Hi Mr. Roddey,
Talk of the next Pittsburgh Mayor SHOULD include both:
---> None of the above, and
---> a Republican.
Furthermore, on a personal note, I think it makes sense for YOU to mention me as a candidate as well. You rejected the opportunity to sign my petition to get me onto the ballot for that office in 2001. I've been busy in our community since then. I have written that I am the FRONT-RUNNER in the GOP side for that office.
If I call today, I'd ask you about your role as an Oversight Board Member and your postions on PARKs and RECREATION. I called for the creation of a NEW Pittsburgh Park District in a postion paper released in May. Did you read it? Can you react to some of those ideas?
Tom's on-air question was very well put and generated an interesting reply from Mr. Roddey. When Roddey talks only about the status quo -- he is talking only about sustaining the same old same old. It would have been easy to name the names and then offer none-of-the-above. But, he is NOT interested in a real power shift around here. J.T.'s none of the above mention was great!
The idea of a sell off or removal of PARKs from the realm of the city -- and the county -- and the schools -- allows a "down to the basics" with those governmental agencies. The city is diverted with PARKS. If the city didn't need to worry about parks -- then -- it would do the things mentioned (... police and fire protection...keeping streets plowed in the winter, pick up garbage) to a much better degree. These folks can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
I believe that Mr. Roddey mentioned only Democrats during his guest spot on the Jerry Bowyer program because they are the only ones currently with the current posts, overall name recognition, infrastructure and most importantly in politics...bankroll.
The city's key issues are in no particular order (except the first): Fiscal responsibility, incentives for new residents and businesses; quality of life...police and fire protection...keeping streets plowed in the winter, pick up garbage...issues like that.
A Park and Recreation Program is nice once you're in office and on good-enough footing to look away from the key issues facing Pittsburgh...if not "handed over" to trusted advisers, while the Mayor tends to more crucial issues.
Mayor Murphy may actually have created a legacy with his ambitious parks program...but some argue that he put too much effort into bike trails and roller blading, and not into making Pittsburgh a competitive mid-market sized city.
There are a half-million Democrat wannabees and no one making noise as a Republican.
"I have written that I am the FRONT-RUNNER in the GOP side for that office."--Unfortunately that's a statement for the media, political activists and Pittsburgh community to conclude.
In my opinion, my question to Roddey was the most important one I heard in the first two hours of the show: "Are you going to be active in the Mayor's Race." His answer was "yes." Now that should be interesting.
Now that is an interesting idea! Selling off as many "assets" like the parks -- even to a non-profit agency -- is innovative.
You have a point... if Roddey was interested in making wholesale changes.... he would have been greatly involved in city politics.
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