Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wall Street Journal, OPINION - Ron Paul and Foreign Policy

Today's WSJ has an article. A friend called to point it out to me. I asked if it was good or bad. He said, "You'll have to read it." So, here goes.
Global View - WSJ.com: "Ron Paul and Foreign Policy
January 15, 2008; Page A12
The guy gets it right to a point -- and then wrong to the finish.

Ron Paul (and I) want peace. We don't want the USA to police the rest of the world. This quote makes perfect sense to me. "It's time that we come to the point where we believe the world can solve some of their problems without us." That is, without the US war ships, without the US bombs, without the US Marines.
Dr. Paul is a libertarian, and a libertarian's core belief is that a person's pursuit of happiness is, or ought to be, his own affair. Up to a point, most of us are probably sympathetic to that argument. But is it true of all people? And is what's true of some or all people also true of countries? The libertarian conceit -- which now extends well beyond Dr. Paul's cult-like following -- is that it is.
Glad to know that most people are sympathetic to freedom and personal liberties.

Of course all people are NOT excited about ANYTHING. Some people like to have authorities. Some people like to have and control aircraft carriers. Some people like to have and operate US Fighter Jets. A military and industrial complex has been built. CMU likes to win money from the US Defense Department to design new robot cars that can drive without soldiers to deploy destruction and pain on people on the other side of the world -- if not on other planets. Some people like to rule with an 'iron fist' and some others like to be under handed and of the 'winning side' even if that takes away one's freedom and liberty when it matters the most.

Everyone in the US isn't for peace and liberty. Everyone in the American colonies in 1776 didn't sign the Declaration of Independence either. Loyalists to the king (as then) and to the neo-cons exist.

This quote from candidate Paul works for me too: "We need to recognize they deserve their sovereignty, just as we deserve our sovereignty." I don't want top level 'officials' in D.C. picking leaders of other nations. They've been known to do that in the past. And often, they've guessed wrongly. Their feuds should NOT be owned by the US and the US citizens.

I agree, America needs to get its armed forces out of the way of harm. America needs to keep the taxpayer money from Americans out of the hands of those who aim to do harm to the US, today or into the future. The US Foreign policy has proven to be wild with weapons and wild with federal funds.

In a previous debate, Ron Paul mentioned that that "they attack us because we've been over there." Well, to be fair -- it is much more than just being over there that has generated some of the hate to the US. The US has been over there killing. The US has been over there funding others who have killed. The US has been over there funding both sides of the fights so that they can kill each other faster and cheaper. Being over there isn't the problem. Being there in the wake of the destruction and death, attributed to US involvement is the problem.

Dr. Paul's own remedy is that if "we trade with everybody and talk with them . . . there's a greater incentive to work these problems out." Exactly. The RUB is found within the degrees that the editorial does NOT put forth.
It was precisely out of a desire to "trade with everybody" that the early American republic was forced to build a navy, and then to go to war, to defend its commercial interests, a pattern that held true in World War I and the Persian Gulf "Tanker War" of the 1980s.
No. The word, "FORCE" is what is wrong. The early NAVY was built out of 'desire,' not 'force.'

The American nation went to war (built a navy) to fight the pirates because of commercial interests. That history does NOT support the intellectual architecture of libertarianism itself. The history is valid. But, the article pins the history upon the ideal and those dots do not connect.

It is crazy to say that trade between nations is only possible in the absence of robbers, pirates and other rogues. Wrong. And this is wrong for a few reasons.

First, trade does not happen between nations. In a libertarian world, the US does not trade with other nations. The trade happens among merchants, individuals and business concerns. I don't want DC politicians selling Amish furnature to third world nations nor do I want congress critters representing Boeing or Westinghouse.

Same too when it comes to what comes into the US as imports. Those decisions rest with consumers, buyers in wholesale and retail settings, and perhaps bankers who invest in those types of transactions.

The government isn't to be the force so as to drive the trade with different nations -- not in a libertarian world.

If there are pirates or thugs along the silk road -- where and when they surface -- those that are the Marco Polos of the time need to fend for themselves. It is a nasty world. There are a lot of bad guys, from South LA to street gangs to less than honest dockworkers. Work it out and go with the flow of enterprise.

Whose job is it to get rid of them (the bad guys)? Well, it isn't the role of the US ARMY and US NAVY to get rid of the bad guys all around the world.

This next part is really bad. He is out to lunch by writing:
A strict libertarian might offer that mercenaries could be authorized to build aircraft carriers, Aegis cruisers and nuclear submarines to keep the freedom of the seas in the Straits of Hormuz and Malacca. But what happens when the pecuniary interests of mercenaries collide with the political interests of the U.S. or some other government? Ultimately, some kind of decisive power is needed there too, at least if the trading opportunities libertarians claim are so precious stand any chance of flourishing.
Mercenaries could be deployed. They won't need aircraft carriers, I dare say. Nor will they need nuclear submarines so that Sears can deliver Maytag washing machines. Absurd.

Another kicker. The interest of the mercenaries would NEVER collide with the political interests of the U.S. The U.S. won't have an interest in those quarters. That is the whole point of live and let live. The USA should not care who the next king of the outback village is. The USA should have not own "political interests" there -- or at least no interest that needs to be protected by those wearing US uniforms.

Even in the US, think of the Brinks Armored Trucks. They come into the neighborhood to pick up deliveries of cash. They carry guns. They are good for business. Transactions occur. Losses are prevented. They are 'mercenaries' of a sort. They ahve a job to do and it gets done -- without the need of 'political interests' getting in the way -- be it a red state or blue state.

Ultimate and decisive power is NOT needed. The trading opportunities that the libertarians crave, and they are precious, can come about without big-time power brokers. The chance to flourish comes without the 'big man.' Cuba has Castro and not much in terms of trade. The USSR had the politburo and Supreme Soviet authority -- and there wasn't much trade going on with the USA then -- as grocery shelves were empty in Leningrad.

The argument of the article makes no sense.

Other question: Does U.S. diplomacy invariably facilitate peaceful outcomes in the region? Bad question. The problem isn't US diplomacy. The problem is the destruction from the US funded counter-measures. The problem is the military domination that the US seeks to impose by force. Ron Paul (and I) want diplomacy. We want to be aware. We want to understand. We want to witness. We want to communicate. We want to travel freely. We want to be smart. Diplomacy should flourish. Torture should not rear its ugly head on the calls of Americans in the name of diplomacy.

Does it make sense to arm Saudi Arabia and Egypt at the same time we arm Israel? No. There is no sense in that. Do not arm all sides. Do not arm one side. The third option is what I want -- arm no side abroad.

The USA can be armed -- in America to protect the USA. That's radical -- and that's logical.

The verdict does NOT depend on what kind of governments the other nations have. Not now. Not later. The verdict is known when we look in the mirror. The verdict for the US is going to be within the US. The verdict for the Arab states, or Israel, or Iran, or elsewhere -- is going to be mostly theirs to answer for themselves.

We write our own destiny. They write theirs. That's the way it should be. That's how we should think of it in our policy and with our leaders.

I confess. Ron Paul, once elected President of the USA, I expect, won't be a good leader of the free world. No. President Ron Paul would be a GREAT leader of the USA, and we'd become more free and greater as a free nation. Ron Paul would leave the rest of the world free to solve their own problems, struggle by struggle, without the our guns pointing and firing at them throughout.
The verdict will depend on what kind of governments the two Arab states have in, say, 10 years time. Should the Bush administration have backed Pervez Musharraf to the hilt these past seven years?
What is done is done. The Bush administration ran and won the White House on the concept that the USA would not do any more 'nation building' as had been the policy of Clinton. But, once the neo-cons got into office, their missions changed. President Bush has been a huge downer, to say the least.

Electing Ron Paul as President fixes the policy of free-for-all war and moves the future into a time of new focus on peace and self-determination.

These questions turn on differences of tactics and strategy, whereas Dr. Paul's objection is philosophical. True. But, the tactical and strategy questions asked in the article stink. There are no right answers to those horrid questions.

Another example, "... the "blowback," as he puts it, from supporting Saddam at one moment and opposing him the next ..." Hold the phone. The word 'blowback' is NOT something that Ron Paul came up with. Blowback comes from the CIA. The US Intelligence community understands 'blowback.' That is a page from their playbook. Blockback is part of the downside to the neo-con and nation-building ways. Blowback is part of today's international landscape.

Blowback becomes big pimple in the history of the world when a real libertarian policy takes root in the US White House and with the deployment of real diplomacy and strict use of military force.

This is funny too. The writer speaks of the cost of US withdrawal from the Middle East. There is a cost of staying. There is a cost of lives. There are massive spending costs. The costs get reduced with a vote for Ron Paul for President.

The savings need to be counted when we talk of Ron Paul's foreign policy and a return home for our troops abroad. Some of the best and brightest people are not home today. They are elsewhere and that is costly, expensive and all part of the duty for the roles of a nation who aims to be the police force for the world.

Nobody can say what, precisely, the cost would be of U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East or, for that matter, disengagement from rest of the world.

No again. There is not going to be a 'disengagement from the rest of the world.' Consider the US and Canada. The US does not have troops and bases stationed in Canada. There is no 'disengagement' of the US to Canada because we don't have troops there. The engagement of the economy will grow among people of this nation and the rest as our military departs.

Ron Paul does not want to disengage the US citizens and US economy from the rest of the world. Rather, Ron Paul wants that to increase friendships, commerce, trade, and cultural understandings. More gets done when the guns are not pointing at heads of your friends abroad.

But John McCain was on to something when he quipped, in reply to Dr. Paul, that the only items al Qaeda likes to trade in are burqas, and that they only fly on one-way tickets.
John McCain is dangerous and more of the same. That is quote is spoken like a true bigot.

FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burqas.

Another crock of bull:

Mankind is not comprised solely of profit- and pleasure-seekers; the quest for prestige and dominance and an instinct for nihilism are also inscribed in human nature, nowhere more so than in the Middle East. Libertarianism makes no accounting for this. It assumes the relatively tame aspirations of modern American life are a baseline for human nature, not an achievement of civilization.
No. Here is an accounting, from a libertarian. Don't go. I've not gone to Iraq. I'm a Libertarian. There is your accounting.

Yes, in America, we are tame. We settle lots of issues by looking at the Constitution and then voting, from time to time. That is tame. We don't take it to the streets. Some pitch a fit in a passive way. Fine. That's tame. That's great if you ask me.

If other parts of the world are wild -- and you can't get a handle on them. Here is a tip. Vote with your feet. Don't go. Or, if those settings are too near to your place at present -- leave. Figure out a way to get out. Run. Swim. Crawl. Escape. That's the libertarian way.

Not too long ago, Pittsburgh was the 'gateway to the west.' The wild west had it all. Outlaws, gunslingers, rattlers, herds of buffalo could mow you down. For some, the wild west was silly. For others, it was an adventure. To each his own. That's the deal.

Libertarianis and pacifism have a good deal of overlap -- but not fully. They are not the same. To the ignorant, they might be. A libertarian would walk into the wild west looking for Walden's next pond with a six-shooter and a bunch of buddies a couple hundred yards behind -- with rifles. Meanwhile, the pacifist just carries a bible.
There is a not-incidental connection here between libertarianism and pacifism. George Orwell once observed that pacifism is a doctrine that can only be preached behind the protective cover of the Royal Navy. Similarly, libertarianism can only be seriously espoused under the protective cover of Leviathan.
The closing statements are all wrong too.
That's something worth considering as Americans spend the coming year debating the course of things to come in the Middle East. It is beguiling, and parochially American, to believe that things go better when left alone. In truth, as Yeats once wrote, things fall apart. With so much at stake in this election, it's no small blessing that Dr. Paul remains a man of the fringe.
As a Libertarian, I don't think things go better when left alone. I get involved. I speak out on countless issues. I engage. Everyone can't be as hyper, of course.

As a coach, I coach. I teach. I'll get in and challenge. I'll push, pull or just make sure that people don't have lots of comfort. Things do fall apart when left alone.

Ron Paul isn't about leaving things alone. Rather, Ron Paul is about leaving things to those who can best fix them. Ron Paul isn't about an over-reaching federal government. Ron Paul understands that the president has a role -- and that isn't to do everything for everyone.

When Ron Paul says it is up to the states to decide -- then that is NOT leaving things alone. The states can decide upon the issue then. Let the states decide about public schools, not the feds.

Ron Paul would leave plenty alone as president -- such as schools. But, then things can get done at the other level. That, in my humble opinion, is parochially American.

That's the guy that I'm going to vote for. He is open minded. He sees the whole picture. He understands his role. He is only one guy. He is the best choice for the US at this time.

Write to bstephens@wsj.com -- as I just did.

DFA-Link: Event, May 30 and June 1, 2008

DFA-Link: Event DFA Training Academy in Pittsburgh, PA
Event Type: Training

Saturday May 30th through Sunday June 1st

Monday, January 14, 2008

Christopher Kutruff | NBC Blocks Kucinich From Debate

Another crock from another TV News Network. This time it is NBC, not FOX.
Christopher Kutruff | NBC Blocks Kucinich From DebateTwo days after inviting Dennis Kucinich to Tuesday's January 15 presidential debates, NBC decided to change its previously announced criteria and exclude the Ohio congressman.

So you wanna be in politics? Parties seek challengers -- themorningcall.com

Who is running for office?
So you wanna be in politics? Parties seek challengers -- themorningcall.com The recruiting effort is one of three taking place in area congressional districts as the parties scramble to nail down challengers with a little over a week before candidates begin circulating nomination petitions.

Federal REAL ID Jeopardizes Civil Liberties and Security

Bipartisan Coalition urges Pennsylvania to reject REAL ID

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) &
Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA)

For more information contact:
Michael Robertson (LPPA Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS / chair@lppa.org

Hillary Aisenstein (GPPA Chair) at 1-267-971-3559 / hillarya@pobox.upenn.edu

Harrisburg, PA – Two of Pennsylvania's political parties found common ground and issued a joint announcement to fellow Pennsylvanians calling on the General Assembly to reject the federal REAL ID Act. In 2008, Pennsylvania will be required to begin implementation of the REAL ID Act, mandating that driver’s licenses contain specific personal information, providing the federal government with a database of all records, and developing the ability to track citizens. This will result in a never before seen massive collection of personal information.

Intended to enhance domestic security, REAL ID instead makes us more vulnerable. According to Berks County State Representative Samuel Rohrer, “There are no safeguards in this Act to sufficiently guarantee that this massive national database will not be compromised.”

To make matters worse, negotiations are underway to share database access among participants in the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) to allow bureaucrats in Mexico and Canada access to our personal information.

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Chair Michael Robertson noted “There is opposition to REAL ID because of the costs to implement this system, but the threat posed by this Act to civil liberties and personal security cannot be measured in dollars.” Governments could easily require the REAL ID for bank and credit card transactions; healthcare purchases; public event admittance; or firearm and ammunition purchases, all of which would become part of the database.

Marakay Rogers, a civil rights attorney from York, who also serves on the Green Party of PA Steering Committee, said “Under the cover of a so-called War on Terror, our government has steadily eroded the rights and liberties of citizens, immigrants, and visiting foreigners. The REAL ID legislation is one more effort to invade our privacy at the state level.”

"A national ID system will redefine privacy as we know it,” observed State Senator Mike Folmer, “[It will] create a mountain of new bureaucracy and increase fees and taxes – without making us any safer.” The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has estimated the cost of REAL ID implementation at $100 million, but the loss of liberty for Pennsylvanians will be incalculable.

Concerned members of the Pennsylvania Senate have introduced S.B. 1220, a bill strongly rejecting the federal REAL ID. Pennsylvania's Green and Libertarian Parties urge all Pennsylvanians to contact their state senators and ask them to support S.B. 1220 by becoming a co-sponsor.

In addition, we urge Pennsylvanians to contact their Congressional representatives and Senators Specter and Casey. Remind them of Pennsylvania’s growing opposition to the REAL ID and urge them to work to repeal REAL ID at the federal level.

The Libertarian and Green Parties of Pennsylvania stand together in support of the rights of Pennsylvanians and in opposition to a federal mandate that will erode our liberty and make us no more secure.

Green Party of Pennsylvania P.O. Box 11962 Harrisburg, PA 17108-1962 1-888-PA1-GREE(N) www.greenpartypa.org

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, 3915 Union Deposit Road #223, Harrisburg, PA 17109 1-800-R-RIGHTS www.lppa.org info@lppa.org
Nice to have a JOINT Press Release from both the Libertarians and Greens.

Irony City - FAQ

Are these folks funny?
Irony City - FAQ Irony City! At long last, the unnamed improv troupe has a name that honors both its Pittsburgh pride its appreciation of clever (?) puns.

2008 LP Platform - Internet Response

2008 LP Platform - Internet Response: "2008 LP Platform - Internet Response"

Carbolic Smoke Ball listens and does a feedback posting

Carbolic Smoke Ball Submit your questions

If you have a question you'd like Judge Peckham to answer on our weekly Trib p.m. page (appears every Monday) -- on any topic at all -- send it to thecarbolicsmokeball@yahoo.com
The Smoke Blog becomes more 'blog-like' with this post, as I had suggested. (or did I has have had suggest????)

Trees -- winning or not

Why is it we are so quick to tear down. They want to take down trees. They want to take down historic buildings, even grand libraries. They want to tear down older houses. They want to tear down the Civic Arena. They want to tear down schools that work.

Then they churn. What comes later is generally more expensive and often not as good. New isn't as authentic. New is often with massive debt.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Source: announcements@witnesstorture.org

January 12, 2008 - 82 people were arrested at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday as part of Witness Against Torture's January 11th action to Shut Down Guantánamo to mark six years of unjust imprisonment and abuse for the men held in Guantánamo. About half were arrested inside the U.S. Supreme Court; the others were arrested on the steps of the Court.

As of 8pm, Saturday, all 82 people have been released. Many of the arrestees were denied food and water for most of the 30-some hours they were detained.

46 pled not guilty are going back to trial. Some people got cited and released and have yet to receive arraignment - so even more could be going to trial.

About 70 of those arrested withheld their legal name and instead gave the name of a detainee upon arrest. Today in court they gave their legal name but stated that their arrest on behalf of a detainee. Thus one of the main goals for the action was achieved because a number the court dockets as well as individual citations now have one of the detainees' names on them.

People were charged with "unlawful free speech on supreme court grounds." People who were arrested inside the building received an additional charge of "causing a harangue within the supreme court."

Arrestees included: people from all over the country; teenagers and octogenarians; first time arrestees; members of the Witness Against Torture's original delegation that walked to Guantanámo to visit the prisoners; and Dorothy Day's granddaughter, Martha Hennesey.

The arrests followed a solemn march from the National Mall of 400 persons that included a procession of activists dressed like the Guantánamo prisoners in orange jumpsuits and black hoods. The procession, in turn, was preceded with a short rally at the Mall organized by Amnesty International, National Religious Campaign Against Torture and Witness Against Torture. The event was part of an International Day of Action that was endorsed by over 100 groups and that included 83 events around the world.

Witness Against Torture would like to thank everyone who helped make yesterday's action the success that it was. Your prayers, your participation, your endorsements, your publicity and of course your financial support are all deeply appreciated. (If you haven't yet make a donation to Witness Against Torture and would like to do so, please visit our website to donate on-line or else send a check made out to "Witness Against Torture" to Mary House Catholic Worker, 55 E. Third Street, New York, NY 10003.)

Photos, videos and press clippings will be posted to www.witnesstorture.org in the coming days, so please check our website regularly.

Witness Against Torture http://www.witnesstorture.org

CBA = Community Benefit Agreement - Wear RED

Click for larger image.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

special event -- to gather signatures for getting on the ballot

Special musical guests at the Signature Bomb Party on Saturday, January 26th at Scooby's in Bridgeville.

The band Poker Face will be preforming live!!

Poker Face is a group of Ron Paul supporters and Freedom Rockers from Bethlehem, PA.

The band has preformed at the Live Free or Die Festival in New Hampshire in the defense of Ed and Elaine Brown. They have also preformed at the Ron Paul rally after party in Philadelphia on November 10th, as well as for other Ron Paul meetup groups around the state such as Erie and Harrisburg.

We are certainly honored to have them in Pittsburgh!!

Check out their video on YouTube: Kontrol

Check out their website: PokerFace.com

This is the event that you do not want to miss!!! We need to get Dr. Paul and his delegates on the ballot!!

Come out and party with the Pittsburgh and Western PA Ron Paul supporters and Poker Face!!!!

Please RSVP 'YES' at our meetup site.

To RSVP and for more details go to Pittsburgh and Western PA Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group and click on the calender of events.

21 and over only please

Any questions please email ronpaulpgh@gmail.com

See you there!!!

Double-amputee's Olympic bid stirs debate - Saturday January 12, 2008 7:50PM

SI.com - Olympics - Double-amputee's Olympic bid stirs debate - Saturday January 12, 2008 7:50PM The double-amputee sprinter from South Africa longs to run on his artificial Cheetah blades in Beijing. At the heart of the complex case is a straightforward question: To what extent can a disabled athlete enhance his ability with mechanical aids?

The Busman's Holiday: Oh, The Things You Can Count: My Ethics Board Request

The Busman's Holiday: Oh, The Things You Can Count: My Ethics Board Request My fourth request was answered within two hours on Friday--not by the Ethics Board itself--but by City Solicitor George Specter.
Why in the world is the city's top attorney (joke) doing the work of the Pittsburgh Ethics Hearing Board?

This is bad. Sister Patrice wants to make Pittsburgh ethical. But, she has this to deal with the Law Department!

Good Day Sunshine!

FreeAtLast2008.com - Ron Paul For President

FreeAtLast2008.com - Ron Paul For President: "Please join us this January 21st as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, by acting together to support Dr. Ron Paul, a new hero who fights for the same American principles of liberty and justice for all.

Presidential race insights

You know that there is going to be a recount in NH, right?

Furthermore, John McCain might not be on the ballot in Ohio.

More on schools in advance of a double-bill meeting on Sunday

After we scheduled our Sunday, 2 pm at Blvd of the Allies Panera meeting, we learned that there is a board meeting on Sunday as well scheduled from 2-7 pm. We will still meet at Panera --it won't be a 5 hour meeting, so you can always go to the other one as well.

The meeting at the board is open to the public for viewing (not for speaking). Our understanding is that the administration will lay out in greater detail (at the board's request) their plans and overall goals for reforming the district. They will also provide the names of people on various task forces that have been formed. The format for the meeting is that the administration will present for 15 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of questions or discussions from board members.

If you have friends that feel that decisions being made now don't affect them because their kids don't go to Schenley or are in different programs, let them know that this meeting will begin to outline some of the changes coming for everyone else, as well. Now is the time to be informed if you want to have a say!

It's an incredibly long meeting (and I believe there are more to follow), but if you can go even just for an hour, please report back -- the more info we can get the better. Some of the administration's ideas are really exciting; getting support for them now seems like the best way to help the good ideas succeed (and to nip the bad ideas before money is spent on them).

Public Hearing at the board meeting is this MONDAY, JANUARY 14th, 7 PM Board of Ed building. Sign-up through noon, written testimony taken until 5 pm. If you hear anything you really liked or didn't like at the big meeting Sunday, talk about it on Monday -- or just thank the board for requesting more information about the coming changes.

Jen Lakin

Friday, January 11, 2008

Q from FC

Daily Dose

Daily Dose Introducing: “The Daily Dose” Campaign HQ Blog

The Busman's Holiday: Ethics Board, The Lost Letter

This is great watchdog efforts by Bob Mayo of TV 4, WTAE. He is doing his job. But, perhaps Bob didn't get the memo: The Pgh Ethics Hearing Board moves slower than some galciers.
The Busman's Holiday: Ethics Board, The Lost Letter Ethics Board, The Lost Letter
Great stuff. Give it a read.

Bob's post today (Friday the 11th) is a cliff hanger. He'll post his letter from the Ethics Hearing Board on Saturday. Can't wait.

Well, yes I can wait. I don't have my expectations high. But, this is starting to 'snowball.'

School District spin about the strike

I take this with a grain of salt. A strike would be a pain. But, the strike would be short term when contrasted to the major projects and problems that now swirl around the district and the city. We need a Vo Tech High School -- and there is no plan, yet, to get one.

Schenley High School opened 90 years ago. Now it is on the copping block because of some plaster problems due to water damage in the past. Those are big problems -- not a teacher strike of a few weeks.

For Immediate Release Contacts: Lisa Fischetti (412) 622-3603

District Responds to Public Requests for More Disclosure on Contract Talks

Next Bargaining Session Set for Monday, January 14

PITTSBURGH, JANUARY 11, 2008 – In response to numerous public inquiries for disclosing more information about the status of teacher contract talks, Pittsburgh Public Schools is providing comment on the status of contract talks and facts around the key issues being discussed in negotiations with the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers (PFT).

A day-long bargaining session between the School District and the PFT was conducted today through state mediators. The negotiations process began more than one year ago in accordance with bargaining law.

The next bargaining session is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 14. Superintendent Mark Roosevelt and the District's Board members will be available to attend bargaining sessions next week, as appropriate.

"We are doing all we can to not interrupt the school year and the process of improving academic achievement for our children," said Superintendent Mark Roosevelt. "We fully recognize that our teachers and staff are the key to student success and a better school system. It has been and continues to be our goal to reach a contract agreement as soon as possible. We are working very hard to balance the academic and financial challenges of our system throughout the bargaining process so that a strike can be averted," added Roosevelt.

"In my view, a teacher strike would damage the hard work that teachers, administrators and staff have already undertaken in our quest to advance public school education in Pittsburgh. This is a pivotal time for our school system and City as we must make decisions that will have long-term economic and social impacts for our region. The Pittsburgh Promise scholarship program, for example, is a tremendous step in the right direction. There's heightened accountability for performance by principals, who now are all on performance-based contracts. These are important examples of the many things we are doing to set the District on a course for success. We value our teachers and support their right to be fairly compensated. But as I have stated previously, we will not support a contract settlement that would require a tax increase," Roosevelt added.

The key issues or topics being discussed in these contract talks include: (note: these facts do not include any positions on current bargaining discussions)

1. Wages – From 2001 to 2006, there were three contracts reached with annualized wage increases that averaged approximately 3.7%, inclusive of 'step' wage increases. According to Public School Teacher Settlement Data provided by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, average annual salary increases for teachers in the current 2007-08 school year is 3.73% (including step wages) at Pennsylvania school districts with approved contract settlements.

2. Post-retirement healthcare cost – The cost of retiree health care has increased by more than 100%, from $5.3 million in 2004 to a projected $11.8 million in 2007.

3. Length of work day - Teachers in the Pittsburgh Public Schools have one of the shortest work days among all school districts in Pennsylvania. The current work day is 7 hours and 6 minutes.

4. Severance – Severance pay for unused sick leave.

5. Term of contract - The previous three contract settlements were 2.5 years, 2 years and 2 years, respectively.

"We are doing everything we can to help resolve these issues remaining on the table," said Mark Roosevelt. "We're attempting to balance the interests of the District, its teachers, students, parents and taxpayers. I have heard from many parents who are concerned about the prospect of a strike and the safety of their children, particularly in single-parent families where the parent works during school hours," concluded Roosevelt.

Theresa Colaizzi, Chair of the Board's Negotiating Committee, stated, "We must remember the world is very different today compared to 30 years ago when there was a strike in Pittsburgh. Then, many people may have been inconvenienced. In today's world, families will literally be incapacitated if there is a walkout. We recognize the need to settle the contract with the common goal of balancing the community's interest and the District's financial and academic goals," added Colaizzi.

This information and perspective is being shared publicly today as a result of growing public interest in the status and issues surrounding on-going contract talks. For more information and updates about PFT Contract Talks, please visit the District's home page at www.pps.k12.pa.us.

eVote Blog has been perking along

eVote Blog: "Let the recounting begin"
I run a number of blogs. This one is the main blog. But when it comes to the act of voting and more technical democratic process elements -- that goes to the eVote.blogspot.com.

They are going to do a recount in NH.

Pittsburgh Ethics board member Zacharias resigns - PittsburghLIVE.com

Pittsburgh Ethics board member Zacharias resigns - PittsburghLIVE.comA member of Pittsburgh's Ethics Hearing Board resigned today, citing personal reasons.

The five-member board accepted the resignation of Penny E. Zacharias, 33, of the North Side. Zacharias is a lawyer in the Downtown branch of law firm Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney.
She wasn't even attending meetings. Good to have her resign.

I wonder how long it will take the mayor to nominate another person as a replacement. It has taken mayors decades to finally appoint people to that board. Tom Murphy never appointed anyone to the board.

Other board members are appointed by city council. And, city council has also failed at its job in the past, with this board as well as with others.

The starved to death treatment has been a mode of operation, in the past, with the Citizens Police Review Board as well.

If the other four people want to resign, that would be fine too. That board is not willing to be proactive and aggressive enough to make a difference in the realm of ethics in the city.

They admit that they need training. The employees need training too. Then the citizens need training as well. This board needs to get in the game and then get fit as issues play out. Training should not take the place of real action. Seems like they are happy ponder training as an excuse for real action. Training sustains the inaction yet kicks up some smoke and dust.

I don't want the Ethics Hearing Board spending money. Nor do I want them to be making money. They should not dish out fines, offer punishments nor think about incomes.

Finally, I don't want the Ethics Hearing Board to subcontract its duties to others. A recent aim was to form a committee and have them come up with a new policy or else a policy review for accepting golf outings. Tee it up as a board. Carry your own clubs. I don't want the Ethics Hearing Board to appoint others to do the heavy lifting (caddy) on policies of the city.

Does anyone know Penny's golf handicap?

PNC, Coro, Maxwell King, Tom Murphy

PNC, Maxwell King Coro honorees ... former Mayor Tom Murphy delivering the keynote address...

SGB unleashes panther statues - News

SGB unleashes panther statues - News After months of anticipation, outgoing Student Government Board president Shady Henien led a ceremony last night unveiling the 10 panther statues decorated by various student organizations.
Will these scare away the rats? What about pigeons?

Do they interact well with dinosaurs?

more school meetings

Hello Kathy and all,

I will not be able to attend the meeting this afternoon with Lopez due to another meeting commitment for my job that got scheduled yesterday. The good news is that meeting is about connecting racial justice issues such as Education and Employment discrimination to the Supreme Court advocacy work that I currently do in PA.

Below are a couple of questions I have that may or may not fit in today but thought I would share them with the group anyway just in case. I am also including background info I had sent to a smaller email lists that gives some background on why I am asking these questions and their relevance to our cause.

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision(more info below) that race could not be used as a factor in assigning students to school to achieve diversity, will the PPS consider using income status (free lunch) as a way to achieve diversity in our PPS?

Ability Tracking and selection into different academic programs? What role does it play in providing or not providing opportunities to all students?

What would happen if All students were tested to see if they were gifted but call it something else? Is this being done? If it is, what aren't there more students being placed and what is the connection between the Gifted Program, IB and AP?

What efforts have been made to ensure that the IS (International Studies / Frick Middle School) students who are now IB have been provided the necessary support in order for them to be successful? What will this look like in the future? Many of these IS students are African American which would help boost the number of students currently in the IB program and taking AP courses but what is the likelihood that these students will be able to achieve the college credits and pass the necessary test? What is being done to help these students be successful?

I will be at the Panera meeting on Sunday at 2pm and am speaker number 10 at the Public Hearing on Monday.

Here are a couple of links to good education articles and letters in the PG today.
Principals in city return to instruction


Postcards from the edge of a strike


Expulsions of preschoolers preventable, study finds


Magazine ranks Pennsylvania 10th for schools, with B- grade

All the best at the meeting this afternoon.


Hotel, offices, condos planned for Pittsburgh auto dealer site - Examiner.com

How much is this going to cost the taxpayers?
Hotel, offices, condos planned for Pittsburgh auto dealer site - Examiner.com DOC-Economou representatives said they plan to secure an unspecified amount of public financing for the project.

Figure Skating Champion Bowman Dies In LA - Sports News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh

Figure Skating Champion Bowman Dies In LA - Sports News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh: "In 1993, while skating with the Ice Capades, he was beaten at a hotel in a seedy neighborhood in Pittsburgh, according to a police report.

Born in Hollywood, Calif., on March 30, 1967, Bowman had a part in the TV series 'Little House on the Prairie' for one season and appeared in dozens of commercials.

Recently, Bowman had returned to acting. He had a role an assistant coach in the upcoming Brian J. De Palma-directed movie 'Down and Distance' staring Gary Busey."

Good Bye Dollar: And a peek into the future

Click to play. Hint: It is the triangle that points to the right, either in the middle of the screen or the one at the left of the slider / progress bar.

Hat tip to a friend's blog, Three Rivers Post.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

American Entrepreneur and the new drink tax

The American Entrepreneur - Newsletter Articles ALLEGHENY COUNTY'S NEW TAXES: THE REST OF THE STORY

A great deal has been written and said about the December enactment of two new taxes in Allegheny County. The case against levying the new drink and car rental taxes was exceptionally strong; the case for levying new taxes was pitifully weak.
This Saturday's show is going to have a segment devoted to this topic, the new Allegheny County drink tax. It caused quite the uproar among
the restaurant industry thus far in 2008. Ron will talk with Ed Dunlap of The LeMont Restaurant about what he's doing to ease the burden of the tax for the customer.

Dave P is home from NH --- Lessons Learned and Other Thoughts from NH

Dave Powell, a Pittsburgh Co-Organizer for the Ron Paul MeetUp, and chair of the Libertaian Party (I'm the vice-chair) sent along this report of his recent trip.
Competing Campaign analysis:

Thompson – flameout… a total no-show.

Rudy - ditto. A very few signs and supporters. We essentially tied with Guiliani - and people are taking notice, and wondering why they haven't heard of this Dr. Paul guy (we heard this on the trip back).

Huckabee - a few sincere volunteers, and lots of media. Fairly weak showing (but dedicated) at polling, only Huck signs at my polling place, one guy for half the day, and a young family that (IMO very bravely with the 3-year old and 4-month old) stuck out the whole day. However, he is taking the social conservative/religious vote. Dr. Paul is a religious man, and he (IMO) rightly does not wear it on his sleeve, or pander to religious groups. But this is costing him votes. IMO a push for the religious vote is needed, so reach out to the church groups, go to putluck dinners, fireman's charities, borough town hall meetings, etc.

Romney has a well oiled machine. Guys with little coiled ear-pieces. Lots of supporter-volunteers. The media came and waited for him. I held a RP sign behind his head for the whole time. :) Follow Romney, and you get the media. Probably all paid/pro organized, only one volunteer showed up at the Anderson Cooper rally, and he would not get off his cell phone to hole up both ends of his wire-framed sign. At my polling place many volunteers showed up, but they almost all left after Mitt made his appearance.

Mccain - one or two volunteers at my polling station. Still gets media attention though.

Kuchinich – a few sincere volunteers, and these guys love us. The DK bus honked when it went past. Poor guy, I felt bad for him, they had signs outside of their HQ and nobody to hold them.

Edwards - had sign wavers, but a weak showing at the polling station. They only showed up a couple of hours from the closing, and only had like 5 people for the last hour, all volunteers possible getting off work.

Hillary - had a shuttlebus, and lots of signs wavers, possibly some pro. Definitely knew that they were on a schedule and had somewhere to be next.

Obama - lots of sign wavers - young volunteers as far as I could tell. Fair grassroots turnout.

Random Thoughts/Suggestions:

Canvassing problems: It’s winter, and dark by 5 nobody was home during daylight. We wasted whole days knocking on empty doors.

Ineffective model – insane computer-generated directions were impossible to follow, and we spent too much time per house. We should have just been given a few streets to hit every door, we had the manpower. So, I would jump out of the car and flyer 2-4 houses while my partner did the packet canvass.

Get a bullhorn to lead chants - people screamed themselves hoarse, and IMO affected turnout the next day.

Nametags/badges for field leaders would help direct the volunteers, help avoid another Hannity incident, and help identify good candidates for interviews to the media...we don't want a Truther or similar selected to represent us on camera. In addition, If anything strange happens(ie: getting violent during a rally), take pictures/video, and try to relate what happened to a staffer. I just saw 2 Youtube clips where the same guy appears as a local voter in Iowa and NH. If (and I haven't seen anybody yet) anyone is acting as a plant in our organization, a little evidence can go a long way.

Continue to let people organize themselves. This actually did happen, but I wanted to point out that allowing people that clicked to work together is most effective. So, for instance, continue to make it easy for people to change what house they stay in so they can get to work early with people they function well with. BUT: Provide more effective communication with the grassroots. Many people noted that they were not put to 100% effective use. Why no Organization Organizer? Roxy, Brinks, Norm and others were great (and they need assistants), but exactly whose job was it to communicate what was going on next? Again, a badge or two might be nice. Often people were milling around chatting while something important was being communicated. If everyone knew who would have the latest news they would pay more attention. The grassroots was still pretty effective at communicating considering everything, but something as simple as, say, bulletin boards at friendly pubs, flyers, or a blog could work wonders (for instance, I could not find a few rally locations in time)

Learn the election laws of every location (including items such as marching on city hall steps - we almost had an incident). Start with the state, but don't forget the municipalities...I was informed of a few rules that would not appear in the state lawbooks. For instance, I was told to wipe off the "Ron Paul 2008" that someone had drawn with white paint on my van's windows (the rationale being that campaigns cannot park a huge sign next to the polling place). I should stress as well, that the "moderator" of the election has ABSOLUTE control over the polling place. They may kick you out for ANY OR NO REASON AT ALL. You MUST abide by their decisions. If you encounter an issue, politely ask them if there is particular election code that they are citing, and is it possible to show you/get a copy of the cited election law so that we may straighten things out with HQ. But they also may just classify you as an "interference" and ask you to leave, so go. Also, ask to watch the votes get counted, preferably with a video camera.

Get a shuttle bus. Hillary had one, and it very effectively got people to where they needed to be. We had people stranded in other towns without rides unable to attend events.

Familiarize yourself with Paul's positions, *especially positions that you do not agree with*. Be prepared to make a pro-life argument. Be prepared to argue immigration positions. these are two deviations from the libertarian platform. It is possible to find some areas of agreement, and just stress those.

Dress as nicely as you can. We need to defringe-ify this movement or the media will turn it into a circus. People have quit jobs, moved, travelled from California, Hawaii, Florida, New York, Virginia, Texas, Montana, Spain, Panama, Poland, Estonia and sacrificed time with family and friends for this effort. Please shave and put on a tie.

I hope this helps those who will be picking up this effort in other areas. I also hope that we have worked through the growing pains and will field a team of seasoned campaigners.

Please feel free to forward this message on to other meetup organizers.

Great Quote from Brad Porter of FACT: The Battle for Freedom is one that can never be won, but can always be lost.

Pgh Public Schools -- next board meeting on Sunday

Mark -

I have just learned that PPS has a Board meeting on Sunday at 2 PM - that's right - Sunday. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Excel 9-12. The meeting will be in the Board Committee room. I think they are planning for a long meeting that would go all afternoon and into the evening.

Its not on their website yet, but I confirmed this with Robin Wenger in the Board office. I know you are posting these things so I thought you would want to know about it.


Carey Harris
A+ Schools

techPresident's Favorite Videos of 2007: Voter-Generated Video

techPresident – techPresident's Favorite Videos of 2007: Voter-Generated Video Favorite Videos of 2007: Voter-Generated Video

Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters

one of this years better campaign commercials

New Arena Discussion with Bram on a podcast

The biggest city planning meeting in our lifetime -- starts at 2 pm on Monday at 200 Ross Street.

Bram of the Pittsburgh Comet and the Burgh Report was kind enough to give me some time to get a better understanding of the fireworks associated with the developments of the new hockey arena in the Hill District. A Community Benefits Agreement (CBA for short) is on the rocks. It seems that what Mayor Ravenstahl wants does not match well with the dreams and ambitions with the various groups and residents.


We talked about this thread and another blogger:
New Arena Discussion - Page 42 - Steelers Fever Forums: "Re: New Arena Discussion"

Revelations - http://drgoddess.blogspot.com/

Update: The arena is on for hearing and action on Monday. They are last on the
agenda. (Reported Dolores Hanna, Special Project Operations Manager, Department of City Planning)

TEXAS SWIMMING: Olympic Coverage off to Rough Start

Honey, pay-back is a bitch, regardless of culture and TV celeb / news status.
TEXAS SWIMMING: Olympic Television Coverage off to Rough Start The Wall Street Journal article - complete with a translation

Franklin College Explores Addition of Swimming

There is a bit of a trend here -- going against the tide. Too many schools have cut the mens swim teams. Some are picking up swimming again.
CollegeSwimming.com: Franklin College Explores Addition of Swimming: “The stars are aligned for this,” said Hass. “I believe the college, the area and the school corporations would all benefit from having a competitive program at Franklin College.
Franklin College is in Indiana.

Ohio University cut its mens swim team -- and I still hate them for that. I'm a graduate of O.U.

Slippery Rock too.

Hired, other resigned: vindication, ethical and PROACTIVE

A number of issues are spin into this posting. Koch gets hired by the mayor. Lamb resigns from the board of A+ Schools and the Ethics Hearing Board gets self determination.

All three matters were woven into the packets of complaints that I filed with the Pittsburgh Ethics Hearing Board a few months ago. http://www.Rauterkus.com/ethics/ Each are resolved.

First, today's P-G reports:
Ousted politicians land on their feet at city hall Former Councilman Jeff Koch, defeated in the May Democratic primary, is now a special streets program supervisor in the Public Works Department.
Word on the street was a typical, but wrong, 'to the victor goes the spoils' saga. Mr. Koch is a long-time, valued, insightful guy who departed city council at the start of 2008. It made great sense to re-hire him as a city worker to do the work of residents as great help is hard to find. Koch gets things done. He works hard. He is down to earth and straight forward in his dealings. We need knowledgeable, skilled, city employees on the job.

I was proactive in my challenge to the Ethics Hearing Board. I didn't have proof. But, the matter is resolved now.

Now we are left to wonder. Did the hiring of Koch by Ravenstahl come after the vote on Monday? Humm...

Hindsight: Koch's hiring could have happened in July. Then he could have resigned from city council and that office could have been taken out of its lame duck status months earlier. That would have pushed up the money in the city budget's vacancy allowance of unfilled positions. But, that's okay. I didn't rant about the lame duck members of council -- and their staffs -- but I pondered it. I'll make that point in a policy paper later and not be as bold in my attacks at people in jobs today.

But back to current events and inside Grant Street. The Kraus vote for Shields as City Council's President might have insured the hiring of Koch to the Public Works department. That's just a hunch.

However, it will be interesting to see if Kraus should pitch a fit, or, just get to the clean-up that is needed in Oakland.

Memo to the 'clean, green and mean' councilman, Kraus: Read the paper. Go pick-up that trash!
Incursion of slobs rankles longtime South Oakland residents Some of those who remain are demanding that the city and the University of Pittsburgh do more to combat the trash and unruliness they see all around them.
Two other interesting development to watch for in the future, should Koch get on the job, as hoped, in the months to come. When you see Mr. Koch on the job, either in a jumpsuit or a three-piece suit, look to see if you can spot any message on his t-shirt. And, look to the dashboard of his vehicle for the bobble-head doll.

(insert blog artwork here)

The city should be working on INFRASTRUCTURE. That is a major plank and policy to promote at ever turn (pun intended).
Skimpy water line waylays opening of county's bioterror lab ... The $5 million state-of-the-art bioterror lab in Lawrenceville took more than five years to build and is finally finished, but the county can't move in because the water line to the sophisticated laboratory is too small to support the building's sprinkler system.

The 10,000-square-foot building was finished in mid-December but couldn't get a city occupancy permit because of the water supply problem caused by a corroded, 4-inch cast iron water line dating to the 1930s, ...
A good friend of mine has suggested to me that the 'infrastructure bandwagon' is one to jump upon with full force. Libertarian and Republican candidates in the city and region could win elected office if they harp upon INFRASTRUCTURE. Our pipes are crumbling. The rash of water main breaks hurt the economy.

I'm too much of a 'generalist' to campaign on a single issue. I favor the freestyle -- ranting at will upon things that need to be addressed. But others could pick up this mode of operation and find great success in winning votes -- and perhaps -- beating incumbent Democrats.

Sewer pipes, retaining walls, rehab of bridges and street lighting are not sexy political issues for candidates. But, if the nuts and bolts matters of public infrastructure are championed, candidates of any party would earn respect and votes. And by all means, I don't mean to imply that new tunnels under the Allegheny River to get to the stadiums should be put into the category of 'infrastructure stewardship.' Building the tunnel under the river is nothing but a boondoggle. Spending the nearly billion dollars to do that project is going to further weaken the budgets to take care of what we already have.

Second: Michael Lamb, the city's new controller, has resigned from the board of A+ Schools. I have learned from Carrie Harris, the executive director of A+ Schools, that Michael Lamb made a verbal resignation. That's good. That's behind us now too, thankfully, finally.

Third: Wrangling in city council at the end of 2007 about the budget and home for the Ethics Hearing Board have taken some of the pressure off the matters with the other complaint. I think that the Ethics Hearing Board is unethical -- and filed a complaint against that entity. But, things are moving to fix these issues. Most of all, when a complaint is filed with the Ethics Hearing Board, it won't get screened by the Law Department. The Law Department sat on my complaints. The complaints were filed, a meeting was held weeks later, and the complaints were NOT put before the Ethics Hearing Board because of Law Department red tape. A major divorce has to happen between the Ethics Hearing Board and the Law Department. Sister Patrice can open her own mail.

There is much more to be done. But, that round is over. We need to be proactive. We need to celebrate victories.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ron Paul: McCain’s Reckless ‘100 years in Iraq’ Comment Endangers Americans — Ron Paul 2008

The guy who says 'no torture' (and I'm fine with that) says 100-years of occupation too. I'm not fine with a 100-years in Iraq, as per McCain's threat. Isn't that pledge a hint at a different kind of nationalistic torture. Boil it down to McCains vision of the US troops being a bully.

I don't wish to ship some of our best and brightest over there for extended stays -- without families -- wearing uniforms -- costing us dearly -- exposed to risks of the highest order. Our men and women should not be forced to go on tours of duty abroad.
Ron Paul: McCain’s Reckless ‘100 years in Iraq’ Comment Endangers Americans — Ron Paul 2008: "Press Releases › Ron Paul: McCain’s Reckless ‘100 years in Iraq’ Comment Endangers Americans

Press Releases › Ron Paul: McCain’s Reckless ‘100 years in Iraq’ Comment Endangers Americans

January 7, 2008 2:32 pm EST

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – In response to John McCain’s comment at a recent town hall event that he would be fine with keeping American troops in Iraq for 100 – or even 1 million years – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul issued the following statement:

“John McCain’s statement in favor of keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years or longer puts him out of sync with the majority of Americans, who want our troops to come home. Further, his comments recklessly put America at risk as such a statement will likely serve as a recruiting tool for Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, who appeal to radicals and incite violence against Americans by claiming that the US desires to occupy the Middle East indefinitely.

“It is time to act in the true national security interest of the United States and begin withdrawal from Iraq and the rest of the Middle East immediately. Americans will be far safer under a pro-America foreign policy that seeks to end the dangerous idea that the US should be the policeman of the world.

“Further, the financial costs of keeping troops in Iraq for a century would be massive – in addition to the steep price in American lives. If John McCain really wants such a long term presence, he needs to level with the American people and tell them that his policy means we will not be able to fulfill our obligations here at home.”

According to quarterly FEC reports, Dr. Ron Paul is supported by more active duty and retired military retirees than any other candidate to be the next commander in chief. An investigation by the Houston Chronicle revealed that Congressman Paul received “more donations from current military…and retired military…than any other candidate.”


Romney decides to pull ads in S.C., Fla. - Yahoo! News

Romney decides to pull ads in S.C., Fla. - Yahoo! NewsRepublican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has decided to pull his advertising from South Carolina and Florida, in a sign of trouble for a campaign that badly needs a win.
In more detail, the Romney campaign is pulling a page from the Bill Peduto playbook.
Spencer Zwick, Romney's national finance director, told the phone bankers: "If for some reason he is not the nominee, all those funds will be returned to the donor himself."

AP: Richardson to end presidential bid - Yahoo! News

Peace activists -- those who want to make peace and not war -- and all who want to avoid a vote for neo-cons and near-neo-cons! Come join the Ron Paul Revolution.

The military / industrial complex that the USA has become can be changed. That is the real change that people of the nation -- and the world -- desire. Our foreign policy has to change. Ron Paul will present that hope better than the rest.
AP: Richardson to end presidential bid - Yahoo! News New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson ended his campaign for the presidency Wednesday after twin fourth-place finishes that showed his impressive credentials could not compete with his rivals' star power.

Richardson planned to announce the decision Thursday, according to two people close to the governor with knowledge of the decision. They spoke on a condition of anonymity in advance of the governor's announcement.
I know that a number of my D friends were big-time supporters and fans of Richardson. Until now, they had a reason to be excited about a candidate in the race.

I hope and expect that many of the Richardson voters will place their votes to Ron Paul now.

Townhall.com: Questions for the Fair Tax Crowd::By Jerry Bowyer

Townhall.com::Questions for the Fair Tax Crowd::By Jerry Bowyer Questions for the Fair Tax Crowd
by Jerry Bowyer. Lots of comments there too.

Planning commission meeting on the 14th

The Pgh Planning Commission meeting agenda is out.

click comments or the google calendar

Junkies Comment on the 'painful' part of Patrick's vote -- IMHO

These are my words, posted at another blog.
Blogger: 2 Political Junkies - Post a Comment Dowd was yanked off, IMHO, because he wanted a public discussion of a legislative agenda from possible candidates -- before the vote.

It didn't happen.

So, he was forced into a vote without justification, without real merit.

He turned in his vote without doing the homework. Or, really, a better view would be -- he was the 'teacher' and he turned in a 'passing grade' to the student (Doug) without the student doing any of his assigned homework. Teachers don't give out grades lightly. It was painful for Dowd to give out a vote without merit. The basis of the vote was plain old politics of the past and of the person.

That was Dowd's first step. Leaving the 'high road' was done. Perhaps he can return to the high road, bailing out himself, by forging a common legislative agenda in the days and weeks to come.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

VotePA - Election Integrity & Voting Rights in Pennsylvania

Vote PA dot US is where voters, activist, scholars, researchers, candidates, political wonks, and tireless volunteers who care about democracy go to stay connected and engaged.
VotePA - Election Integrity & Voting Rights in Pennsylvania Fill out your e-mail address
to receive our newsletter! We will never share your information wiithout your permission.
Thanks for the conference call. There is so much to do.

Ron Paul was on Jay Leno -- for good reason -- talking about the exclusion from the debates

Ron Paul Talks About Fox on Leno

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:47 AM

By: Newmax Staff

Appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, presidential hopeful Ron Paul said he still doesn't know why he was excluded from Fox News� Sunday night Republican debate.

Paul was left off the GOP debate roster even though Paul and his supporters set a new one-day fundraising record, raked in nearly $20 million in the fourth quarter of last year -- and got 10 percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses.

Rudy Giuliani, who got only 4 percent in Iowa, was included in the debate, along with John McCain, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, and Mike Huckabee.

Leno told Paul on Monday night's show: "I'm trying to figure out why Fox News chose not to put you on."

"You know, we tried to find that out," Paul replied. "But they didn't return our call."

A sympathetic Leno said: "You're being extremely polite for something I think you got screwed over. I mean, I might not necessarily agree with you, but I think, as an American, we like to see everybody get an equal shot."

Paul speculated that Fox "didn't want to hear the message. Maybe they're intimidated. Maybe they're frightened. Maybe they didn't want to hear the truth. Who knows?�

The Los Angeles Times' Andrew Malcolm observed: "So Paul gets 10 percent in Iowa and gets excluded, but Rudy gets 4 percent and sits on the left end of the Fox Box desk. Hmmm."

Me &Thee Blogspot: Quick Q and A with Joe Jencks

Check out this wonderful interview with Joe. He has a new band. We've got to get him back to Pittsburgh soon.
Me&Thee Blogspot: Quick Q and A with Joe Jencks ... with one of the most relevant singer-songwriters on the scene today ...
More links:

Listen to Show #140 with Joe Jencks

Art of the Song - Listen: "Listen to Show #140 with Joe Jencks"

The song, "Come With Me" is on the radio show interview in MP3 format.
I love that song. "I will carry on!"

Wall Street Journal + Jerry Bowyer = NO FAIR TAX

Free Preview - WSJ.com: By Jerry Bowyer

If talk show hosts ran the world, we'd have a national sales tax. We'd have no immigration, and we would have long ago carpet-bombed the entire Middle East. We'd also have something called 'fair trade,' which means no real trade at all.

But they don't run the world; they just pretend that if they did, everything would be great. I would be a lot more confident that this was true if I didn't know so many talk show hosts. I would be even more confident if they had really run anything of consequence before. But I do, and they haven't.
I do NOT like the fair tax. The fair tax is a nice idea for the first 30-seconds. But, the fair tax is a bad idea for America at this time. It is a bad idea for the economy. It is a bad public policy.

Speaking of bad policy -- pointing to an article that can't be read. I'm not interested in getting the WSJ password. So, the rest of the Bowyer article is dark to me.

Radio ads hit Detroit -- in another language

Quote of the Day:

"War is the art of conquering at home."
-- Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man

Subject: 60 radio ads now running in Michigan

We proposed it. You funded it. We did it. 60 radio ads promoting Ron Paul's "American Freedom Agenda Act" are now running in the Detroit, Michigan area.

There's something special about these ads. It isn't only that the ads promote a bill that would . . .
  • Stop our government from torturing suspects
  • End rendition, which is government agents kidnapping people and sending them to foreign dictators to be tortured
  • Restore habeas corpus, allowing people to once again challenge their detention in a court of law
  • Repeal warrantless wiretapping
  • Prevent the government from punishing Whistleblowers
  • Cripple the use of Signing Statements, by which the President refuses to execute the laws of the land
These ads are also special because . . .

They're in Arabic!

No, it isn't our purpose to promote multi-lingualism. Rather, it's our purpose to show those who fled foreign dictators (tyrants supported by the U.S. government) that there are still Americans, like Representatives Paul and Kucinich and Welch, who believe in freedom and the rule of law for all people.

Many who are hearing these ads are American citizens, who speak both English and Arabic. Many more are the mothers and fathers of children who are English speaking citizens. We want to let them know that America really is a refuge of freedom, or can be again, if we will all join together to fight for it.

The ads are running on WNZK 690 AM, Southfield (Detroit), Michigan, Monday through Friday between 12 PM and 5 PM. The first spot aired Friday during the 4-5 PM hour. The last spot will air January 16.

These ads are recruiting new supporters. But more can be done if you want it done. We'd love to broadcast more of these ads, in English. Provide the funding, and we'll do it.

We've found it necessary, because of government violations of the First Amendment, to establish an entirely separate contribution structure for these ads, complete with new accounts and new systems. If you want to contribute to run these ads you can do so, using that new account, here.

On top of that, we might need to be financially prepared for a government legal challenge against our First Amendment rights after the ads have aired -- a challenge to see that we dotted every "i" and crossed every "t."

Everyone who contributes to this project will receive a copy of our 16-page, glossy report, "The Downsize DC Vision."

In addition, those who contribute $76 or more, specifically to air these ads, will have their name listed in the left hand, green strip on the Radio Ad page for our campaign to "Support Ron Paul's American Freedom Agenda Act." Donors will be listed in rank order, with the largest donor getting the first line -- the slot we call the "John Hancock line."

But if we don't raise sufficient funds, we'll use the money for other projects. There's no shortage of opportunities right now. On the other hand, if contributions flood in, we'll expand and broadcast ads in other cities. So your contribution is urgent. Please give all that you can.

Even if you're mailing a check, please use the contribution form. Checks that arrive without this form will be deposited in our general fund. NO EXCEPTIONS. So if you're going to mail a check please print out the form, fill it in completely, and make the check to DownsizeDC.org, Inc. Write "radio ads" in the memo section. The mailing address is listed on the bottom of that form.

And whether you can send money or not, please send a message to your representatives in Congress, urging them to co-sponsor HR 3835, the American Freedom Agenda Act.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

MoveOn.org Political Action: Paper ballots for the 2008 election

MoveOn.org Political Action: Paper ballots for the 2008 election: "Paper ballots for the 2008 election"

Paper ballots for the 2008 election

This Sunday's cover story in The New York Times Magazine makes plain the threat: The winner of the 2008 presidential election could be decided by flawed, insecure, and hackable electronic voting machines.

This is the most prominent news coverage this issue has ever gotten, so it could be our one last chance to get this right before the election in November.

Congress is poised to consider a new emergency paper ballots bill next week—but we'll have to convince them to act right away.

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to local election officials and your members of Congress.
Is this a good idea or not? Well, -- we'll talk about it tonight at the gathering at TalkShoe.com.

TalkShoe.com has made a major upgrade

TalkShoe.com, a Pittsburgh-based company, has a new release and a wonderful new upgrade. It comes just in time for the next two events I've got brewing. One is tonight. The other is tomorrow night. Both start at 10 pm EST.

The upgrade is a web client. This means that people will be able to join a telephone conference call via the web and NOT be forced to download and install the java applet. So, you can become a participant with one click.

The classic interface is still present, however. That is great.

Furthermore, the chat room text that flows onto the screen is now vertical and not horizontal. This new format is what most people are used to seeing in a chat setting.

Way to go Aaron and the others at TalkShoe.com.

Doug Shields -- council president -- not so big victory

Doug Shields -- confused by the Post-Gazette.
View Video
Doug Shields was in the limelight at the opening meeting of city council in 2008. Here is a blast from the past.

Humm.... There are plenty of thoughts that flow from the day of oaths on Grant Street.

Ethics reform remains a major theme

I hope Dan and Luke were listening.
Ethics reform remains a major theme | Philadelphia Daily News | 01/08/2008 Ethics reform remains a major theme
I would LOVE to be a part of a team / process / discussion about a reform of Pittsburgh's Ethics. We'd start with the Ethics Hearing Board. After all the present members resign. We'd get people who want to move a bit faster than the average glacier. Next, we'd make suggestions to the law -- so as to eliminate the confidentiality clause. Then we'd hold televised meetings once a week. It would be nothing to spend no money -- but use public evaluation as a tool. No punishments would come from the Ethics Hearing Board itself. But, that board could better make the case for civil and criminal trails yet to unfold.

Tonight's TalkCast on Electronic Voting Machines and associated problems in counting the votes

We're going to have an online and on the phone event tonight. Here is another bit of insight from our expert, guest.

My focus always is on trying to formulate solutions to the problems. My thought is that since the article points to PA as the next big electoral problem and PA is wide-open to undetected outcome-determinative vote fraud and error now, that perhaps we should focus on how to solve the PA problems.

With that in mind, I've specifically invited a couple of key PA election activists to join the conversation - Stephanie Singer from the Phile area and Marybeth Kuznik. I'm thinking of also specifically inviting Steve Freeman.

And then discussing some methods that the CA activists successfully used there and see if PA activists might want to try using the same tools plus other tools that are available given the lack of accountable voting systems in PA.

I don't know who will show up. Will you?

For the details, check below or log onto TalkShoe.com around 10 pm.

City council taking on a new look and attitude

City council taking on a new look and attitude 'There's nothing we can't achieve,' said Mr. Shields. 'We stand by ready to help shape this agenda, along with the mayor, to serve the public.'
I'm not sure I want them to serve the public. They don't know what the public is.

There must be plenty of things that government should NOT achieve.

I don't want city council to achieve -- by building new ballparks. Are we going to tear down PNC PARK and Heinz FIELD to create new jobs and help the teams win in the playoffs? I don't want to achieve that.

Are we going to build lots of $300,000 town homes in downtown so that the other 87 neighborhoods can have more vacant properties? I don't want them to achieve that.

Are we going to tear down even more historic libraries and move them to strip malls? I don't want them to achieve that.

Are we going to put cameras at every intersection to catch all sorts of citizens doing all sorts of things -- so that nobody comes to Pittsburgh again? That would be what they want to achieve, it seems, at times.

All the Democrats in city hall have given the impression that they are with checks and balances. It is bull. They all are of the same party. They are all doing a little drama.

The always contentious vote -- picking a leader. Woop it up. That's no cause for celebration. So what. The 'heavy politicking' got the city residents nothing.

A certain independence won't be found with an all D council and an D mayor and a D controller. They all spoke about the dependence upon their political machine. They all share the same machine.

Mr. Dowd is right when he says that the politics of personallity has not ended. They are not out of the woods.

Mr. Ravenstahl was right -- it is going to be all downhill from here. They are united and on a roll -- and they don't know which way to go. They will roll wherever they are pulled -- by the D party drivers -- by the developers and speculators with deep pockets.

Kraus was right -- diversity is a strength. But, city council has marginal diversity at best. It might be fair to say that council has none. They all have "D" after their names.

Mr. Shields tussled with the administration -- only if you believe that mountains come from mole hills. The examples given:

Pgh Promise was because citizens put in for a public hearing. Council didn't even have a vote -- accept to advance it with RULE 8.

The Police Domestic Violence was called a 'first step.' Hardly a tussle or a witch hunt.

Animal control -- hell! Mayor Murphy fired the rodent control people years ago. Shields watched. The rats of the city scurry around. That is hardly a tussle.

Even Shields said he does NOT see any need for a schism. "If the mayor fails -- we all fail." That will not be tolerated.

Lockstep boosterism.

Mr. Lamb advocated changes after giving big credit to past cronies, including the late Jeep. He has been in city hall for 20 years, and he does not hide those facts and history. That is called a 'big change' because he and the mayor are set on the responsibilities.

The double-talk is killing me -- and this region.

Tribune-Review is hogwash

Trib editors:
Pittsburgh Tuesday takes - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Hogwash times 10: Here they come! Beware! The campaign finance 'reform' do-gooders are hitching up the bandwagon. Pittsburgh City Councilman Bill Peduto, an unsuccessful mayoral candidate, says he'll soon propose legislation that caps the amount of money individuals can give in city races. This is what losers usually do when they can't gain traction with the public, isn't it?"
No. It isn't.

Losers are voters who have no choice at the ballot box.

Losers are citizens who have politicians that are in the pockets of the wealthy.

Losers are elections when the vote count can't be trusted.

Losers are debate organizers who don't allow for all the candidates to participate.

Losers are editors who have a closed mind and don't even want to open up a discussion.

Losers are reformist who meet for months to solve some issues and can't get results of discussions out into the public view -- yet alone voted upon.

Join tonight's talkcast -- Electronic Voting -- while the NH results begin to arrive

Podcast Announcement:

Join our PodCast Tue, January 8, 2008
Time: 10:00 PM EST

You have been invited to join a live Talkcast.

Listen to or Join a Talkcast - Episode: Electronic Voting Machines
Host: Rauterkus - Mark@Rauterkus.com

The article in the NY Times magazine asks: Can You Count On These Machines?

By CLIVE THOMPSON, Published: January 6, 2008 is required reading
before the discussion.

We'll talk about that article in this talkcast, hosted by Mark Rauterkus, with a special guest from Utah, Kathy Dopp. Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts puts her at the head of the class nation-wide. Dopp is a Mathematician and expert in election audit mathematics and procedures. She resides in Park City, Utah and has sites on the web:

Local Pennsylvania experts have been invited as well. Open to all citizens, voters, advocates, candidates and even our friends in New Hampshire.

Talkcast ID: 3181

Scheduled Time:

Date: Tue, January 8, 2008
Time: 10:00 PM EST

How to participate:

Call in:

1. Dial: (724) 444-7444
2. Enter: 3181 # (Talkcast ID)
3. Enter: 1 # or your PIN

or Join from your computer:
Go to http://www.talkshoe.com and sign up

1. Become a TalkShoe member
2. Download and install TalkShoe Live client
3. Click here to join the Talkcast

Listen to the Recording:
If you missed this event or want to hear previous recorded episodes click here.


The NY Times Magazine article heavily quotes Pittsburg Carnegie Mellon
University's Michael Shamos

A rebuttal to CMU's Michael Shamos was written by Arthur M. Keller,
Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz.

As noted in their paper: "During those years he [Shamos] personally
examined more than 100 different computerized voting systems for
certification purposes. In the 2000 election, machines for which he
participated in certification (which did not include Florida) were
used to count more than 11% of the popular vote of the United States".

As David Webber notes, 'One can therefore attribute a large chunk of
the problems with current voting systems to the fact that Shamos
singularly failed to identify those during his "certification".'

Webber adds, "Shamos has all kinds of academic qualifications - but
absent from his resume is actual production implementation of systems.
His comments read like those of someone who has never actually built
real systems himself and deployed them for public use in mission
critical environments."

As the NY Times article notes: "IF YOU WANTED to know where the next
great eruption of voting-machine scandal is likely to emerge, you'd
have to drive deep into the middle of Pennsylvania." and "21
electoral-college votes, a relatively large number that could decide a
tight presidential race" where Michael Shamos has certified
touch-screen voting systems with no paper ballot records.

Another excellent response to the New York Times Magazine Article on E-voting
January 06, 2008
by Dan Wallach


Kathy Dopp

The material expressed herein is the informed product of the author
Kathy Dopp's fact-finding and investigative efforts. Dopp is a
Mathematician, Expert in election audit mathematics and procedures; in
exit poll discrepancy analysis; and can be reached at

P.O. Box 680192
Park City, UT 84068
phone 435-658-4657


History of Confidence Election Auditing Development & Overview of
Election Auditing Fundamentals

Vote Yes on HR811 and S2295

Voters Have Reason to Worry

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body
and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote
Thomas Jefferson in 1816

Monday, January 07, 2008

More planning meetings about schools -- Sunday at 2 pm -- and my TalkShoe.com conference call on WED at 10 pm

We are planning another strategy meeting for 2 pm next Sunday, Jan. 13, at the Panerra on the Boulevard of the Allies. The next board hearing is January 14 and we would like to coordinate some talking points and strategy.

Tentative topics:

1. Schenley building, status of current information regarding repair costs and extent

2. Schenley population: IB/IS, neighborhood, freshman class, segregation

3. High school reform: Think it through before committing further funds.

We are going to try to come up with a list of questions/concerns that we would like to have answered. The board hearings give us the opportunity to express our concerns but they do not give us any means to get answers to these questiosn or concerns. If you are unable to join us on Sunday, there are several ways to stay involved. Check out the telephone conference info listed below, send an email to me with questions/concerns and I will add to our list, write to your school board member expressing your thoughts, sign up to speak and the next hearing, write a letter to the editor. Most important: STAY INFORMED. Change is constant; know how it will affect you and your child(ren).

amy moore
(her phone # zapped by blog owner)


You are invited to a telephone conference call to ponder the possibilities of Schenley High School and School District Reform. Parents are gathering to organize efforts and insights. This TalkShoe.com "talkcast" uses either a telephone OR a computer (or both).

Topics include Schools in Pittsburgh. Parents and community members, get a grip on the proposed changes. Join the fellow parents who have been gathering to talk about the Pgh Public Schools on global basis. Politics, School Reform, Action-plans for Activists are fair game. We are NOT interested in individual concerns about specific kids. Rather, focus on the community, the schools, the agenda!

Meet at 10 pm (eastern) on WED, Jan 9, 2008. The meeting will conclude by 11 pm. After the conversation, the recorded conversation is available for download as a podcast.

No need to pay anything or RSVP. Just show up.

Host: Mark Rauterkus - Mark@Rauterkus.com
Talkcast ID: 3177

Date: Wed, January 9, 2008
Time: 10:00 PM EST

How to participate:

Call in:
1. Dial: (724) 444-7444
2. Enter: 3177 # (Talkcast ID)
3. Enter: 1 # or your PIN

Join from your computer:
1. Become a TalkShoe member
2. Download and install TalkShoe Live client
3. Click here to join the Talkcast

This is our first meeting with this forum / technology. Now is the time to join and be stronger advocates for the sake of the kids in the city.

Messages from the front lines of the PRESIDENTIAL race: First up, Ron Paul

In Iowa, many hundreds of volunteers worked day and night for our campaign. College kids took their Christmas vacations in the snow for freedom. Thousands of people donated to make it all possible. We had many phone calls, brochures, mailings, advertising. Revolutionaries from all over the country sent handwritten letters to every voter, and despite national media attacks and censorship, we got more than 10% of the vote. We also soundly beat a certain ex-mayor who started off the first debate by attacking a pro-American foreign policy and the explanatory doctrine of "blowback," the CIA's term for foreign intervention that causes trouble for us in return. The Golden Rule applies to nations as well as to individuals.

And speaking of debates, FOX blocked my participation in its last New Hampshire debate, but I think that hurt FOX more than us. We had a terrifically successful townhall meeting at the same time, and Jay Leno invited me on the Tonight Show again to discuss it. Many members of our movement were galvanized to overcome the bias, including me!

In our Iowa campaign, since it was a caucus, we were dealing with party activists for the most part, not the people. And some of the activists were very unhappy to hear our views, trying to scream them down! Others thought that peace violates Christianity. But New Hampshire is another story. There is a state and a people tailor-made for us. Live Free! Then there are Michigan, South Carolina, and Super Tuesday and its nearly 20 primaries. Frankly, we need $23 million more to have a chance of beating the establishment candidates.

I am working hard for our ideas, as I know you are. The attacks and even smears will increase as we do better. But they will not defeat our ideas. They cannot defeat out ideas. At this moment of urgency for America, with spending, taxes, spying, inflation, and wars out of control and threatening all we love, let us rededicate ourselves to freedom, prosperity, and peace. Already, I owe you all my thanks. Join me in this great endeavor in New Hampshire and beyond. Please make your most generous donation now: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate



See the comments for a rant from a supporter about some other supporter.

I just wrote to the volunteer, "Please don't fight one temper tantrum with another. Hit em between the eyes, but with class.

Record high -- and I'm not talking about city council

Go Ohio State!

My first son loves two football teams. In the college ranks, he pulls for the Ohio State Buckeyes. In the NFL, he pulls for the New England Patriots. This is a good week for him.

My second son and I are going to ride our bikes to swim practice tonight. It is so warm. Will be great. And, his team won the geography bee in his classroom today. At the end of Friday, there was a two-team show-down / overtime. The winning answer had something to do with a lake in a North American country -- and the video image I uploaded today to this blog (scroll lower) shows Grant, in CANDADA, ringing the bell after a day of swimming in a lake in ONTARIO.

It is easier to win the Geography Bee when you've traveled the world. Perspectives.

To my friends now in New Hampshire -- safe travels home.

The image below says "IOWA" in the sign. But, it might as well be Pittsburgh City Council -- today -- as the Dems took the oath of office.

I heard the word 'freedom' once in all the speeches. Ricky Burgess gets the prize. I heard 'free elections' one other time, from Doug Shields. The word "liberty" was not mentioned at all.

A+ Schools calls for the avoidance of a teacher strike

Join A+ Schools in urging the Pittsburgh Public Schools and the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers to resolve the issues related to the teacher’s contract in a way that avoids a strike and ensures that education our children progresses without interruption.

We expect all parties will do whatever is required to ensure that kids are never used as a bargaining chip, and that all negotiations will be conducted in a way that reflects compassion and commitment to the future of our city’s students.

What you can do:

* Call or email John Tarka, President of the PFT and Mark Roosevelt, Superintendent of PPS to urge them resolve the contract issues without a strike. You can leave a message – it still has an impact.

1. John Tarka: john_tarka@pft400.org or 412 431-5900

2. Mark Roosevelt: mroosevelt1@pghboe.net or 412 622-3600

* Send a letter to the editor of the Post Gazette and Tribune Review– urging both sides to find a resolution to the contract. letters@post-gazette.com and opinion@tribweb.com.

* Send a post card to both leaders! A+ Schools has produced post cards that can be signed and mailed to both leaders. If you would like these post cards please contact us at info@aplusschools.org or 412 258-2660. If you would like to help distribute post cards please let us know that as well.

Let our leaders hear from you!
That is one approach. Another action point -- join our telephone conversation on WEDNESDAY night at 10 pm to talk about schools. We'll talk about this as well.

I didn't hear A+ Schools Board Member Michael Lamb say that he was going to resign from the A+ Board now that he is a city employee who is charged, by the city charter, to do independent audits of the school district.

Where is Dr. Thompson these days?

From people & vips

City may limit campaign donations. Great. Peduto lurches ahead again

Ring the bell for change. Come and get it.
A bell to start the new year on Grant Street.
View Video

This is good news. It is the lead story in the Post-Gazette.
City may limit campaign donations City may limit campaign donations
State Supreme Court ruling clears the way
The State Supreme Court was NOT a road-block. Bill Peduto was.

Now, with the state court's recent decision, Bill Peduto does NOT have an excuse for ongoing delays to the discussion about this topic.

I'm able to beat up a bit on Bill Peduto because he didn't do what I felt he should have done in the past. He fumbled. An important conversation was started -- but -- he didn't have the follow-through to give it full consideration as it deserved. I'll get this rant out of my system and then we can move along.

First off, Philly should NOT be the tail that wags the dog. What Philly does is up to them. They can prove a negative, or fight a specific negative with the courts. But, that is just one element as to what could be done.

Awareness, education, politics, and discussion on our elections are critical. I want to settle differences without going to the courts. Judges never provide the best solutions. And, most of all, I want to settle differences without the need of going to the streets. Aggression and violence are not desired.

Our democracy is frail.

When people ignore serious problems and refuse to meet, act, discuss, and work on those serious problems -- and use a court case at the other end of the state as an excuse, then I'm disappointed.

Now, the log jam is broken.

Will another 'threat' or 'bump in the road' send this Peduto initiative back into the bunker for another two years?

The video is a blast from the past. The speaker is S.B., head of the League of Women Voters. She is speaking at a public hearing that I called after Bill Peduto introduced the first campaign finance reform bill, a few years ago.

League of Women Voters - you got to start somewhere. Agree with Mark.
View Video

Will the next campaign cycle wait while these matters get sorted? New rules are on the horizon -- and that means that the old rules are still in play. So, will there be a gold rush for candidates and campaigns now -- because of the lack of restrictions?

Pittsburgh politicians take $10,000 checks.

Pittsburgh is corrupt.

Pittsburgh is famous for back-room deals.

The political landscape in Pittsburgh needs a lot of help. Doing nothing, as the case lingered, harms our public life and cripples the hope for open, honest public service for the region's citizens.

Now let me take a few deep breaths and I'll get to the history of what was done, what could be done, and where Pittsburgh needs to go in the weeks ahead.

Bill Peduto -- run like the wind. You can streak if you wish. But, thankfully, you don't need to. The P-G is putting this story, this time, above the fold and on the front page as the lead story.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Why Lisa Bennington is abandoning Harrisburg

Brian O'N of the P-G wrote in the Sunday paper about Lisa Bennington, presently on the PA House. She represents parts of Pittsburgh.
Why Lisa Bennington is abandoning Harrisburg Maybe Harrisburg is not the place for anyone who already has a fulfilling career, as our statehouse demands an acceptance of accomplishing not very much. That leaves an open seat in a district straddling the Allegheny River, ...
Lisa is going to retire from the state assembly. She will NOT leave an open seat. When her term is finished, another will fill it.

Seats change. Terms end. Life marches on.

I posted in that thread mentioned at the Burgh Report. My opinions are reposted here, too:

Three cheers for L.B. (woops, had better be more specific) -- Lisa Bennington -- for doing a term in the state house and getting out.

I love term limits.

I love the concept of a citizen legislature.

I love that she got into the fray and can walk away.

That's P-O-W-E-R.

Yes, there is something more to her decision. It is called 'life.' The political realm is nearly life-less -- like a pond covered with scum.

I wish the OVERLORDS, as well as a cadre of others in office, would leave town as easily and with such grace as well.

I'd suggest that all terms in city gov. posts under any type of "OVERLORD" status (Act 47, ICA, etc.) be cut in half and be paid 50% less.

Newsmax.com - Fox Under Fire for Excluding Ron Paul

Newsmax.com - Fox Under Fire for Excluding Ron Paul This past Thursday, the Manchester Union Leader, New Hampshire's major newspaper, published a front-page editorial blasting news organizations that do not invite all candidates to their forums.

One hour LIVE web interview with Ron Paul from NH -- tonight!

Tonight on local New Hampshire television and simulcast on our website at http://www.ronpaul2008.com/snippets/127/manchester-townhall/, Ron Paul will take questions from an audience of undecided voters in the Granite State.

With the New Hampshire primary just two days away, Dr. Paul will bring his message of liberty and constitutional government directly to the people-real questions, real answers, as fair and balanced as politics gets.

Sunday, January 6, 2008
5:00 - 6:00 PM ET
Manchester, New Hampshire
