Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Whistle Blower Costs and Bumsted's Perceptions

State Represenative Jeff Habay, R, of the near north burbs, is in some hot water these days with an ethical wrangle. A fee was charged and paid, costing Jeff more than $10,000.

In the Tribune Review, state-capital reporter Brad Bumsted wrote, in part:

What's on the line in this case, potentially, is Habay's political career. If Simpson agrees with the citizens' complaint, he could order a full-scale audit or refer the case to the state attorney general for possible criminal prosecution. The plaintiffs apparently don't have much to lose other than the "hundreds of hours" Radich said were involved in preparing the case and their expenses.

Apparently the cost of being a whistle-blower is lost upon Bumsted.

As to who is right and who is wrong with the apparent bad-blood being spilled among the participants is not the factor that is alarming to me within the Bumsted article. The opinion as to the apparent cost of defeat is not only out of touch, its out of place as well.

Brad Bumsted can be reached at or (717) 787-1405.

Our shared well of democracy is not to be taken lightly, nor is its protection. And, in doing so, our resources and characters are stretched and meet great tensions.

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