Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pittsburgh Police Chief Wants To 'Invest In Kids' To Prevent Violence - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Police Chief Wants To 'Invest In Kids' To Prevent Violence - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Police Chief Wants To 'Invest In Kids' To Prevent Violence
Except, it seems, that the way the police invest in the kids is to craft cameras around town to watch them. Then to make road blocks and build curfew centers to contain them.

Mayor Tom Murphy was the worst -- as he did not allow our groups to invest in kids and put computer labs into the city's rec centers. Many rec centers, to this day, have empty computer rooms. They have had the furnature and the little signs on the doors -- but not the computers.

Perhaps this news is a change of heart. Let's hope so.

Not only will the increase in graduation rates drop the number of murders, but I've got some more insights.

Holding AM Swim Practice, say at 5:30 or 5:45 AM -- even slackers are in by 6 -- does a great deal to insure that the students are in bed and sleeping by 10 pm, if not 9:15. Go figure.

Student athletes get better grades than students who are not in interscolastic athletics.

Student athletes have better graduation rates -- and have better chances of getting into college, being recruited into college, getting college scholarships, staying in college once they arrive, getting tudors while in college, getting coaching, mentoring and postitive peer pressure, and staying fit.

Sadly Mark Roosevelt is just as bad as Tom Murphy in terms of killing sports and community participation in wellness activities in the city. Murphy killed the city's marathon and The Great Race. Plus he closed the rec centers and swim pools (all 30+) of them. Meanwhile, Mark Roosevelt took swimming out of the public physical education programs in all the schools, is building new schools that will not have sports programs by design, and allows the city league to be laggards equal to the opportunities girls were presented with in the 1940s.

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