Thursday, September 06, 2007

Debate recap - and who was that rude jagoff who shared the stage?

Thanks to FOX for hosting the debate. We need more debates where every candidate is involved. The bulk of the GOP candidates know how to "stick to their guns." But, they have no clue as to how to 'win' and what 'victory' means. Dr. Ron Paul won the debate and he has the only positions that can win the White House -- and win for humanity and peace.

Here is what others are saying: - Who Won the New Hampshire Republican Debate on the FOX News Channel? - FOX Fan 'Ron Paul wins all the time because he is the only one who upholds the United States Constitution 100 percent.' — Gerrit (Ephrata, PA)
I had some pressing questions after watching. They are put forth by others from the Ron Paul site:
Ron Paul FOX 9/5/2007 Footage | Ron Paul 2008 Revolution - Ron Paul for President - Daily Paul: "Dr. Paul did an amazing, excellent job. He keeps getting better and sharper with each debate. This was his best performance to date. Each time he picks up new supporters who cannot believe their ears - they are actually hearing some truth coming out of the TV for once! This time is certainly no exception. The loud cheers for Dr. Paul show clearly that we are not alone.

Obviously FOX is threatened by this and attempted to use every dirty trick in the book to belittle the message. It was nearly half an hour before Dr. Paul got his first question, after other candidates had already answered three.

Furthermore, you can hear snickering every time Dr. Paul is asked a question, or begins to reply. It sounds like Giulianni to me. Why did FOX news encourage and permit that? In spite of this, Ron Paul stole the night! This post from the makes it clear:"
Who was the rude person with groans among the other candidates on the stage? Jagoff. Was is Rudy? And, it wasn't once -- but many times.

Video is 12 minutes. Covers questions and remarks from Ron Paul. Giggles from Rudy remain, sadly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom, an organizer of the Pgh Ron Paul MeetUp group posted:

Good Morning,

I want to thank those of you who came over yesterday to watch the debate, as well as the many of you who watched this on FoxNews. If you haven't seen it yet, go here to watch.

You don't need to hear any spin about how we did, because the message sells itself. That said, I think this was an extremely successful debate for Ron because he 1) distinguished himself clearly from the other candidates and 2) in his exchange with Huckabee, had the signature moment of the debate.

When you listened to the actual audience in that hall, and where they were cheering, you could hear how much larger our contingent is getting. As we continue to grow, the media is going to play even more dirty, and we should all be prepared for that. While none of us likes that, their contempt is a sign of their fear over the progress we are making.

How we respond is very simple: We continue taking the message directly to the people, and we grow this revolution even further. We get more signs, more banners, more supporters, and more attention to Ron Paul, because the message will win this election, given the chance.

I want all of you to know that we are going to continue bringing the message to the people, that we are going to amplify our efforts, and as this month ends, we're setting ourselves up to be in a position to have the resources to really push the message forward.

I expect we shall be seeing a number of new members join us, and we welcome them as brothers and sisters in liberty. The next four months shall determine this thing, so as we move forward, I'm going to ask everyone to help however they can. We all have different skills, but after last night, I can tell you that both myself and all the people who were with me are energized and ready to take this message out to the public.

It's the Constitution, stupid.
