Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, Aug 2 meeting in City Council about the Citizens Police Review Board
Dear friends of justice and accountability,
For several weeks and months now, we've been trying to convince City Council not to replace the Citizen's Police Review Board (CPRB) with new people who are likely to cooperate in the Mayor and Chief of Police's attempts to thwart the CPRB's investigation into the police repression around the G20 in Pittsburgh. Despite our best attempts, and many meetings and letters to the Mayor and Council from the Black-Political Empowerment Project, City Council and the Mayor are now planning on ramming the new nominations in on Monday. The new legislation which clarifies the nomination process still hasn't appeared on the Council web site, and City Council has refused a request to hold off until a public hearing is held so that the public will have a chance to comment.
Our last chance to convince City Council not to cooperate in this cover-up is this MONDAY, AUGUST 2 at 10am at the next City Council meeting, where they plan to (a) pass the secret legislation and (b) make the new nominations.
This attempt to thwart the investigation and neutralize the CPRB would set a BAD PRECEDENT for future cases, including Jordan Miles and others.
A fight for one is a fight for all,
--Pete Shell, Anti-Racism Committee, TMC
Fw: Ron Morris' Weekly Article
-----Original Message-----
From: "The American Entrepreneur" <>
Sender: "The American Entrepreneur" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 08:00:30
To: Mark<>
Reply-To: "The American Entrepreneur" <>
Subject: Ron Morris' Weekly Article
July 30, 2010 Issue 478
"How Do I Measure Thee? ... Let Me Count The Ways"
The other day, I was listening to the General Manager of the Pittsburgh
Pirates' baseball team. He was describing the club's philosophy as it
related to player development.
This guy was mostly talking about his Minor League organization, not the
"Big Club" that resides right here in Pittsburgh. "We really don't care much
about winning," he said, "We really only care about seeing improvements at
all levels of our Minor League operations."
Up until I heard that, I was only casually listening. But when I heard the
phrase, "We don't care about winning," my head immediately jerked in the
direction of the radio. Could he really have said what I just heard?
This GM went on to explain, "the organization's philosophy was essentially
to use hard, and measurable criteria to produce an individual pre- and
post-assessment of each player, at each Minor League level. (Note: For those
not familiar, professional baseball, unlike any other professional sport,
has what is known as a "Farm System." The "levels" in these Farm Systems
become increasingly more difficult as you move up from "Class A," to "Class
AA," and then ultimately up to "Class AAA.")
"Measurement of hard criteria so that pre- and post-assessments can be
performed," I mumbled to myself. "Not a thing in there about winning," I
mumbled on.
So, when my wife asked what I was mumbling about, I yelled out, "Honey, I
just figured out why the Pirates stink. Apparently, they're measuring
everything but the one and only thing that really pays off --- winning."
I'm a teacher. And, as a teacher, I am obligated to regularly report both
progress and lack thereof to parents and students alike.
Over the years, I have probably ruminated over this ... the "grading
question" ... more than any other topic. I have asked myself, "So, do I
measure them on absolute knowledge? Or, do I measure them based on what they
knew the first night of class, and then compare that knowledge to what they
know on the last night of class?"
Furthermore, do I measure them on overall classroom contributions, i.e.,
"thinking on their feet," (the one talent that they_will_ need when they
become business people/entrepreneurs); or, do I measure them on their
answers to written tests? (I've been in business almost 40 years ... not
once has a customer, supplier, or employee asked me to "take a written test"
prior to: a.) buying something from me, b.) selling something to me, or,
c.) coming to work for me!)
The problem I have is that, and no matter how you cut it, you can only
measure hard, quantifiable knowledge. Everything else is just a guess.
But "everything else" is what is important! In the real world, we "pay off"
on the winning and losing that only comes as a result of the character
make-up of the individual, and not necessarily his or her talent.
So, the problem, Dear Brutus, lies not in knowledge or speed or talent.
Instead, it lies in attitude and tenacity and will. All of which are
And here's the major disconnect:
In academia, we pay off on activity --- while in the real world, we pay off
on results.
[2]Continue reading | [3]Post A Comment
Today On The American Entrepreneur
"The American Entrepreneur" Ron Morris gets the lowdown on the latest
happenings in Pennsylvania's State Legislature, as he talks with
Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Turzai. With a new Governor taking
office come November, whoever he may be, what changes does Mike see in store
for the Keystone State? Plus, Ron talks with two of his colleagues at the
Palumbo-Donahue School of Business at Duquesne University, Valerie
Trott-Williams and Bob Kollar, about the idea of fraud in business, and the
steps that he is taking to help smarten business owners up to this growing
concern. And John Lee of International Investigative Services talks to Ron
about the growing epidemic of copper theft in the world of business.
Saturday On The American Entrepreneur
One of the most renowned business and management gurus in the world returns
to TAE. Henry Mintzberg, Professor of Management Studies at McGill
University in Montreal, joins Ron to discuss the most effective management
strategies for your company, as well as his groundbreaking Theory on
Organizational Forms. Plus, Ron reconnects with John Vechey, the founder of
Popcap Games and creator of "Bejeweled", the gold standard of online gaming
platforms. John tells his remarkable story, and how his creation grew to
become enjoyed by over 25 million users worldwide. And Phil Sabo of Wilke
and Associates CPA talks with Ron about the common problems relating to six
month reviews for the period ending on June 30.
There is going to be a lot of Open Talk going on this weekend so be sure
to join in by using TalkShoe at or by calling the show live at 333-1360.
As always, your dreams are 100% in your hands.
Live 6 times a week!
Weekdays from 3-6 PM and Saturday morning
from 9 - 12 PM on
Exclusively on
Money Talk 1360 WMNY!
Ron Morris © 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Unsubscribe from this list:
Great Orators of the Democrat Party - from an email forward
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The buck stops here." - Harry S. Truman
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
And, from today's genius Democrats...
"It depends what your definition of 'Sex' is?'' - Bill Clinton
"That Obama ... I would like to cut his NUTS off." - Jesse Jackson
"Those rumors are false ... I believe in the sanctity of marriage." - John Edwards
"I invented the Internet." - Al Gore
"The next Person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up their ASS." - Joe Biden
"America is ... is no longer, uh, what it ... it, uh, could be, uh, what it was once was ... uh, and I say to myself, 'uh, I don't want that future, uh, uh for my children." - Barack Obama
"I have campaigned in all 57 states." - Barack Obama (Quoted 2008)
"You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (Quoted 2006)
"Paying taxes is voluntary." - Sen. Harry Reid
"Bill is the greatest husband and father I know. No one is more faithful, true, and honest than he." - Hillary Clinton (Quoted 1998)
And the most recent gem of wisdom from the "Mother Moron":
"We just have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what's in it."- Nancy Pelosi (Quoted March, 2010)
''Life's tough ... it's even tougher if you're stupid.''
- John Wayne
Go green - recycle Congress in 2010!
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Fw: [wplug-announce] Reminder: WPLUG InstallFest, Sat. July 31, 10a - 3p,Northland Library
-----Original Message-----
From: DK <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 12:27:09
Reply-To: Announcements only <>
Subject: [wplug-announce] Reminder: WPLUG InstallFest, Sat. July 31, 10a - 3p,
Northland Library
Hello Folks,
Just a final reminder.
WPLUG is hosting an InstallFest on Saturday,
July 31 from 10a until 3p at the Northland Public Library in
McCandless Twp. The library is on Cumberland Rd, just off Route 19
and McKnight Rd. See the URL below for more detailed directions.
The InstallFest will be held in the first floor meeting rooms 148.
Happily, the space is climate controlled and should be comfortable if
the heat stays with us into next weekend.
The library has an access ramp to the first floor lobby, located on
the left side of the building. I will have a hand-truck and cart
available to haul in equipment, so please feel free to stop in first
if you need to use one.
In addition to the typical InstallFest activities, I will be
presenting demos of the Kiddix Platform from Kiddix Computing,, a Gentoo-based OS
designed specifically for kids. If you are a parent looking to
introduce Linux to your child(ren), please stop by to take a look.
Even if you cannot attend, please help spread the word and mention
this event to family, friends and colleagues whom are users or might
have an interest in Free Open Source Software.
Event page with directions and more information:
Thanks and hope to see you there,
David Kraus
wplug-announce mailing list
Fw: mtlv games
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
To: Mount Lebanon Community Friends (and pals living elsewhere!)
From: Larry Evans
Hi Folks! As a semi-retired social and sports activist and rookie MLV Board member entering my 64th year on this planet and wondering if my wife will "still need me or feed me", I find true value in helping a good-hearted organization like Mount Lebanon Village shed its training wheels and become a force for promoting Lebo-quality longevity.
Please check out our Mount Lebanon Village Intergenerational Games set for Saturday, August 14th in Mount Lebanon Park. The idea is to partner adults over 50 with someone under 50. For AARP certified geezers like me and Karen, this means we will be dragging along whippersnappers like Ducky (27) and Jenny (14) to the "show" and we hope you are tempted to do likewise! See details below!
The Mt. Lebanon Village Games are designed to bring together old friends and new acquaintances, pairing people of different ages and generations. The idea is to partner adults over 50 with someone under 50. The pairings could be with a son, daughter, grandchild, friend or neighbor – or maybe even some husband and wife teams! Partners will spend the day participating together in the activities of their choice. It will be a fun-packed day featuring a one mile fun run/walk around Mount Lebanon Park, gently competitive team sports including soccer, softball, volleyball, basketball, doubles tennis and bocce, athletic skills contests like free-throws and punt, pass and kick and old fashioned summer games like checkers, water balloon toss and a treasure hunt, followed by a barbeque picnic and banjo music. The event takes place in Mount Lebanon Park, 9am-2pm on Saturday, August 14th, 2010. See flyer/registration forms below…
BTW, we are getting a tremendous response to the Games since being publicized last week in a Brian O'Neil PPG column and in Mount Lebanon Magazine so we are also in need of Volunteers to help make this event a success. Please let me know if you can possibly volunteer for the August 14th Games. Teens can earn community service credit and all volunteers get a nifty t-shirt and free food at the picnic.
Contact us at or (412) 343-4054 | 710 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15228.
Larry Evans h 412-341-1486 c 412-445-2951
Mt. Lebanon Village Intergenerational Games
Saturday, August 14, 2010
9am-2pm at Mt. Lebanon Park and Tennis Center
Mt. Lebanon Village (MLV) is a community oriented, non-profit organization established in 2009 to give residents of Mt. Lebanon, age 50 and older, the practical means, confidence and peace of mind to enjoy life while residing in their own place of residence in the environment they value as they grow older, and to serve as a model and mentor to other such villages.
The Mt. Lebanon Village Games present a way to get to know our neighbors, to enjoy a day of playing together and to celebrate our common bonds. The Village Games are designed to bring together old friends and new acquaintances, pairing people of different ages and generations. The idea is to partner adults over 50 with someone under 50. The pairings could be with a son, daughter, grandchild, friend or neighbor – or maybe even some husband and wife teams! You can also come on your own and enjoy the festivities. Partners will spend the day participating together in the activities of their choice. It will be a fun-packed day of gently competitive team sports, individual pursuits and group games, followed by a picnic and prizes. Participants will be given a chance to win prizes for every event in which they partake.
START THE DAY WITH A FUN RUN OR WALK! At 9 a.m. the Village Games will open with a "Chase Your Elders" one mile fun run/walk in Mt. Lebanon Park where older folks start first, followed by a staggered progression by their younger partners so that all may finish at about the same time. A pre-race warm-up, led by fitness instructor Gurney Bolster, will begin at 8:45 a.m. at the Mt. Lebanon School District Entrance on Horsman Drive.
THEN PLAY BALL AND OTHER FUN STUFF! From 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in Mt. Lebanon Park, choose from a wide variety of friendly coed, intergenerational team sports including volleyball, softball, soccer, basketball, tennis and bocce. Then measure your athletic skills in a 50 yard dash, punt, pass and kick, free throw, target toss, and radar gun stations. There will be old fashioned games like a treasure hunt, relay races, water balloon toss, horseshoes, shuffleboard, hula hoops, scrabble, checkers, and chess. You can also engage in creative activities such as an inter-active story-telling session led by the Wing & a Prayer Pittsburgh Players.
Throughout the day, be prepared to share your favorite Mt. Lebanon memories with a roving MLV volunteer camera crew.
DON'T MISS THE PICNIC! Beginning at noon, enjoy a delicious picnic provided by Pittsburgh Barbecue Company. Come to the Mt. Lebanon Tennis Center Founder's Room and Deck to share great food and listen to live banjo music provided by "The Entertainers". Ted Sohier of WQED will be our MC and prizes will be drawn. (Participants must be present at the picnic to receive prizes.)
REGISTER on line or by mail by August 9th to guarantee receiving a nifty Mt. Lebanon Village Games commemorative T-shirt!
REGISTRATION FEES: Individual (over 50) $15. With Partner (under 50) $25. Family (up to 6 members) $40.
Contact us at or (412) 343-4054 | 710 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15228.
The Mt. Lebanon Village Games Registration Form
Individual (over 50) __________________________________________________________________
Age (as of August 14)_________________Gender_______________ T‐shirt size_________
Partner (under 50)____________________________________________________________________
Age (as of August 14)_________________Gender_______________ T‐shirt size_________
Additional Immediate or Extended Family Members (indicate pairing, any age mixture is ok)
3.________________________________________________Age______Gender______T‐shirt size_____
4.________________________________________________Age______Gender______T‐shirt size_____
5.________________________________________________Age______Gender______T‐shirt size_____
6.________________________________________________Age______Gender______T‐shirt size_____
Please check below the events in which you & your partner/family wish to participate
___ Chase Your Elders One Mile Fun Run/Walk (8:45 a.m. group aerobic warm‐up at start line)
Onsite registration and Village Games packet pick‐up begins at 8AM at the Tennis Center Founder's Room off of Cedar Blvd
TEAM SPORTS 10AM – 1PM (select no more than 3 since games are scheduled on hourly intervals)
___ Soccer___ Softball___ Doubles Tennis___ Basketball___ Volleyball___ Doubles Bocce
___ ATHLETIC SKILLS 10AM – 1PM (come when you want)
Includes Free Throws (Basketball), Radar Gun (Softball & Soccer & Football), Target (Softball & Soccer & Football), Punt, Pass and Kick (Football & Soccer) and a 50 Yard Dash
___ OLD FASHIONED GAMES 10AM ‐ 1PM (come when you want)
Includes Relay Races, Treasure Hunt, Horseshoes, Shuffleboard, Water Balloon Toss, Chess, Checkers, Scrabble, Hula Hoops
___ INTERACTIVE STORY TELLING 11AM to Noon (with the Wing and a Prayer Pittsburgh Players)
Upon arrival at the Tennis Center's registration headquarters participants will receive a program mapping out the event locations and an individualized schedule of activities.
REGISTRATION FEES: Individual (over 50) $15. With Partner (under 50) $25. Family (up to 6 members) $40.
Send the Registration Form with a check payable to:
Mt. Lebanon Village, 710 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15228 info: 412‐343‐4054
In consideration of Mt. Lebanon Village ("Village") allowing me/us to participate in its activities and intending to be legally bound, I/we waive, release and forever discharge the Village, its successors, assigns, members, officers, employees and agents and shall indemnify and hold them harmless from any loss, claim, demand, liability or causes of action of whatever kind or nature, either in law or equity, which arise from my/our participation in any Village activities from this date forward in perpetuity (thereby releasing me/us from the chore of re-signing this release for all future Village activities.)
Date: _____________________ Signature________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Printed Name________________________________________
Larry Evans
417 Kurt Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The View or The Boy Scouts? -- I'm not a scout, but I'd not want to rain on that 100th anniversary parade and Jamboree
This year is the 100th anniversary of The Boy Scouts of America, a group that exemplifies many of the best aspects of our nation.
President Obama was scheduled to address the Boy Scouts Jamboree, an event held once every four years, today at 11:00 AM, as our last three Presidents have done.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama decided he’d rather speak with some of his friends in the liberal media. He’ll be recording an episode of The View in Manhattan this afternoon then attending two high-dollar fundraisers for the Democratic National Committee this evening.
The Media Research Center’s own Penny Starr has been on top of this story from the beginning! As usual, NewsBusters and bring us a story that we wouldn’t see anywhere in the liberal media.
Left to their own, the liberal media will focus on the human interest angle of the President going on The View; they’ll conveniently leave out the slighting of the Boy Scouts to campaign among the liberal elites in New York and the media.
Mark, let CBS and NBC know that we expect them to cover this slight like they would if it were a Republican President.
CBS Evening News
Rick Kaplan
Executive Producer
Direct: (212) 975-3691
Main Line: 212-975-4321 NBC Nightly News
Bob Epstein
Executive Producer
Direct: (212) 664-3856
Main Line: 212-664-4444
Tomorrow’s evening news programs will feature stories about the President going on The View. If the MRC Action team makes their voices heard, NBC and CBS will have to tell the whole truth about President Obama’s appearance on daytime television!
Thank you for standing with us,
Sheraden residents call for change at vigil
Sheraden residents call for change at vigil: "Ms. Kail-Smith said she had met with the mayor and other city officials twice in the past week about spearheading efforts to address quality-of-life issues in Sheraden.
Cmdr. Schubert announced a plan to create a recreation center for the neighborhood's youth, who are responsible for nearly a third of all the crime in Sheraden, Ms. Kail-Smith said."
My weed and seed plan for swimming in existing facilities in the West End got blocked by city government workers. Go figure.
Call again if you in the west end want to think again and really act so as to make for fun, positive activities that can develop and create literate Olympians there.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ground Zero space for what?
I do NOT agree with him. But, here goes. My reply at the end.
Why the 9/11 Mosque Controversy Is NOT About Religious Freedom...and Should Be Stopped!He wrote: This proposed building of a mosque on hallowed ground is an ATROCITY towards America. He says he is for religious freedom and that this decision is not about religious freedom, but he makes it about that throughout. Being desecrated! How about double speak?
As one of America's leading Libertarian thinkers, perhaps I'm always expected to give the "Libertarian answer" to every issue. But sometimes one has to speak not as a Libertarian, Republican or Democrat, but rather as an American- preferably a common sense American. The issue of allowing a mosque to be built in the shadow of the 9/11 terrorist tragedy is one of those times.
The answer is simple for a common sense American- I support religious freedom, as all Americans should. But this is not a case of religious freedom. Yes, Muslims can build their mosque virtually anywhere in America- despite 9/11...despite the Times Square bomber...despite plots by Islamic extremists to blow up the New York subway system...despite everything happening in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. That's what makes our country great. We do in fact support religious freedom. You can build a mosque virtually anywhere in America.
However, there are also the rights and sensibilities of others to consider in a free society.
Does "religious freedom" mean hate groups should build statues to Hitler in front of Jewish temples in America? Should Americans raise money to build Jewish temples and Christian churches at Mecca? Should Japan build a statue to the bravery of their pilots at Pearl Harbor? Should the U.S. build a statue to the bravery of our pilots at the site of Hiroshima? Aren't those examples all about "freedom of expression," "religious freedom" and property rights? Perhaps, but is it too much to ask for a little consideration and respect toward others?
This proposed building of a mosque on hallowed ground is an ATROCITY towards America. To build a celebration of Islam within steps of 9/11 does nothing to increase religious inspires hatred, divides our cultures, and increases the odds of violence and hate crimes. Common sense suggests this mosque, being built in this specific location, is NOT being built as a sign of friendship between Muslims and Americans...but rather as a sign of the lack of respect...a belief in our weakness...and an attempt to embarrass and belittle us. The financial district of Manhattan is not a residential area with a large number of Muslim residents for the mosque to serve. Therefore common sense suggests that the only possible reason to build it there (rather than in Brooklyn or Queens where there are large Muslim populations) is to show Muslim contempt for Americans by building a monument to Islam in the shadow of the site of their greatest triumph over America.
It is an offense to build a mosque in that location - an offense to all Americans (including Muslim Americans), all Christians and Jews, all relatives of 3,000 dead heroes at the World Trade Center.
Yes, private individuals and organizations have the right to build houses of worship with their own funds. But one has to wonder where the money is coming from to build a 15-story building on some of the most expensive real estate in the country. We Americans believe in the separation of Church and State. If it turns out that this project is sponsored by a foreign government -- either directly or through a state-sponsored organization that engages in terrorism -- than the idea of this being an issue of religious freedom is a sham and an argument can be made that our Constitution would actually prohibit this mosque from being built.
However, if this is privately funded by parties with no ties to a foreign government, I have to believe that we have enough people in this country who are offended by the prospect of a mosque at Ground Zero, that the money can be raised to buy this land at a fair price from the owners. I know I'd be the first to contribute to a foundation to keep this sacred land from ever being desecrated by a symbol of the very groups that attacked America on 9/11.
We can also put public pressure on the property owners to sell to this new patriotic foundation funded by Americans. We can organize massive protests, filling the streets surrounding this property with patriotic Americans concerned that the hallowed ground of 9/11 never be used as a political tool to taunt or embarrass the United States, or as a place to preach intolerance towards Americans. I, for one, am ready to fly 3000 miles to New York to join the protest.
These are the only rational answers for common sense patriotic Americans who still believe in a free society. In situations like this, none of us can afford to be Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, or politicians of any stripe. We are all proud Americans.
Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. He now serves on the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) and as Chairman of the Libertarian National Congressional Committee (LNCC). He writes for the Las Vegas Review Journal and is a regular guest on FOX News. His new book is entitled, "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts." For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many national media appearances, please visit at: .
Furthermore, there is also no need for all of us to be proud Americans. Overboard hype looks like that. None of us can afford to be individuals? None of us can afford to be of a different political party? Come now.
As to the massive public protests -- don't hold your breath. There are some who would march against ideas, but most Americans would rather be FOR something else. Some are going to get worked into a buzz. But the protests won't spread everywhere -- if they are only NEGATIVE.
He wrote, "The financial district of Manhattan is not a residential area with a large number of Muslim residents for the mosque to serve." Well, there are plenty of mosques and other types of churches and temples in urban areas. Furthermore, it is unwise to build a mosque only in residential areas, such as Long Island, when the workers are in the center city as their times of worship are not confined to traditional Sunday morning services as many in the US are used to. It makes sense to have a mosque in an urban area where there are plenty of workers. The common sense stance with the only possible reason to build it there logic fails Mr. Root.
I don't think it makes sense to build a place of worship and a mosque on that space for economic reasons. That's it -- economics. That is valued land in terms of tax incomes. The church or mosque would mean a tax-exempt status. Do commerce at this space. Tax it. Keep New York's economic spaces devoted to economic purposes.
Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan - Hear we go again, or else is there hope?
For starters, I had sent them planners (contractors) about 10 pages of notes after reading the first draft of their plan. While a lot had changed between the first draft and the final one -- NONE of my suggestions were visible. So, I asked, where were my suggestions? Could they point to any of them?
Next, I asked them to find the word "coach" anywhere in the plan. It was absent -- fully. They have a parks plan but don't talk about programs and ways when we teach our kids how to play well with one another. Coaching was not only in the back seat to the flora landscape -- it was off the map.
Third, I asked the planners about the swim pools in both Highland Park and Schenley Park. These pools were mentioned, but the one in Riverview was not. But, the Highland Park Pool and the Schenley Park Pool were mentioned in the 'master plan' only because the pools provided a good opportunity for a snack bar and vendors. The pools were popular places for customers for additional sales and income.
With those points in mind, I told the organizers that I would have no problem with their 'master plan' as long as it got a new name and was called a 'lesser plan.' Their work was inferior and of little consequence in areas where we needed our parks the most.
The parks play a big role in being hubs where we go to play, earn and learn about respect, and all get along. We have lots of teen violence. We have problems as there is far too little in these spaces where values are build with a mixing of mentoring, volunteers, leadership, coaching, and PROGRAMS.
We have a long way to go. Perhaps this plan can be better.
The mind leads and the body follow. The past plans have been piss poor. Plans of that quality are sure to lead to outcomes that are what they are.
Residents and Community Group members:
The City of Pittsburgh, through the Department of City Planning, is beginning the process of creating an Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan. The Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan (OPENSPACEPGH) is one of the initial components of PLANPGH, the City's Comprehensive Plan. There are two surveys that have been posted on Open Space, Parks, and Recreation on the PLANPGH Exchange feature on the PLANPGH Website ( ): one for adults and one for youth. I encourage you to fill these out, as by sharing your opinions (and for parents, having your kids share theirs) about Pittsburgh's open space, park, and recreation resources (including what types of programs, facilities, and opportunities are important, where they should be located and how they should be maintained), you will help the City make informed decisions about future vacant land, open space, parks, and recreation efforts.
While you're on the PLANPGH Exchange, please register on the site so that you can be notified of additional opportunities to give your opinions and public meetings or events for PLANPGH. Registration is not necessary to fill out the survey, however. I'd also recommend checking out the PLANPGH mainpage (, for more detail about the Comprehensive Plan and some fun facts about the City we call home.
The survey is currently open, and will be open until August 31st, 2010.
Please forward this to your distribution lists, and encourage them to let us know what they want. The more responses we receive from residents to this survey, the more we can understand about the true needs of our City in relation to its parks, recreation, and open space facilities, and ensure that future decisions will be made in the best interests of the City as a whole.
If your organization would like print copies of the survey for homes without internet access or for youth or other programs that you manage, please let me know and I will provide them.
Thanks for your help in helping us envision the future of the City's open space, park, and recreation systems.
Andrew Dash, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Pittsburgh
200 Ross Street, 4th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219412.255.0760 – phone
412.255.2838 – fax
Dolores Hanna
Special Project Operations Manager
Department of City Planning
412-255-2561, fax
Monday, July 26, 2010
DMCA Rules Regarding Access-Control Technology Exemptions - The Library Today (Library of Congress)
DMCA Rules Regarding Access-Control Technology Exemptions - The Library Today (Library of Congress): "Computer programs that enable wireless telephone handsets to execute software applications, where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of such applications, when they have been lawfully obtained, with computer programs on the telephone handset.
(3) Computer programs, in the form of firmware or software, that enable used wireless telephone handsets to connect to a wireless telecommunications network, when circumvention is initiated by the owner of the copy of the computer program solely in order to connect to a wireless telecommunications network and access to the network is authorized by the operator of the network."
On the Bloated Intelligence Bureaucracy - Texas Straight Talk
Congressman Ron Paul - On the Bloated Intelligence Bureaucracy - Texas Straight Talk... Our foreign policy is not only bankrupting us, but actively creating and antagonizing enemies of the United States, and compromising our national security. Spending more and adding more programs and initiatives does not improve things for us; it makes them much much worse. This applies to more than just the military budget.
Recently the Washington Post ran an extensive report by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin on the bloated intelligence community. They found that an estimated 854,000 people hold top-secret security clearances. Just what are all these people up to? By my calculation this is about 11,000 intelligence workers per al Qaeda member in Afghanistan. This also begs the question - if close to 1 million people are authorized to know top secrets, how closely guarded are these secrets? - Raw Video: Homeowner shoots at fake FBI agents trying to break in - Raw Video: Homeowner shoots at fake FBI agents trying to break in: "Fake FBI agents try and break into home
Mother, father and three kids inside at the time
COOPER CITY, Fla. - A Cooper City family awoke to the sounds of three men posing as FBI agents on Wednesday.
The three men were caught on home surveillance video.
They were all wearing t-shirts with the words FBI on them and had fake badges around their necks.
A father, mother and three children we all inside, when the heard the men say 'FBI, police! Open up!'
The mother called the real police and the father grabbed his gun."
Staff -- I'm the older guy in this photo
I couldn't keep up the pace with these guys -- but I gave it a go. Camp Chikopi was a great bit of fun.
While there, I did work to set up the water polo course and took our polo caps.

Put a fork in the City's Ethics Hearing Baord
So today's news of a PIC bring a new wrinkle. Let's just get rid of the City's Ethics Hearing Board. Of course the PIC isn't for real just yet. But, we do know that the Ethics Hearing Board in Pittsburgh is really bad.
Good News: Public Integrity Commission Proposed
Rep. Curt Schroder, R-Chester, today announced that he will introduce legislation to create the PA Public Integrity Commission (PIC). The PIC, which would incorporate the existing State Ethics Commission, would have new powers to root out public corruption among PA’s local, state and federal officials in all three branches of government. Click here for today’s story in the Harrisburg Patriot.
At a news conference in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Schroder said, “Our freedoms and liberties, guaranteed and enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, are under attack and the threat is from within. The corruption that has taken root in our system of government here in Pennsylvania is a direct threat to the social contract that establishes our government subject to the consent of the governed.”
Unlike the current Ethics Commission, the new Public Integrity Commission would have a cadre of trained law enforcement personnel to “look over the shoulders” of public officials, investigate allegations of corruption and refer cases to state or local prosecutors when warranted. The PIC also would have subpoena power and the power to grant immunity in order to compel reluctant witnesses to testify in corruption cases.
Schroder began asking for co-sponsors last Wednesday and as of this writing has 28. The bill is being revised and will not have a bill number until it is formally introduced. When that happens, DR News will let you know.
Another prime sponsor is Rep. Eugene DePasquale, D-York. At the news conference, DePasquale made a telling observation.
“When lawmakers introduce a bill, the first question is always, ‘Why do we need this?’ With this legislation, no one is asking why. We all know why,” DePasquale said.
As if to underscore the point, the news conference occurred on the same day that two former House leaders were back in court. Former Speaker Bill DeWeese, D-Greene, and former Whip Mike Veon, D-Beaver, are seeking different things from the court. At a preliminary hearing, DeWeese is arguing that he should not go on trial for allegations of using tax-funded offices and personnel for partisan political campaigns. Veon, currently serving 6 to 14 years after being convicted of using millions of tax dollars for illegal campaign activity, is in court seeking a new trial on that conviction.
Click here for an early story from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about the DeWeese hearing.
Independents and Education
Two other elements of the proposal warrant attention. The bill requires a nominating committee to select potential members of the commission. Both the nominating committee and the commission membership must include members who are neither Republicans nor Democrats. This gives the large percentage of voters who do not belong to the two major parties a seat at the table for the first time.
Another key feature of the PIC proposal is a requirement to educate public officials about legal and illegal conduct in office. This aspect gains new importance as defendants claim they didn’t know their actions were illegal.
Attorneys for DeWeese and others who await trial – former Revenue Secretary and Rep. Steve Stetler, D-York, and former Senate Whip Jane Orie, R-Allegheny – argue that the existing law is too vague for public officials to know what they can and can’t do. They also argue that their clients should be set free because “everyone else was doing it” and that whatever illegal activity might have occurred didn’t amount to much.
Click here for an Orie story from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
The PIC proposal is not perfect, and it is likely that some lawmakers will seek to strengthen it with amendments to ban gifts and gratuities for public officials (favored by 66% of PA voters), for example. All of that will take place in a public process that citizens can watch and weigh in on.
Has your Representative co-sponsored this proposal?
If not, what are his or her objections?
If so, how will your Representative work to move the proposal through the House?
Because we are a tax-exempt non-profit organization, Democracy Rising PA does not endorse specific legislation or lawmakers. However, we can acknowledge proposals and lawmakers who make extraordinary efforts to advance higher standards of public integrity.
This PIC proposal is the only comprehensive attempt in the past five years to change the culture of corruption in the capitol. For that alone, it deserves the close attention of citizens throughout the Commonwealth.
Please forward this edition of DR News and encourage your friends to sign up for future editions by clicking here .
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We can be reached at: P.O. Box 618, Carlisle, PA 17013
Tech President email newsletter and Wikileaks
Wikileaks Releases Giant Trove of Secret US Documents on Afghan War Here's Micah Sifry's first take on the release of the documents, from Sunday night. "If you didn't think technology was changing politics," he suggests, "perhaps now you'll reconsider?"
Wikileaks and Sourcing "Under this new world order," Nancy Scola asks, the new order being one in which a globe-hopping actor like Julian Assange can publicize sensitive government secrets on such a massive scale, "what has changed about the relationship between citizens and what they can expect to know about what their countries are doing in their names, even on the other side of the world? It might take a white-haired, admittedly oddball resident of Iceland —" that's Assange — "to get us to start considering that question."
Fw: Free Outdoor Movies Start This Sunday at Station Square withGhostbusters
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Summer time is a perfect time for FREE OUTDOOR MOVIES. Station Square proudly presents this August MOVIES ON THE MON - a unique salute to some of the 1980's classic movies including Ghostbusters (August 1st), Back to the Future (August 8th), E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (August 15th) and The Goonies (August 22nd).
Movies are held on Sundays in August beginning at sunset (between 8pm and 8:30pm). Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets and come to Bessemer Court behind the Hard Rock Cafe for the next four Sundays to experience a new Station Square tradition.
We'll have consession stands set up selling popcorn, candy, soft drinks and more.
Click here to visit Station Square now.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Honored that you'd ask for my advice, so here is my #1 bit of advice to fellow advocates:
Do NOT burn out.
Thanks for all you do.
--- His reply. ---
Thanks for your note. Of course you sent the single most important advice.
We must keep going. I have been involved in many such movements. They seem to go painfully slow and we all get discouraged. But if we stick with it, we can win.
Usually this takes a generation, which is slow in our lifetimes, but rapid in historical terms.
After I receive all the replies, I will be back to the group.
Yours in freedom—Julian
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Fw: [wplug-announce] WPLUG InstallFest,Sat. July 31 at Northland Library
-----Original Message-----
From: DK <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 20:58:00
Reply-To: Announcements only <>
Subject: [wplug-announce] WPLUG InstallFest,
Sat. July 31 at Northland Library
Hello Folks,
Well its that time again, WPLUG is hosting an InstallFest on Saturday,
July 31 from 10a until 3p at the Northland Public Library in
McCandless Twp. The library is on Cumberland Rd, just off Route 19
and McKnight Rd. See the URL below for more detailed directions.
The InstallFest will be held in the first floor meeting rooms 148.
Happily, the space is climate controlled and should be comfortable if
the heat stays with us into next weekend.
The library has an access ramp to the first floor lobby, located on
the left side of the building. I will have a hand-truck and cart
available to haul in equipment, so please feel free to stop in first
if you need to use one.
In addition to the typical InstallFest activities, I will be
presenting demos of the Kiddix Platform from Kiddix Computing,, a Gentoo-based OS
designed specifically for kids. If you are a parent looking to
introduce Linux to your child(ren), please stop by to take a look.
Even if you cannot attend, please help spread the word and mention
this event to family, friends and colleagues whom are users or might
have an interest in Free Open Source Software.
Event page with directions and more information:
Thanks and hope to see you there,
David Kraus
wplug-announce mailing list
Dedicated Kingsley coach pushes swimmers in and out of the pool - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Dedicated Kingsley coach pushes swimmers in and out of the pool - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Dedicated Kingsley coach pushes swimmers in and out of the pool"
By Ellen Mitchell
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The waters of the Kingsley Community Center pool churn as more than 32 young swimmers race back and forth.
Standing at the edge of the pool, head coach Hosea Holder draws on his 45 years of experience molding young athletes into champions.
Dressed in a green polo shirt and hovering along the edges of the pool deck at the East Liberty community center, Holder, 74, bombards his swimmers with an endless stream of critiques: "Keep your body straight." "Come off the blocks harder." "Don't be afraid to put your face in the water."
Behind him, a dry-erase board bears three words and a question: "Participant, Competitor, Champion. Which one are you?"
"They all write their names under champion, but almost all should move their names to participant," Holder said about his swimmers, an indication of his high standards.
As the head coach of the Kingsley Stingrays, he trains boys and girls from the community, ages 6 to 18, making sure they live up to their highest potential -- in and out of the pool. His former swimmers have become nurses, teachers, lawyers and managers, and he takes pride in them all.
Chinnie Gregory, the mother of three boys who have swam under Holder for the last five years, said they have improved in school since working with Holder, and their attitudes have vastly changed.
"They believe they can overcome anything now," Gregory said. "Their mental development is beyond anything I could have imagined."
Gregory's sons, Norman, 13, Isaiah, 11, and Kilani, 8, all ranked in the top 10 in their events at a swim meet in North Carolina last month, where more than 800 swimmers competed.
"It's a no-brainer that we all love swimming with Coach Holder," Isaiah Gregory said. "Even though he's hard on us, he wants us to get it done and do it correctly."
Now in his 45th year as a coach, and sixth year with the Kingsley Stingrays, Holder is a full-time coach and is paid by the swimmers' parents.
Born in Birmingham, Ala., in 1936, Holder moved with his family to Homewood in 1945. Taking up swimming in junior then in senior high school, he swam the breaststroke and individual medley at Westinghouse High School. After graduation in 1954, Holder enlisted in the Army.
From 1958 to 1960, Holder was based in Schweinfurt, Germany. While his fellow soldiers were happy to simply girl-watch at the city's Olympic-sized pool, Holder stole every moment he could to swim laps, sometimes for hours on end.
In the beginning
After returning home to Pittsburgh, he worked first as a janitor at the University of Pittsburgh, then as a part-time lifeguard at the Oliver Bath House in South Side in 1964. It was there that he began his coaching career in 1965, when a black swim coach was a rarity.
In March 1965, the Oliver Bath House director asked Holder to get some swimmers together to compete in the city's annual St. Patrick's Day meet. After Holder saw how well the other teams were put together, he decided to improve the program at the bath house and the team that later became the Three River Aquatics.
Holder started out slowly.
"If you had 15 kids come try out, you were lucky if more than three stayed," Holder said.
Though fees to swim on the team were modest, Holder said he had to pay for many kids out of his own pocket, covering their 75-cent memberships for the Amateur Athletic Union and the 25-cent fee to enter each child in a competitive event.
By 1968, his swimmers had become formidable competitors, one of whom in the 10-and-under category even broke two junior Olympic records in one week.
Holder said he endured a cold shoulder or two at meets because of his race. Once, when he went up to accept an award at a swim meet in Ohio in the 1970s, the woman passing out the trophies told him to give the award to the head swim coach. After he told her he was head of the team, she looked at him in disbelief.
At another event, two of Holder's 12-year-old boys kept pace with their 18-year-old competitors until the last 25 meters in an event usually swam by college students. He said the rumor was that he gave his swimmers pep pills, which was not true.
Other teams made racist remarks to his swimmers, he said, and there was snickering and laughter at their lack of nicer swimsuits.
"The opposing force has to accept that you won whether they like it or not," Holder said. "If you think I'm not as good, when my swimmers out swim yours, you have to accept it. It nullifies perceptions of races, of color."
His team -- once all-black -- today is about evenly divided between whites and blacks.
In the fall of 2000, the city pulled the pool permit from Three River Aquatics at the Oliver Bath House. Holder moved the team to the Kingsley Community Center in 2004, changing the name to the Kingsley Stingrays.
With all the technological distractions youths now face, Holder said the number of truly dedicated swimmers is dwindling.
"There is a different breed of swimmers today than there were in the 1960s," Holder said. "Swimmers then were dedicated and committed to swimming only. Now, kids have much more to distract them and other sports that take away from their focus. There's only a select few that'll be committed and dedicated completely."
Costs seem to be a major blow to his swim team, with a fee of $1.75 per person per event, and $60 for a Amateur Athletic Union card. Pool fees of $6,500 for 10 1/2 months indoors and $1,700 for eight weeks spent outdoors in the summer are split among team members. No companies sponsor the team, but Holder said he is always looking.
"The fees are low to make it more affordable, but many low-income families still complain," Holder said.
A swimmer under Holder for 18 years, Cheryl Washington, the aquatics manager at the Kingsley Center, said Holder was like a second dad to her.
"He's brought a lot to the team as far as values," Washington said. "He's helped turn a lot of lives around."
Though he has received offers over the years to coach other teams, Holder has refused to leave the Kingsley Community Center.
"By staying, I give people of low income an opportunity to swim under a great program," Holder said. "I do this for the love of the sport and the love of the kids. It's hard to pass the baton off."