House OKs end to Kennywood tax Bars $1.5 million levy; W. Mifflin officials hot; Senate must vote on itHummm.... Could it be another sweetheart deal?
Friday, June 30, 2006
By Tom Barnes and Jan Ackerman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
HARRISBURG -- The state House has angered West Mifflin officials by approving a bill to permit Kennywood Park to stop paying $1.5 million a year in amusement tax revenue to the borough and school district.
'This is a sweetheart deal for Kennywood,'' West Mifflin council President William Welsh said yesterday. 'Kennywood has tried to have the tax eliminated every year.''
How about if we gave Kennywood a slots license! That should fix em. I'd rather save Kennywood Park rather than the race horses and the PA race horse industry.
But seriously, I have advocated the ending of the RAD Tax. And, I think that the Allegheny County RAD Tax that is paid by Kennywood should end. That amount is less, I expect, than what it pays locally. But, the RAD Tax for Kennywood goes directly to other organizations that compete with Kennywood in a day-in-day-out basis.
Why should Kennywood subsidize the ballet? Or, why should Kennywood subsidize the Carnegie Science Center?
I don't want Kennywood to get any tax nor RAD money. And, I want Kennywood to pull its own weight. But, I don't think it is wise for Kennywood to charge its customers extra just to have that money flow to other nonprofits who are in direct competition with the park.
As for West Mifflin, and most of the Mon Valley --- well --- I don't know how much they are all on the up and up? That big bend in the Mon seems to match how staight the politicians operate in them thar parts.

House OKs end to Kennywood tax
Bars $1.5 million levy; W. Mifflin officials hot; Senate must vote on it
Friday, June 30, 2006
By Tom Barnes and Jan Ackerman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
HARRISBURG -- The state House has angered West Mifflin officials by approving a bill to permit Kennywood Park to stop paying $1.5 million a year in amusement tax revenue to the borough and school district.
"This is a sweetheart deal for Kennywood,'' West Mifflin council President William Welsh said yesterday. "Kennywood has tried to have the tax eliminated every year.''
House Bill 1082 was approved Tuesday night by a vote of 153-39, with support from state Rep. Marc Gergely, D-White Oak, but opposition from Rep. Ken Ruffing, D-West Mifflin.
Mr. Gergely, whose district includes the section of West Mifflin where the park sits, said it's unfair that Kennywood is the only West Mifflin venue that has to pay the amusement tax.
"Kennywood is a good corporate citizen'' and should be treated more fairly, he said yesterday.
Mr. Ruffing, who represents most of West Mifflin and is a former borough councilman, said, "Don't get me wrong, I love Kennywood. I worked there in college and I take my kids there. But it will be bad for West Mifflin taxpayers to lose $1.5 million. Some other tax will have to be raised or services will have to be cut.''
Howard Bednar, manager for the borough, which gets nearly $1 million a year in Kennywood amusement taxes, criticized the House for passing a bill that affects only one community in the entire state -- his.
The bill bars the amusement tax from being used at "a fixed site amusement park that has been designated a national historic landmark by the National Park Service.'' Kennywood is one of only two amusement parks in the nation --the other is in New York -- designated as a national historic landmark.
"Why is the state dealing with a local situation?'' Mr. Bednar said.
"The state should deal with statewide issues. If you don't want the amusement tax, then [the Legislature should] come up with comprehensive tax reform.''
The state Senate must still vote on the bill, and that may not happen until the fall, because the Legislature will focus today (and maybe tomorrow) on enacting a new state budget and then it is expected to recess until late September.
Mr. Gergely said he hopes to "get all parties to sit down at the table this summer'' and work out a way to phase out the amusement tax over a period of years, in order to lessen the tax blow to the borough and school district.
Kennywood President Peter McAneny said the park paid the borough $948,000 in amusement taxes in 2004 and $546,000 to the school district. The borough's amusement tax is 5 percent per ticket. The school district's share is a flat $1 per ticket.
Kennywood ticket prices are $28.95 for an adult or $14.95 for a senior citizen 55 and older (and for children up to 46 inches tall.) The amusement tax is included in the ticket price.
"It is a tax we pass along to our guests,'' said park spokeswoman Mary Lou Rosemeyer. "The problem we have is that we are in competition with parks that don't have that tax,'' such as Geauga Lake and Cedar Point in Ohio.
Mr. McAneny said it's not fair that park visitors and guests are paying ticket prices that support municipal services for the borough. Mrs. Rosemeyer said Kennywood uses almost none of West Mifflin's municipal services.
The park has its own public safety force, emergency medical force, water, sewer and garbage services, and uses municipal fire services only occasionally.
The battle between Kennywood and West Mifflin Borough has been going on for years, but it escalated in early January 2004, when West Mifflin decided to increase its share of the tax revenue to the full 5 percent allowed by state law. That doubled the park's tax bill from about $500,000 to almost $1 million.
(Bureau Chief Tom Barnes can be reached at tbarnes@post-gazette.com or 1-717-787-4254. )
the line was longer today....
no pictures of the line
but some other shots
does that mean there is no RE-ENTRY after exit?
what about the elderly folk who want no rides?
can they get in to smile and watch their grandkids scream joyously at KIDDIELAND?
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