Thursday, March 31, 2005

Of course this is a poison pill from Fitzgerald

Officials eye campaign bill - When the bill came up for consideration at a campaign finance reform committee meeting last night, council President Rich Fitzgerald, D-Squirrel Hill, added an amendment to have the legislation cover all candidates for local, city, county, state and federal offices.
Price called the amendment a deliberate attempt to make the bill illegal. 'I think this is, in essence, the poison pill,' he said.

Fitzgerald is going to try to look like he cares -- but he is really taking the issue and killing it in a backhanded way. He had five amendments last month. They were all suspect.

From what we are seeing, Doug Price from County Council gets it. He gets two thumbs up from me on these efforts.

Hope that Bill Peduto sets a date for a public hearing for the city's version of campaign finance reform. It should be in mid-April. That bill was put into a 10-week task force. It is time for that work to come public.

I was named to the campaign finance reform task force. Not much work has been done in recent days as there is no known reaction from the legal beagles within the city. Oh well. We've waited long enough for their input. It can come at a later date.

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