Thursday, June 05, 2008

school chatter, again

Meeting Tonight: 6 P.M.
Hill House Center
1835 Centre Avenue

To address issues, concerns, and ideas regarding the closing of Schenley (the building and the separation of the programs) and the other elements of High School reform.


At Tuesday's Education Committee meeting, Frick was recommended for the location of the new Science and Technology school, opening in Fall 2009. Renovations will be made to the building while the current students (plus the extra 9th grade year) are in the building next year.

For more information about Science and Technology and plans for the IB program, the 2 powerpoints shown to the board are available on this page:

The science and technology ppt has a slide that describes a new lottery system for that school, as well.


It seems as though the message that there is a lot of change coming that hasn't been vetted by parents, teachers, community members or the school board seems to finally be getting through. Keep up your efforts to get the word out there that this whole thing can't just be described as one big, set in stone, lump sum amount for Schenley for which the board has to choose yes or no. There are many different options and choices the board can consider, which haven't even been presented.

Planning for the future for the whole district and trying to maintain the best of the system while directly and quickly attacking the failing parts seems like the most rational way to approach it!

Jen Lakin

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