a Board of Directors preferred
A Bachelor’s degree, although a Master’s degree would be preferred.
Please send cover letter and resume by September 30 to:
Marcie Eberhart, Board Vice President, at
Secret Service confiscates books & buttons at event
We need to worry more about the authorities in the USA than in China, it seems.
Secret Service confiscates books & button from Ron Paul delegates | Daily Newscaster: "Today at the Republican National Convention, as the Ron Paul Delegates were taking a picture in front of the model White House inside the Convention Center, they were surrounded by Secret Service which proceeded to search the bags of all the delegates. They took any and everything related to Ron Paul including signs, buttons, videos, slim jims, cards, even books.
Alternate Delegate Dennis Rothacker from Florida said “We were done taking the picture when Secret Service started walking into the room and surrounded us. There were about 30 of them. When they searched my bags they took my Ron Paul sign and turned a deaf ear to my complains, they just walked away.
The Busman's Holiday: The Curious Case of the Solicitor's Phone Calls
The Busman's Holiday: The Curious Case of the Solicitor's Phone Calls Many months ago, I questioned the mayor's office about a different unsubstantiated rumor concerning Ravenstahl. At that time, Acting Press Secretary Joanna Doven told me that City Solicitor Specter believed the previous rumor amounted to slander. I was puzzled at the time by the solicitor being invoked in that case in a role beyond his usual city governmental duties.What is going on here? Is the city solictor's office getting ready for a 'slander suit?'
These folks (Pgh Administration / Grant Street Workers) are goofy.
Dear Jon Stewart: I am your newest fan | Politics in Minnesota
Dear Jon Stewart: I am your newest fan | Politics in Minnesota: "'The Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, brought to you by Mace!' he intoned. 'Mace! When someone's standing in front of you and you want them to move! Mace! When 'Get the f*** out of here' just won't do!'
Obama McCain Convention Speech Comparison
Obama McCain Convention Speech Comparison Obama McCain Convention Speech Comparison By: Jeff Clark Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008Wonder what would happen if the Libertarian's nomination speech of Bob Barr was constrasted with the other two?
I have built some graphics comparing the speech delivered by McCain at the RNC last night with the speech from last week by Obama. To start with, here are the StreamGraph diagrams for both speeches. Click on either one to see more detail.
Allegheny Places - The Allegheny County Comprehensive Plan Website
Allegheny Places - The Allegheny County Comprehensive Plan Website: "This section contains the Allegheny Places Draft Document. You may view each chapter and map below. Once you have viewed the draft, please provide us your comments.
Ad firm tries anew to light up billboard - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Ad firm tries anew to light up billboard - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review City Councilmen Doug Shields and Bruce Kraus protested the zoning variances, as did Claire Meehan, a resident of The Pennsylvanian, a nearby apartment building. Meehan gave the board a petition with 80 signatures from neighbors who she said oppose the billboard.Lamar took a gamble of $1.3. That loss is due to Lamar's poor behaviors.
'It's a landmark building, and this is the antithesis of what landmark preservation is all about,' Meehan said.
The Grant Street Transportation Center will serve as a parking garage and transit hub with access to a Greyhound bus station and attached Amtrak train station. A dedication for the building is set for Sept. 29, said David Onorato, executive director of the Parking Authority.
A zoning board decision on Lamar's application likely will take at least 12 weeks.
If the variances are denied, Lamar will lose its $1.3 million investment in building the curved board, said Stan Geier, vice president and general manager of Lamar Advertising in Pittsburgh.
I would love to have the text of the 'objections.'
As Pittsburgh becomes more of a high-risk place for investment, Less and no investment will arrive. Red tape and corruption kill other places.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Barr Is Still Going Strong
National Journal Online - Barr Is Still Going Strong Scoffers scoff and mockers mock, but former Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia continues to campaign as the duly nominated presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.Many of my friends are arriving home from the Ron Paul event.
He was in Minneapolis-St. Paul on Tuesday and Wednesday to meet with supporters, many of whom attended the Campaign for Liberty rally organized by Barr's fellow Libertarian and former GOP presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. On Tuesday evening, as President Bush made his televised address to the convention, Barr was greeting Republican-affiliated supporters in the walkway behind the delegates' seats.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Cafe Witness: Your Free 10-Step Social Media Diploma
Cafe Witness: Your Free 10-Step Social Media Diploma: "Your Free 10-Step Social Media Diploma"Al Gore's name is on the diploma.
Phelps to start swimming foundation --
Reports on IB 6-12 and School Site-Based Budgeting Meetings Released
Logic says that moving to one location limits choices. More locations offer more choices. More flexibility offers more choices and more options too.
It is a blasted shame when the school district officials, such as Kate and Mark Roosevelt, get confused between addition and subtraction. As subtraction occurs, less options are available.
Report says: Ms. Reed also pointed out that one of the administration’s initial Excel.9-12 goals, presented in the Spring 2007, was to increase participation in the IB classes.
Golly. If the aim is to increase participation, then increase offerings, increase choices, widen flexibility. Duhh.
I've said from day one that the I.B. program is a successful one within the overall district. I.B. offers students and families a choice -- and that is a good thing for a large, urban school district. I'm fully in favor of I.B. education as an option. I'm also keen on the idea of expanding I.B. within Pittsburgh. Too many people leave the district, drop out of school, and get poor results. We've got to do better and I.B. is one tool in that process to both grow kids and grow the city.
However, the double talk from the district stinks. They can't be trusted to really want to expand I.B. Often it is the case where they can divide and then conquor. Or, in this case, dismiss. The PPS administration could put I.B. into its own school this year only to close that school in the future. It does not help to put I.B. into a school that is a 'temporary location.'
The long-term future of I.B. education is on thin ice, thanks to the administration.
Rather, I would like to see a second I.B. program established. Keeping Schenley High School with an I.B. option would be possible along with a specialized regional magnet on the eastern border of the city. That is called "addition." That is growth.
Frankly, I don't care if it is 'hard' on the 'administration' to have programs span different buildings and located in different parts of the city. They get paid. They have jobs. If it is too hard for them -- others can be hired. However, the place where we need to have easy access is for the students and the families that live here. I want it to be easier for students and their families to go to school here, stay in school here, and even move to the city to go to a school here.
Report says: She explained the coordination of an MYP across two buildings is challenging for staff and students alike.
Nope. There is no challenge for students when more choices are made available. The staff challenges and the student challenges are different and need to be understood.
However, the school district did exactly what it wished against. The 9th grade students who are in the I.B. program are now in a different school and NOT a part of the regular I.B. High School. They made life a huge blasted challenge for more than 25% of the students -- by design. School populations are divided because of the PPS solution.
If the district was really worried about two buildings as a challenge then the 9th graders who are now in the basement of Frick Middle School would be in with their school mates in Reizenstein. Now they are on activity buses and living in a dual world that is a big burden for families. Hence, people have left the district and left the school.
Report says: The focus of the IB Programme is very intense, and the administration believes that it is best achieved with continuity.
Wrong. Continuity might lead to complacency, not intensity. One of the best ways to foster a culture of intensity is with changes of locations. Going to middle school should not feel like it does when going to high school.
Life is intense enough for middle school aged kids without the need to deal with high school kids in the same building. If you want intensity, specialize. The demands, requirements, management and intensity of a 6th grader are not like that of a senior.
Report says: Ms. Reed then reviewed the feeder patterns into the IB programme. Currently, there are a total of 1,538 students feeding into the program from other schools in the district. This number represents the following grade levels:
180 Kindergarten (Class of 2020), ... etc.
There is no such thing as a 'feeder pattern' from grade K to a high school I.B. program. Feeder patterns, by their nature of slots in schools because of a factor of where one's house is located is not about choice. Feeder patterns are mandated choices that eliminate choice.
I.B. is a high school program with a specialized high school diploma. Meanwhile, students in grade K are in a feeder pattern for that flavor of a high school diploma? Makes little sense.
If the I.B. program is a success, people will want to opt into it. If it is flounders, people will opt out. They will go elsewhere. Feeder programs from grade K will not be a way to insure that a high school program is a success.
Natural transitions are necessary for the overall system to be productive for its citizens. Kids that are motivated and want to opt into an intense educational system with languages and I.B. concentrations need to be able to do that -- without needing to have their parents sell their house and move from one feeder pattern to another.
The I.B. program should be constructed as a city-wide magnet that has little to nothing to do with 'feeder patterns.'
The PPS Administration is trying to put a round peg into a square hole. They are not constructing a customer-centric system that educates kids and provides real choices based upon the diversity of the student and our city's population.
Report says: ... the district was very pleased with the current makeup of next year’s ninth grade class at Pittsburgh Frick, which represents almost the exact make up of the district as a whole. The class will consist of 46% males and 54% females. Sixtyseven percent (67%) of the class will be African American with 33% representing other races.
This is funny. The current makeup of next year's class was a forecast. What happened in real numbers. And, percentages are not telling as the real numbers. How many did they expect in May and how many showed in in September? What are the real numbers? How many didn't make the transition to 9th grade into Frick from last year's 8th grade? And, how many affluent kids left.
They never deliver honest numbers. Even attendance figures at ALAs that started in mid-August have never been reported. Shameful FUD.
The entire training and certification of the staff is a joke. Those problems are solved in hiring. Offer contracts in April, not August, or September. Those are human resource matters and the district has been a failure in these matters.
Report says: Ms. Reed reminded the audience that sports are typically not played or
practiced on site at a school, so the logistics regarding sports are no different than in the past.
The swim team practices in the rivers, according to PPS Administrators, not at their schools. Right.
That's one of the many problems. Sports should be practiced within the school sites. Things are different than in the past -- they are worse. And, what was happening in the past stunk.
Report says: personalization is critical for every student and the central focus of
I have no problem with "personalization" as a valued program attribute for our kids and their educational choices. But, the administration's approach to personalization is specialized schools which means that the students who shift gears need to drop-out of their school and re-enroll in another school. Personalization means flexibility.
Schenley was good at this because it was not a botique high school. At I.B. World, if you want to get out of I.B, you hit the road. There is no personalization until you uproot.
Likewise, if you are a student at CAPA and are creative enough to want to study two musical insturments, or change from trumpet to piano, or take creative writing and an instrument -- then you have to drop out of CAPA and enrol in a more comprehensive school, like North Hills. Students can't dual major at CAPA. Students can't change their instrument at CAPA. Personalization works in PPS as long as you get into your shell in 5th grade and don't want to go anywhere else until after your 12th grade year.
They call that rigor. I call it a sure pathway to a declining district enrollment. It is really just a lack of flexibility.
Relearning how to hear - PG article covers UPMC program
The slogan, "Think again" fits as people often need to think anew -- or re-think, even for matters as basic as hearing.
Relearning how to hear: "Relearning how to hearCatherine's quotes, reposted here:
UPMC offers adaptation classes for new hearing aid wearers and their significant others
"Although you do much better with an aid, it's still not as well as when you had hearing," said Catherine Palmer, Ph.D., director of the Center for Audiology and Hearing Aids at the UPMC Eye and Ear Institute.
"The family still must make accommodations. You can't talk to them from another room, for example. It's hard for people to make these changes. In clinic we don't have time to go over those kinds of things. This class gives them time."
And at first, for perhaps two weeks, the wearer might feel as if his or her hearing has worsened, because the aid picks up background noise and other sounds the wearer hasn't heard for a long time. The brain must relearn how to ignore unnecessary noise and home in on what it wants to hear.
The more the patient wears the aids, the faster and better the adjustment. "Part-time users never do well," Dr. Palmer said.
Kim is a great teacher with plenty of splendid information and insight. The class is worth the time, for sure. Capitol Ideas with John L. Micek Blog Capitol Ideas with John L. Micek Blog: "Stabile's lawyer, Ronald L. Hicks of Pittsburgh, rejected Stretton's charges, arguing that the lawsuit could equally apply to a Democratic or Republican candidate who took the same action."When did any person in PA sign any nomination petition for V-P candidates of the D or R party?
It didn't happen. It doesn't need to happen.
But, we, Libertarians, need to switch candidates after getting nomination papers signed.
Cumberland County GOP activist Victor Stabile and his lawyer, Ronald L. Hicks of Pittsburgh are two people that make the world a much more depressing place.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Capital Hijinks: A Personal View: Ophra on Chicago schools
Capital Hijinks: A Personal View: Ophra on Chicago schools: "Today's Oprah Show featured a ballyhooed interview with Bill and Melinda Gates and a segment which focused on the education gap here in Illinois. Oprah organized a student exchange which allowed kids from Chicago's Harper High to spend the day at a high school in Naperville and brought the Naperville kids to Chicago for a day. Here's what they learned:In Pittsburgh, we need city and suburban kids to visit and compete with each other, day in and day out. This can occur after the city league is split apart so that the city schools join the WPIAL.
When the Harper students arrived at Neuqua Valley, they were stunned to see what the suburban school offered—an Olympic-size swimming pool, a gym and fitness center, an award-winning music department, a huge computer lab, and a rigorous course curriculum. When they arrived at Harper, the students from Neuqua Valley were shocked immediately by the difference between Harper and their own school. For starters, students have to enter Harper through a metal detector. They have a pool at Neuqua Valley, but the Harper pool hasn't been filled with water in a decade.
Folks gather for Ron Paul rally in Minneapolis
The Associated Press: Hundreds gather for Ron Paul rally in Minneapolis: "The two major political parties are destroying the country, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura told Ron Paul loyalists at a protest convention Tuesday, and he offered himself as a possible presidential candidate in 2012.
'With people like Dr. Paul, myself and all the rest of us, let's get the revolution going,' Ventura said.
Paul Plays Up Role as Party Outcast, With GOP Counter-Convention - America’s Election HQ
Paul Plays Up Role as Party Outcast, With GOP Counter-Convention - America’s Election HQ: "The motion to get a speaking role would be based on a resolution passed unanimously by the Alaska delegation calling for Paul to be allowed to address the convention. As of Tuesday afternoon, Greene was unclear what kind of parliamentary rules his group would have to engage to get the motion advanced, or whether they would even be recognized on the floor.
Cutting Corners
414 Grant Street A little birdie tells 414 Grant Street that the Penguins are busy cutting corners and amenities from the design of their new Arena. The Penguins leadership is apparently 'value engineering' the building to cut corners and cut instead of a grand new addition to PGH's skyline and a building that improves the surrounding area, we'll be stuck with a bland arena with no character. Great job Pens, good choices....way to take advantage of the historic opportunity given to you. Why isn't the Mayor, the County Exec or the SEA paying attention to this issue?How about if we tell the Pens that we are going to keep the Civic Arena after the Pens move out of our building.
414 Grant Street: Drink Tax Foes Turned Back!
414 Grant Street: Drink Tax Foes Turned Back!: "Drink Tax Foes Turned Back!"
What was turned away: peace.
My statement at another blog:
It is seldom a good idea to silence the voice of the people.
When people can't vote -- they have a way of making their opinions known in other forms and avenues -- often less peaceful.
As trust in government declines, fewer vote. Votes matter less as well. The opportunity for a peaceful revolution gets set aside and bricks look more righteous.
That's no victory to me.
Even after Bonus-Gate, these PA jerks still do NOT understand how democracy is to work
Harrisburg Event Scheduled to Spotlight Republican Hypocrisy
Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
3915 Union Deposit Road #223
Harrisburg, PA 17109
For Immediate Release: September 2, 2008
Contact: Jim Gordon (Event Organizer) at 717-652-2643 / 717-608-7366 (cell) or
Doug Leard (Media Relations) at or
Michael Robertson (Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS /
Harrisburg, PA – The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania learned recently of an event planned by independent and third party activists for Friday, September 4th. It's a “Thank You” event at the Harrisburg law office of Cumberland County Republican Chairman Victor Stabile for his lawsuit contending that presidential candidate Bob Barr should be disqualified from the November ballot. This, on the heels of the Bonusgate revelations, is seen by many as the Republican Party attempting to rival the Democratic Party at limiting political choice in Pennsylvania.
Event organizer Jim Gordon offered, “We invite independent and third-party voters, candidates and supporters to demonstrate how ‘thankful’ we are that Mr. Stabile spotlighted the unconstitutional, undemocratic and unfair ballot access laws imposed on anyone not a Republican or Democrat in Pennsylvania.”
The event will happen Friday, September 5th (the same date as the Stabile vs. Barr hearing) from 7:00 to 8:00 AM at the Law Office of Dilworth Paxson LLP, 112 Market Street, Harrisburg (Graystone Bank Building). At 8:00 AM, the group will march to the state capitol. (For more information contact organizers at 717-652-2643 or 717-608-7366/cell.)
Victor Stabile of the Pennsylvania Republican Party filed the suit to have Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr removed from the Pennsylvania’s ballot. This year, LP candidates for statewide office collected 51,345 ballot access signatures. Instead of challenging those signatures, the Republican suit probes a technicality to deny Barr ballot access in Pennsylvania.
Their objection relates to the substitution of Barr as the LP Presidential nominee and it highlights the inequality of Pennsylvania's election laws. Under the Pennsylvania Election Code, the Libertarian Party is not a recognized political party, but it appears that the objector wants the Libertarian Party to be further penalized for not being a recognized political party. If so, this objection could be a thinly veiled attempt to remove a political rival from the ballot, thus subverting the electoral process.
Media Relations Chair, Doug Leard, indicated that “in addition to highlighting Pennsylvania’s draconian ballot access laws, this lawsuit demonstrates the hypocrisy at the top of the Republican ticket.” In the 2000 election, John McCain promised that he would “never consider, ever consider, allowing a supporter of [his] to challenge [his opponent’s] right to be on the ballot in all 50 states.”
LP Presidential candidate, Bob Barr, represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, serving as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. He now practices law with the Law Offices of Edwin Marger and runs a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies LLC, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia with offices in the Washington, D.C. area. Barr works tirelessly to help preserve our fundamental right to privacy and our other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in Pennsylvania and the United States. More than 200,000 people across the country are registered Libertarians, and Libertarians serve in hundreds of elected offices. Please visit or for more information.
House Concert slated for WED, Sept 17. You're invited. RSVPs now open
We love to support the arts and make great music. The house concert is a particular form of musical experience.
Few in Pittsburgh are familiar with the concept of hosting or attending "house concerts." They are being done in some locations (Point Breeze included) locally and in different parts of the US (Florida, Wisconsin).
Some concert performers make a living doing these types of shows and even prefer these gigs in homes as they are more intimate than club settings where the music is often less important than the drinking.
The great advantage of the house concert from the performer's standpoint is that it cuts out the venue as middle man, with its associated overhead costs. House concert proceeds go straight to the performer. The "suggested artist donation" for the Joe Jencks concert on the 17th is $10.
Fewer people are needed for a draw for a performer to a particular location because the singer earns more per audience member. Sound guys, door men, bartenders and club expenses are bypassed.
These concerts are intimate in a way that venue concerts rarely are. Performers get a chance to socialize with audiences and vice-versa. There's something very old-fashioned and respectful about sharing music, original music, here. It's a modern version of nineteenth-century parlor concerts.
Phelps donates $1 million bonus - TODAY: People -
Phelps donates $1 million bonus - TODAY: People - Appearing on TODAY, Phelps announced that the Michael Phelps Foundation will distribute his prize money to various charitable programs to promote water safety and encourage youth swimming.Thank you, Michael.
Start Of Class For Shaler High School Delayed - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh
Start Of Class For Shaler High School Delayed - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh Students in grades 11-12 will report on Wednesday, September 10 and not on Friday, September 5 for orientation.Shaler's new football coach, Coach Gordon, formerly of Penn Hills, has called for an extended pre-season football camp. So, the school district has delayed the start of school to give its football team a leg up.
Students in grades 9-10 will report on Thursday, September 11 and not on Monday, September 8 for their orientation.
The first full day for everyone at the high school is Friday, September 12.
In a letter sent home to parent Superintendent Donald Lee wrote, 'the main reason for this change isn't construction as much it is giving our custodial staff extra time to clean and our teachers extra time to unpack their stored supplies.'
Shaler won its first game. Meanwhile, Penn Hills lost its first game.
Way to go Coach Gordon. The school board in Penn Hills made a huge blunder.
Give me a "U" -- You are ...
Councilman collecting letters to save UPMC South SideYou are "sick" might be a pun that other bloggers might stoop to deliver to sum up a campaign to save a local hospital. "Heartbroken" might be another.
District 3 Councilman Bruce A. Kraus is continuing to collect letters of support to keep UPMC South Side from closing and being merged into the Uptown campus of UPMC Mercy.
The councilman is collecting the letters which he intends to deliver to UPMC officials at a meeting in the coming weeks. Mr. Kraus said he was pleased with the support and the number of letters he has already received from residents and businesses in the UPMC South Side service area.
Letters of support for having the hospital remain in South Side should be mailed to: Councilman Bruce A. Kraus, 414 Grant St., Room 510, Pittsburgh, Pa 15219, as soon as possible.
UPMC announced plans to close UPMC South Side and transfer in-patient and out-patient services it provides over a period of three to five years. In addition, the Emergency Room will be converted to an urgent care center operating on a reduced schedule
For more information, contact Councilman Kraus office at 412-255-2130.
I'll stick to a classic -- "full of folly."
To tell UPMC that it can't close its South Side Hospital, and put it in a letter, is but a waste of ink and a way to waste valued time.
The real question is what will become of UPMC's facility.
The next real question is what should become of that facility. Can vision be injected into the discussion so that the future can more easily be crafted to make better opportunities?
It is time to think again and not be so full of folly.
Furthermore, this news is bitter. I want to see the hospital stay on the South Side. However, I saw the arrival of the closing.
UPMC made a big play to get and keep alive Mercy Hospital on the bluff. So, we've got hospitals in Oakland and on The Bluff. We've got close access to hospitals -- more so than McDonalds and Eat'n Park. Go figure.
The time to work hard to save and fortify UPMC South Side was in 1999 when I was raising concerns in political circles. That was when the plans of UPMC's South Side football practice facility were put upon the local landscape. That medical / sporting facility was built on valuable river-front land sold to the nonprofit at greatly reduced costs by the public authority, the URA.
The Steelers needed a practice facility and UPMC played the game to get them one, pulling the wool over the eyes of local politicians without the vision to make better suggestions. The land deal was facilitated by a public agency.
The better solution, back then, one that I advoctated for, was to put the football practice and sports medicine facility directly next to the UPMC South Side Hospital. Dr. Freddie Fu does surgery. That is his area of specilization. A close hospital association would have many benefits -- including the long-term sustainability of the hospital complex within the neighborhood.
Furthermore, the public land right behind and next to the UPMC Hospital is closed. They have had a pad-lock on the parking lot and closed indoor ice rink for years.
A dark hole is right in the middle of the South Side. And, next, the hole is going to spread to the UPMC Hospital facility. Whereas this should be a thriving sports medicine complex with recreational and local hospital services.