Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Throwing an anvil to a sinking swimmer


Oh my gosh. I was always good at recess. Gym class and firedrills were other favorite classes of mine. Plus music too.

The city council at 12:30 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004, pulled out a rule to recess its meeting. Only the chair can end the recess. Now we wait. Closed door meetings are to happen again, perhaps?

If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about -- join the rank-and-file club. We all don't know for sure, sadly.

The Act 47 vote to switch out the ordinances was about to go down. The 5-4 vote from the summer was about to be a 4-5 vote.

I went to speak before city council today and I asked for "self-reliance." Rather, when the going go tough, they ran and hid. Gene Ricciardi asked for the recess. He holds the gavel. So now, the citizens wait. The workers wait. The tax hikes are looming larger.

1 comment:

Thomas Leturgey said...

Well, if the ACT 47 vote turns around and city residents get a tax increase, then it's absolutely imperative that any member of council who votes for the increases should be opposed next election. And the increased tax burden on city residents and business owners should be the number one issue of complaint. Followed closely by all other "quality of life" issues.

Here's to hoping it doesn't snow anytime soon. Salt blasts will be fewer and further between.