Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Edits to a mission statement for male involvement in PPS

I've edited a handout from last-night's meeting and made some changes. So, how does this draft sound?

M.E.N.N. = Meeting Education's Needs Now

M.E.N.N. Mission
To assist and facilitate school success through a variety of male aimed initiateves that promote overall parental involement and continuity within the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) District.

PPS' M.E.N.N. facilitates meaningful male involvement in students' lives in school, home and the community.

We believe and work to insure that children are happier, healthier and better students when positive male role models are active and engaged.

The 2010 goals for M.E.N.N.:
- Create a blueprint for consistent male involvement that benefits all students.
- Create belief statements among the steering committee and M.E.N.N. participants.


Annette Werner said...

Can you give us some background- did PPS start a committee to increase male involvement and ask you to be on the committee?

Mark Rauterkus said...

Mark Conner, PPS employee, heads a committee of sorts. It is more like a booster group working on male involvement.

I've been helping for years on a standing group that assists with Take Your Father To School Day.

This group is not sworn to secrecy. And, it is open to others. And, it is not just for men. And, some nice work is being done. And, we know that there is much more to do.

fixit said...

Is this the same Pro-Dads group that we have gotten flyers on? There was a meeting at Brookline K-8 for the South area chapter.

Mark Rauterkus said...

Yes -- sorta.

The All Pro Dad meeting is tonight, Thursday, at Brookline K-5 from 6:30 to 8 pm. May 7, 2009. First meeting.

The M.E.N.N. group is an umbrella group that includes all types of various groups including All Pro Dad.

Different strokes for different folks, sorta.

One HOOD, Head Start Dads, National Fatherhood Initiative, Take Your Father To School, etc, are all part of the M.E.N.N. efforts, -- even parent book clubs. All types.

Anonymous said...


Potential Mission Statements

Meeting Educational Needs Now

With our mission being to assist and facilitate academic success through a variety of male aimed initiatives that promote overall parental involvement and continuity within the Pittsburgh Public School District.

- - - or - - - -

The PPS Male/Father involvement program exists to help facilitate meaningful male involvement in students’ lives in school, home and the community. We believe that male involvement enhances the contributions of mothers and other care givers.

And children are happier, healthier and perform better when positive male role models are actively engaged.

- - - or - - -

The mission of the PPS Male/father involvement program is to create a blueprint for consistent male involvement in PPS for the benefit of all students.