Saturday, September 24, 2005

Pondering the wiki:

An insightful evaluation of the wiki,, flowed from Adam. His thoughts are on the mark and worthy for others to read and comment upon as well. I'll get my answers to each of his specific remarks in short order.

I'm motivated to spend a few weeks on the wiki to ramp up for the next election cycle. So, I'd love to invest some time there in the second half of October and November, 2005. Positive help and reviews are needed.

One problem with local issues and more technical politics is getting up to speed with the basic facts. Another dimension of the wiki could be for general education and information. Pointers to articles elsewhere could assist others in doing their homework. Covering trends and documenting facts help to build confidence. However, the general journalistic coverage within the wiki is crushing to the efforts for the refinement of a specific campaign platform. Both voters and candidates don't want to wade through, yet alone create, multiple term-papers before blurting out specific platform planks on certain issues. So, my question now is "how."

Additional tech tools also exist that have yet to be deployed with gusto. Podcasting, concept maps, deliberative democracy and multi-media CDs are still on the back burner. Each can serve in the campaign as tools to win supporters and lead the charge for reforming Pittsburgh's landscape. However, the roll-out for each tool is yet to be determined.

Time will tell how this can all come together, or not. If you'd like to make an impact -- join our efforts and become a positive, thoughtful contributor.
For the platform wiki, I think that the front page is really the most important page. A person should come to the front page, understand what he is looking at and how it can be useful to him. Anything on the front page that does not contribute to this is just a distraction.

So, who do we want to use the wiki?

1. Voters

2. Activists

1. Party activists
2. Issue activists

3. Candidates

4. Policy-makers


We may want to have introductory pages specifically targeted at each audience group. There already seems to be pages targeted at party activists and candidates, but not much focused on the other groups.

Another way to think of the wiki's user-base is in terms of "readers" and "editors." Readers need to find the information that they are interested in, while editors need to also know what sort of material to add. For readers, we need a link-structure that they can navigate intuitively. Right now, some of the page names aren't informative (such as "beyond the platform" and "mind food")--those titles could include just about anything. We need editors who will arrange the content in an easy-to-navigate manner with informative page titles--so the immediate issue is: what do the editors need?

Editors need guidelines--it isn't clear how to go about producing a collaborative political platform. Right now, I don't see any pages that describe the vision/mission for the wiki, and I don't see any guidelines for editors. As the main force behind this wiki, you need to provide the vision for it. There's one big question that needs to be answered for the editors:

Is the platform your platform, or is it a "meta platform".

1. Is it about your ideas and your goals as a candidate, with the allowance that others may reuse the content, or

2. Is it a collection of all possible items that could be in a platform, with a special emphasis on items that you could incorporate into your own platform?

Based on the front page right now, it seems that the answer is that this platform is for you and your political allies. This places considerable constraints on the editors, and these need to be spelled out clearly so that editors know that they aren't wasting their time.

1. What values form the basis of your campaign. This needs to be stated so that editors can contribute content that is consistent with those values, and won't just get thrown away.

2. What reforms do you expect to push? Listing these reforms allows knowledgeable activists to provide you with detailed information about these policies.

3. What issues do you think are important, but you don't have an opinion on? This allows activists to argue for their own position on those issues.

The other option is that the wiki is supposed to incorporate any idea that could be placed on a platform (a "meta-platform"). This places less constraints on the editors, as each of them is using the platform for their own purposes, but it means that we need a stricter system for distinguishing between items that you endorse and that you are interested in, and items that have been placed on the wiki by others, and possibly by opposing candidates.

Finally, we can consider how the wiki will develop, and what phase it is in right now. In my view, we have three major phases

1. Infrastructure deployment: this includes the wiki itself, a basic link-structure, and guidelines for editors

2. Initial content expansion: recruiting editors (activists), and fleshing out a number of policy positions/proposals

3. Use and maintenance: draw in the general public, continue to expand content with feedback

How we approach each of these phases ultimately depends on whether this is your platform or a meta-platform. We'll have to provide (and "enforce") general usage guidelines, which I think should mimic Wikipedia. We can address that later.

So, those are my thoughts on the wiki.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Field Trip Frenzy

I got to spend much of the Friday school day with my son and some of his classmates on a field trip. We walked to the IBEW on the South Side for a fitness event that was tied to Highmark and The Great Race Expo. (more later)

Next week there is no school on Tuesday. Then I've got field trips on Thursday (zoo trip for gifted center) and Friday (Voyager boat for science).

Then the next two weeks, staring on October 2, we go to Hong Kong with three other students (beyond my boys) so Catherine can teach a course at Hong Kong University.

Fun. Field Trips.

I don't think we had many of those when I was in school, other than the annual trip to Turners' Dairy to see how the farm worked and get the little hats made of white paper that they use in the dairy.

Eminent Domain: Statement before the House State Government Committee

Meeting in City Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City County Building from noon to 5 pm on Thursday, September 22, 2005.

From Mark Rauterkus, 108 South 12th Street, South Side, Pittsburgh, PA, 15203
412 298 3432

Schedule (estimated): To testify at 3:20 pm for 10 minutes for comments and 10 minutes for questions from Committee Members.

Dear Chairman, Representative Paul Clymer, members of the committee and fellow citizens:

My name is Mark Rauterkus. My family and I reside at 108 South 12th Street on the South Side, Pittsburgh, 15203. Home on the internet is at My statements go to a blog and the wiki.

On September 6, 2005, a Pittsburgh daily newspaper ran this front page, above the fold headline:

Venezuelan state governor seizes Heinz plant

A state governor ordered troops to seize a tomato processing plant owned by U.S. food company H.J. Heinz.

At first blush, the Heinz spokesperson said, “We see this as a local issue." The company officials awaited the government's next step.

News quote: "At that time I was mayor of that town, I felt impotent. My hands tied, as 30 million kilos (66 million pounds) of tomatoes -- almost 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) -- were produced, and the closing of the business led the farm workers to go broke," said Briceno.

Officials were expected to expropriate the plant, a move that would require the National Assembly to declare the property to be of "public interest."

Chavez said the government may expropriate the property of companies whose factories are idle or partially paralyzed, in order to put them back to work.
Venezuela's constitution says the government will respect private property but says the state may expropriate property if for public use or "social interest," as long as compensation is paid.
So far this year, the government has expropriated the assets of a failed paper company and an industrial valve maker. Venezuela's largest food producer was challenging the legality of a military takeover of its storage facilities. (Silos are not being used as required by law so soldiers seized control of the facilities.

These actions are much like eminent domain and there are aftershocks.

Consider the actions if you are an investor, board member, stockholder, manager, or sub-contractor. I'm not going to invest there as assets can vanish one day.

Heinz gets 60 percent of its revenue from outside North America, and is pursuing growth in China, India, and Indonesia.
"We're concerned at the actions of the authorities to seize the property. ... We hope this situation will be cleared up shortly and the property will be returned," the Venezuelan Heinz unit said in a statement issued Tuesday.

Heinz was preparing to sell the plant when the governor, an ally of President Hugo Chavez, seized it. The company said it was not warned about the seizure.
Chavez signed executive orders in January, 2005 that established the legal framework for the government to seize private properties it considers unused, and to distribute them to poor farmers and workers.

Sad to say, I expect that the poor will become poorer due to this policy. They might feel empowered for acting, but in the long haul, this will backfire. Meanwhile, the rich in power get richer in power.

Government is force. It is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is not compassion. It is force. And as the proverb goes, “When the only thing you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail.” This is why, for government, every situation boils down to a question of control. (Source: a posting at DownsizeDC.)

People in Pittsburgh notice and chuckle at interesting twists of fate. Heinz made tomato paste and baby food here. HEINZ used the leverage of eminent domain to expand its property on the North Side from Pittsburgh Wool. Now we have loft apartments and Del Monte.

Eminent domain is understood. In Homestead and the South Side, mills expanded over neighborhoods including Holly Cross Church. Pittsburgh's Civic Arena saga is well known, as is Fifth and Forbes plans A to F.

I'm a parent, coach, and a ballot candidate.

I ran
  • for PA Senate, 42nd district, (May 2005 special election),

  • for mayor, city of Pittsburgh (May 2001 – contested GOP Primary), and

  • expected candidate for City Council, district 3, (early 2006 upon resignation of Mr. Riccardi for his move to district magistrate position).

  • I'm a board member of the Allegheny County Libertarian Party. My affinity favors a common-sense libertarianism. I lean to a Geo-Libertarian views. "Geo" here could be "geography" and "land." I have self-identified as a free-market candidate as opposed to a corporate welfare approach.

    I call leaders and the public to think again by injecting different perspectives.

    Venezuelan authorities need to think again. In a global market, PA's leaders need to think again as well.

    Eminent domain is about control, power and force.

    Nationally, FEMA officials displayed their hyper-control mentality when a PA doctor was forced to stop giving chest compressions at the New Orleans airport.

    Force is the government's hammer.
    Dr. Mark N. Perlmutter traveled from Pennsylvania to Louisiana to help the victims. He was in the midst of applying chest compression to a dying woman when FEMA officials stopped him. He begged them to let him continue, but they refused. The doctor wasn't an official FEMA physician. State license clearances mattered most, even in the height of the crisis.
    Some speakers want to take the hammer out of the hands of government.

    It pleases me that the new laws you hope to advance say that an increase in the tax base of a municipality should NOT be the sole reason for allowing eminent domain. Please, think again about the borders of a real public interest project.

    Times have changed. Spaces have changed.Eminent domain isn't what it used to be. I crave more creative ideas in the toolbox so we never need to use the hammer of force.

    As a candidate for mayor in 2001, I pledged that I'd fight all instances of eminent domain within our area from any governmental entity. That statement, perhaps just a spec of trivia, didn't resonate with masses of voters then. Only a keen sage could appreciate such a statement and stance. Many keen sages are in this room. That "fringe statement" is becoming mainstream.

    Let's make Pennsylvania the best place in the world for investments. Investments must be safe from seizure. Don't simply tweak the eminent domain laws. PA could jump to the head of the pack -- as other states are re-tooling their approach to eminent domain too.

    I expect stances from candidates on eminent domain to rise in importance.
    According to David Jahn, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, "the Supreme Court betrayed the constitutional sanctity of property rights in the Kelo decision. Local governments can now seize private property and transfer it to developers of shopping centers, office complexes, hotels and sporting arenas for no more reason than the wishful hope of an increase in local tax revenues. The Court’s decision blights the 'public use' clause of the Fifth Amendment with corporate welfare."
    The Libertarian Party plans to make eminent domain and the protection of private property rights a key campaign issue in 2006.
    The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States with more than 600 officials serving in office throughout the nation.
    Pennsylvania has an abundance of land and "brown fields." If we needed bigger spaces, we have them. We have miles of empty space that surrounds the Pittsburgh International Airport.

    If you want to build a factory in this state, we don't need eminent domain.

    Pittsburgh does NOT need to use eminent domain in downtown's Fifth & Forbes projects. If our leaders were more creative, the need for eminent domain vanishes.

    Pittsburgh has blue areas that streak around town, our rivers. We can build anything we want over those rivers without eminent domain.
    There are hundreds, if not thousands of acres of prime development space -- if one considers the spaces over the rivers.
    We could build a downtown mall (or two) within pedestrian bridges that span from Station Square to town and then to the North Side. Shops, services, and all the goodies can be provided for and paid for by lease holders. There is even room for the mega developers like those that have been so warm to Mayor Tom Murphy in plans.

    Create spaces over the water of the rivers.

    If this is hard to picture, think of a pier in an ocean-side community. Huntington Beach, California, has a massive pier, for example. Gov. officials in H.B. manage the beach (a shared space, community owned) and built a pier. They sell leases on the pier for businesses. The lease holders pay for the pier itself. That's new development without the pain of eminent domain.

    Finding spaces in Pennsylvania is not a problem, even in our biggest cities. Spaces are all over the place -- from closed prisons to waterfronts. Plus, the URA (Urban Redevlopment Authority) already owns plenty of properties, estimated at more than 5,000.

    Space is our asset in PA.

    We don't need government to take land from its citizens. Find the necessary spots in other, more original places.

    Consider Maglev, a high-speed train was to zip from Greensburg to Monroeville to town and then the airport. The citizens in Westmorland County went bonkers figuring where that line would be placed. Elevated tracks are not wanted.

    We don't need to use eminent domain for Maglev. Nor do we need to spend a fortune to secure land rights at market rates.

    Put Maglev underground 300 to 500 feet. Then we'd have an experimental line. And it is proven as subway systems carry millions of people worldwide each day. Maglev as a subway would not bother anyone's property rights.

    If you want to do some real work on eminent domain, unravel the rail road right of way and that relationship with eminent domain. Our state is blessed with rail lines that are not utilized for moving people.

    Fix roads, bridges and tunnels that arlready are here. The Commonwealth could spend 25-years to fortify our existing infrastructure with continual maintenance and upgrades and be much, much better off. Hence, we'd never need to use eminent domain for a new road.

    Pennsylvania is shrinking.

    Schools are another point of entry for eminent domain. Pittsburgh Public Schools needed to use eminent domain to build a new school in recent years as one or two home owners didn't want to sell. But Pgh Public Schools just closed a dozen schools and more are on the chopping block.

    The call for eminent domain vanishes if better uses of what we have is demanded.

    If a popular, growth area needs a new school -- build taller on the existing footprint.

    Nonprofits gobble up land in Pittsburgh. Pitt is trampling with its sprawl. Yet the tallest building on Pitt's campus was built 80 years ago. The newest building from Pitt in my neighborhood is a flat, football field the size of an airplane hangar without a basement nor second floor.

    If I'm in your seats, I'd be working on the words to calls for a state-wide referendum that enacts a Pennsylvania moratorium on all eminent domain for 25 years.

    I'd certainly want to sunset the provision. My children are here. They can face the problems of the future much better than me. I would never want to tie their hands -- like you did with the 50-million dollar gambling licenses that never expire.

    If we had no eminent domain in Pennsylvania for 25 years, this would force creativity among the ambitions for building public spaces. Otherwise, it puts faith in the marketplace, as a fall back.

    Finally, there has been a lot of talk about property tax reform. I think that the elimination of all property taxes is a bad idea. I think we should be taxing land. If you were to eliminate property taxes and eliminate eminent domain, we'd be much worse off when my kids have kids. The coupling would slide our Commonwealth into a FEUDAL state.

    Pittsburgh already has two oversight boards and judges who dictate property tax shenanigans. I call them "dueling overlords.' With no property taxes and no eminent domain -- a new class of land-lords and royalty will emerge and so too will citizen serfs.

    I'd be happy to defend these concepts on principle, if asked.

    City Council over budget; staff layoffs are possible

    The most logical layoff to consider is Gene Ricciardi's job. Gene is going to resign from City Council some day. But, we don't know when. He'll need to resign around January 1, 2006, as he'll be getting sworn in as a District Magistrate.

    Gene is my city council representative. I'm expected to enter the race for his seat.

    With gambling's arrival in the future, we do need to have city council's third seat filled by a strong voice. Same too with the arrival of a new mayor.

    If Gene was able to resign now -- that would save some money.

    Another hit against the overall budget is the cost of the pending special election in early 2006. The election for the city council seat will need to occur on its own day -- rather than coupled with the November general election. The special election tab won't be carried by the city council line items in the budget.
    City Council over budget; staff layoffs are possible: "Ricciardi said he believes the situation may be worse, with council heading for a $150,000 deficit.

    Perhaps city council should put a little peer pressure on the city controller's office to cut the spending over there. I don't think it is right for Tom Flaherty's office to continue its spending -- blowing a big hole in the budget. Tom Flaherty wants to be a judge and he is showing poor judgement.

    Sure, the cuts to the controller's office demanded by Act 47 are not within reason. I hate the fact that everyone always runs to the courts to settle our problems too. But, I'm not seeing much from the Controller's office these days either. They must be spinning their wheels on a court case and not the downward saga of the city.

    The city controller's office should put an extra $200,000 or so on the table. Then city council's ills are not so drastic.
    The voters of Allegheny County should know how the city controller's office has managed its budget.

    I'm in a strange position if I call for the quick resignation of Gene Riccardi. I'm not sure I want to raise that as the best possible solution. It would have been better if the leadership there had been watching the spending and had it match the budget, week in and week out. They didn't seem to do that, as is typical.

    Gene does have a few things to attend to in his present role on council. But, time is short and so is money.

    Gene has not won the D.J. seat yet as the November 2005 election is still to occur. Elections should not be considered just a formality, even when one is running without opposition, I guess. Humm. I guess it is just a formality now, really.

    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    CmapTools and scaffolding - FLOSSE Posse

    CmapTools and scaffolding - FLOSSE Posse CmapTools is a software toolkit design to facilitate manipulation of concept maps. It�s pretty brilliant set of software tools, ...

    Murphy Submits another broken Budget -- pants on fire

    The school crossing guards have been the responsibility of the city's budget, not the school budget. The school budget was stretched to pick up the fumble that Murphy created.

    The police and firefighter positions will not be affected in the budget, but the EMS positions are another matter. A January strike has been predicted for EMS. Murphy's contract offer is so bad that the union isn't even going to consider going to the table with certain provisions in there now.

    Murphy was to merge EMS some eight years ago. He didn't.

    The hiring freeze is going to come on now -- in January, just as Bob O'Connor comes back to the city. Where have you been Bob. I hope he is looking tan.
    KDKA: Murphy Submits Budget To ICA Board
    Pittsburgh (KDKA) Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy today submitted his budget proposal to the city�s fiscal oversight board.

    The $415 million budget is $15 million less than the board predicted.

    However, the city needs to make a $4 million cut.

    The city says it will not have layoffs, but will instead institute a hiring freeze through 2006 for non-public safety positions.

    Police and firefighter positions will not be affected.

    Additionally, Murphy says the city�s budget took a hit after it had to spend $600,000 more than budgeted for gasoline, and paying salaries for crossing guards after Pittsburgh Public Schools announced it would no longer do so.

    I'm rich! -- and who would of thunk I had a relative die on 9-11 with roots and riches elsewhere

    These spammers must have a lot of fun. See the recent spam in the comment section on the creative spin of a crook.

    China's model for a censored Internet

    We are going back to Hong Kong next week. So, this posting goes out for what its worth, and not much else is going to come from me now.
    China's model for a censored Internet | "China's model for a censored Internet

    Some worry China's controls could be copied elsewhere.

    By Kathleen E. McLaughlin | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

    SHANGHAI, CHINA As China began to go online, observers made brash predictions that the Internet would pry the country open. Cyberspace, the thinking went, would prove too vast and wild for Beijing to keep under its thumb.
    Now these early assumptions are being sharply revised.

    We do expect to go back to China, again, for the Olympics in 2008, too.

    UK school switches to Linux

    SourceWire | Press Releases - UK school switches to Linux The Mall School in Richmond has replaced its aging Windows 2000 PCs with a state of the art Linux thin-client network, offering access to a wealth of educational software at a fraction of the cost of an upgraded Microsoft-based solution.

    Ballot Access Coalition announces speakers for voters choice act rally

    For more information contact:
    - Ken Krawchuk, 267-496-3332
    - David Jahn, 610-461-7755

    The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition will be holding a kickoff rally to introduce their Voters Choice Act on Saturday, September 24th, at 4 PM in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg, with a reception to be held immediately afterwards at the Harrisburg Hilton, Second and Market Streets in Harrisburg, beginning at 6:15 PM. Both events are open to the public.

    Speakers at Saturday's Rotunda rally include the 1998 and 2002 Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Ken Krawchuk, Libertarian Party state chair Dave Jahn, former Green Party state chair Jennaro Pullano, Constitution Party national chairman Jim Clymer, Reform Party state treasurer Tom McLaughlin, and John Murphy of the Ralph Nader campaign, among others.

    Speakers at the Hilton reception include the 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik, among others, and entertainment will be provided by Green Party activist Tom Mulligan.

    The Voters Choice Act reforms Pennsylvania's draconian ballot access laws by leveling the playing field for third parties and independent candidates. Under the current law, Democrats and Republicans must collect 2,000 signatures to have their names placed on the statewide primary ballot, and none at all for the November ballot. However, to have their names placed on the November ballot in 2006, third party and independent candidates will be required to collect a minimum of 67,070 signatures, more than 33 times as many, despite a Constitutional provision that "Elections shall be free and equal".

    The Voters Choice Act would change the definition of a minor political party from the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of a recent winner's vote total) to one based upon statewide voter registrations (0.05%), and allow minor political parties to nominate candidates for all offices directly according to their party rules, and at their own expense, rather than by the existing nomination papers process. Independent candidates would continue to nominate candidates for all offices via the current nomination papers process, but using the same signature requirements required of the two old parties rather than the current district-by-district electoral formula (2% of a recent winner's vote total).

    A copy of the Voters Choice Act and its accompanying white paper can be found on the Coalition's website at

    The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition (PBAC) is an association of representatives from Pennsylvania’s largest political third parties and independent campaigns, including the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the America First Party, the Reform Party, the Prohibition Party, the Socialist Party, the Unified Independent Party, the New American Independent Party, and the Ralph Nader campaign, among others.

    The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition, PO Box 309, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081
    Voice: (610) 543-8427 Fax: (215) 572-9248

    Wednesday, September 21, 2005

    KSDK News - FEMA Sends Trucks Full Of Ice For Katrina Victims To Maine

    KSDK NewsChannel 5 - Where The News Comes First - FEMA Sends Trucks Full Of Ice For Katrina Victims To Maine

    Flight 93 movie and memorial

    A couple of my friends have recommended the Discovery Channel film about Flight 93, the plane that was hijacked on September 11, 2005 and crashed in Somerset County, PA -- about 130 km east of Pittsburgh.

    The film is called "The Flight that Fought Back" and the Discovery Channel is selling it on DVD. I checked it out and decided that this is a really good deal:
    1. They say that the ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE will be dedicated to the Flight 93 memorial
    2. There's no charge for shipping (enter code FLT93)
    3. The total comes out to about $23.
    It's a good deal, raising money for a good cause, and helping to memorialize the heroic actions of the 40 passengers on Flight 93. Check it out.

    Sunnyhill, our church, turns 40 this weekend.

    Keep on thinking free.

    We'll be missing The Great Race due to services. Oh well.

    PA Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims News - Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims 09/16/05
    Advocate staff writer

    In the midst of administering chest compressions to a dying woman several days after Hurricane Katrina struck, Dr. Mark N. Perlmutter was ordered to stop by a federal official because he wasn't registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    Rescuing a School Technology Program: Linux Thin-client Overview OP/ED -

    Rescuing a School Technology Program: Linux Thin-client Overview OP/ED - Rescuing a School Technology Program:
    Linux Thin-client Overview

    Oak Hill developer sues Pitt over tactics

    Pitt, known for taking other universities to court to force them to be friends in a football conference, is playing under the table games with others now.
    Oak Hill developer sues Pitt over tactics A developer is suing the University of Pittsburgh, claiming that it's offering 'inducements' to Hill District residents in an effort to undermine a proposed housing expansion.
    The inducements include scholarships and business opportunities for key residents of the Oak Hill development, says the lawsuit by Boston-based Beacon/Corcoran Jennison, which owns that 639-home complex.
    The lawsuit, filed in Common Pleas Court, is the latest heave in a long tug-of-war between the developer and Pitt. The developer wants to build 200 more homes on land bordering Pitt. The university wants the land for sports fields.

    Who was it that told Pitt it could buy off his influnece if Pitt used the old Pitt script on its helmets? For two games this season, we'll see turn the clock back uniforms with the Pitt script! (giggle)

    It stinks to have bullies in your neighborhood. It stinks worse when the bullies are non-profit institutions. It stinks tripple-dog bad when the bullies are universities -- institutions of higher learning.

    OMG. "Mostly is is our way of saying to Pitt -- back off." The developer isn't done playing with its vision.

    Pittsburgh needs to be done with the playing of childish games.

    Tuesday, September 20, 2005

    WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Disasters and governance

    WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Disasters and governance by Jon Lebkowsky

    Libertarian Party statement on eminent domain reform

    Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
    3863 Union Deposit Road #223
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

    For Immediate Release:
    Date: 09/20/2005

    For more information contact:
    Doug Leard (Media Relations) or David Jahn (Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS

    Eminent Domain Reform
    A step in the right direction, but further steps are needed

    The State Government Committee is holding a public hearing on House Bills 1835 and 1836 on Thursday, September 22nd at the City Council chambers in Pittsburgh. House Bills 1835 and 1836 reform Pennsylvania statutes to prevent municipalities from using eminent domain to appropriate property to:
    • turn the property over to a non-public interest
    • add or increase the tax base of the municipality
    • take land by condemnation without a reverter clause in the declaration of taking.

    This clause assures that the property will revert to the condemee or his/her heirs or assigns should the condemned property ever be used for a non-public purpose.

    "While a step in the right direction, these bills do not address the root cause of the outrage over the Supreme Court decision," said Ken Crippen, Chair of the Legislative Action Committee of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. "Municipalities still have wide latitude to take our property by just declaring that the property in question is in the 'public interest.'"

    The United States Supreme Court ruled in the Kelo v. City of New London case that local governments hold the power to widely interpret what “public use” means for their purposes. As witnessed by the Kelo case, this expanded power comes at the expense of tax paying property owners.

    According to David Jahn, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania, "the Supreme Court betrayed the constitutional sanctity of property rights in the Kelo decision. Local governments can now seize private property and transfer it to developers of shopping centers, office complexes, hotels and sporting arenas for no more reason than the wishful hope of an increase in local tax revenues. The Court’s decision blights the 'public use' clause of the Fifth Amendment with corporate welfare."

    The Libertarian Party plans to make eminent domain and the protection of private property rights a key campaign issue in 2006.

    The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States with over 600 officials serving in office throughout the nation. Please visit or for more information on the Libertarian Party.

    Running Mates, help. Input on eminent domain needed urgently!

    I'm slated to make a presentation for up to 10-minutes (with 10-minutes of time for possible questions from the committee) to a PA State House Committee hearing slated for Thursday afternoon on Grant Street (City Council Chambers) on EMINENT DOMAIN.


    Got content? Insights? Tips? Pointers?

    Want to offer your services as a reviewer of a draft of my prepared statements? Email me,, and watch your inbox for their arrival shortly.

    Frankly, I'm not too worried. But, I do want to put out this call in advance to others who might like to have a meeting on the minds about this important issue. Thanks for the consideration.

    Otherwise, I'll upload the statements to this blog in the next 48 hours or so.

    Flex Your Rights (wallet card)

    1. Officer, am I free to go?

    2. Officer, I don't consent to any searches.

    3. Officer, I want to speak with a lawyer.

    The movie, Busted, from, was shown at Pitt by the College Libertarians.

    The Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable causes, supported by Oath or affimation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons of things to be seized.

    Alcosan Open House

    Gratis events for the public from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, October 1, 2005. Call 412 732-8002, or

    Welcome to Pittsburgh, Mr. Roosevelt. My address to the Pgh Public School Board and Administration

    My words: Welcome to Pittsburgh, a city where politics matters, as it should. But where what matters in politics isn't as it could be.
    Statement before the Pittsburgh School District and its Administration, September 19, 2005

    Statement before the Pittsburgh School District and Administration
    September 19, 2005

    From Mark Rauterkus, 108 South 12th Street, South Side, 15203
    412 298 3432

    I'm a parent of two students at Phillips Elementary (PPS), a community activist, swim coach, former stay-at-home dad, and a ballot candidate:
    -- for PA Senate (May 2005),
    -- for mayor, city of Pittsburgh (May 2001), and
    -- expected candidate for City Council, 2006.

    Topic: POLITICS

    Welcome to Pittsburgh, Mr. Roosevelt. (I too am Mark R.)

    We both are self described non-traditionalists with shared interest in education and politics.

    Politics is a part of life. Only the foolish choose to ignore it.

    In my opinion, Dr. Thompson tried to ignore politics. Upon Dr. Thompson's arrival to Pittsburgh, like those before him, I wrote him a note saying we had a dysfunctional political landscape. In computer-speak one could say, “garbage in, garbage out.” I hinted that the life of a school superintendent would bound to be full of frustrations as long as this Pittsburgh political quagmire persisted. Dr. Thompson was not interested in actions in this realm. Suffering in our community continues.

    Three on city council formed an alliance to exert influence in school board elections. These were no friends of public education. (Diven, Motznik, Ricciardi)
    A+ Schools is a resume builder for Michael Lamb and certain factions and special interests.
    A wealthy gatekeeper for school board elections has been Elsie Hillman who can stroke $10,000 checks for lawn signs so as to win the day.
    Religious leaders, such as Rev. John Monroe, are going to work themselves into a state of frenzy and protest – perhaps with another extended prayer in the public school's board room disruption's sake.
    The teacher union leader, the late Mr. Fondy, never was known to speak to non-Democrats without an abundance of profanity.
    Mayor Tom Murphy only came to the school administration when he was seeking a TIF (tax break for a new development). That robs the present incomes on the hope for the future – but they have not pulled their weight in the slightest.
    Bob O'Connor spoke in all seriousness when he said, if he was mayor, every school student would have his homework completed by 6 pm. Yeah right. I guess he has an after school magic pixie dust.
    The state situation is no better as Gov. Rendell can't understand why 80-percent of the school districts in the state didn't swallow his plan for gambling incomes.

    Pittsburgh's dysfunctional political landscape comes from neglect.

    The good news, with some attention, the potential for improvements exist. Great strides can be made with some time and energy investments – and a new attitude. Benefits are sure to touch the lives of the students and school performances – and city-wide wellness.

    Politics and voting are significant elements of the American way. We need an open minded approach that is inclusive and educational. The decision logic for voting in Pittsburgh is frail. Sadly, ignorance rules.

    A solution suggestion:
    I would love to either lead or assist with a coordinated effort from the Superintendent's office to create an extensive position paper. Perhaps it should be called a “PINK PAPER on Pittsburgh Politics and Schools.”

    Better policies on politics can be established after wide debate:
    Where are:
    - school assembly opportunities,
    - TV debates (with cable and public TV),
    - policy talks with web streamed delivery, and
    - zones for politicians and issue discussions at and following PPS sporting events?

    A handout from a suburban school district invites citizens to meet the candidates for school board at a school function. Those type of events are rare in Pittsburgh.

    Furthermore, suburban districts have the distinct advantage of being smaller and more intimate in terms of knowing candidates. In the suburban districts, neighbors have better chances of knowing one another. Pittsburgh's larger, urban district has 10 times the schools and neighborhoods yet the same number of board members. City-wide, Pittsburgh needs many more opportunities to meet the candidates, but we have less.

    Another problem stems from petitions. Petitions should be dealt with in a simple and direct manners – and not treated as if they were plans for the overthrow of a dictator.

    Another larger solution suggestion for the political landscape of Pittsburgh and schools is to end the stepping-stone trend.

    I'd love to see a rule/law/charter addition that is similar to the one in place with Allegheny County Council. Twice, the voters of the county upheld a charter provision that makes a resignation necessary before a member of county council can seek candidate status for another elected office.

    If you are on county council and you want to run for state senate, you need to resign your seat on county council before you are a candidate for the other office.

    People like this rule. It imposes a clean purpose. Those with ambitions elsewhere need to leave their present positions first.

    The same would work wonders for Pgh Public School Board Members.

    I think those on the Pittsburgh Public School Board should be IN-ELIGIBLE for any ballot position for two years from the concluding date of their tenure on the board.

    We have a history of others using the school board as a way to increase in power and and personal influence. This career advancement uses the school board seat as a stepping stone to other jobs.

    Valerie McDonald and Barbara Burns moved to City Council after being on the school board.

    Once the elected school board members – and the public know that these positions were TERMINAL and not a pathway to advancement -- then a different flavor of behavior and different style of candidate for these seats for arrive.

    We need politics in the schools, about school matters and beyond. We do not need to continue the flooding that rage from a litany of other political factors appearing in our school decisions. Now it is as if the tail (politics at large) wags the dog (our schools, educational efforts and children's best interest). This happens because of ignorance by design from the main body.

    Education reform might work without any political process reform. However, education reform that occurs with political reform, in parallel, is what I desire.

    Reform should be like a pitched fork – with multiple prongs, one being politics.
    Or, the dog can be whole, tail and all. But each needs to be aware and engaged and grounded.

    Welcome to Pittsburgh, a city where politics matters, as it should. But where what matters in politics isn't as it could be.

    State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue

    Pipedreams go poof!
    State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue State reduces estimate on city's slots revenue
    Who woulda thunk it.

    The over-hyped gambling incomes are now not what was promised. Nor are the new incomes to arrive when they were expected.

    Too little. Too late.

    Mayoral candidates endorse bike trails

    Mayoral candidates endorse bike trails 'I'm all in favor of expanding the bike trails and getting them to come together as a unit,' said Republican nominee Joseph Weinroth. 'Whether I would put that as a top priority? I don't think so.'

    Joe does not think bike trails should be the top priority but fails to mention what would be a top priority.

    Bikes should be a top priority in terms of city transportation. They are effective, economical, efficient.

    But sadly, Mayor Murphy's view of bike trails is to go to DC -- and same for Bob O'Connor. When going to DC, bikes are NOT economical, effective nor efficient.

    Bikes can be a lifeblood for the city in terms of getting people and goods to school and work.

    Gas prices are up again. The gas prices went down -- for a week -- and then the went up on a rebound. Ouch.

    Cars and toll roads are not the answer. Parking garages and parking taxes are sources of headaches.

    We can't bike everywhere in this city. Going to Carrick on a bike is hard work and isn't happening. But, going from the South Side Works to Hazelwood to Station Square to Downtown to the North Side and to the Strip District makes for flat, easy bike transport.

    People can use bikes well in Shadyside and Oakland too.

    If we had a few simple road treatments -- bikes could go much farther in our city.

    Monday, September 19, 2005

    'Last Chance' casino by Dimitri

    'Last Chance' casino - Now that the City of Pittsburgh has mastered the nuances of urban redevelopment, retail merchandising -- and pretty soon rodent control -- it wants to own a casino.

    Going to speak to the Pgh Public School Board tonight

    I'm going to speak tonight and share some ideas with the Pgh Public School Board about politics. Mark R is in town and on the job now as the new boss of the schools. He's a man with a politcal background. I'll offer up a few of my suggestions -- formally.

    School board members should not be permitted to enter the ballot for any other elected office for a two year period following their exit from the the Pgh Public School's board.

    Once the elected postion as school board member was converted into a somewhat "terminal" position instead of a stepping-stone to other, higher elected office, then serious school advocates who want to better the schools would run for those offices rather than those who want to better their power-base at the expense of the school students.

    Those who work in The White House know that they won't be able to leave their position as an employee in the White House and just pick up any other position they'd like (like with a lobby firm).

    More to come, sortly.

    Green Event with 2004 Presidential Candidate in Pittsburgh

    David Cobb (Green Party Presidential Candidate, 2004) and Titus North (Green Party Candidate for Mayor of Pittsburgh) are slated for a House Party/Fundraiser at 2140 Wightman St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, September 20, 2005.

    Suggested donation for the fundraiser $10.

    David Cobb is billed as a true hero of Election Reform, a passionate speaker, and he is definitely one of the strongest National voices for fair and auditable elections.

    Gipper, gadfly, or GOPer

    Gipper or gadfly? - "Allegheny County's Republican Committee should not consider the coming mayoral election as an inevitable failure. Bob O'Connor, poised to snatch the Grant Street throne from Tom Murphy, began his political identity as a registered Republican.
    Yes, a Republican.

    Word on the street says Tom Murphy was a Republican as well. And, he went to the established Republicans early in his ramping up for elected office and put the cards on the table. He sold his soul to them in some early meetings and got into bed with the Allegeheny Conference.
    To this day, many Pittsburgher folks are sure Tom Murphy isn't a Democrat. I was on a talk-show and this same noise came up. It is everywhere. Tom Murphy acts like a Republican comes from the Dems and the denial of Tom Murphy as a pawn of the Republicans is bold too.
    Tom Murphy used to speak to Jim Roddey, R, County Executive, every day while both were in office. They were tight. They were reading from the same playbook until late 2001. Roddey wanted Murphy to win election in 2001.
    Life here isn't so much about Rs and Ds. Salena might wish it was, because that is the national sizzle that makes smoke for the business model to scale up to bigger and different accounts in the political PR world.
    Bob O'Connor is cut from the same cloth as Tom Murphy. Both are the leading Democrats in the city. Both are for status quo. Both are for corporate welfare.
    The article says the sky has already fallen on Pittsburgh. Well, I'd say it fell, sure. But, today is a new day and it is falling again. The sky is still going to fall -- and further debt is sure to mount. There is still a valid reason for sounding the alarms when the city's budget for 2006 calls for an additional $25-million in new debt.

    Sunday, September 18, 2005

    FreeMarkets founder Glen Meakem contemplates future in politics -

    Trib article Meakem said he doesn't have faith in the Pittsburgh electorate to put people in place that will make real change. He said he supported Bill Peduto and Michael Lamb in the Democratic primary, and urged that one of them pull out of the race and support the other in order to present a realistic chance against front-runner and eventual winner, Bob O'Connor, whom he doesn't view as a strong agent for radically transforming the way the city does business.

    Both Lamb and Peduto are partly to blame for O'Connor winning the D's spring primary. I wish there was more teamwork among the challengers. Sadly, they fumbled those opportunities.

    Dollar Bank Junior Great Race

    I guess this can be the 10th annual -- but -- there was a time when the race was stopped in its tracks by Mayor Murphy. Refunds were given. A crisis was needed to waive in the face of residents of the city and suburbania and Harrisburg. Murphy's wisdom put a stop to the race despite the facts that The Great Race makes money. - WPXI-TV - Dollar Bank Junior Great Race
    The Great Race has Fun for the Entire Family, today, Sunday, September 18, 2005, at Point State Park.

    Register your junior athletes in this non-competitive race for children 12 and younger. $5 for pre-registration; $7 on Sept. 18.

    Start setting examples for your children while they are young. Encourage them to participate this exciting day of family fun that promotes health and fitness.

    Parents can make this event more memorable for the kids by running with their children in the 1-Mile Fun Run.

    Beginning at noon, Point State Park will be hopping. Children of all ages will enjoy meeting with favorite mascots, silly class and face painters.

    Packet pick-up and late registration will begin at 10:30 a.m.

    Saturday, September 17, 2005

    Recruiting grassroots leaders

    Here is an interesting call for grassroots leaders from Alan Keyes. Grassroots leaders wanted for
    RenewAmerica is looking for dedicated activists who would like to 'make a difference.'

    The purpose of RenewAmerica is to inspire and develop grassroots leaders who are committed to advancing the principles of our nation's great Declaration of Independence and its framework for implementation, the U.S. Constitution.

    We call this philosophy "Declarationism."

    Our goal is to identify -- and prepare -- those individuals who believe enough in these uniquely-American ideals to DO SOMETHING, not just watch from the sidelines.

    An appeal for leaders:

    We're looking for self-motivated, patriotic Americans who are willing to lend their time, talents, and knowledge to building a nationwide grassroots movement of dedicated activists--activists who are willing to sacrifice for the cause of liberty in the tradition of their forbears.

    Are you possibly such a self-motivated citizen-activist? If so, we'd like you to become an official member of RenewAmerica -- authorized to represent RenewAmerica in your sphere of influence (within guidelines set by the organization).

    We'd also like you to consider organizing your own local chapter of RenewAmerica -- built upon Declarationist principles, but reflecting your own particular interests, perspective, and focus. Each chapter is meant to be fundamentally autonomous and distinctive, within guidelines created by RenewAmerica.

    All chapters are local franchises of the RenewAmerica name and concept.

    Are you interested? Do you have sufficient "moral heart" to lead out in reclaiming our republic? Are you willing to inspire and teach others to emulate your example--at least, are you willing to try?

    What we have in mind is a unique organization that is built from the bottom up, and thus has much deeper roots and greater strength than any "top-down" political organization. We're absolutely serious about making this grassroots vision a reality.

    We believe nothing else will work.

    Please join us!

    As our nation continues to show signs of increasingly-destructive erosion of the foundation our Founders gave us, there is great urgency to ACT in setting things right, within the parameters of basic decency, respect for law, and faith in God, through grassroots activism inspired by effective grassroots leaders.

    If you've had enough disillusionment with our political process, with our government, and with powerful lobbies and special interests, consider becoming a recognized member of RenewAmerica--and also think about forming a franchised RenewAmerica chapter in your area.

    Ultimately, our plan is to have over a million individual RenewAmerica activists in place throughout our country--and at least one RenewAmerica chapter in every county.

    Visit the site and even see the CHAPTER FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, plus a Declarationists of America, Unite handbill. And as usual, reactions welcomed.

    Tire clean-up nets nearly 600 from the landscape!

    Bev of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Assn posted a recap of the weekend efforts on a tire pick-up project.
    We gathered 319 tires without rims and 70 tires with rims. Today's total is 389. From the same area we pulled out 150+ on April 17, 2004 and nearly 100 September 14, 2003 for a grand total of close to 600 tires! There might be ~10-15 left buried so deeply in mud that they cannot be removed. There is a great deal of trash that was bagged and piled for a later clean up. If you drive down Brosville, you will see the tires all piled for Monday pickup...

    There will be photos in the Trib tomorrow and in the Reporter. The PG was also there sans photographer.

    Thanks to the South Side Chamber of Commerce and Tier1 for the funding to pay the $0.75-$2.00 per tire fee for Proper Tire Disposal!

    I am so very happy that we started cleaning this illegal dump area 2 years ago and have had such a great success, that new dumping has been curtailed with our surveillance! This is all due to the StepTrek calling attention to our public stairways. Thanks to all of you that will be very sore tomorrow!

    We will be meeting at 9:00 am next Saturday to clean up the StepTrek routes. We will be at the UPMC SS Lot 21st & Josephine Streets. We will make our final pass on Saturday 10/1 for last minutes pick up. Then, the StepTrek is Sunday October 2 from noon to 4pm! We could use volunteers as early as 8 am.

    Email Bev to help with the Step Trek. Or, just sign up and take the urban down and uphill hike!

    Friday, September 16, 2005

    Her Hopes Can Come True

    Email from a pal in Pittsburgh's west end.

    Thank you for posting information about the eminent domain hearing on your blog. Incidentally, congratulations on your issue-oriented campaign for the Pa State enate. Your opponents waged one of the worst campaigns I have ever seen. Reading their ads, I felt embarrassed for both of them. I hope to see you in the running for City Council in the future.



    My Pet Goat: A cease and Desist letter sent to volunteers helping in the wake of Katrnia - OMG

    My Pet Goat: "Cease and Desist

    As background, our Katrina data project is a group of volunteers who are trying to aggregate data from numerous Katrina-related websites so that it's easier to search....

    Read the rest there. I have much more to say about this, should I find the time.

    Flashback: Any guess what these girls are doing? (Leave your ideas within the comments.)

    New Climbing Wall to open -- we'll visit an older one in HK

    We'll be missing the opening of the REI store on South Side Works. Harbor City in Hong Kong has a climbing wall too. Grant is giving it a whirl in this photo. Bike Pittsburgh was looking for some volunteers for bike parking duties on the opening days. Wonder if the union on strike will make a fuss with them as 'scabs?'

    See ya soon. Tonight we are hosting a mini-party with two grad students and their buddies. In a couple of weeks, the two students join the four of us (photoed above) for a two week trip to Hong Kong.

    Downtown in their dreams.

    Candidates seek new Downtown plan. Downtown in their dreams.

    If this was baseball, Weinroth hit a triple while O'Connor sat on the bench and sent in a pinch hitter.

    Where in the world is Bob O'Connor? I'm not interested in hearing from a spokesperson. Bob is silent on Fifth and Forbes. Bob is silent on the budget. Bob is silent on property taxes. Bob is silent on closing schools. Bob is silent on everything. Furthermore, Skrinjar and Weinroth's statements are with serious holes and don't satisfy my urge to get Pittsburgh to thrive.

    At least we heard George W. Bush repeat one of my often used phrases -- we want to thrive and not just survive. He was speaking about New Orleans in a prime time speech.
    Candidates seek new Downtown plan - The city needs to stop trying to do real estate development, Weinroth said.

    I'd rather hear, "the city needs to stop doing real estate development." One could say, stop trying, just do it. Don't plan again -- just go.
    But the headline, "candidates seek new downtown plan" is at odds with what Weinroth said. Weinroth wants a marketplace plan and that is simply no plan at all.

    Meanwhile, the twisted logic in Dem's side is horrid. Bob wants downtown as a neighborhood. Neighborhoods have neighbors and residents. So, "If you have a population of residents, the businesses will find their way there," Skrinjar said. Yes, but, downtown is cramed and full of business now. Or, at least it was full of business to the point that downtown living got to be too expensive. The business influences elbowed out the residents, mostly. So I wonder how businesses can follow residents when the landscape is already overwhelmingly that of business.

    Or, let's look at the other side of the landscape. A neighborhood -- say Fox Chapel -- has a lot of residents with a lot of spending power too. That does not mean that businesses can go there and follow them just because there are residents.

    Even on Rt 28 we had to build with a major TIF (tax break) a suburban mall -- Pittsburgh Mills. Sure, that isn't quite within the limits of Fox Chapel proper, but it is for those shoppers. The county government officials had to bribe the businesses to go there.

    So the O'Connor plan is to empty downtown of businesses, make downtown more residential, then hope more businesses are going to move there from say the mall at Pittsburgh Mills.

    I don't want to subsidize housing for rich people.

    ANOTHER PITTSBURGH ROAD TRIP for PA Clean Sweep's Russ Diamond

    Russ Diamond will be traveling to the Pittsburgh area once again on Monday, September 19th. There will be a TV taping with Bruce Krane on PCTV 21, which is scheduled to end about 2:30 pm, but after that, we'll be looking for another informal get together in the evening.

    If you'd like to help out by being our point of contact for such a gathering, please email info -at- We had a great time with everyone who came down to Station Square on Wednesday evening and we hope to repeat that with another batch of CleanSweepers! It was great to meet everyone in person!

    Speaking of road trips, for those of you in other areas of PA, why not help organize a road trip to your neck of the woods? All we need is a backyard barbeque or some other informal setting to help reinforce the PACleanSweep excitement and get new people in your area involved! Email info -at- if you think you could put something together in your area.

    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    On the Snake River

    Flashback: From September, 2004. Photo of Erik, Grant and I speaks to the bi-polor city we live in. Sometimes is it good to get away from it all and cherish the memories.

    Bad week for the airlines

    Bad week for Delta and Northwest. Like this is going to make us feel better? Remember when all the cities had crime -- so we are just like them. Remember when the rust belt north lost its population. So, we are like them? I say think again. Too many leaders just go along and follow. gives Swann some ink in race for PA Gov job - NFL - Garber: New arena Swann lacks experience, but celebrity status a plus

    AlterNet: WireTap: To Have and Have Not -- unplanned parenthood thrives in Ohio

    A longer read about Kent, Ohio, and the kids in the high school.At one school, 64 girls are pregnant.
    AlterNet: WireTap: To Have and Have Not: "Timken High is a well-policed fortress; it's a shame the real threats -- politically motivated ignorance and soul-crushing boredom -- lie within its walls.

    In the net. Market House soccer is about to begin. If you have younger children, especially if they've not been on a sports team in the past, the activity is worth your investigation.

    Eminent Domain gathering here in Pittsburgh

    Kathleen Walsh at Ridgemont neighborhood friend from back in the Fifth-Forbes days wrote with this info. I put in for a time to speak.

    The State Government Committee will be holding a hearing on eminent domain at 11:00 am., Sept. 22, City Council Chambers, City-County Building, fifth floor. The public is invited to attend. People who wish to speak must register before the hearing by contacting Susan Boyle by either email, or by phone (717-772-3465).

    She will schedule speakers as time permits. Please attend whether you plan to speak or not. There are very few speakers scheduled thus far.
    ... After our struggles of the past, it will be very sad if the committee comes to Pittsburgh and does not get a full picture of the problems we have had and of the community's deep opposition to eminent domain.

    I am sure you are aware of the recent Supreme Court decision which approved the use of eminent domain to transfer property to private parties for so-called economic development, which is just the sort of legalized theft that we fought against.

    In response to that decision, a number of states are considering legislation to restrict the use of eminent domain. In Pennsylvania, two bills have been introduced, House Bills 1835 and 1836. You can find the text of these bills at The hearing is concerned with problems that have been experienced with eminent domain, and what type of reform is needed.

    Operation PA Clean Sweep's leader, Russ Diamond, visited Western PA

    Photo by Mark Rauterkus. Click image for enlarged view.
    Leaders from Operation Clean Sweep gathered (Sept. 14) at 5 pm at Crawford Grill in Station Square. I was able to attend, with 18 others on two days notice.

    Russ Diamond recorded some segment with Clear Channel to play on six various radio stations in the days to come.

    Photo by Mark Rauterkus. Click image for enlarged view.
    Feeling especially tidy, so enjoy the bonus photo of a helper. Send me a photo of you and your dust-pan, and we'll see if we can make you famous for cleaning up PA Politics by getting a new house and senate in 2006.

    Road trip to DC for techie talks in the wake of Katrinia and other storms ('n at)

    Does anyone want to go to DC for an event?
    N-TEN and HumaniNet invite you to a unique conference that will focus directly on the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in humanitarian relief operations and post-crisis development.

    ICT and Humanitarian Relief:
    Being prepared, launching your response, and creating sustainable change
    Monday, Oct 17 * Omni Shoreham * Washington, DC

    From the Katrina Response to the Tsunami to Darfur to Afghanistan, humanitarian relief operations depend critically on the effective use of information and communications technologies (ICT). In both emergencies and ongoing relief efforts, humanitarian relief operations present enormous ICT challenges: working environments with non-existent or damaged communications and support infrastructure; the need to interoperate with other aid organizations and government agencies; and managing massive logistical problems and information flows. Successful relief operations that bring about sustainable change depend upon early preparation and planning.

    Over 100 key program and operations managers from NGOs, government, and the technology industry will meet in Washington, D.C. on October 17 to discuss lessons learned in the tsunami response and other relief operations, with an emphasis on practical, on-the-ground solutions and near-term opportunities.

    This conference will bring together practitioners with hands-on experience and fresh ideas about the use of ICT to share "lessons learned" and innovations, to identify opportunities for collaboration, and to craft best practices. The conference will focus on ICT in all phases of relief operations: preparation and planning; emergency response; long-term relief; transition to self-sufficiency.

    Please see the conference agenda page at for more details on the sessions available for the day. We will address such topics as best practices for ICT preparation and planning, "day one" communications and connectivity, tools for collaborative information sharing, and the need to plan for ICT support of long-term, sustainable reconstruction projects.

    At the conference, we will form informal communities of interest around the main themes and technologies to maintain the momentum of the networks and recommendations that emerge from the discussions. Cost is $100 for N-TEN members, $150 for non-members.

    Camron Assadi, Marketing and Business Director
    N-TEN, The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network
    (415) 397-9000 main
    (415) 397-1833 fax

    Wednesday, September 14, 2005

    South Side Market House to begin fall programs soon

    Market House soccer to begin shortly. News was in the South Pittsburgh Reporter.

    The photo above was taken of the kids giving each other a handshake at the end of the game, a tradition at the Market House.

    The Market House is a Citipark Rec Center and Senior Center. The Rec Center activities were closed by Mayor Murphy a couple of years ago. All centers were shut. The Market House has re-opened to kids activities again, to some degree, but NOT by the city as it was. Parents and volunteers have a much bigger role in the programming now.

    Youth soccer sign-ups are slated for 6 pm to 8 on Monday, Sept. 19 and Thursday Sept. 22 at the Market House.

    The programs will be held Mondays, Tuesdays and Thrusdays. Age groups are 4, 5 and 6 year olds from 4:15 pm to 5. The 7, 8, 9 and 10s are from 5:15 to 6 pm.

    The games are once or twice a week, after a few weeks of practices. Family night ends the program on December 2.

    Open to boys and girls, the nonrefundable fee of $10 is required at sign up. Call 412 488 8390 for more specifics.

    Badnarik Class about Constitution

    This class and home study program is condensed into just two hours (meeting in Harrisburg and King of Prussia) and comes with the book and 12 hours of instruction on DVD. Cost is $120.

    This is a great opportunity for teenage homeschool students. Details in the comments. Now if only we could get our Congressmen and Senators to sign up!

    Michael Badnarik is a teacher on the US Constitution and ran for President of the United States. I voted for him -- rather than "W" or Kerry. Badnarik visited Pittsburgh and spoke at a meeting I helped to organize in Mt. Washington.

    Michael Badnarik will share with you the little known and lesser understood history and original intent of the Constitution. According to Congressman, Ron Paul (R-TX), "Michael Badnarik has created a constitutional primer that will edify and entertain schoolchildren and seasoned libertarians alike. He does an excellent job of demystifying our founding document, demonstrating that ordinary Americans can and should understand the Constitution and how it applies to their lives."

    "Introduction To The Constitution" with Michael Badnarik, Seminar and Home-Study Program, Download the PDF flyer.

    Two Pennsylvania classes this month:

    Saturday, Sept. 24th: Harrisburg, PA
    2:00 - 4:00 pm, Harrisburg Hilton and Towers
    1 N 2nd St, Harrisburg, 17101
    Contact: Quince Eddens 717-608-5806 (cell)

    Sunday, Sept. 25th: King of Prussia, PA
    2:30 - 4:30 pm, Philadelphia Inquirer Building
    800 River Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406
    Contact: Jim Baab 610-574-1222 (cell)

    Attend the 2 hour mini-course and receive the course book “Good to be King” and the in-depth, 12 hour DVD set. All for $120.

    Register now at

    Even if you think you know the Constitution well, you’ll be shocked at how much you were never taught.

    Next Meeting of the Allegheny County Libertarian Party at

    Come to our office at 108 South 12th Street, South Side, for the next monthly meeting of the Allegheny County Libertarians: 7 pm on Wed. Sept. 21.

    Windy City event features Pittsburgh speaker - Monetary Conference

    Chicago Monetary Conference is to be held from September 29 to Oct 2, 2005. Pittsburgh's Dan Sullivan will be one of 25 or so speakers. Steven Zarenga is the main organizer.

    Lessons from Hurricane Katrina (via Libertarians of PA)

    Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania
    3863 Union Deposit Road #223
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

    For Immediate Release:
    Date: 09/14/2005

    For more information contact:
    Doug Leard (Media Relations) or David Jahn (Chair) at 1-800-R-RIGHTS

    Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
    Pennsylvania Should Encourage Private Responses

    Harrisburg, PA -- The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA) extends its deepest sympathies to those who lost so much from Hurricane Katrina. In the days ahead, much national attention will focus on how the loss of life and property could have been minimized and on policy matters regarding disaster preparation and costs.

    Local, state and federal responses to Katrina are not within the LPPA's scope, but lessons learned that apply to Pennsylvania are. One observation is that in times of crisis, communities that are highly dependent on government are highly vulnerable if all levels of government can't coordinate, predict and prepare for every possible contingency.

    The lesson is that citizens and local communities need to accept their personal responsibility for self-reliance in times of crisis and that government must not obstruct private relief efforts. To that end the LPPA suggests a legislative review of state laws and regulations to identify those that deter emergency preparedness and response. Some obvious focus areas include:

    * Private Organizations Aiding Disaster Recovery – From the Salvation Army to Wal-Mart to churches to credit unions, private organizations have been effective all along the Gulf Coast. We should ask our own private organizations how Pennsylvania can avoid obstructing their efforts during a disaster here. In addition, local businesses and service groups, being on the ground here, should be given latitude since they have invested locally and have special incentive to minimize damage and maximize recovery.

    * Medical Licensing Requirements – Out-of-state medical professionals kind enough to offer their services along the Gulf Coast were stopped due to licensing issues. The rapid or automatic granting medical professionals a functioning status here should be a high priority.

    * Absolute Right of Self-Defense – In a time of crisis, citizens’ right to self and community defense must not be impeded or questioned by government authorities. Nor should it be for those volunteering for the relief effort.

    * Keep Vicitms’ and Responders’ Affairs Private – Some private organizations helped to arrange victims’ mail delivery to their offices where some of that mail was illegally opened and monies taken from victims who received aid. State private property laws should reinforce failed federal laws in these instances for victims and responders.

    LPPA spokesman Doug Leard added, “Of course, a well-balanced state budget, a lean state legislature, a healthy economic climate, the absence of parasitic slush funds, would make it easier for Pennsylvanians and private organizations to make preparations and to actually assist during a time of crisis. That in turn makes it easier for the state to step in when truly necessary."

    It is still best to walk your bike on the sidewalk. Perhaps I'll make a whole campaign out of nothing else but good city-living guidelines. Forget about heavy subjects, such as freedoms or subsidization of rich people's housing for downtown loft apartments -- just don't burp in public nor play your car radios too loud.
    Photo by Mark Rauterkus.

    The Salvation Army facility will include a concert hall space that can also be used for Sunday Worship. Posted by Picasa

    Western Avenue work paid for by those who live on that street

    The model has changed for the worse, here again. If a road needs to be improved -- those who have "frontage" on that road are going to pay more.

    I am against all types of non-democratic weeie-driven, improvement districts that live upon soft money and extra fees and taxes. BIDs = Business Improvement Districts. BIDs are ways to increase taxes as if the residents are not paying enough already. BIDs also come up with fancy ways to spend more money.
    Funds OK'd for Western Avenue work URA director of business development Robert Rubinstein said legislation creating a Western Avenue Business Improvement District, and allowing the assessment, would be introduced in council within weeks. Council would have to conduct a public hearing before voting, he said.

    When roads get paved because those who live there are paying more for the paving -- it is a case of the rich getting richer. We won't need to pave the roads in the poor neighborhoods.

    Road paving decisions need to come from the most prudent logic, based upon fairness, giving economics of the community some weight and allowing opportunities for citizen input and critique. Presently road paving decisions are often about patronage. This move to BIDs makes the special interest groups get more clout and more attention to scares resources.

    Road work in progress somewhere in the world.

    Bankrupt city BUYS another property, spends more, further hurts downtown

    This is no "redevelopment group" -- it is government. The URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority) gets money from taxes and does NOT pay taxes.
    Redevelopment group adds another property -

    The Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority added another property Tuesday to its growing cache of buildings in the Fifth and Forbes corridor Downtown.
    Authority members unanimously approved the purchase of a 4,100-square-foot building at 218 Forbes Ave. owned by George S. Aiken for $350,000. The purchase means the authority will own at least 18 buildings in the Downtown corridor.
    Redevelopment director Jerry Dettore said the building was needed to complete the authority's ownership of a cluster of properties around Aiken's restaurant, George Aiken's Delicious Prepared Foods, which will continue to operate for up to five years. Dettore said his agency has been buying Downtown buildings to prepare the city for Mayor Tom Murphy's plan to attract a major company to develop a large retail district.

    The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: Microsoft plans to outsource more, says ex-worker

    The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: Microsoft plans to outsource more, says ex-worker Microsoft is on track to outsource more than 1,000 jobs a year to China, according to blistering evidence released yesterday in Microsoft's increasingly nasty spat with Google over an employee who jumped ship in July.

    In a revelation that highlights the complexity of China President Hu Jintao's visit to Seattle and Microsoft on Monday, legal filings detailed claims of how Microsoft had offended the Chinese government by not outsourcing as many jobs as promised to Chinese technology vendors.
    Slashdot comments

    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    Russ Diamond, lead organizer of PA Clean Sweep, visits Pittsburgh on Wed, 14th

    Russ Diamond, the lead organizer of PA Clean Sweep, is due in Pittsburgh on Wednesday. We're meeting with him at 5 pm at the Crawford Grill in Station Square. I'll try to attend.

    Free Movie at Pitt -- 9 pm on WED -- "Busted"

    The movie, Busted, is to be shown this wednesday in room 120 in David Lawrence Hall at the University of Pittsburgh.

    "Created by Flex Your Rights and narrated by retired ACLU director Ira Glasser, BUSTED realistically depicts the pressure and confusion of common police encounters. In an entertaining and revealing manner, BUSTED illustrates the right and wrong ways to handle different police encounters and pays special attention to demonstrating how you, the viewer, can courteously and confidently refuse police searches."

    Grant S is headed home after delivering supplies to the Gulf

    Way to go Grant S. He took a turck load of goods to the gulf in the wake of Katrina. He wrote (via Kathy and edited slightly by the webmaster) in part:

    ... PS I found four lost salvation army trucks, and got them provisioned again, and got national guard to donate ice and water until the head office in Jackson was able to re-supply them. They thought they thought they may have been looted or worse, but they just ran out of gas and got lost with no communications. And they ran out of provisions. Have pictures of all this, with me in some, just to make Ray jealous. Now that the women will see ME in he man mode.

    HOT, buggy and wet. The sand bugs like to bite me. Safety is good and lots of good people are down here helping. Stayed in a huge Baptist Church last night. Many good people arriving from all over now. I am coming back soon. Food is gone, and I am tired.

    Love to all G

    Grant S -- you are our hero. Safe travels home. If you want help uploading those photos and telling your story on the web -- give me a call.

    Spammers' Speed Trap: Posting some snares in the wake of Katrina

    We need to come up with a plan to set some traps to place within the databases built in the wake of Katrinia and People Finder efforts.

    Humm.... More thinking and documentation to do.

    BTW, the FEMA decoder rings are on the back burner for now.

    Eternal vigilance: Libertarian ideology: give it a break!

    Adam's recent blog entry, now at his own blog, starts on the harsh side but is right on the money at its close. I call myself a "common sense libertarian."
    Eternal vigilance: Libertarian ideology: give it a break!: "Humans need to embrace multiple ideologies, recognizing that the real world includes great uncertainty and humans have a number of concerns which may complement or conflict with each other. They also need to think more like engineers, treating the world as raw material that can be shaped, bit-by-bit, into one's ideal.

    Need a skipper. Take your pick.

    Jim Leyand is in town. Get out... These are the guys that should manage the Pirates.

    Quiz: Who are these fellows? Where was the photo taken?

    Perhaps the Pirates would be able to get both for a good price.

    Unloading a City Park Asset to the Salvation Army -- discussions to start.

    Post agenda is slated for 1:30 on Tue, Sept. 13, 2005, to talk about the plan to turn over a City of Pgh Park to the Salvation Army. They hope to create a new Kroc Center. The Park is in Brighton Heights on the city's North Side.

    LIVE CHAT: Embracing NCLB: One School's Experience

    WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 6 p.m., Eastern Time


    Rail Road Flat Elementary, an impoverished, 100-student public school in rural northern California, has become one of the highest-achieving schools in the state and last year was a state nominee for "national model of excellence" status. The school's success has been attributed to strong student discipline and a heavy emphasis on the kind of teach-to-the-test learning that is often frowned upon in more affluent areas. "There's a need for structure," says Rail Road Flat teacher Randall Youngblood. "If I was teaching in another socioeconomic group, it might be different." But what are the drawbacks?

    In this chat, Youngblood will discuss his school's approach to academics and classroom management and its attitude toward state and national policy.

    Submit advance questions here.

    For more information on Rail Road Flat Elementary, read the article "One-Track Minds" in the Aug./Sept. Issue of TEACHER MAGAZINE.

    No equipment other than Internet access is needed to participate in this text-based chat. A complete transcript will be posted shortly after the chat's completion.

    Gregg Behr efforts at Forbes Funds

    Nonprofits need clout in Pittsburgh -- yeah, right.
    Forbes Funds, Copeland Fund, Tropman Fund, Wishart Fund, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Any charitable organization, incorporated as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation and serving Greater Pittsburgh, can become a member of the Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership (GPNP) by contributing a minimum of $100.

    Monday, September 12, 2005

    Petition calling for indie commission of feds after Katrnia

    Signatures are gathering at on online petition to send an unmistakable message that Americans want answers in the wake of Katrinia. They want 50,000 people to support an Independent Commission -- by Wednesday.

    Sign the petition.

    Duquesne Light -- here we go again?

    Are we going to be treated to some new, decrative lighting treatments?
    Duquesne Light Making Significant Investment in Region, Creating New Jobs State, County and City Officials to Join Company at Groundbreaking

    Morgan K. O'Brien, Duquesne Light president and chief executive officer, will make a major announcement and provide details tomorrow regarding the company's commitment to its customers and the Pittsburgh region.

    Scheduled speakers include Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky, Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato and Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy.

    WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 10 a.m.
    WHERE: 2835 New Beaver Avenue, Pittsburgh 15233

    In the past, the big civic improvement from Duquesne Light was the lighting of a bridge over the river. More was spent on the lights for the bridge than it would have cost to hire eight new teachers to focus on 9th grade math in the city schools. Most of the city school kids in 9th grade fail algebra one. Most get "F"s (or did when the bridge lighting need long jam was cleared).

    I'm not sure of the city students' math scores now -- but -- I have a bet that I could find 101 better uses for the bridge lighting project without much thinking.

    Mike Brown resigns as director of FEMA.

    Hit the road Jack. FEMA director resigns. Posted by Picasa

    Photo is from a sidewalk in "Peoples' Park." The people were not fooled. Good to see some accountability.

    More news of 2006. But what about 2005?

    It used to be, and still is, IMHO, bad form to put a lot of noise into the coverage of elections that are two or three away. It is better to devote most of the talk to the next elections. Why fuss and fast-forward to 2006 fall when 2005 needs to be made clear. If this coverage was in addition to 2005 mentions, I'd not gripe.
    U.S. Rep. Melissa Hart of Bradford Woods ( is thought to be potentially vulnerable, although the Dems seem to think Murphy is the more vulnerable of the two. Still, two Dems have lined up to challenge Hart already -- Georgia Berner of Butler County ( and Jason Altmire of McCandless (

    Peters Township Democrat Tom Kovach

    The seat in the congress is held by Tim Murphy, R. Every two years there is an election for these seats. Next up, 2006.
    Kovach, a loss control engineer for an insurance company, a Navy veteran with a Masters degree from Pitt's GSPIA School, once ran for state House against Republican state Rep. John Maher, and he is mounting a grassroots, issues campaign ( Taking a page out of Santorum's book, Kovach is already door-knocking in this three-county district.

    Thanks for the pointer to Jon Delano, and his PSF email.

    Next crisis: FEMA will issue decoder rings.

    I can see the future, and it looks interesting for FEMA and decoder ring makers with big political PAC accounts.

    We used to worry about electronic voting machines and paperless ballots. Next it will be decoder rings.

    In the hours after the storm, the helicopters will drop decoder rings on the areas impacted by the storm. Other FEMA officials will station themselves at highway rest points and truck stops to hand out rings to those who supply DNA samples.

    The rings will help with database management and authenticity.

    Sunday, September 11, 2005

    That Dam Ride -- concluded. I'm going to rest now.

    My son, Erik, 10, and I spent the weekend bonding -- while covering 140 miles on a two day bike trip, That Dam Ride.

    Great weather. Great trail. Super everything. My boy was great too.

    Note to world: I saw three bits of litter on the trail, all today. That's it.

    We spent the night in the tent. Sadly, the tent did not make it home with us. Thank goodness there was a lost and found and friendly, responsible locals who helped me get the tent back on Monday. YES! Thanks! The tent is home again.

    On the second day, Erik caught onto the skill of "drafting."

    Day one we rolled out at 8:03 am under a big cover of fog. Got to the campsite, mile marker 59, at 4:30 pm. The last 20 miles were hard. The ice cream stop with 11-miles to go was NECESSARY.

    On the second day we rolled out at 7:47 am -- as in 747 time to fly. And we did. The first 40 miles we must have averaged 12 mph, going 14 or 15 mph in stretches in a few packs. We got to the final spot, mile marker 128, at 3:05 pm. Plus, we had a 45-minute stop.

    All in all -- great time.

    Nice tunes last night by Wado Young.

    I didn't take the digital camera. Got a few film photos from a throw-away camera to post later.

    What's next? Perhaps the Junior The Great Race (on Sunday afternoon) and then the Great Race. What else are we missing?

    Letter to the editor about Katrinia and its lesson

    Worthy of a reprint here:
    Lessons from Katrina

    Saturday, September 10, 2005

    Not surprisingly, the "blame game" is in full swing, an aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

    Individuals are busy pointing fingers and agreeing when the blame is placed on everyone in sight -- everyone, that is, except you and me (and they are not too sure about you).

    They are expecting perfection from a government that cannot perform even its legitimate basic functions well.

    The excess reliance on government, relieving the individual of responsibility, was initiated in the 1930s and has proliferated since.

    This misguided thinking is not what grew this country and made it prosperous; this misguided thinking is bound to make this country poor.

    This philosophy says it is the government's fault if people are poor, and that all are entitled to an affluent old age. This is embodied in our failing Social Security system.

    When are people going to stop relying on the government to do everything? Perhaps Hurricane Katrina will help us to become sane?

    George J. Heideman, Ligonier

    Friday, September 09, 2005

    16 to 10 -- Ohio U wins. I'll send a POST CARD of thanks to Steve Pederson!

    Game goes into overtime and not a single offense score in the entire game.

    Relentless works for me.

    Fans rush the field after the game -- to hear the band's post game show!

    Thanks Steve Pederson!

    Athens -- Party -- Excitement

    Tied, 10 to 10, with a field goal by Pitt with 7 seconds on the clock.

    OU and Pitt are playing a splendid TV game.

    The Burgh Blog: Annoying Burgher of the Week = Dr. King

    The Burgh Blog: Annoying Burgher of the Week It is a school official.

    Bobcats are beating Panthers headed into halftime

    The OU Band takes the field -- and the scoreboard might change from 10-7 to 17-7 -- as the OU Marching 110 rock and roll.

    Go Bobcats!

    Sorry Wanny.

    Let's see what the second half brings. Sorry the ESPN 2 coverage didn't show a few measures of the band's performance. :(

    By the way -- I'm an 1982 Ohio University graduate. I'm pulling for MY University -- a place that was very good to me and good for me.

    Our tent and sleeping bags, as well as new bike rack (thanks Nancy) and gear is packed for the weekend road trip. Erik, my oldest, and I are doing a 69-mile trek on Saturday and a return 69-miles on Saturday.

    So, I'm no mail until Sunday night. I might wake up around Tuesday!

    Keep the pork out of Katrinia Relief Aid

    Following last week's devastating hurricane and flooding in the Gulf region, Congress acted quickly to pass an initial $10.5 billion relief package. On Tuesday, President Bush asked for an additional $40 billion, bringing the total to more than $50 billion. This amount could double to $100 billion.

    History has shown Congress' propensity to take advantage of emergency supplemental spending bills by inserting funds for their member's own pet projects. Even though funds are desperately needed by Hurricane Katrina's victims, members of Congress will undoubtedly still attempt to insert some self-serving pork. Already, there are calls for aid for drought relief in the mid-West, even though such funding could be provided through the regular appropriations bills for fiscal year 2006, which Congress has yet to approve.

    The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) has challenged members of Congress to block funding for unrelated pork projects in its aid for hurricane recovery and to help offset the costs by returning the $24 billion for the 6,400 earmarks in the recently enacted highway bill. Please write to your legislators today ( ). Urge them to sign CCAGW's "Hurricane Katrina No Pork Pledge," through which they can vow to oppose any project or provision that is not directly related to the impact of Hurricane Katrina in any supplemental appropriations bill that provides funds for hurricane relief.

    Emergency supplemental bills have become a magnet for pork because they do not count against House and Senate budget caps and such bills are always signed by the President. Past examples include:

    · In April 2005, the $80 billion Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief (H.R. 1268) included $25 million for the Fort Peck Fish Hatchery in Montana.

    · In October 2003, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) grabbed $1.4 million for three projects in Pennsylvania, including $1 million to establish centers of excellence for the treatment of autism, in the fiscal 2003 Emergency Supplemental portion of the fiscal 2004 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act.

    · In April 2003, the $78.5 billion War Supplemental Appropriations bill included 29 unrelated projects, which cost more than $348 million, including: $110 million for the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa; $22.7 million for a Capitol power plant; and $200,000 for Light of Life Ministries in Allegheny County, Pa.

    Congress' propensity for pork has already impacted the government's ability to protect New Orleans residents by wasting funds on parochial pork-barrel projects that could have gone toward improvements on the city's breeched levees. This is just one example of taxpayer dollars serving member's home state interests and not solving infrastructure problems of national significance. This week, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released its annual Prime Cuts report, listing the worst $2
    trillion in government spending and detailing a plan to stop Congress's skyrocketing spending and redirecting funds to important national priorities. The savings from Prime Cuts could be used to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

    If there has ever been a time for Congress to reject pork and cut the waste, that time is now. The widespread devastation and loss of life resulting from this disaster should shame members of Congress into forgoing egregious spending that will hinder recovery efforts and add to the deficit. Please write to your Representative and Senators today and urge them to sign CCAGW's "Hurricane Katrina No Pork Pledge" and not waste precious tax dollars needed by struggling disaster victims:

    Sincerely, Thomas A. Schatz, President, CCAGW