I didn't shed a tear with the lost of the 84 Lumber golf event either.
Focus on government. Get us good government.
City considers local race - Pittsburgh - MSNBC.com O'Connor said this week he wants to bring a big-league racing event to Pittsburgh, such as an open-wheel grand prix race.If you want to dream that vision things -- then talk about 5 year olds, talk about 10 year olds, talk about 15 year olds and if you must, talk about 20 year olds.
Then to really get serious talk about the five year olds who are being parented by the 20 year olds -- or the 50 year olds.
Then if you really want to get serious about a 'race' -- talk about the 10 year olds who don't have a swim team because the local swim pool is closed. Talk about the race to use wi-fi for 15 year olds doing homework, who live all around the city, not downtown.
The stunning downtown skyline is NOTHING when contrasted to our children. I don't want to watch cars. I want to watch our kids grow up in a city that is just and full of opportunity for developing skills and solid friendships.
Pittsburgh does not have a chance to turn itself into a place for big-league racing. But, we can be the best place in the world to parent, to grow, to nurture, to heal, to live in community.

I'd rather have a good Dragon Boat Race -- or Anything-that-floats Race.
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