Saturday, May 01, 2010

School librarians losing jobs as city schools feel pinch

School librarians losing jobs as city schools feel pinch 'Research has shown a direct positive correlation between school libraries, learning and test scores. The fact that nine Pittsburgh Public Schools have no teacher-librarians to teach information literacy demonstrates both inequitable opportunities for students ... and a cause for concern for [school district] stakeholders,' states a 29-page memorandum compiled by the librarians.

Where is the 29 page memo? Can it be emailed to me, I'll look in my in box.

Don't want to be identified! Come now. Librarians are huge in terms of keeping privacy -- as to what books have been checked out in the past, etc. Looking back, the crossing guards didn't want to be fired, but they pointed fingers, sorta. The pool matrons got axed, but with one swift blow -- and they're loss hurt swimming in physical education classes. They kept quiet and drifted away. But today, with librarians, I'm going to expect more content to be generated with author attribution. Librarians click to a different tune than pool matrons and crossing guards. But, the cover against blowback is real, especially when the cuts are gradual.

Tracy, a fellow parent that cares greatly, gets good ink in the article too. Yes!

That question she raises was part of the discussion a few months ago. It got puzzled looks from high level administators then. Same kind of looks and shrugs that was delivered when asked about the Sci-Tech School Library not having any books.

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