lotto sa
Company Reg No;1996/079414/23M T N Building,132-133
Park Hurst,Balfour-Unit 1440
SOUTH AFRICA2IN CONJUNCTION WITHSOUTH AFRICA 2010WORLDCUP LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITEE M T N 2010 LOTTERY DRAW NOTICEDear Winner,This is to inform you that the M T N Lottery Game Consulting and the Local Organizing Commitee (LOC) of the 2010 World Cup, here in South Africa, has held an Internet Raffle Draw, and your Email Address was among the 2010 Email Addresses that was picked by the computer during the Third Quarter Raffle Draw (TQRD).We are therefore with great pleasure, to notify you that your Email Address once again, happened to come out top number (1) out of the 2010 Email Addresses, on the FINAL BALLOT DRAW, and this had made you the JACKPOT WINNER OF THE SUM OF US$ 850,000.00(EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLAR).Be aware that this M T N Raffle Draw was organised by the M T N Lottery Game Consulting (L G C) and the Local Organizing Commitee (L O C) of the 2010 World Cup, to create awareness for the world, as South Africa is finalizing their preparation for the hosting of the 2010 World Cup.BELOW ARE YOUR WINNING DETAILS:DRAW NUMBER: 4,13,21,27,36,38 BONUS 45.EMAIL CODE NUMBER: 15/76/EF36FINAL JACKPOT NUMBER: 0001SN: 2010 / MTN LGC / LOC / ZAWINNING INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER: JJA23ZAINSURANCE COMPANY: OLD MUTUAL INSURANCE SAAMOUNT WON: US$ 850,000.00AGREEMENT: IT IS NOW AGREED BY THE M T N Lottery Game Consulting (LGC) and the Local Organizing Commitee (LOC) of the 2010 World Cup, THAT THE WINNING INFORMATIONS WRITTEN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL WINNING INFORMATIONS AS WAS SELECTED BY THE COMPUTER ON MONDAY 8 OFSEPTEMBER 2008, AND IT HAS ALSO BEEN AGREED THAT THE WINNER WHOSE THESE WINNING IN FORMATIONS HAS BEEN SENT TO, WILL BE PAID THE WINNING SUM OF US$ 850,000.00 BY SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE'S OF 2010 WORLD CUP LOTTERY WITHOUT FAIL. Note that this program is being sponsured by:SOUTH AFRICANGOVERNMENT,MTN AND FiFA.
Mr. Kuash Behler, Our First Quarter Winner ofUS$ 850,000.00 from Amsterdam, Holland30th April 2008. ![]()
Our Second Quarter Winner Mrs. Ali Fatima from Nepal receiving her winning cheque ofUS$850,000.00 also on the picture is her husband and friends rejoicing with them. 27th March 2008Congratulations from all our staff and we also extend our thanks to the Sponsures for being part of our promotional program.VIVA SOUTH AFRICA! VIVA SPONSURES& VIVA THE WHOLE WORLD.PRIZE CLAIMING INSTRUCTION:To receive your prize, contact our Paying agent on the following Details:Company: GLOBE FINANCE CORPORATIONCompany Registration number: 1947/027670/07Contact address: 27 NEWTON STR, NEWTON PARK,P.O BOX 7706 NEWTON CENTRAL JOHANNESBURGContact person: MR. CALEB SMITH.Position: Finance DirectorTEL: + 27 787 931 175Email Address:Please keep this form confidential from public to avoid double claiming and contradition over the receiving of your fund. Very important, Lottery rules says that you must be 18 years and above to be able to claim a prize.
Announcement Made Today Tuesday 10 Of September 2008 (South Africa Time 10:25 am)Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the 2010 World Cup Lotteries Board Commission ;![]()
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
OMG - got a winning ticket to South Africa's prize in advance of the World Cup Soccer
Spam never looked so good. Much, much, much. Here is what was sent to me, via email. If I get sued for copyright violation, I'll know that they are legit and I'll have lots of money anyway. See the first comment for the text of the full header of this email.