Monday, July 12, 2010

A Badge of Dishonor: Ravenstahl's Solution to Pension Crisis - The Point

A Badge of Dishonor: Ravenstahl's Solution to Pension Crisis - The Point: "Even more absurd is that as a scare-tactic, Ravenstahl suggested that he might need to lay off four hundred police officers if we do not meet this deficit. Why are the police always seemingly the first to go? Those we need the most are apparently the most dispensable. Since apparently neither the citizens nor the police rank high on Pittsburgh’s lists of priorities, I ask again, how did this happen?"

The Police are not always the first to go. There was a time when the swim pools and rec centers got to be first and worst. Then there have been crossing guards, rodent control, bus routes, Great Race, Civic Arena, Brownfield redevelopment, traffic engineers, pedestrian walkways and stairs, capital budgets, ice rinks, G-20 protestors, a fire station even was rumored to be on the first or next list. To continue, schools, airport terminals, ...

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