Thursday, June 07, 2007

PG West: Langley out, but makes point in PIAA baseball playoffs

PG West: Langley out, but makes point in PIAA baseball playoffs Leo's squad made it to states. We missed not seeing the squad play this year.

Final practice with Andy and Martin. Good-byes in full force.

From NZ Wharenui pool

Coach Martin and Coach Andy are going to help lead a mini-swim camp for the regional swim program (Canterbury) on Friday and Saturday. So, we had our last workout with them tonight. Our series of saying good-bye to our new New Zealand friends is in full force.

The boys have one more swim practice, Friday night. I'll also coach on Saturday morning. It seems that the boys are going to play 9-holes of golf on Saturday morning with Hamish.

Saturday is going to be our travel day. A.M. swim practice (or golf). Then onto the plane at 3 pm in Christchurch. Land and leave Auckland at 5:30 pm. Then we fly to L.A. and land on Saturday around noon. I'll post the exact times later. The there is a flight to Chicago and another to Pittsburgh. We'll be home on Saturday night about 11:30 pm. All local times, of course.

I've got a lot of new resources on swimming, thanks in part to Arjun Haszard. I didn't realize all the history, but the swim club, Wharenui, had been the best in New Zealand for many years. Then in recent times, 1990s, a couple teams from Auckland have come on strong. Even when Arjun was swimming (he was a national champion in the 800 and 1500) Wharenui finished nationals in second place in the team standings.

At one Commonwealth Games competition, New Zealand got the gold, silver and bronze medals in the women's 400 I.M. All three swimmers were from Wharenui. That's an amazing feat. Amazing.

The swim resources and insights I'm now with are really exciting. Furthermore, we made a visit today to a kayak shop and are working up some plans for importing some gear as well.
From Paddle-kayak

From Grant

After our final violin class -- we played. We visited Laser Strike. We played a double game of laser tag. Grant and Erik love it. It was 37 minutes or so.

On our way to the swim pool, Grant's bike handle-bars became loose. He couldn't ride his bike. A bolt must have come undone and slipped. The bike isn't able to be used. Grant had to run the rest of the way to the pool. More running was after practice too. We have to get the bikes back to the rental outfit soon anyway.
From Grant

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Eventful -- July 4th at our house

Everyone is invited to our 4th of July party -- 108 South 12th Street. It is a low key event. No food, except what people bring. We just supply the lemonaid.

Our house has been under some construction while we were away. Join us and check out the new deck and top room.

Last year, candidate for PA Governor, Russ Diamond, attended.

I'm inviting Ron Paul this year.

Allegheny's base-year property tax system unconstitutional - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Allegheny's base-year property tax system unconstitutional - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Now it's everyone's problem.
The property tax mess that Onorato has made worse has always been everyone's problem. Now it is Onorato's problem too. Onorato ignored the constitution. Onorato ignored his promises to fix the problem from four years ago when he hammered upon Jim Roddey. Onorato is a big part of the problem in this unfolding saga.

Once again these uncreative politicians are fine to go to court for solutions. Rather than judges leading the region, we should have real leaders. Court decisions are NEVER the BEST solution.

Onorato thinks that the judge does not have the authority to rule upon the consitution? Onorato doesn't have the authority to igore the consitution.

Onorato wants to be a base-year county. In other words, Onorato wants to live in the past. In other words, Onorato is content to let the rich get richer and the poor pay more. In other words, Onorato is unfair. In other words, Onorato doesn't want to do his job. In other words, Onorato is interested in buying time, to coast, rather than do the heavy lifting that faces this region.

The assessment system is broken. It needs to be fixed. I want to see it fixed. This venture is a major priority of mine.

Pittsburgh can't live in the past and expect to thrive.

Pittsburgh is dropping its population because people see how unfair it is around here -- and then they depart, voting with their feet.

As a "Geo-Libertarian" -- I look forward to the time when we get these issues out into a community-wide discussion and shift again to a Land Value Tax.

Sprawl, Dan, Sprawl. Dan is going to beg and then sprawl himself on this issue. It is going to hurt him.

It is never a waste of dollars to be fair. It is never a waste to uphold the constitution. It is never a waste to think again about justice when justice isn't happening. This issue will be a sure way to waste political capital -- Onorato's capital.

Funny too how there is another plea to run to the state for a fix, if it can't come from the judges. The state legislature needs to do this and do that. Wrong. I want to be self reliant. I want to fix our own problems. Folks from the other part of the state can't fix our problems. And, the local state reps, such as Tom Petrone and Wayne Fontana, are not capable of fixing these problems either.

Onorato will do all he can to shift the blame to others in this issue as well.

The property tax is the most hated tax when the other taxes are lower. People hate to pay all taxes. When the other taxes increase -- or were to increase -- such as income tax or sales tax -- then the property tax is NOT the most hated tax.

Furthermore, the property tax is the most hated as it is not fair. It is a joke. People hate bad jokes that hit hard upon their family budgets.

Finally, there is one solution that I've talked about a great deal in the past. I'll again raise this concept -- "ASSESSMENT BUFFERING." That's the key to making this reassessment process work.

Bower Round-a-bout


Today Erik, Grant and I took a rather long bike ride, in part, along "Bower Road" here in Christchurch. Dick Bower coached the boys last summer at Camp Chikopi in Canada.

Coach Bower would love New Zealand, for many reasons. Bower Road is very near to QE II swim pool. And, it is very close to the beach.

We rode to "Bottle Lake" and did some real mountain biking on trails, up and down some hills, through pine forrest, along the side of sand dunes, past animals (sheep, cows, horses, geese), over lumber roads, and around wetlands. We got there and home after a solid 70 minutes of pushing along with our bikes on roads and side-road trails.

The ride was wonderful. Grant only fell about three times. For a long time in the woods he was the leader. We were too busy to take photos, except of this one for Coach.
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Steelers, Majestic Star's Barden must talk, Onorato says - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Steelers, Majestic Star's Barden must talk, Onorato says - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Steelers are renters. The Steelers don't have a stake in the North Side. The Steelers should talk to the Sports and Exhibition Authority. Then, if the Steelers should purchase Heinz Field -- then we'll talk.

Sell Heinz Field to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Then the Steelers will be 'stake holders' and we'll then begin to worry about them making good impressions with neighbors.

Don Barden is going to build his own place with his own money. Don Barden will own the slots parlor. Don Barden is making an investment in the city.

If I'm Allegheny County Chief Executive, I'm putting the Steelers into talks about their ownership of Heinz Field. How much is still owed? How can we get the public money back? How can we be sure that the Steelers stay in town -- and own their own stadium.

If the Steelers own Heinz Field, then the Steelers can't easily move the franchise. The team would be invested in the area.

Duquesne high school will close

Duquesne high school will close Residents decry state board decision; no plan announced on where students will attend in fall
More than a year ago I talked with public comment and elsewhere about how the city schools, PPS, needed to do much, much more with and about Duquesne.

This is a big deal. Plans needed to be made. Efforts to understand the situations needed to occur. I was pushing the school board and others in the community to go in these directions.

Our region is too small to have a failure of such magnatude. When Duquesne falls flat, and that has been the situation for a long time now, we all fall. Those kids are our neighbors. Their struggles are not just for the streets of Duquesne -- but they wander everywhere else in the region.

When Pgh Public Schools had the "right sizing plan" it failed to address the needs of those in Duquesne. The schools in Hazelwood were closed. That pushed more students away from that border. The nearby schools are full. There isn't any capacity to merge without serious upheavals.

The "right size" for the past quickly becomes the "wrong size" for the present.

Think again. Think without blind spots. Think it through.

Those people are getting stabbed in the back. They have outrage, and it is deserved.

To solve the problem, shut down the high school over a three year period. Don't allow for any freshmen next year. But, if the students who are there want to continue -- let them do so.

School closings should only occur as part of a phase in process over years. Same too with school openings.

Steel Valley, West Mifflin, Woodland Hills and others throughout that area need to watch out. They can't be dumped upon. A phase in would help in many ways.

Here is another suggestion: We should have a few boarding options in our public high schools.

In Christchurch, a city about the same size as Pittsburgh, there are about 30 high schools. Plus, there are a few public high schools with dorms. There are resident halls at a few boys schools and a few girls schools. Some are private and some are public.

Swim Log

SC Meters with development group (Erik was in this group).

Pull 800 meters with stroke count less than or equal to 15 on every 4th length.

4 x (4 x 100)
# 1-4 = pull @ 2:10 with 3 breaths or less on last 25m
# 5-8 = swim @ 2:15 with first 25m with 10 strokes or less (long push-offs)
# 9-12 = swim @ 2:30 with 5 flip turns, perfect. (No breathing in red zones on first and last flip turn.)
# 13-16 = fast @ 2:05 -- perfect

Kick with fins:
6 x 25 underwater
6 x 25 on side with 4 breaths or less at surface
6 x 25 on back underwater for first half of each length
6 x 25 with fins on hands kicking legs and arms in head first fashion
6 x 25 with fins on hands using a pull bouy and going feet first

easy 100

Arkansas: I love ma, I love pa. I love good ol Arkansas

Ravenstahl gets 'face' time as possible rising star in national politics Then there are the Internet blogs.
Hi Mrs. Ravenstahl!

I got to meet Mrs. R, Luke's mom, at a D-party endorsement event at the IBEW Hall on the South Side. I was outside, of course, just to mingle with the folks on the sidewalk. While I was there, she came up to me and we had a nice chat. She like my blog, so I was told.

I told her that I try my best to be real, grounded and not vile -- nor driven by envy. Those were NOT my words, but my intended feelings and desires.

I too have good friends in Arkansas. Politically, that city is home to General Wesley Clark, a regular swimmer. The best buddie I have had the pleasure to know from Little Rock was Paul Blair, a great swim coach and gentleman who founded the Little Rock Dolphins. Sadly, Paul died not too long ago. He grew up in our region and was no stranger to Pittsburgh.

When I coached in the Southwest Conference, when there still was a SWC, the Univ. of Arkansas swimmers were in a relay in the next lane from our team -- and they set a world record. That was cool. It was a short-course meters mark in a sprint freestyle relay. They were flying. It was a pleasure for our swimmers to just get washed down the pool in their wake.
He urged the students in the crowd to "overcome those people who will try to rattle you. ... Somewhere back in Pittsburgh, a columnist is writing his or her perspective on how I could be doing better, a talk show host is flooding the airwaves with half-truths, at my expense. ... Do I care? No."

Then there are the Internet blogs.

"Many of them are interesting in the way they portray what I'm doing," he said. "Very negative. And my mom, she reads those all the time. ... It bothers her more than it bothers me."
I'd love to have this interview on a podcast. Too many ... for my tastes. I'd like to not read between the lines as much.

The negative talk reminds me a bit of the approach Tom Murphy took. Murphy always used the word, "NAYSAYERS." To him, "naysayers" were worthless. I was a huge Tom Murphy naysayer.

Murphy killed our city because he didn't listen to the naysayers. Time will tell what Luke does. To me, Luke looks to be in the same rut that Tom Murphy resided within in the last 8 years (or more) of his career.

In a rich life, there is both a ying and a yang.

For an eagle to 'soar' -- it needs both the right wing, left wing plus plenty of tail feathers.

To listen to the naysayers is mandatory, in my opinion. To do what naysayers suggest isn't.

I understand that everyone can't be pleased all the time. Fine. But I don't understand how some can feel so cocksure as to think that they know it all and can shut down their receptive senses from certain quarters.

Pittsburgh is too small to have an administration that caters to only certain populations and sub-groups. We need to get on the right track and then have everyone's input -- to fire on all cylinders.

Two more examples:

In athletics, I love to go up against an arch rival. Competition is welcomed and desired. Athletes want to be pushed and stretched by serious challengers.

In academics and with research, it is a practice by some brilliant people to send their latest works to their harshest critics. Enemy evaluations are solicited before the papers get published in peer review journals.

Time will tell how Luke behaves.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Quiz: What happens when an English Chap in Christchurch "punts?"

From NZ Punting

Hint: Erik and Grant are very good at it. They could earn some income doing it in the summer months, once they get older.

GOP Bill Aimed At Ending Teacher Strikes

I haven't been happy with our Republican friends in Harrisburg, as they haven't done what was "right" for the most part. This on the other hand is a "no brainer." Special Interest Groups should not be allowed to derail our children's educations.

By Tracie Mauriello, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

HARRISBURG -- A group of House Republicans is striking out against teacher strikes.
Led by Rep. Todd Rock, R-Franklin, the lawmakers this morning introduced legislation that would ban teacher strikes, mandate a negotiation schedule when talks stall and require public disclosure of negotiating positions throughout the process.
"The legislative solution we are introducing today has nothing to do with punishing or taking away any legal rights from teachers in Pennsylvania's 501 school districts," Mr. Rock said. It "has everything to do with ... restoring to every Pennsylvania child the legal right to a strike-free, uninterrupted public education."

Do I expect that the Democrat-led state legislature will do what is right? Absolutely not. There isn't a hefty tax-increase included (unless you talk about funding these Special Interest Groups).



Four-fifths of the world is covered with water. Thirsty for more?

New Zealand has the best water in the world. Pittsburgh has a great deal of water as well.
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Milford Sound photos -- yet to come


Many photos are yet to be uploaded. Milford Sound was great trip with lots of impressive sights. Here is a teaser.
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Maori and Auckland photos

From NZ auckland-1

Went to Auckland Museum and have uploaded a bunch of photos from there and some other places in the biggest city in New Zealand.

Look around and you'll even find some videos. One is a haka. Enjoy.

Quiz: Lake in New Zealand

Today's quiz question: It is said that nobody drowns in this lake. It is in New Zealand. Photo from our visit to Queenstown, the adventure capital of the world.

Why would it be so that nobody ever drowns in this lake?

(Click image for larger view of the lake.)

Put your answer (or guess) into the comment of this blog post.

Pittsburgh violence rate outpaces U.S.

Pittsburgh violence rate outpaces U.S. Pittsburgh violence rate outpaces U.S.
2.6 percent increase here last year; that's double the rate of nation

How about if violent crime were to decrease, not just stay on pace with the rest of the nation.
Superintendent Moffatt concurred that crime prevention begins with civilians.

"We're constantly on the lookout to have better development in our relationship with the communities, and we're going to have to do more of that," he said. "Communities have to step forward -- there has to be more collaboration between the police officers and the communities we serve."
Right on.

Ron Paul on The Daily Show

Well, Congressman Ron Paul was on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" tonight. He did well. He didn't appear, or sound like a very old man. John McCain, who is a year younger, sounds older.

His appearance was pretty straight forward. I went in with an open mind, perhaps even wanting to like him. He earned a good "B." He was a classic politician, not "funny" like Al Gore can be. Or Rudy Guiliani.

It is a major coup for a second-tier candidate to be on the Daily Show. I hope that he's on again. I'm just glad that Stewart would welcome any Republican. The comedian was a very vocal champion of John Kerry's, and all but endorsed him. I'm sure he's had other Republicans on, but he's still very much in the Liberal's corner.

Ron Paul continues to do "all the right things."

It's still Rudy Guliani's race to lose...and Fred Thompson might just be the spoiler. It won't be Ron Paul, even though I like him a lot more now than before.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Been away for a while. What have I been missing?

I've been on the other side of the world -- and doing my best to stay in the loop with Pittsburgh's political and cultural happenings. It is time to put my ear to the ground and figure out what I've been missing?

Nationally, I think the political news it Ron Paul's momentum.

I'm open to other suggestions and ideas as to what I've missed. It is time for us to re-enter the American mindset of being a Pittsburgher again.

In our extended family, I've yet to miss the arrival of our newest baby. Our boys will be getting a new cousin. The birth is any moment now. We were just talking about new baby names and Catherine suggested "Jade."

Another new development -- a new roof and deck re-make.

But, there has got to be more beyond the primary election. We'll be getting three new members to city council, of course, but -- that only means that three that are there now won't be returning. The new members are not yet elected as that happens with the general election.

Magical beach side tour

From NZ-yellow-eye...

While the boys and I were at the Neptune Swim Meet, Catherine, my photo impaired wife, enjoyed a magical tour of splendid nature around Dunedin, New Zealand. She set out at 1 pm on Saturday with the digital camera. Her images are posted in the web album above.

For the first part of the day, she thought she had broken Erik's digital camera. But, no. It was set to the 'download mode' and not the photo taking mode. That was fixed with an easy flip of the switch.

Catherine was keen to see the giant albatross, yellow-eyed penguins, blue penguins and more. See got a treat. They were all there and in volume.

Seems that the wind needs to be right for the giant albatross to come back into their nests. Their wings are so long that if the wind is weak or if the wind direction is such they can't land. They need a bit of a runway to land and head into the wind to slow. The conditions were perfect and they were flocking in to feed their chicks.

The albatross nests around Dunedin are the only place in New Zealand where they are to be found. All the others are in sub-artic islands, except for this colony.

These are huge birds -- with 3-meter wing spans. We saw some of the junior-types on other trips, but were not with these. Their flight is so impressive. They move, swoop and seemingly float just above the rolling waves of the ocean. Feathers at the tips of the wings right to the water's surface among swells and waves.

Then the yellow-eyed penguins -- such a hoot. The eyes are yellow as are the areas around the eyes. They surf in the waves to the beach then plop -- stand upright and waddle to the hillsides to their nests. These guys spend the day in the ocean and the nights at their land-based nests. Swimming, they look a bit like ducks. Then when they go vertical on land, Catherine said it was a riot to see.

The blue penguins are smaller and more to themselves and less in a clan. They nest in these small boxes that had been built for them by the local farmer.

The penguins avoided the sea lions. But, the sheep and penguins got along fine. The sheep help to keep down the height of the grass giving the penguins better footing to get to their nests. If the grass was tall, they'd be finished.

The bad guys are nasty, ugly, blood-thirsty critters that are hated. We're talking about the ferrits and the stoaks. Neither are native to this island. Now that they are here -- they've gone and made a real eco mess.

These stoaks kill tons of birds and there are traps for them all over the place. They kill for the thrill -- not even for the food. So, if one gets into a hillside, it will knock out a handfull of nests in one swoop. Three nests were hit recently until it ended in a trap.

The local farmer lways has a rifle with him as he walks and if he spots a stoak or ferret -- he'll shoot it. Drivers too aim for them if they are on the roads.

When we were driving in Queenstown, I saw one in the headlights running across the road into the bush. The traps are marked with pink triangles so the rangers know where they've been placed.

The Price of Delaying the Inevitable in Iraq

Wait and see turn around of roles is predicted.
The Price of Delaying the Inevitable in Iraq This wait and see attitude in Washington, and the promised reassessment of events in Iraq later on, strongly motivates the insurgents to accelerate the killing of Americans in order to influence the decision coming in three months. In contrast, a clear decision to leave would prompt a wait and see attitude in Iraq, a de facto cease fire, in anticipation of our leaving, the perfect time for the Iraqi factions to hold their fire on each other and on our troops and just possibly begin talking with each other.

Ron Paul updates

June 4, 2007: Congressman Ron Paul will be a guest on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" tonight at 11:00 pm ET.

The third GOP presidential debate will be held tomorrow night, June 5, at 7:00 pm ET in New Hampshire. CNN will broadcast the debate with Wolf Blitzer as the moderator.

Sunday Forum: In praise of property taxes

Right on.
Sunday Forum: In praise of property taxes property tax remains the best way to fund schools.
The Pgh Comment had a post about this too.

Your Coaching Resource - Team Travel

ASCAOnline - Your Coaching Resource One of the “truisms” of swimming that coaches intuitively understand, even when they can’t verbalize it, is that Team Travel will “break swimmers loose” from their previous performance levels and allow them to “move up” when ten more meets in the home environment might not achieve that. How does this work?

South Carolina swim coach, Gibb Steps Down at South Carolina Steps Down at South Carolina Gibb described a commitment he and wife Gena had made to be good parents, but when pressed against the similarly-demanding rigors of Division I coaching, said “really, only one of us has done a great job [of parenting].” Coaching in the SEC he explained, “is a 24 x 7 job and if you don’t work hard at it, you’re going to get passed by.”

Free from the constant pressure to recruit, he plans spend time with his wife and four children, while also getting back to the basics of “why I got involved in coaching to begin with – to teach kids to appreciate and love swimming.”
Good choices.

Syracuse: Athletic Director Explains Decision to cut swimming Athletic Director Explains Decision The problem, Gross explained, came down to money. “We don’t have the resources to compete the right way in swimming.” Chief among those needs was a facility that he pegged in the $35-40 million range. “If we were gong to have a swimming program here then its very important that we have the resources to do it the right way and that would mean a new facility.”

Not that a hockey facility wouldn’t necessitate its own costs. “Obviously we’re looking at some other facility changes that will impact eighteen teams. To do it for just two is tougher. If we’re going to fundraise we need to help as many teams as we can help.”
Ouch, again.

Residents of Hill get a say in plans for new arena

Residents of Hill get a say in plans for new arena Ms. Ismail said city planners sent out about 14,000 fliers to residents in the Hill and Uptown areas to inform them of this evening's meeting and the other opportunities to participate.

'We don't want people to come back and say we were not informed of the process,' she said. 'To be heard is to be there. It is not our plan. It is their plan.'
Can residents show up to the meeting with a video camera? Or, will the meeting occur without the "PERMISSION" to video the events????

What about those who do NOT show up to the meeting?

Those who attend also will have a chance to sign up for one of six focus groups
Why only limit people to ONE of the SIX focus groups?

Divide and conquer works that way.

I'm not there at the meeting in the Civic Arena. However, I'd like to know what is going on. And, I'd like to sign up for all six focus groups.

Hazelwood's new houses come from URA after six or seven years

Hazelwood welcomes new houses The $1.5 million project featuring four townhouses and two single-family homes is being developed under the auspices of the Urban Redevelopment Authority. It has been planned for six or seven years, said Jerome Dettore, executive director of the URA.
City officials are there to break ground -- as in BEGIN -- a project for new housing that took six or seven years to hatch.

The land had been vacant for years prior to the planning process began.

This place is six minutes away from Oakland but more than ten years away from the creation of a new bedroom where one could reside. And, these public officials are now going to celebrate.

Doug Shields described this a 'connected to everywhere.' With connections like these, what good has it done? These are more often connections to to nothingness that the URA gets to administer. This is a connection to a $300,000 gap -- for someone else to pocket.

The best thing to do is to cut those connections with government money. They are costly connections that don't perform well. And, because they exist, the marketplace energy goes elsewhere.

It is dumb to build a new home next to one being built by the URA. The URA has a $300,000 gap it can close. So, it is better to invest in another area in the region -- or the world.

In turn, nothing gets done for ten years. And, when something does get done, it is a joke.

This is nothing but a long-winded success story of fleeting glory yet to be delivered -- that makes Democrats gald where cronies get $300,000 richer.

Carrick wins City League baseball title - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Carrick wins City League baseball title - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Carrick answered with six runs in the second inning, and Fricke tossed a two-hitter, as the Raiders rolled to a 13-0 victory in five innings Wednesday at Herb Field in Ross.
This is sad. Why in the world is the Pittsburgh Public Schools Championship Baseball game being played in Ross Township?

That game should be at PNC Park. Period.

I don't care too much if the WPIAL games are played in Washington County. Fine. But, the PPS Championship game is different.

Canterbury Rugby League (CRFL)

Canterbury Rugby League (CRFL) Canterbury has called up a clutch of current and former Bulls Bartercard Cup players for today's centenary season representative match against Auckland at Rugby League Park.
Cheered for the home, winning team, today.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

One Veteran Reporter Talks Candidate Coverage

There is a misconception that the media, of all shades and colors--print, broadcast, whatever--is responsible to cover all candidates, regardless of the local race.

I was the editor of a community-based newspaper for four years and I gave coverage to those candidates in my readership area to a degree far beyond anything else in Pittsburgh.

Over the years I've also been in other newsrooms, from radio to newspaper (my experience in these matters really started in Portage, Pennsylvania, in 1982). The fact of the matter is, the "big guys" from newspapers, TV to radio in town don't cover "niche" candidates because they don't sell newspapers, don't generate "must listen" radio.

For the most part, "niche" candidates are in it for the vanity. This is not the case for our dear friend Mark Rauterkus, who operates this very blog. The fact of that matter is, Mark is more dedicated to many ideas that just don't ring all that vital with editors of our newspapers, television or radio stations. And when it comes to radio interviews, he cannot speak in the soundbites and use the buzz words that make for a good broadcast (sorry, Mark).

Remember when Richard Caliguiri used to run for Congress every two years? He bankrolled a back page, full-page advertisement in the City Paper (or maybe it was the other entertainment weekly I can't remember that has since shuddered)? Caliguiri, who claimed to be a distant relative to the former Mayor of Pittsburgh (but their names with spelled with inverted "i's" and "u's") was the last great Independent candidate in the city.

He created a firestorm with that picture, naked and in the "Thinker's" pose. Who knows whatever happened to Mr. Caliguiri? I ran stories on him, and when he announced his candidacy two years after that first race, Congressman Mike Doyle told the electronic media that I broke the story. (I was also in my 20's and was eager to make a name for myself. Those opportunities just don't exist in 2007, especially when most people do it via blogs like this one.)

Caliguiri spent his own money for the picture and the advertisement. Before and after that race, he would only be referred to as the kooky guy who always runs, using the former Mayor's name. I have an audio tape from election day 1988 when my friend Padre George Saletrik and I were analyzing returns at our California University of Pennsylvania college radio station. Rev. Saletrik, then 20 or 21, knew of Caliguiri only because he was the "kooky guy who always runs."

The real thing is money. The media is in no way, shape or form, responsible to cover these candidates. To think otherwise is absolute, fundamental delirium. In fact, Mark and I have talked about this over and over again. He knew that I was "the guy" who covered the "fringe" candidates back in the day, but I also know why no one ever does it anymore.

Money. Period. End of Discussion...okay, maybe a little more.

Ross Perot was the standard bearer for off-beat, non-traditional candidates because he was a billionaire throwing a tantrum with his own billions.

If an Independent or Republican--especially in the city--is to ever be taken seriously, they will have to establish themselves as major fundraisers (or wealthy enough to make a name for themselves...and apparently that "grass-roots" candidate does not exist). Otherwise, they are considered vanity seekers or kooks. Guys like Mark have good ideas...but they won't fly without serious support from the taxpaying public: fundraising.

In the city, Republicans have almost exclusively run candidates who never spent a moment seriously raising money. Bob Hillen and Joe Weinroth have asked for money in the recent past, but few others have ever broached the subject.

Republicans who run for office in the city also almost always disappear into the ether after losing one race. Even the talented ones. It's just that disheartening when you work against a Democratic party that rules with an iron fist.

I am one of those guys who have been asked to run several times. I have even considered it, but alas, I would be in the race to win, and there's no chance that I could win over the fact that I'm a Republican living in the city. And I don't have my own money to flaunt, and have no interest in making countless telephone calls to potential donors. That's the only way to be taken seriously. Background folks should run the websites, post the video blogs, etc.

On a national level, Libertarians had their moment in the sun about a decade ago (Western Pennsylvania over the past 17 years or so have only had idealists running as Libs). Since then, they have completely fallen off the political landscape. Long thought of as only champions of legalized marijuana, the local Libertarian party is filled with highly-intelligent people who should be behind the scenes of someone else's campaign.

Again, I have covered the kooks, vanity seekers, and dreamers (thank God for guys like our friend Mark...his passion is unmatched), and would do it again if I was in charge of the editorial content of some sort of newspaper.

But I'm not and, perhaps unfortunately, there's no reason for anyone else to cover the "unconventional," unless, like Richard Caliguiri, they put their money where there ass is.

She wants more women to run for political office

She wants more women to run for political office Ms. Lawless, 32, co-author of the book, 'It Takes a Candidate: Why Women Don't Run For Office,' said the three most common reasons that women cite for not running for office are family responsibilities, doubts about their qualifications and that they haven't been specifically asked to run.
Well, I'm not so sure I agree.

People don't run for office -- people of both genders -- because they have better things to do with their time, money, efforts and emotions.

People don't run for office because it is a 'sink.' And, the sink (think sink hole) is massive.

The ROI (return on investment) for a campaign is fleeting. It isn't nill. But, the return is but a fraction of what is invested into the endeavor.

As to being asked to run, I think it is more telling when there are those who ask you NOT to run. I've been asked to NOT run for office many times. And, around western PA, the really interesting conversations happen when folks are bumped from campaigns, elbowed out, discounted as being "nutso", and are given perks to bail out.

Furthermore, there are plenty of times when I've seen people beg others to run -- only to be upset later. I've asked others to run for office. I've done that a lot. I've recruited candidates. But, I've not gone to great lengths to get them to run. I won't be a beggar to get a candidate into the public limelight. And, what does that say when there are others who are asked to run by having their arm twisted -- rather than being self appointed.

You need to know what you're getting into by being a candidate. Think it through. Think it through with others. Ask questions. I'll visit with you. But make your own decisions. And, make your own decisions to not run as well.

You can run to a problem. You can run from a problem. Or, you can stand and face the problem. Or, stand and face other directions. Life isn't generally an "ON" vs. "OFF" decision as there is a third option of "NEITHER."

I've got better things to do in life as well. But sure, I can stand from office, but at the same time I can do part of it from New Zealand.

Another huge problem as to why people don't run for office -- men and women -- is the media. In Pittsburgh, the media is a big, big problem. The is little trust there.

I feel that more people would get interested in running for office if there was more trust in the fourth estate. I'm talking about the local newspapers, radio shows, TV shows and bloggers (all new media) could be counted upon and trusted.

In other cities, with better media trust, the coverage is such that opportunities are presented to candidates to get their messages out to the people. With the universal understanding of better media dealings comes the associated opportunities of getting better candidates to enter the process.

We have people winning Pittsburgh elections who do NOT have web sites, could NOT build a web site, and can't get media coverage. They are flying under the radar, by design. They rely upon a few key alliances. They run under a party banner and can thrive when there are little hopes of being exposed. This angle of attack for candidates and campaigns is alive and well in Pittsburgh, sadly. They don't have a story to tell. They don't have solutions to deliver. And, they don't have the skills and tools to bring to the job at hand.

Our political landscape in Pittsburgh isn't healthy in terms of its coverage of candidates and campaigns. Hence, we have what we have -- too often. This is the same concept that frustrated Bill Peduto. He pulled out -- because of this very reason.

Furthermore, DeSantis can run, because of this very reason.

This needs to be fixed, and our best hope is to fix it ourselves with a 'surge' in online communications. Bloggers have done a great deal to help in these areas in recent times. But, there is still a lot to do.

Of interest in the article is the mention of children. Humm. Only three men mentioned "it" -- in surveys of thousands of men and women running for office. That is a telling fact that doesn't fit with my situation. I'm a man but I'm talking about children, kids, the youth and the future -- all the time. I don't ONLY talk about my kids and our kids -- but it is a pressing theme for justification of my acts and what I'm about.

A big part of the reasoning for my decisions to stand for office is children. I want our world and our city to thrive so our kids can enjoy opportunities here and be free to make their own lives for themselves without departing the region.

The comes the end of the story. The "punch line."

"Any man will run for office, but women hold themselves up to an unrealistic bar," she said. "When women run, women win."
B.S. Talk about holding up to an unrealistic bar is followed with an unrealistic statement.

How about this instead. "We all win when women run." Or better, "We all win when good people become candidates more often." Or better said for Pittsburgh, "We all lose when nobody runs because nobody gets coverage."

Trib gets it wrong by printing Onorato is running unopposed in November

GOP mayoral candidate DeSantis unfazed by obstacles - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Party pride didn't deter another Democrat, county Chief Executive Dan Onorato, from pursuing Republican voters. Onorato, who will run unopposed in November, used an automated phone bank to woo Republicans. They rewarded him with 1,844 write-in votes, nearly triple the 623 netted by Matthew Drozd Jr., the son of County Councilman Matt Drozd.
Onorato has locked up the D party nomination and the R party nomination. Sure. But, Onorato, come November, will have opposition.

The media might like to say that Onorato will run unopposed, but that statement is at odds with the truth.

Ron Paul Odds Slashed Dramatically: 15 to 1 from 200 to 1

Ron Paul Odds Slashed Dramatically: 15 to 1 from 200 to 1: "Ron Paul Odds Slashed Dramatically: 15 to 1 from 200 to 1

It was only two weeks ago that 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul was listed at with odds of 200 to 1. In fact, early in the month he was not even offered on the political betting menu. My how things have changed in the past month."
I too, like Dr. Ron Paul, would NEVER propose nor would tolerate any TAX being placed on the internet. Not for gambling. Not for anything. The internet needs to remain free from taxes.

Furthermore, I've said all along that the internet is going to be the death of casinos. The slots parlor due for Pittsburgh might have a bit of hope as a small-fry operation, but little else.

However, the speculation in the article about the political moves that are pending by Dr. Paul are groundless. Ron Paul will NOT switch to a third party. He will stay in the primary process all the way until the end -- when voters of each state get to make their votes for the nomination to the White House. So, there won't be any party switching in 2007 nor 2008 for Ron Paul.

It is too early to tell if Ron Paul will win his party nomination. To say anthing else is foolish. Is is WAY TOO EARLY. However, I think he'll stay in to the end. Others will fold over time. He won't. He'll grow and stick to the tasks at hand. For Ron Paul, unlike many of the others, running for office isn't about stepping stones and career advancement. Rather, he is there to prove points that make sense about this nation and how it should operate.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

No wonder New Zealand has a serious brain drain

See recent photos of our trip to Auckland. They say it a lot like we say "Oakland."

One island in Auckland's bay (harbor) is 600 years old.

They city is dotted with 48 volcanos. Some of the craters have been 're-developed.' But this is a famous one, called Mt. Eden.

The other in the distance is called "One Tree Hill." But, the tree is gone now. Grant stood on the stump.

More insights to come later. Running out to the pool for a trip on a bus to Dunedin for a weekend swim meet.

We got up at 5 am in Auckland. Grant called his classmates. Then today we travel to Christchurch and again farther south on a bus. So, we are going from North to South nearly the length of the country.

New Zealand Notes

We left Pittsburgh for Chirstchurch. Pittsburgh is again called one of America's most livable cities -- and I contend that Christchurch is one of the most livable in the world.

Well, news here is buzzing about the whales. New Zealand kids and others are putting heat on those from Japan to stop taking the humpback whales. Plus, I see a calf and mother whale have been swimming around the bay in S.F.

New Zealand has a political party that wants to have the nation go 'smoke free.' They said they want to ban tobacco from the entire nation.

Should the law hatch and get passed, and there is some opposition to this idea, New Zealand would be the SECOND NATION to ban tobacco and smoking. Quiz: Anyone know the first?

New Zealand was rated #2 nation in the world for PEACE. This is a new ranking. Australia got 25th. Quiz: Who got #1?

Meanwhile, nationally, and now with the BBC evening news, there is a bad story with a sub-contractor working for the electric company who went to a home and turned off the power. Some $168 was past due. The mom, 40-ish, was on a ventilator and died a few hours later. Not good. That happened in Auckland.

We're now in Auckland and had a wonderful time out with local guests an exclusive micro hotel -- one of the very best in the world. Molly's. Top shelf. Opera singing. We are not staying there, but had a wonderful evening there.

Today, the boys and I explored Parnell and the Auckland Museum while Catherine presented at Auckland University.

David C. Adams says the race for the 9th City Council District is FAR from over

Can you tell me why the media seems to think this race is over before it has begun?

It is far from it.

Mr. Burgess is not the only candidate for the 9th district. He did get 50% of the vote in the district, but 50% of what?

Don't be proud to throw those numbers around since only 23% bothered to vote at all. Wow! A whopping 11.5%. What's that? Laziness or apathy or stupidity. Doesn't sound like apathy.

You have to pay attention to the issues so you can say whether or not you are fed up. no one is interested in this boring race. Forgive me if I have a hard time believing that 11.5% voted for Mr. Burgess and the other 88.5% of the voters were conscientious objectors who chose to stay home.

City Paper was aware that a Republican, David Adams, was in the race as a "R" -- and he was in attendence at the last debate. But just after the debate, David changed parties and is still in this race as an Independent.

Plenty of people, from the district and throughout the city would like to see Mr. Adams be afforded the opportunity to discuss his plans for the 9th district. Let this be a fair and interesting fight.

The campaign manager for David Adams Sherbi Davis 412.242.8752/412.478.1526

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

DeSantis on Ballot: The Next Jason Altmire?

It was reported today that Mark DeSantis, a last-minute write-in Republican candidate for Mayor, received far more votes than needed for the November ballot.

DeSantis reminds me of another little-known candidate who was tapped for potential greatness: freshman Congressman Jason Altmire (D-North Hills).

Altmire was swept into office over one-time political juggernaut Melissa Hart. Hart was seemingly tapped by the GOP kingmakers a few years ago. Instead, she was derailed by a candidate few people knew of months before the General Election.

Could the same happen for DeSantis, if there's a definitive "Anti-Luke" sentiment that comes about sometime in this summer? The position of "Independent Candidate who could draw Money" was originally earmarked for Bill Peduto; however, he apparently decided that sitting on the sideline for the next decade with Ravenstahl won't be that bad. Peduto would only be 52 when Ravenstahl moves onto a bigger statewide or Congressional post, and that's plenty of time to run the city his way.

There might be "niche" candidates like our dear friend Mark Rauterkus, but only DeSantis will be in a position to raise funds. Don't go crazy now, I don't expect it.

That being noted, DeSantis has been described in some circles as "left of Ravenstahl." With incredibly strong ties to the unions, Luke is a typical city of Pittsburgh politician. That's not to be confused with Dan Onorato, who beat Jim Roddey by truly being fiscally more conservative than the first ACE. Surely, Onorato is tied into the unions as well, but he doesn't HAVE to be as tied to the hip to the region's most influential Special Interest Group. He can cater to the North Hills conservatives and the few that still remain in Upper St. Clair and Mt. Lebanon.

Onorato has done a pretty fair job; Roddey speaks highly of him and the Allegheny County Republican Committee, rudderless for what appears to be an eternity now (Rich Stampahar was the last who initiated any kind of forward movement whatsoever), failed to provide even a viable write-in candidate. With Roddey now well into his 70's and a suburbanite, the city wasn't going to post a worthy candidate. I didn't even want to try it for kicks and giggles.

Ravenstahl is not without his political skeletons. He just hasn't made enough powerful enemies to derail his ambitions. A friend told me Luke's approval rating rivaled that of Reagan in the salad days.

However, Luke might be getting a little too cocky. He's started to snipe with City Council President Doug Shields over silly stuff. And City Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle's investigation/court case may still make an occasional headline this summer. IF I have my time line right, Ravenstahl was city council president when Carlisle was bankrolling her mother's boyfriend for plagiarised white papers.

What if something else embarrassing happens this summer. Power brokers won't nudge Ravenstahl aside and hand over the reigns to Shields, who was former Mayor Bob O'Connor's right hand man forever. The two apparently don't always get along.

Ravenstahl is a young man with a pretty wife and no children. What if he gets out of hand again like he did at the Steelers game a few years ago? There is the Casino flap looming like a dark cloud over the hillside (something tells me that Smokey Robinson might want to hold off putting a down payment on a downtown condo, he may not be Don Barden's headliner as soon as expected). What if Luke falls into the Mon after a night of checking out the South Side nightlife (on official business mind you)? WPXI's fabulous Katrina Owens might be able to narrate as Jeff Koch's buddies pulls Luke from the muck.

DeSantis could be the next Jason Altmire: a decent guy with no real credentials for the position. But the voters became sick of Melissa Hart's imposing height and linebacker shoulders and kicked her to the curb. If Ravenstahl stumbles, the same could conceivably happen.

If DeSantis starts to show up in the newspapers and on television, watch his donations. Do I expect him to be a player? No, not really. The classy Joe Weinroth was superior in the debates last time around and very few people gave him the time of day or dollars from their wallet.

Luke Ravenstahl won't be as dangerous to our fair city as Tom Murphy was for three terms. Murphy almost single handily destroyed Pittsburgh's 90 communities by looking only at the bells and whistles of Fifth and Forbes.

But if something unforeseen happens this summer, Mark DeSantis may just be the next Jason Altimire. But don't bet on it.

Opposition to Ravenstahl and More

Feel free to forward to others

In news coverage of write-in results of both the mayor's race and county executive race -- it is good jouralistic practices to be objective and tell the entire story. So, do make mention that the Libertarians have every intention of getting candidates onto the November 6, 2007, general election ballot.

Mark Rauterkus, presently in New Zealand, is an announced candidate for both Mayor and County Executive. His February 2007 announcement has since generated nomination papers in April at A dozen candidate slots are being contested by Libertarians. The deadline for paperwork for ballot access for Libertarians is August 1, 2007.

My quote:

"If Mark DeSantis is interested in a serious campaign with talk about solutions and issues, then I welcome him to the ballot and into the communities for a race. I'll be happy to debate both Mr. DeSantis and/or Luke Ravenstahl. Now is the time for various local institutions, organizations and media outlets to make moves for hosting debates throughout August to October."

See comments for a re-print of a snip I put onto another blog.

Carey Harris gets a promotion to lead A+ Schools

Way to go Carrey.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Hillary -- hands off -- until November 2007

I don't need help picking my campaign theme song. But, my only wish is that she not use the song(s) that I have picked -- until after the November 6, 2007, general election. But, that would be okay if she did pick the same song, musician and singers. What the hell, thse folks I choose are my friends and I'd love for them to strike it big again.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is seeking advice on "one of the most important issues" of her presidential campaign: picking a campaign theme song.

So far, more than 100,000 Americans have responded to her lighthearted call for help. Some have been inspired to compose original tunes. It's not exactly "American Idol," but the reaction is another example of the Internet's growing role in politics.
You'll need to get a copy of my latest CD, or dozens of them, to hear the tunes yourself. They are not out yet -- but wait a few more weeks.

Letter home

We've been away more than a month. Home in two weeks.

We fly today from Queenstown, the adventure capital of the world, to Christchurch, our home away from home, this afternoon. 4 pm flight. Only 30-minutes in the air. One runway airport here.

Then we leave for Auckland tomorrow. Spend a day or two there.

Catherine's talk was well received.

We really hit the tour bookings just right. So much to do -- but we did it perfectly.

Today Erik, Grant and Catherine went on a horseback trip. Erik's horse was in the Lord of the Rings movies! So cool. Crossed six or so rivers on horseback -- Catherine getting her feet wet -- while on the horse. Very wild and beautiful mountains and landscape.

I'm at an internet cafe -- but the only sign of a 'cafe' is the coke filled refrigerator behind the desk. Cost is $3 per hour to surf.

M got the right answer to a quiz about the swim pool, lane 9

New blog noticed. I'll need to read and study it later.

Pittsburgh Transit =

Its author, Mathew, got a quiz question 'spot on.' (scroll down)

Quiz: When is the one day that you are SURE that you don't want to go "wire less" ???

We've been enjoying some magical times. Photos and movies to come. Presently I'm in a cyber cafe.

Early signs of winter have arrived where we are. Snow is covering many of the near peaks.

I ask this question, not for myself, but for the grad students in our party.

When is the one time that you are sure you do NOT want to 'go wireless?'

We'll have a first-hand report shortly.

Tonight we are going for an easy night -- to see the new Pirates of the C movie. In the AM, my wife and boys are going to ride horses.

Today it was a LOR tour. That can be the second quiz question. It was wonderful.

Yesterday -- stay tuned.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ron Paul was right on Iraq - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Ron Paul was right on Iraq - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Hearing Rep. Ron Paul recite the reasons for Arab and Islamic resentment of the United States, including 10 years of bombing and sanctions that brought death to thousands of Iraqis after the Gulf War, Rudy Giuliani broke format and exploded:

'That's really an extraordinary statement, as someone who lived through the attack of 9/11, that we invited the attack because we were attacking Iraq. I don't think I have ever heard that before, and I have heard some pretty absurd explanations for Sept. 11.'
Meanwhile, what is this I hear about the USA and its small band of war hungry Rs in the White House doing with Iran? They (with CIA help) are going to mess with their currency. Say what!

Vicious Cycle - Recent incidents involving bicyclists are, sadly, nothing new - News - News - Pittsburgh City Paper

Pittsburgh - Vicious Cycle - Recent incidents involving bicyclists are, sadly, nothing new - News - News - Pittsburgh City Paper Although bicyclists say they are no strangers to passersby who taunt them or motorists forcing them off the streets, some cycling advocates are particularly disturbed by the latest string of incidents, which include at least two beatings, as posted on the electronic bulletin board of Bike Pittsburgh, a local advocacy group.

Bike Pittsburgh's membership and project director Erok Boerer says he was alarmed by the bikers' beatings, as well as two other accidents -- a hit-and-run and another car-bike accident -- that all took place within the last three weeks.
Lots of comments on this posting / article.

Antarctic Centre: Been there, done that

The Little Blue Penguins (also know as 'fairy penguins' in Australia) are the sweetest things. They are delightful says Catherine. The Antarctic Centre has 21 of them. They are all rescued animals. One is blind.

The ferret is not their friend.

There even was a ride in a Hagglund."

Before 1920, all exploration in Antarctic was done on foot. Later, helicopters and tractors were used. In 1985 the Hagglund all-terrain vehicle came onto the scent to improve the transporting of staff and materials on the ice. It is amphibious and does donuts on an outdoor adventure course. The retired guys who are the drivers have a kick out of leading the tours. It has caterpillar tracks but is designed to exert only half the ground pressure of a human footprint so as to leave almost no impression on the ground or snow, so it's very environmentally friendly.

Quiz: What is the one place in the world where an American can travel to without a passport?

Busy, busy, busy

There is a bunch of things to see and do in the days ahead. Three trips within the trip are brewing. So, the blogging is going to be a wee-bit behind.

Running mates -- come alive.

Speaking of running, Christchurch is home to a marathon. Pittsburgh doesn't have a marathon, but we'll be able to experience on in June, just before our departure. There is a 10K, half-marathon and fun run for the kids too.

If you'd like to come over to run the marathon, or just soak up some of New Zealand's winter days with us, feel free to drop in. We've got plenty of room, including an empty two car garage.

Home Page Sunday June 3 - 2007

Mayor Wants Crime-Watch Cameras On Street Corners - News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh

Mayor Wants Crime-Watch Cameras On Street Corners - News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh 'Have one centralized system that private business owners or businesses that have cameras, the city of Pittsburgh that has cameras, the Port of Pittsburgh that has cameras, all are integrated into one system,' said Ravenstahl.
No thanks.

We need cameras -- and the cameras I dream about are going to be pointed to the government officials. I want all the authority board meetings to be on camera, on the internet, on cable tv, as podcasts, with real minutes and agendas that have details.

We need an overhaul of communications within the halls of government so that they can be watched. They (government officials) are robbing us most of all.

I want figurative cameras in the form of TRANSPARENT PAC ACCOUNTS. As deposits are made, they should be visible to anyone, anywhere. Same too for spending of PAC funds.

Once we have our eyes on those that control our money in the form of public treasury -- then we can begin to turn our attention elsewhere, perhaps.

Donation to Ravenstahl's campaign sparks self-exam by panel - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Penny for your thoughts.
Donation to Ravenstahl's campaign sparks self-exam by panel - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review The husband of city Ethics Hearing Board member Penny Zacharias gave $1,200 to Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's election campaign before the mayor nominated her for the post.

The donation doesn't violate Pittsburgh's ethical code of conduct, but it has prompted members of the newly seated board to examine prohibiting such gifts to protect their credibility.
As I campaign, I don't want $1,200 donations. I don't want $1,200 headaches showing up on my door, unless the donor is Ben Franklin or Tom Paine or someone of similar values and principles.

Rather than have Luke give back the $1,200, I have another suggestion. One can level the playing field and be "fair" a few different ways. One way is to use subtraction. So, Luke could give the money back. Or, another way to level the playing field -- and one I prefer -- is to use addition, not subtraction.

Why not ask the firm and Penny's pals for an extra $2,400 so as to make an investment into both the Republican and Libertarian opposition. Level the playing field by by addition.

This way the $1,200 that went to Luke's campaign will be 'de-valued' because the same amount goes to the opposition.

Sure, if the Greens and Socialists Parties get their act together and get into the mayor's race, they can seek $1,200 each as well.

Or, another way to make matters 'fair' is for Luke to give back the money but not to Penny and her lawyer buddies. Luke could take the $1,200 and send $500 to the city Republicans, $500 to the Libertarians, and $100 each to the Greens and Socialists.

To be 'fair' it is worthy to note that the city's Republicans had been hammering on the re-creation of the ethics hearing board for many months. They got Bob O'Connor to think again about its operation. For years, and even since I was in that party to lend more opposition to Tom Murphy's ways, Bob Hillen has been talking about the ethics hearing board. It isn't hard to be reminded of it as it is part of the city's charter.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Foreign Policy of Ron Paul by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The Foreign Policy of Ron Paul by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. It doesn't take a game-theory genius to predict how this conflict works itself out in the long run. The left and the right agree to disagree on intellectual grounds but otherwise engage in a dangerous quid pro quo. They turn a blind eye to the government they don't like so long as they get the government they do like.

PPS and Kaplan talk about next year's learning

Pittsburgh Public Schools with Kaplan K12 Learning Services present. . .
A Sneak Preview of New Curriculum Beginning the Fall of 2007 for Parents of Students Grades 6-12.

What will be taught next year in:
* Middle School Science – Grades 6, 7, 8
* High School Science – Biology, Chemistry and Physics
* High School English – English 3 & English 4
* High School Math – Algebra II (including revisions to the current Algebra I and Geometry curriculum)
* High School History – African American, Civics, U. S. History, World History

Two opportunities to hear this information:

Thursday, June 7, 2007 OR Monday, June 11, 2007 at Reizenstein Professional Development Center from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. For more information, contact Dr. Richard Gutkind at 412-622-3955. - Audit Reveals Flaw In Allegheny County 911 System - Audit Reveals Flaw In Allegheny County 911 System.

So there was a meltdown of 911 telephone service in October, 2007. An audit is due in at the end of May 2007. This, in turn will set the wheels of motion moving forward for the County Executive, Dan Onorato. So, he'll take it as positive and do something.

The quote goes as far as to say that Onorato will implement them as quickly as possible.


We could put a note in a bottle and toss it off of the pier in New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand -- and have it wash up onto the North Shore of Pittsburgh faster.

From NZ dump
Quiz: In New Zealand you don't dial 911 in case of emergency. Who knows what number is to be dialed?

Hint, it isn't 3-1-1 either.

I don't think it would take anyone in the world (other than Pittsburgh's political leaders) eight months to issue a report to say 're-boot the system' when 9-1-1 phones stop ringing for an extended period of time.

The A.D. Bureaucrat has leaked a tank tip

One who knows you can only rent beer made us giggle on this posting at his blog.
The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat Pittsburgh, PA (Reuters) - Fresh on the heels of an agreement with ALCOSAN, the US Environmental Protection Agency has reached a historic accord with Pittsburgh City Council to stem the flow of human excrement coming out of 414 Grant Street. The agreement will result in the largest containment of fecal material in a incorporated municipality in the history of the Country.

Allegheny Institute and PA Turnpike -- asking Gov to be open

Blogger: Allegheny Institute Blog - Post a Comment... It is time for the Governor to share with the Legislature the letters of interest (concerning the PA Turnpike) he received last December (2006). There is no need for secrecy about this. That only breeds distrust and animosity toward moving forward with the lease plan.
Being open and honest is the way to be in government.

Up in smoke!

Allegheny Institute Blog This is no way to run a government. Passing ordinances that violate state law in hopes they can win in court does no credit to the Council.

The Conversation and school funding

The Conversation An inconvenient truth

The Trib addresses what Ross Perot might call Pennsylvania's crazy aunt in the basement: an inequitable system for funding public schools. This is the reason why cutting property taxes is so difficult. Without reforming the school funding system--which puts the onus for funding schools on local districts, and thus local property owners--not only will you be unable to offer significant local property tax cuts, but you will continue to have vast inequalities among school districts.

Consent decree 'best deal' possible, Alcosan says

Consent decree 'best deal' possible, Alcosan says: The Allegheny County Sanitary Authority will pay a civil fine of $1.2 million for decades of illegal sewage discharges into Pittsburgh area rivers and creeks. That's much less than the $275 million fine it was threatened with in 1997.

The best deal possible would have been to fix these meag problems years ago. They didn't choose to engage and do the heavy lifting that was necessary. Lazy jerks would rather piss in the rivers for decades. And, then they'd rather run around and help to finance crack-pot development deals.

Lots and lots of sewer money has been piped into new development deals -- far beyond the cost of infrastructure. They've been off mission critical tasks. They've been passing on the hard jobs. They've been too quick to run to the courts and do nothing else.

Infrastructure isn't sexy. Infrasturcture doesn't get voters and politicians who are motivated by the handouts excited.

We went to the beach the other day.

From family - travels

We went to the beach yesterday. New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand. More photos, less leg, will be posted later.

It is 'off season' and the only ones in the water were us -- silly Americans. After a dip in the Pacific, we headed to an indoor swim pool with hydro slides. That was fun too.

From NZ - QEII

Quiz -- What's going on with this photo?

From signs

Can you tell us what's up with this photo?

Pittsburgh and Western PA Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group (Pittsburgh, PA) -

Pittsburgh and Western PA Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group (Pittsburgh, PA) -

CRAFTON CROCODILE SUMMER SWIM TEAM - info about the team's 41st season

2007 Summer Swimming at ITS best

The Crafton Crocodile Swim Team is an instructional swim team and takes pride in developing and enhancing the children’s competitive swimming skills while having fun during the summer season.


Saturday, June 2, 2007 from 9 am to noon and
Wednesday, June 6, 2007 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

** DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS JUNE 14TH 9:00a.m. – 11:00 a.m. **

Registrations will only be accepted during one of the above times. We expect parental involvement to help our program run productively. A Parent/Guardian must be present at registration and also sign up to work three (3) swim meets and a fundraising events (Busy Beaver Car Wash, Flick ‘n Float or Froggy Folic – team party)

FEES PAYABLE AT REGISTRATION: Registration fee covers insurance, team t-shirt, banquet, swimmer gifts and meet ribbons: $30.0 per child ($90.00 limit 3 or more children) + Pool Pass + $25.00 Raffle Tickets*


$30.00 per child ($90.00 limit 3 or more children) + $25.00 Raffle Ticket + $35.00 per child

Borough fee **(non-pool pass holders – bring a separate check)

* Raffle ticket fund raising requirements (raffle tickets must be pre-paid at registration) $25.00 for raffle tickets for 1 swimmer, MAXIMUM of $35.00 for 2 or more swimmers.

(NOTE: **You do not need to be a Crafton resident to join the team, but swimmers are required to be pool pass holders or pay the additional $35.00 swim team only fee to Crafton Borough. Anyone eligible to purchase a Crafton pool pass, resident or non-resident, must purchase a pass as determined by Crafton Borough Council at the Borough Building during regular business hours. Swim Team only fee must be paid to us and we will forward to the Borough.

PLEASE NOTE A SEPARATE CHECK (payable to “Crafton Borough) WILL BE REQUIRED. Two checks will be asked for at registration unless a pool pass is shown. The swimmer has until July 1st to show the pool pass or the check will be turned over to the borough. Otherwise, the check will be returned to the swimmer No exceptions.

There is no official team suit this summer. Our team color is blue. Feel free to purchase a suit of your choice.

New swimmers must bring a copy of their birth certificate. Health information will be required for the swimmer’s safety.

Swim Team experiences are NOT the same as swim lessons. All swimmers must be 18 or under and be able to swim 25 yards. Over the years, many of our swimmers have found great success on their winter, h high school and college teams.

Daily practice will begin June 12, 2007 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Coaches Mike Schneiderlochner, Mark Rauterkus and Jenn Sweeney.

Unfair loopholes - Court Rules Against Allegheny County Smoking Ban They also claimed the ban would cause irreparable harm to their businesses and contains unfair loopholes for small bars.
The landscape in Pittsburgh is full of unfair loopholes. They are often seen as potholes. And, in far too many other areas of life, these unfair loopholes are taken for granted.

When people see unfair loopholes they take note -- and vote with their feet. They leave when the opportunity is presented.

Dan Onorato's central theme to his re-election campaign could be simply, "Unfair loopholes. Onorato delivers."

Pgh Public Schools HAD a firm to sell South Vo Tech

Firm to help sell vacated Pittsburgh schools: The Pittsburgh Public Schools tonight would move a step closer to selling 24 surplus buildings with a vote to hire a real estate company to market the properties and vet prospective buyers.
This is a big problem that is festering and I would have been on it years ago.

There used to be a firm that was hired to sell South Vo Tech. They had signs up a year ago.

The approach by the Pgh Public Schools and the city is all wrong on this.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Invoices for swimming club fees, Wharenui

Ron Paul got an endorsement from a California organization

The United Republicans of California (UROC) have unanimously endorsed Congressman Ron Paul for president of the United States.

In their official statement endorsing Dr. Paul, UROC called him "the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital" and recognized that:

Ron Paul's voting record demonstrates that he has voted against:

  • raising taxes

  • unbalanced budgets

  • a federal restriction on gun ownership;

  • raising congressional pay; or

  • increasing the power of the executive branch.

  • His voting record demonstrates further that he voted against:

  • the USA Patriot Act;

  • regulating the Internet; and

  • the war in Iraq.

  • Dr. Paul is the only candidate with a record that matches the UROC’s platform.

    The group's leaders said others from "across the country should support Ron Paul for president."

    XM Satellite Host Talks GOP

    XM Satellite Radio host Ron Bennington of Ron and Fez today talked about Rudy Guliani's appearance on "The Late Show" with David Letterman. A caller phoned in to tout Ron Paul. To which Bennington replied, "RuPaul has more of a chance to be President than Ron Paul."


    St. Barts: Nun to lead Penn Hills parish

    Nun to lead Penn Hills parish In response to a shrinking number of priests, the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh has appointed a Penn Hills nun to be its first 'parish life collaborator,' a person who will oversee parish obligations that do not have to be performed by a priest.
    My roots go to St. Barts. I attended 8 grades of school there.

    Isn't there still a shortage in the realm of Bishop too?

    Homeownership gap called matter of gender -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

    Homeownership gap called matter of gender -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY Single men, meanwhile, account for just 9 percent of home buyers, the same percentage as 20 years ago.

    Quiz: Why (or how) is this a 10-lane swim pool

    Quiz time: We went to a different swim facility the other day -- and made a return trip today. We had a great time at QEII swim pool. QEII is, of course, short for Queen Elizabeth the second. But the quiz question asks, why (or how) is this a 10-lane swim pool. The block clearly shows the end (block at the start) of the pool and the side of the pool. The number on the block is 9. Humm.

    You can post your answer / guess in the comments area.

    Uptown garage closed for good after beam cracks

    Uptown garage closed for good after beam cracks The garage, at 1200 Centre Ave., is slated for demolition later this year in conjunction with construction of the new arena. The structure was closed Friday night after a construction worker discovered the defective beam on the third level.
    Organized crime?

    Monday, May 21, 2007

    Alex Peak - Thought Piece

    Alex Peak - Thought Piece - �Paul: 1, Giuliani: 0� - � 2007 by Alexander S. Peak Paul: 1, Giuliani: 0
    Alexander S. Peak

    Fla. governor signs law requiring P.E. in elementary schools -

    Fla. governor signs law requiring P.E. in elementary schools - Fla. governor signs law requiring P.E. in elementary schools

    The bill will require at least 2.5 hours of physical education each week (30-minutes a day) for k-5. Middle and high schools are encouraged to provide up to 3.75 hours of gym class weekly.

    "We're trying to create a culture of activity in our elementary schools," said state Republican Rep. Will Weatherford, the bill's sponsor.

    FL leaders hope to have gym class required through 12th grade by 2012, along with money from the state to help schools purchase necessary exercise equipment.

    All the on-going efforts on health care issues goes to nothingness when school nutrition and physical education, in particular at the elementary level, get ignored. America can't shove unhealthy children into our schools and expect to get ahead of the process. Unhealthy children grow into unhealthy adolescents and unhealthy adults. That overwhelms society and all health care efforts.

    In New Zealand, we've been impressed with the overall health of the kids and adults. They play sports. I understood this for decades and was most excited to see this devotion in practice for myself.

    However, New Zealand doesn't have P.E. teachers in most elementary schools. Same for art and music. The homeroom teacher runs these classes. Furthermore there are a lot of schools that do take-out for physical education. They'll subscribe the school to an outside agency / swim school for on-going services / contract. Then the kids get instruction from certified, qualified teachers in swimming at the swim school in the community -- not in the school.

    In Western PA, we've got plenty of swim pools in our schools. Here in New Zealand, the pools are not in the schools. But, there are still lots (if not more) of school kids in swim classes -- outside the school buildings.
    Rendell launching an effort to battle chronic diseases Gov. Ed Rendell plans to move forward today on his statewide health proposal by creating a commission aimed at improving care for patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases.
    This is nothing new or original. And, it is typical -- too little and too late.

    Wellness is a great thing. So, I dare not laugh too much at the lame ideas Gov. Rendell attempts next. But he is clueless as to fitness. And, I feel strongly that fitness is a major concern of ours for the present and the future.

    The missing link isn't government handouts and extended services from government to make everyone work out. No way.

    We need to begin this trek to fitness with an attitude adjustment. We need fit and responsible approaches with our lifestyles. Our philosophy, mentality, thinking, priorities and our grip on the challenges of today's society need honest reflections. We need to be nimble, healthy and see the big picture. That means, in part, blind spots are not tolerated.


    Giving tired, closed-minded, and in-flexible fits.

    Ron Paul on YouTube

    Lifeguard Jobs in the Pittsburgh area. Come and post them here

    Got a job. Know of a pool that needs to hire more guards. Get on the sub lists?

    Here is one:

    If you know of anybody who is licensed as a lifeguard and wants a cushy part
    time summer job. $9.00 per hour at Park Lane apartments in Highland Park.
    Starts Memorial Day weekend till Labor Day. Contact 412-682-7000

    Sunday, May 20, 2007

    Educating Rudy

    Party time: Democrats and Republicans have their say

    How much egg of the face will the P-G wear if the Pittsburgh bobble-headed Pierogie, championed by the Pgh City Paper, wins the GOP endorsement? Do you think that the P-G will print that news, should it come to pass?

    But, are there any readers of the Pgh City Paper who are GOP voters?
    Party time: Democrats and Republicans have their say When Tuesday's Republican write-in votes are counted, the city will know whether technology consultant Mark DeSantis will become Mayor Ravenstahl's GOP opponent -- a prospect we eagerly await, if only to give city residents a choice and a robust debate over the issues confronting Pittsburgh.