Monday, February 04, 2008

Chad's rant included some sideline cheers about schools

Chad made a rant and hits everything under the sun -- including schools.
Opinion 250: The view from on high: "We're leaving more children behind than we (or they) can possibly count? Close a couple more schools, tinker with the curriculum, reassign some teachers and make noise about trying to save Schenley High School to shut some people up.

We can barely keep up with our medical premiums and co-pays? Put your initials and your helipad atop the USX Tower, your phony Minutes on TV and your auditors on the trail of even more claims to deny. Instead of good schools and affordable health care, give the kids a couple of bucks for college, so long as you don't get double-dipped and other people pony up, too.
I love the self-reliance theme.

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