Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Travel on a budget to Beijing

From Mark Rauterku...

Getting to Beijing has been expensive.

The passports for the boys needed to be re-issued. You can't enter China unless you've got more than six months of valid time still on the passport. The boys, because the children grow so fast, need to get their passports renewed more frequently than adults.

Then there are charges for the visas. A service helps by standing in lines and speeding the process that might otherwise be impossible. Our passports, after getting stamped by the local post office, went to Miami, Florida, then to either Boston or New York. I forget. Then they came back to Pittsburgh.

All four of our passports went out in one envelope. But, they came back in two. First the boys then the adults -- about five days apart.

The cost for the kids was $505.00. The charge for the adults, $990. Plus, there were two or three overnight envelopes to pay for. The helper required the kid's original birth certificate and not a photocopy as had been presented earlier.

The visa and passports for China allow us one entry into China between now (July 28) and January 1, 2009. We get to stay for no more than 30 days.

Furthermore, the paperwork we needed to show included our round trip airline tickets. They want to know you've paid for your flight home. And, the home bank account information to prove that there is sufficient money in your home bank. Plus, we needed to show a lease as to where we would be staying while in China. Not just an address or a statement we'll be staying with friends. No, we provided a lease. And, with the lease a copy of the passport of our host and friend in Beijing.

In Beijing, I expect we'll need to check in with the local police department. That has been the case in the past. We'll also swing by the USA Embassy -- just to let them know we're in town. Nice to have friends.

The 'red tape' is easy to witness. But, we've got nothing to hide. We don't need to worry about going into or out of the country with more than $10,000. Not even close.

We've got a weekly budget. We know what we spend in the US for a weeks worth of food and groceries. We'll stay within 3-times that amount per week and will be on budget.

To make budget, we won't be going to McDonald's or KFC -- much. Those are expensive places.

When we went in the past, the US Dollar was much stronger. Europe is way worse. But in the early trips we used a factor of 1:8.1 RMB. That was $1 US dollar to 8.1 of the Chineese currency, called either 'yen' or 'RMB'. Now, it is much worse. We're in the 1:5 or 1:6 range.

In Pittsburgh, PNC Bank does not even hold onto the foreign currency from China. But many other money is available there. However, there is an exchange window in the Pittsburgh International Airport. They had an "olympic special' if you cashed in $1,500 USD. We'll had time to kill in D.C. before our plane left for Beijing. That's where we did the first wave of money transfers.

We've also got a bit of money tied up in travelers checks now.

China didn't take much plastic on our other visits. Visa is a sponsor -- and we are not to leave home without it. Yeah, right.

You've got to watch out so as to not get some bad money. A bank setting is going to be trusting for our comfort. However, there was only one bank in Chengdu that would cash our travelers checks.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Who will water the wiki while I'm away? Will you?

We worked throughout the summer to build a new wiki, It has grown to more than 1,000 pages. However, it needs some attention in the days and weeks to come.

Can you lend a hand and plug in a few comments and content mentons on existing or new pages there?

Use the search box. Read, edit, cut-and-paste pointers, expand.

I'm not able to see the wiki while in China. So, I'm going to be plugging away, but keeing the content local. Plus, I want to do more with photos and video. Less time for text.

Thanks for the help.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Carlynton Happenings saga is far from over

The saga in Crafton, Carnegie and R.Farms is far from over with the access to the facilities within the school.
Carlynton Happenings One director tells us how it is.....
“To think that limiting the debate on the issue would have somehow changed the outcome of the board’s vote is wrong.”

So says Carlynton director Patty Schirripa in a statement she circulated regarding her decision to push through the new facilities policy.
Check out that story.

Same on Marty Griffin of KDKA radio for not doing a segment on this subject after he had it already slated for three weeks ago. Marty! There is a tie in to local sports (swimming, baseball, soccer, gymnastics) and world affairs.

China has its hang-ups on power. And so do local school boards in the good ol US of A.

By the way, these blogs are not illegal school board members. Rumor has it that they were looking to 'sue' or 'shut down' the site(s) as they've become so frustrated with others knowing what is going on there.

We're at the starting line of our travels

We're on our way. Beijing, China, here we come.

This is our 4th trip to China. Our 5th over the Pacific. Or, around it. To get to Beijing, we'll fly to D.C. Depart early Monday. Then around noon we'll fly to Beijing, direct. The flight path goes over the North Polo. We've never gone from D.C. before.

On the way home, we'll fly to Chicago. Stay a day or two. Then come home. That will be in September.

Did I mention, again, that we have house sitters.

The photo above is on a running track outside a stadium in Chengdu. It is in the common ground area there. Imagine that around PNC Park and Heinz Field. Why not have a 'running track?' Golly. Kids could get some exercies. And, adults too.

China has had the Olympics on its mind for some time. They have put effort into hosting the games -- by making these tracks and fitness elements a part of the parks and landscape. We can learn a lesson about that. Around our stadiums, we're looking for more ways to serve beer and that's about it, if you overlook the casino.

We leave on the 4th. We'll get there on the 5th. The flight to Beijing is as long as four movies and a good long nap.

I've got my iPod loaded with some Free Talk Live radio shows. And, I've got my ear plugs. The kids and Catherine have those soft comfy neck pillows.

Last trip Catherine and I took was to Amsterdam in the spring. We flew in business class. Ahh. Those were the days. Now it is 'coach.' Love that name, coach.

Photos from the other vacation have arrived

From violin-gang

See the photo captions in the Picasa album for more details.

Erik Rauterkus and Amy Carol Webb jam at SUUSI before hundreds and get a standing ovation.

FWIW, are not bringing nor buying violins in China on this trip.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Olympic ticket scam dupes Australian, US and European fans | Herald Sun

Olympic ticket scam dupes Australian, US and European fans | Herald Sun Olympic ticket scam dupes Australian, US and European fans
Every party has a pooper. So sad.

China in China

China is getting set for 8-8-08. We are too. The boys are packed and at the park shooting hoops. Then it is off for some ice cream.

I'm trying to slay the dragon of digital dust.

Heard on some site (if one can do the 'hearing' via a posting) that there is a chance of rain on either 8-8-08 or 8-9-08. We'll have none of that as the world watches the kick off to the Olympics. So, it remains to be seen if the weather altering measures are going to be deployed by the authorities in China to insure that there will be no rain. You don't want to rain upon the parade. Literally.

There are ways that the China government has to bump the weather by seeding clouds and such. Wild, but talked about, if not proven.

The image above is a zodiac chart on a plate. I took the photo as it was for sale in an art market.

Now I'm dealing with a lot of round objects and trying to clean them up. Digital dust on the CDs, DVDs and mini-CDs for the campers and computers.

Then I called Curtis with the Ozanham Basketball program, all excited to say that Holder was listed in the Russian vs. USA basketball game box score. He already knew. He watched the game the other night at 3 am. Someone had tipped him off to the game time. Holder did start. He played some in Wilkinsburg then went to a private school for later in high school.

I'be been telling folks that the Olympics are going to be on the air via NBC for 212 hours a day, given all the various networks. You'll be able to see more of the games here, sitting in front of the TV than I'll be able to see in Beijing. That prediction came true even before we departed town as the games are being watched -- and I'm missing them to pack.

If you can -- set up a time for my and/or me and my boys to come to your school, your team or your neighborhood open house to present our views of the Olympics and Beijing upon our return in September.

Beijing, China - Basketball - Russia vs United States of America

Breaking Olympic News with a Pittsburgh twist: J. Holden, basketball player from Western PA, is playing for Russia in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
ESPN - 2008 Summer Olympics - Beijing, China - Basketball - Russia vs United States of America: "J Holden 37 7-17 1-7 2-2 2 5 7 1 2 0 5 2 17"
I finally got a peek at the box score and there he is. He didn't start. But, he scored 17 points in the game against the USA.

Want to know more about J Holden -- search my wiki.

We'll be looking for you to give him a big Ozanham hug!

Right direction: Roosevelt has made the tough calls for city schools

Original from July 28, 2008. Updated below.

Let's re-hash the P-G editorial on the boss of the Pgh Public Schools, Mark Roosevelt.
Right direction: Roosevelt has made the tough calls for city schoolsRoosevelt has proven that he knows how to make the tough, fiscally sound choices it takes to start solving the district's pervasive problems.
Roosevelt has made tough choices. These are choices that did NOT need to be tough. He made them very, very difficult.

Roosevelt has also proven that he is keen on not taking on the real problems: Oliver, Westinghouse, Langley and Peabody are the high schools that have been called 'drop out factories.' Nothing is being done with those schools -- that we can say is 'tough.'

Mr. Roosevelt choices do not start to solve the district's pervasive problems -- rather -- they work to terminate the district's successful schools. Frick Middle School has been a very good school. Schenley High School was the districts best school in some areas, and near the very top in other areas. Rodgers Middle School is another great school that is getting a whole different location, less access to theater spaces, less room for students, staff and programs. Likewise, Rodgers CAPA High School, the best performing school in the district should be expanding and it isn't.

Roosevelt is not dealing with the problems as much as killing the successful schools.

One problem was too many schools. Now Roosevelt is opening more schools.

One problem was schools with few students. Now Roosevelt is making smaller schools.

One problem was the capital expenses for school buildings. Now Roosevelt is putting high school kids into buildings designed for middle school students -- and making temporary schools (Reizenstein) that don't clear long-term locations.

Roosevelt has made tough choices -- because they are not logical. Reasoned leadership is absent.

We agree that the most significant buzz is the Pittsburgh Promise. That promise is but a 'cruel joke' as 20-percent of the kids from Pittsburgh that go to college stay in college. The rest flunk out. The promise isn't about the mission of the PPS -- to eductate kids from K to 12. It misses the mark with a lot of sizzle.

One way to narrow the racial achievement gap is to cause an exodus of those with the capability to depart the district to do so. To close the gap by subtraction isn't a victory in my book. Families are departing the city. That's the benchmark to measure again. Think again, PG editors.

To be specific, the district didn't release the numbers on the math and reading scores -- in full. We are still waiting for them. The raw numbers are hidden, just like the school board can't see the newly updated 'dashboard' that computerizes the results. Still in the dark and waiting. Watchdogs don't generally fall for that -- except the P-G.

Update: Since there was some discussion as to the source of the comments I made, here are a few photos from that event. Video might need to wait for a month.

From people & vips

From people & vips

CEO of Pittsburgh Foundation, Mr. Grant Oliphant, was the prime speaker to for Wireless Neighborhood annual meeting.

Woops. Sorry. I said that he was with the Heinz Endowments in the messages on this thread. Perhaps he worked there in the past.

former header info:

Ranked as high as the third most influential political blog in Pennsylvania. (September 2007).

Politics, sports and life with "running mates" and Mark Rauterkus.

Stood for public office in 2007 for Pittsburgh Controller and City Council (district 3).

The Reality Check covers Burgh: Specter Of Liberalism Haunts Pittsburgh

The Reality Check � Blog Archive � Specter Of Liberalism Haunts Pittsburgh: "Pittsburgh is being haunted by liberalism and the city is still spending money it does not have. A little couple weeks ago Mayor Luke Ravenstahl (D), the boy wonder, was concerned and fretting because many of his hopes and dreams were pinned to revenues projected from a new casino (being built by Don Barden) on the North Shore. This project had not only fallen behind schedule, but is now in the process of being transferred to new owners and delayed."

This is not the Water Cube

This is on Pitsburgh's North Side. It looks a bit like the BJ Water Cube in the background.

The World - Why China Has the Torch - 2008 Olympics and Human Rights -

Feature in NY Times about the Olympics and China.
The World - Why China Has the Torch - 2008 Olympics and Human Rights -“One World, One Dream,” is the official motto of the Beijing Olympics that open Friday, but the world has become considerably more complicated since the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2008 Summer Games to China seven years ago.
What do you think? I'm sorta busy packing and cleaning up my digital dust.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Plenty of pick-up trucks circle Reizenstein -- and those holes in the middle of the field!

On Friday we drove next to the Reizenstein School. Seems like we spent two days there in one mid-day crawl of traffic. The construction is happening at Baker's Square. The pick-up trucks, personal cars of workers, circle the Reizenstein Middle School.

Well, it is now going to be a high school -- except for 9th graders. But then it will be a middle school again, plus a high school. But then again, it is only a temporary school. So, I'm still not sure what to call it -- Schenley, Reizenstein, I.B. High.

But the sight of all sights was the digger out in the middle of the expansive side yard at Reizenstein. A boring machine was drilling one-foot wide holes into the grassy turf. These were digging the foundations for a row of trees that were being planted a few holes prior. The trees are 10 to 15 foot tall now -- and are smack dab in the fickin middle of the practice field for the sports team(s).

The bastards have gone and planted trees to obstruct sporting opportunities at the school site.

No softball there. No football practice there. No soccer practices there. No frisbee -- Bram! No hope for kite flying there with the Ben Franklin Electrolights either.

Are those trees in the middle of the field necessary?

Please explain.

Five gold medals. Today's swim meet recap

Erik, 13, got 3 golds and Grant, 10, got 2 golds and one silver at today's Citiparks Swim Meet. It is the championship meet for the City of Pittsburgh. The local team, the South Side Serpents, got 3rd place. More than 300 swimmers and 12 teams were part of the competition that stretched from 8 am to 3 pm at the 50-meter Highland Park Pool.

All in all, I was very impressed with the swimming from both Erik and Grant. All of their times were very close to best times.

Erik: 1:10 100 free (okay); 2:54.56 IM (38, 48, 48.8, 39.2 splits); and 1:30 100 breast.

Grant did a 44 50 back; 3:35.16 IM (54, 51, 104, 44.2 splits); and 50 in the 50 fly. Grant has made great strides in the fly tempo throughout the summer.

At the meet we got to talk to many parents from many different parts of the city. One nice conversation was with city councilman Ricky Burgess. His daughter was in the meet.

The team did get t-shirts!

From ormsby-serpents

The Ormsby Pool Team at Highland Park in 2008, called the South Side Serpents. The coach, M, is in the middle of the photo. Grant is far left. Erik is far right.

Next meet -- the Olympics.

Hot, new trick-or-treat costume: Fuwa

Beijing Olympic Games 2008 � Spare a thought for the fuwa volunteersSpare a thought for the fuwa volunteers
The first person to show up at our door for Halloween's Trick-or-Treat, that isn't a NBC employee, in this costume, gets a prize.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Last year we had t-shirts. Going to Citiparks Swim Meet on Saturday

From ormsby-serpents

I get to go to two more swim meets this summer. Tomorrow morning is the Citiparks Swim Meet at Highland Park Pool. The photo above was from last summer when the team had t-shirts. They are not expected this year. Oh well.

The next meet, the 2008 Olympics, also called, Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

Swim coach David Salo once told me that the Olympics is just another swim meet. He's right.

Good luck city swimmers. Hope all are able to finish the races.

Grant and Erik will swim three events each including the I.M.s.

This is a weird summer if not year in one dimension. Both of the boys have gone all year without being on a single relay with their club teams. Not one in the winter, summer nor the Citiparks meet. That's sorta sad. Last year there were plenty of relay splashes with the summer club team at Crafton and in the winter with Carlynton. Oh well.

For the sake of total honesty, this past winter, Erik was on middle school relay teams. Grant didn't swim a relay with his elementary school team.

Testing, 1, 2. Testing. Is this blog and wiki visible in China? Please ping me Peking!

To the best of my knowledge, neither this blog,, nor the wiki,, is able to be viewed in China.

In the recent days, some of the restrictions on various internet sites have been lifted. What about these sites?

Help if you can. Leave a message in the comments or send email to me,

Peace to all.

Smile. You're on candid camera.

Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare


Constituents denied entry to Congressman’s Office following Medicare Birthday Party

For Immediate Release: August 1, 2008

Contacts: Rosemary Prostko 412-854-0517;

Sandy Fox, Co-Chair, Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare


PITTSBURGH—Over 400 people filled the Teamster’s Social Hall in the Lawrenceville section of Pittsburgh on Wednesday, July 30th, for a lunchtime celebration of the 43rd anniversary of the passage of the Federal Medicare Act. The event, sponsored by State Senator Jim Ferlo and co-sponsored by the Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare, Healthcare4allPA, the Alliance for Retired Americans, the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals, and SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, was free and open to the public.

Elected officials—local, state, and national—had also been invited to the event. While members of Congress were in D.C., representatives were sent from the offices of Senator Bob Casey, and Congressmen Mike Doyle and Jason Altmire. Senator Arlen Specter and Congressman Tim Murphy did not send a representative nor return follow-up calls requesting attendance, although Murphy’s Democratic opponent this November, Steve O’Donnell, did attend and called for “universal, not-for-profit, single-payer healthcare.”

The mission of the celebration was to bring attention to the importance of protecting traditional Medicare from privatization and to advocate for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, HR 676, a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman John Conyers (D-Michigan), with 91 co-sponsors, including Congressman Mike Doyle (D-Pittsburgh).

Following the celebration, Rosemary Prostko, a senior citizen and volunteer with the Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare, headed south to the Mt. Lebanon district office of her U.S. Representative, Tim Murphy, where she was joined by three other supporters. Their goal: to deliver an enormous “Happy Birthday Medicare/Support Improved Medicare for All” cookie, visible through hard plastic, along with single-payer information and an over-sized Medicare Birthday card containing hundreds of signatures in support of single-payer legislation.

What follows is Rosemary Prostko’s account:

F. and I arrived at Rep. Murphy's office at about 3:00 P.M. We were soon joined by two 60+ year old female constituents of Congressional District 18.

The four of us approached the office with the camera on but not recording. I pushed the buzzer. A very young staffer opened the door a crack. I very pleasantly said, "Since no one from your office could attend Senator Ferlo's Birthday Party for Medicare we brought the party to you!" He slammed the door saying "We do not allow videotaping." I shouted through the door "We will turn the camera off!" He disappeared into the darkness of the office.

Quite surprised we looked at each other!! What should we do now?

We decided to proceed to State Senator Pippy's office two blocks down the street. We arrived at the Senator's office--same materials, a second cookie, and entered. The person at the desk was very gracious. F. did ask if he could tape and was told "Yes, of course". Did not even seem to understand why we asked... The whole episode took about three to four minutes and was very pleasant.

As we left Senator Pippy's office (three 60+ year old ladies and 45ish F.) we were approached by TWO MT.LEBANON POLICE OFFICERS!!! They were very polite but asked what we were doing and if we had ID. As compliant U.S. citizens doing nothing wrong, the others did as requested. I gave no id (remember this) because I had left everything in my car to carry the cookie/materials. We asked why they needed the info and they said they needed it for their "report". Reports were made on all complaints. The Officer doing the talking said we had frightened the staff at Rep. Murphy's office and they were investigating the complaint. They said they would phone the Rep.'s office and tell them who we were and our intent to deliver a cookie and written materials.

M. and L. had run out of time so they left. F. and I went back up the street. F., as a non-constituent and the "cameraman," decided to stay away. The unmarked police car was in front of the office. I entered and rang the buzzer. Two staff people looked out at me and once more faded into the darkness of the office.

I went to the Police Officer in his car. I said "Please come to the office with me so they are not afraid.” He said "I called and gave them your information. They are a private business and they do not have to admit you.” I of course responded "They are not a private business they are the site of my government representative!"

His reply once more was they did not have to let me in. I said I thought he was giving more service to them than to me. He replied if I felt threatened he would do the same to protect me as he was doing for them. I asked if he felt I was a threat to anyone. He smiled but did not answer.

Remember, I did not give my name or any ID. This morning Rep. Murphy himself called my home to "see what happened". I wonder where he got my name? I will be going to the Mt. Lebanon Police Station to review the "REPORT".

My friend L. is now afraid she will not be able to fly next week!

Conservative Reform Network � Blog Archive � Pay It Back: House Democrat Corrupt Organization

Another blogger hits out against Wayne Fontana and Chelsa Wagner for recent campaign efforts that came from taxpayer sources.
Conservative Reform Network � Blog Archive � Pay It Back: House Democrat Corrupt OrganizationThe House Democratic Corrupt Organization (HDCO), illegally, used public taxpayer money to defeat and undermine a dissident Democrat, Mike Diven, driven to become a Republican by Democratic harassment Mike Diven. The opposition started in Democratic primary of 2004.

HDCO and State Rep. Chelsea Wagner (D-Allegheny) and State Senator Wayne Fontana (D-Brookline) , both of whom benefited, wittingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, innocently or guiltily , from the illegal use of public taxpayer money to win their elections.

House Democrats, Senator Fontana and Representative Wagner need to repay the public taxpayers the money that was wrongfully taken by their Democratic Leadership for their benefits.
I'm not sure if they know the half of it. There is much more and I've blogged a bit about it in the past.

I don't have much of a beef with Chelsa. But, with Fontana, I've got a big stink.

Fontana can't 'pay back' what he got however. He has no capacity to raise the money that was spent for him by others in Harrisburg. And, he did a lot through his office. I don't like to fight the Senator to get his permission to get onto the ballot -- and have his office work against me.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper the other day, that I didn't blog about, was for payments to law firms. A good deal of money went to firms to battle me. I'd say it was at least a $15,000 bill -- as reported to me by a friend in the field.

My solution, since he can't pay it back -- and he can't make what is right with the past is for him to resign and let's do it over again in a special election. Then he'd be able to call himself my senator. Until then he is just a cheater without the sense to not use his (or my) state senate office for political work.

[412] Beijing Bound. Our summer vacation shapes up -- Olympic style

[412] Beijing Bound. Our summer vacation shapes up -- Olympic style

Hi Friends, Neighbors the world over!

We depart (and the house guests arrive) for Beijing in a couple of days. Your gift and postcard requests are due to me ASAP.

Throughout August, my family and I are going on our 4th trip to China -- but this time we'll be within the buzz of the Olympic Games. We're excited.

I'll be blogging from China, as best as can be expected, at this new
site with others.

Check out a service called TWITTER as well. See links on my blog.

Recent snip: "her teammates stopped their training session and flashed their middle-fingers at the man behind the camera..." Sign up to follow my twitter feed.

Olympicpedia has concluded. My sons and I -- with the help of a few others -- built a 1,000+ page wiki this summer. study up for our sporting experience. There is plenty to do there -- and it will be a lifetime labor of love. Your input is most welcomed.

I've got a lot of hanging questions yet:

- Where can we train in Beijing, as I expect they'll not let us splash within the Water Cube without tickets. Erik, Grant and I want to continue to swim and exercise / lift.

- I need a loaner computer monitor. I'll bring the PC/Mac Mini. We're in an apartment in BJ's Silicon Valley.

- We would like to get 3 bikes for the month. Perhaps the 4th bike could be one with a bench. Then the boys can drive my wife an I around town.

- Tickets and tips are welcomed, especially to gratis events. We have a sample of tickets to many different events, swimming, water polo, basketball, canoe, table tennis, football.

- I'm very light on Biz cards, pins, trade swag, N at . Anyone with a suitcase full of Pitt t-shirts or hot ideas -- call me.

- My blog(s) and wiki(s) are not able to be seen from within China -- at last report. So, we do what we can. Mega uploads are expected in September. A proxie and other technical questions might -- like camera storage needs -- might still materialize.

- Go USA Athletes!

Get to the Zoo

From Come Live Ove...

Danish coach accuses Chinese of spying (cont.) - Grant Wahl -

Danish coach accuses Chinese of spying (cont.) - Grant Wahl - "I don't think that's the way that anybody should be treated at a World Cup or an Olympics.'
Interesting story.

Locally, we only have to look as far as the family changing rooms at Soak Zone and some jerk 15 year old employee with his cell phone camera stuck to the end of a stick for cheap views. But, let's leave that one for the Carbolic Smoke Ball and humorist, if there is any humor in that.

In US football, the Patriots were pointing cameras at coaches in the games to catch signals and plays as they were relayed to the players. This came into focus by a US Senator from Pennsylvania who was able to waste lots of time on the matter.

Insert more jokes here about how the Danish team should recruit the senior senator from Pennsylvania to look into the matter -- and we might get WWIII.

Globally, I'd encourage the coach to say that the treatment should not be hinged upon the venue of the World Cup or the Olympics. People should not be treated that way -- period.

Privacy in a public realm is hard to insure. On one hand there is hopes of huddles with the team and no outsiders will be there. Then in the next hour there is hope that there will be 50,000 in the stands and 50-million, if not 500-million, watching on television.

Frankly, I hope that cameras are everywhere in Beijing. I hope that they are in the stands, in the hands of the people, and in the grassroots. In Pittsburgh, I'm wishing we had more cameras that were pointed at our politicians and public funds -- and less at the citizens.

Finally, it come time to make a mention of the overall hope of a 'closed practice.' Wow. That opens a big can of worms.

Pitt holds seminar on youth violence

Pitt holds seminar on youth violenceYouth input key to stemming tide

Community and youth input are important keys to solving youth violence, according to a Pitt seminar.

“A lot of the time, the youth’s voice gets lost,” said Valerie Dixon, the restorative justice coordinator for the Center for Victims of Violence and Crime. “We started having young people come in and they all gave their input on what needs to be done to reduce violent crime.”
Youth input is not THE KEY to ending the violence. It is an important key. But it isn't the key.

I think it is worse. Not only are the youth without a voice. The voice-less spans to the third party candidates, to the bar and tavern owners who want to put a question onto the ballot for voters of Allegheny County, to school teachers who have little to say about closing and improving school performance.

Democracy is all about voices and votes. And, our democracy is frail. Those in power have kept the power for themselves -- and discounted the opposition. Then we all suffer.

Here is one way to deal with the lack of voice for the citizens -- the Bruce Kraus and Darlene Harris way. They choose to start every city council meeting by giving voice to a dog and a cat at the animal shelter. Meanwhile, the people come later. The voice of the residents are not as important as potential pets.

Anther city council example of how they think is to hold a town-hall meeting and have the cable television cameras point at the council members and not at the citizens who are the speakers. They put themselves on stage and train the camera to the back of the citizens.

Sure, "Something needs to be done." But that is no guarantee that the right things are the somethings. They can make matters worse.

When you don't know where you are going, any road can take you there. That's something. But life won't get better.

Putting up cameras isn't going to make things more safe. Cameras have been proven to make a small move of the crime to other areas - just a half-block away. Cameras do not work as well as street lights.

Olivia Jones, executive director of the YMCA Homewood-Brushton Branch, expressed the need for students to be able to connect careers with school in order to keep a focus on education. Jones also delved into the paranoia many children in violent neighborhoods experience.

Careers being connected with schools would be fine. That happened with South Vo Tech High School. It closed. There is nothing else like it in the works, still.

But in this world that crack built -- we need to first connect the kids to the schools before we can connect the careers to the schools. Our kids don't easily connect to schools that don't have sports. And, the city is building new schools that don't have sports. And, the sports that have happened in the schools are being cut. Sports in the city schools are often a joke. Hence, the kids don't connect with their schools. They don't connect with themselves. That's a lesson sports -- great sports -- can teach.

Hence, crack is attractive.

“It is a war zone in our communities only because kids don’t know what’s coming at them,” Jones said.
Well, I don't buy that so much. Sure, it is a war zone. Sure, kids don't know what's coming at them. But the because part is what I have issues with.

Kids don't know what's what within themselves. Kids need challenges and perspectives so as to get a handle on who they are -- what they are capable of doing -- why their efforts of self investment are worthy for growth and long-term health.

We need to prepare kids and for parts of that experience they need to strive without worry of what's coming at them.

When the only focus of the kids is on the external elements -- when all they do is watch what's coming at them -- we're screwed. They're screwed.

We need to combat the violence. To combat the violence, change the focus. Make an internal focus the challenge. Coaches do this better than others.

More at

It is all about the population loss. People vote with their feet.

Policy Brief

An electronic publication of

The Allegheny Institute for Public Policy

August 1, 2008 Volume 8, Number 49

Aligning City Spending with Its Population

Same story, just a new year: the Census Bureau estimates that the City of Pittsburgh’s population fell once again and now stands at 311,218. That’s a decline of 23,000 people (7%) since 2000. Losing population at the average rate of the past seven years, about 3,300 people annually, the City will be down to around 300,000 people or so in the early part of the next decade.

While population is down, City spending has not adjusted commensurately. Numbers taken from the Controller’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports show that in 2007 the City’s general fund expenditures stood at $442.4 million, which, based on 2007’s population count, translates into a per capita expenditure of $1,423. In 2000, the City spent $356.9 million, and based on a population of 334,563, the per capita expenditure was $1,069. In seven years, per capita spending in the City increased 33 percent.

Consider that in the same time frame the Consumer Price Index for the Pittsburgh area rose 20 percent. If the City’s per capita expenditures had risen at the rate of inflation instead of 33 percent, the 2007 per resident expenditure would have been $1,282. That translates into 2007 spending of $399 million, about $43 million less than actual spending. Clearly $43 million would have come in quite handy for a City desperately needing to fund pensions and debt or eliminate nuisance taxes.

Nothing can change how the City got to where it is. But the spending trajectory for outlying years can be changed. We’ve advocated a rigid City spending cap (see Policy Brief Volume 7, Number 49) to be placed on a referendum as an amendment to the City’s Home Rule Charter. The spending cap would limit the change in per capita expenditures to a 2 percent increase from the previous year.

Based on the population decline in recent years of about 1 percent per year, the City would be held to an increase of 1 percent in total outlays (2 percent max – 1 percent decline in population) yearly.

The table shows how this would affect City spending beginning with the 2008 budget baseline ($423 million) and the forecasted growth contained in the budget now. It is very possible that the budget and the projected growth could be revised upward by the City. Note that the 2007 final budget was $434 million and actually came in at $442 million. As of now, projections show that the City will increase its spending to $470 million in 2012.

Two Courses for Future City Spending


Current Projections


% change

Under a Spending Cap (000s)

% change

Reduced Expenditures (000s)




























Contrast that with a spending cap. That same $423.7 million baseline in 2008 would instead top out at $440.9 by 2012. Holding year over year increases to a smaller growth rate would result in cumulative savings of $66.5 million. The difference is clear: assuming the City has 300,000 residents in 2012, the per capita spending levels would be $100 lower under a cap than they would be under the current path of expenditure growth. From 2008-12, the cap controlled growth in per capita spending would be 8 percent compared to 15 percent under current budget projections.

On top of these savings there is the important effect of reducing City employment numbers, which in turn results in fewer future liabilities for pensions and retiree healthcare, two areas that desperately need to be controlled. A stringent cap on spending increases would begin the process of curtailing such liabilities.

The cap offers a productive alternative, especially with the City remaining in Act 47 distressed status following the decision of the Department of Community and Economic Development. The Secretary noted “Pittsburgh needs an amended recovery plan that would provide a blueprint for it to exit Act 47 and address pending legacy costs of debt, pensions, post retirement benefits, workers’ compensation…while maintaining positive operating budgets well into the future”.

How’s that to be done? The City can continue on its current course of seeking out allies across the state to petition the Commonwealth to fold pension obligations into the statewide system or to amend the pension funding formula. That’s been met with barely lukewarm enthusiasm so far. Or it can make a change to limit spending strictly and show the region, the state, and the country that they are serious about turning the City around. That’s never been tried here. It would be hard, but with a much bigger payoff. Maybe the City should forge this path.

Eric Montarti, Policy Analyst

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People vote with their feet. They move away from oppression. They move away from those that are to lead and show a lack of logic.

People want to be free. Life works better when everyone is free. Freedom calls for respect and restraint.

Pittsburgh's population is in a deep slide. It isn't getting better. People make choices as to where to live, where to invest and where to raise families. The grass is greener where the 'redd up' crews are not necessary. And as the redd up crews bring jack booted thugs to dish-out citations, the downward spiral sustains.

Of course, Pittsburgh's Redd Up Crews have been built on a code of self-determination and generous support -- not code enforcement. The legacy of the helping hands has been fine. But, it hits at the over-reaching, nit-picking, logic less when the focus is to the space on the windshield of a parked car on a city street.

Respect is lacking for those that litter and promote without cleaning up. However, respect of freedoms still are more important.

Bonusgate allegations show desperate need for election law changes

Libertarian Party says Voters Choice Act first step to counter corruption

The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPa) today called for Harrisburg to open up the ballot to independent and third party candidates so Pennsylvanians can choose representatives who will bring integrity to the state legislature.

According to a grand jury report, top Democrat aids diverted millions of dollars in state resources (tax dollars) for Democratic campaign efforts to stifle their opposition.

Many of those alleged to be targeted were candidates sponsored by PA CleanSweep, a group formed to oust lawmakers who voted for the legislative pay raise.

State resources were also apparently used to keep third party candidates off the ballot. According to grand jury allegations, Democratic operatives directed as many as 30 taxpayer-paid employees to review signatures of third-party candidate Carl Romanelli’s petition in the ballot access challenge that killed his candidacy.

According to David Jahn (Ballot Access Coalition member and LPPa Eastern Vice-Chair), “while the Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition was speaking to the Governor’s Election Reform Task force and the State Government Committee regarding inequities in the ballot access laws (which in 2006 required over 67,000 signatures), Harrisburg Democrats were spending tax dollars to assure ‘free and equal’ elections did not occur.”

It is now time for Pennsylvanians to demand real choice on the ballot. Last week, Senator Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon) introduced the Voters’ Choice Act, which removes the Commonwealth’s unfair hurdles that obstruct ballot access for independent and minor party candidates for public office.

LPPa Chair, Michael Robertson commented “The recent allegations of abuse of both public funds and public trust highlight the need for reform of the electoral process in Pennsylvania. It is time to restore the authority of the people over their government, and the Voters Choice Act is a good step in that direction."

The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in Pennsylvania and the United States. More than 200,000 people across the country are registered Libertarians, and Libertarians serve in hundreds of elected offices. Please visit or for more information.

Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania

3915 Union Deposit Road #223
Harrisburg, PA 17109

For Immediate Release: August 1, 2008

Contact: Doug Leard (Media Relations) or
Michael Robertson (Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS /

We're going. But we're not into gymanstics like this guy is at end of clip.

If you speed them up, they are acting like the tail on the cow. It is done to bat bugs.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm going to PodCamp Pittsburgh. You should too.

Check out the web site.


I.O.U.S.A. (Starring Ron Paul!) is coming to a theatre near you this month! -Very Exciting!


It will be released on August 21st. So far it is scheduled to show at AMC Pittsburgh West. Hopefully it will get enough sales to spread out! And we will be stationed right outside the door as people are coming out, passing out fryers with the Campaign for Liberty website.

Another home team to cheer for

They are called the "Wet Blacks."

Unaccredited journalists, a legion in BJ

For the Olympics, the government expects 21,500 accredited foreign journalists and 5,000 to 10,000 unaccredited journalists in addition to resident correspondents.

This has been good news for the Foreign Correspondents Club, which almost
doubled its membership to 365 in the two years up to 2007.

China also has an Olympic promise to live up to. "We will give the media complete freedom to report when they come to China," said Wang Wei, secretary-general of
the Beijing Olympic Games bid committee, in lobbying for the right to host the event.
"We are confident that the Games coming to China not only promotes our economy
but also enhances all social conditions, including education, health, and human

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This is going on outside the Water Cube

Rev. Burgess rants on the North Side do-good groups

City Councilman, Ricky Burgess, ranted in length from written statements about the Salvation Army and the North Side community groups.

I'd love to get a copy of this statement on the blog. Please send it to me via email or post it to the comments below.

The Burgess rant swings for the fences. It is bold. It comes from his heart.

However, the rant has its roots within the religious community.

Folks, this is NOT about a religious issue. It is a property rights issue.

The historic issue is a smoke screen too.

The ugly side of Pittsburgh has come out on this matter. I wish Ricky Burgess would have taken the stance that this building has owners. Rights are not to be compromised.

The June 26, 2008, public meeting minutes have been lost. City council does not have it. That's interesting.

Is it 8-8-08?

Perhaps this will help drive down the price of tickets. If they could only put more of the Olympics onto YouTube before they occur, we'd be able to get more tickets.

We'll be using the internet from a private apartment in BJ

Beijing Olympic Games 2008 Xinhua: Internet speedy and stable - just expensive: "Xinhua: Internet speedy and stable - just expensive"

The cost seems expensive however:

Renting a Broadband IC card or a WLAN from July 25 to August 25 costs 3,500 yuan (500 US dollars), while renting a WLAN plus info 2008 costs 8,450 yuan

Also from Slashdot:

“Working for the Olympics as an IT contractor, I recently moved to the Media Village (where all of the reporters live) and was surprised the there was no free internet. BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2008 Olympic Games) is charging a ridiculous amount of money for ADSL service: for 512/512 it costs 7712.5 RMB (1131.20 USD); for 1M/512 it costs 9156.25 (1342.95 USD); for 2M/512 it costs a whopping 11,700 RMB (1716.05 USD). That is for only one month! For extra features like a fixed IP? That costs an additional 450 RMB (66 USD). I just can’t believe that not only do I have to deal with the Great Firewall of China, but also pay through the nose to use it!”

I suppose China has to get back some of the money for hosting the Olympics. To get internet connected in a private apartment the connection fee is about 300RMB and monthly charge of around 150RMB.

Suckers, those MSMers. Giggle.

We'll be using the internet from a private apartment in BJ

The cost seems expensive however:

Renting a Broadband IC card or a WLAN from July 25 to August 25 costs 3,500 yuan (500 US dollars), while renting a WLAN plus info 2008 costs 8,450 yuan

Also from Slashdot:

“Working for the Olympics as an IT contractor, I recently moved to the Media Village (where all of the reporters live) and was surprised the there was no free internet. BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2008 Olympic Games) is charging a ridiculous amount of money for ADSL service: for 512/512 it costs 7712.5 RMB (1131.20 USD); for 1M/512 it costs 9156.25 (1342.95 USD); for 2M/512 it costs a whopping 11,700 RMB (1716.05 USD). That is for only one month! For extra features like a fixed IP? That costs an additional 450 RMB (66 USD). I just can’t believe that not only do I have to deal with the Great Firewall of China, but also pay through the nose to use it!”

I suppose China has to get back some of the money for hosting the Olympics. To get internet connected in a private apartment the connection fee is about 300RMB and monthly charge of around 150RMB.

Suckers, those MSMers. Giggle.

word of the day

And update from our friend in China in advance of the trip to BJ

Wow. Locals call Beijing, BJ. My wife is now being hip and using that term.

See the comments for details.

The Steel City Sports Fan (Penguins Edition): WISE Suggestion Made by TSCSF Commentor!

The Steel City Sports Fan (Penguins Edition): WISE Suggestion Made by TSCSF Commentor!: "Nice call, Mark!
Thank you.

I've been right before in making some bold and correct calls.

I was right about South Side Hospital. UPMC Sports Performance Center with those dwarf football fields should be behind South Side Hospital in the now closed park.

I was right about the South Side Police Station too.

I was right about the cheats in Harrisburg in elections as well -- and proved it in 2006.

Oh well. Thanks again.

Another blog gave me a plug today too. See:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Grand finale set for 'Pittsburgh Celebrates 250' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Grand finale set for 'Pittsburgh Celebrates 250' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 'Pittsburgh Celebrates 250,' set for Oct. 3-4, will climax with a Zambelli fireworks display that will turn Pittsburgh into a colossal birthday cake, with the skyscrapers of the Golden Triangle transformed into giant candles.
I think that the Opening of the 2008 Olympics in Bejing, China, will beat the pants of the Zambelli show. I am not sure. But, that's my hunch. China invented 'fireworks' before the rest of the world figured out how to slice a pizza.

I'll let you know in about 10 days.

I do get some serious joy at the possibilities of being a lead in the parade as a Libertarian in a canoe. Perhaps we (my sons and I) can take the place of the Native American.

An Oct. 4 flotilla that starts at Brunot Island on the Ohio River and includes commercial, private and non-motorized watercraft. It will replicate a similar event in 1908 that celebrated the city's 150th anniversary, when the watercraft were led by a lone American Indian paddling a canoe. It also will mark the final voyage of the Delta Queen, the last of the original paddle-wheel steamboats to ...

Nice foot


Are you ready for some football?

Soccer Donut Stunt

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hilltop residents looking for help

Hilltop residents looking for help'Continuing gun violence is why my Hilltop is falling apart,' Kraus said in a recent interview. 'The No. 1 key to turning a neighborhood around is safety. It takes political will to allocate the money.'
Well, to begin, for the record, Post Gazette info on the main character of this story is off. The woman they refer to is an insurance case manager at Children's Hospital which is a bit different from being an audiologist!

As for the statement by Mr. Kraus, it is typical.

A lack of safety will turn a neighborhood to the worse.

However, a blanket of safety will NOT turn a neighborhood to a thriving, dynamic place. Being safe and feeling safe will help, of course. But, safety is not the key to prosperity.

Living under an authoritarian state can be very safe. Having police at every corner can be safe. But, there is more. Much, much more. And, by more, I do not mean more wire taps, more drug busts, more DUI check points, more remote cameras, more grocery stores even.

Furthermore, there is not a clear connection between 'political will' and 'allocation of money.'

Bruce Kraus if brimming with political will to allocate money. He'll give to his political pals. He'll take from his political foes. He'll nag about politics and cry for more political will. He is a politician, two-faced and without logic -- as the politicians around here have been trained to behave.

I don't scorn political will. Just those who discount it on one hand and expect it on the other.

The real issue I have is the connection of political will and money. This is what Kraus and the others on Grant Street fail to understand. There is no money left in the budget. They want to spend like this is Pittsburgh in the 1960s. They want to give away stuff to places where there is political will. They want to buy votes. They want to bribe folks into moving here. They want to spend our money and have that be understood as an investment into the community from the politicians.

The political will walking around money is gone. Tom Murphy and the ones that came before Bruce Kraus have spent it all.

All the hanging baskets of plants and lipstick on the business district with the right shades of paint can't fix this city again. They don't get it. That isn't safe for anyone of us.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Local Activist Questions Where Weed And Seed Money Is Going - WPXI

Local Activist Questions Where Weed And Seed Money Is Going - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh: "Local Activist Questions Where Weed And Seed Money Is Going"

Hat tip to BurghReport:

The Burgh Report: Fox Chapel Soccer Clinic Funded By City Weed and Seed?: "Fox Chapel Soccer Clinic Funded By City Weed and Seed?"
I've been waiting for a call back from Weed and Seed folks on matters much like this.

PURE Reform - Parents United for Responsible Educational Reform

Brand new web site! Welcome to the Pittsburgh digital landscape.
PURE Reform - Parents United for Responsible Educational Reform: "Parents United for Responsible Educational Reform ('PURE Reform') grew out of the movement to keep Schenley High School. All along, many parents had questions and concerns about high school reform in general, including concerns about high schools needing the most improvement but which have not been a focus of the reform process."

My only $.02 is the 'reform' word. Bill Ogden has a statement on 'reform.' When he hears 'reform' he often worries about so much reform that the result is 'de-formed.' Sorta cute. Sorta makes sense.

I'm excited to see parents unite for responsible education.

Mark Roosevelt's plan is reforming -- and really deforming.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tickets in Beijing for Olympics -- pack a lunch

Olympic ticket sale in Beijing starts stampede

Thousands of eager fans who had waited for up to two days swarmed sales windows Friday for the final batch of tickets to next month's Olympic Games, knocking people to the ground and bending metal barricades in the chaotic crush.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Private Council meetings to halt

Private Council meetings to halt Private Council meetings to halt
Democrats met behind closed doors
This is another reason to not be a Democrat.

They should all resign. They've done much to advance the city's image as a smokey city.

Wilburn, our present house guest reports that it can be Smokey City or Smoky City -- as either way works for the Smokey Mountains!

Poverty leads to playing lottery, study says

I predict that I will not win the lottery.
Poverty leads to playing lottery, study says Poverty leads to playing lottery, study says
I don't play the lottery. But, I'm not rich.

A professor taught that the lottery is really a stupid tax. That has nothing to do with being rich or poor.

Olympics: China urges US athletes to focus on friendship 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - News - Yahoo!7 Sport

Olympics: China urges US athletes to focus on friendship 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - News - Yahoo!7 Sport China on Tuesday said US athletes should focus on building friendships at the Beijing Games, in a curt response to US President George Bush's call for them to be 'ambassadors of liberty'.

'We hope and believe that all athletes, including American athletes, attending the Beijing Olympics, will make efforts to promote friendship among the peoples of the world,' foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said.
Being a friend, and being an example of liberty, are two faces from the same side of the coin.

Your best fried loves you for being who and what you want to be. And, to be whatever and whoever means that you've got choices and freedom to self evolve.

Everyone needs friends and running mates who are there out of a duty for both the friendship and its enduring hope of liberty.

Freedom and liberty can be kind and gentle. Friends care. Friends are open and honest in unselfish ways, in loving ways.

Friends challenge others to do well and to do right. But it is much like a teacher and student relationship. The teacher learns more than the student in many instances. Friends learn from each other. Friends give and share respect. Friends have relationships because we can.

I want to make new friends with thousands of others from around the world. This will be fun. This will be enriching to me. This will be a way to be more free.

Proposed playground disputed in Schenely Farms - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Proposed playground disputed in Schenely Farms - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review But a few neighbors of the center in the historic east Pittsburgh neighborhood fear that children playing on slides and swing sets will make noise late into the night and that already high traffic volumes created by visitors to the center will worsen if the playground is built.
Children and kids are often a contradiction to old and dying.

Get over it. Let the playground be built on the private property.

The children won't be there late into the night. Kids go to sleep at 8 pm.

Board OKs merger of city arts schools

Board OKs merger of city arts schools Board OKs merger of city arts schools
For months, I've been saying that the merger of the middle school and high school is a bad idea. Recently, I've been less vocal because of our summer schedule. But, it still sucks.

Once again, the Pgh Public School District is doing the wrong thing. First, it is going against the wishes of many thoughtful parents and prime customers. We pay the bills. We get yanked around again.

This is bad news.

CAPA is not a clown car!

CAPA High School should expand. It is a school that is working better than the other high schools in the district. It has a growth opportunity with the addition of new floors within the building complex downtown. Put in more high school students. Expand the program that is doing well.

Rodgers Middle School is one of the very best middle schools in the city too. Same with Frick Middle Schools. Lots of middle schools are very bad. They do the wrong thing by messing with the best middle schools and do nothing with the worse.

Rodgers should not be put downtown. We don't want middle school students with high schoolers. We don't want yellow school buses on the downtown streets on weekdays in rush hour traffic.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Police station's move to hilltop worries South Siders - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Police station's move to hilltop worries South Siders - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 'Our big problem is that the news stations quoted our mayor as saying that they had to make a decision between murders and drunks. That's totally erroneous,' McCoy said. 'We've had stabbings, shootings, armed robberies and we've had people mugged on a nightly basis.'

McCoy filed a petition with Pittsburgh City Council seeking a public hearing about what she believes is a lack of police protection in the South Side and the revolving door of police commanders who have supervised the Zone 3 station. The hearing is scheduled for Aug. 12 in council chambers.

USA 2008 Olympic Team - A for Athlete

USA 2008 Olympic Team - A for Athlete USA 2008 Olympic Team
The list of the athletes is on the wiki.

Pennsylvania did well in terms of numbers of Olympians headed to Beijing.

Pittsburgh has some mentions too, mostly as a former home town.


* Name, Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year), Hometown, Birthplace, Current Residence, Sport, Event/Position/Weight Class/Horse

Watch for:

Marvell Wynne II, 5/8/1986, Poway, Calif. (hometown), Pittsburgh, Pa. {birthplace), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, (Current) playing Soccer, as a Defender.

Lauryn Williams, 9/11/1983, Miami, Fla., Pittsburgh, Pa., (Rochester HS) Miami, Fla., Track and Field, 100m

Allison Schmitt, 6/7/1990, Canton, Mich., Pittsburgh, Pa., Canton, Mich., Swimming, 200m Free, 4x200m Free Relay

Lauren Crandall, 3/17/1985, Doylestown, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chula Vista, Calif., Field Hockey, Defender

Michael Friedman, 9/19/1982, Pittsburgh, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Colorado Springs, Colo., Cycling, Track Madison

Since this is a wiki, if you know these folks, or want to do the research on them, post them to their page.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the bleachers, the International Olympic Committee just announced the news that the Iraqi teams are being banned from the Beijing 2008 Olympics saying the government missed the deadline to address accusations of political interference.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

iPods, MP3 Players Can Hurt Ears Of Young Listeners - Consumer News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Catherine got some media coverage at TV 11.
iPods, MP3 Players Can Hurt Ears Of Young Listeners - Consumer News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh: "Dr. Catherine Palmer, director of audiology at UPMC said , 'Certainly these devices have potential to damage hearing. They can be set that loud.'

In fact, they can register more than 115 decibels.

That's about the equivalent of an ambulance siren.

Channel 11 teamed up with UPMC to see just how loud some kids are playing their iPods and MP3 players.

Using a device that has a simulated ear and decibel meter, Channel 11 reporter Stacia Erdos and Palmer went to a local pool to check out music levels.

City council members that watch this video will get a headaches

They have few if any answers to these questions.

Purpose and process are are foreign to what most do and understand on Grant Street.

Hiring a Youth Coordinator - Job Description

Need a job?
BGC Youth Coordinator Job Description - Fix PAJob Description Title: Community Development Specialist