Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Pittsburgh Task Force disbands, cites success in fulfilling mission - Pittsburgh - MSNBC.com

Pittsburgh Task Force disbands, cites success in fulfilling mission - Pittsburgh - MSNBC.com Pittsburgh Task Force disbands, cites success in fulfilling mission
Too bad the URA, Parking Authority and Stadium Authority can't be as swift in pulling the plug on itself as this group just did.

We've got a lot of dead weight among various groups that should go away. Tops among the groups -- the OVERLORDS. Let's merge the ICA and the Act 47 Coordinators. We don't need two groups.

The Pittsburgh Gambling group got a wake up call last week from the Trib. The next day the P-G reported how they are "gearing up" for something. I doubt it.

Even in the neighborhoods, plenty of groups are but shells for padding resumes and do next to nothing. I'd say it is time for some spring cleaning.

Pulling the plug on an organization takes some courage. It is often harder to end a group and liquidate its mission and other tidbits rather than start a new group.

I'd love to see an inventory and assessment of all the various groups within the city and county. Then various filters and grades could be given to them as to their effective operation and impact into the quality of life of the people in the city.

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