Sunday, January 09, 2005

Flow of emails to my wife after national ink in magazine feature

The magazine, REAL SIMPLE, subtitle: life/home/body/soul, interviewed my wife some months ago. This is a newstand magazine, glossy, NY offices, on 'simplicity' that is a shooting star as Martha's operation has floundered. See the February 2005 issue. The cover has The (no-diet) diet: healthy, easy, delicious.

The article ran and it generated 30 emails in one day from girl friends, former students and others who saw the quotes and dropped her a note. Interesting to learn who's reading what.
Magazine cover
This is about wellness, an area within the Platform.For-Pgh.Org.

Top feature, Save it, pal!, page 35. The good things in life don't lanst forever. Strategies for consering gas, an open bottle of wine, your hearing, and more. Quarter page sections on face, wine, your soles, your brain, your ears, gas, room for dessert, a seat at a movie theater, email, the ozone layer.

Your Ears
Listen up. "the sooner you start paying attention to your ears, the longer you'll be without a hearing aid," says Catherine Palmer, Ph.D., director of the Audiology and Hearing Aid Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The key is avoiding loud noises. The burst of a nearby firecrack or prolonged exposure at a rock concert can cause permanent damage that adds up. "If you can't be heard easily by someone inthe room, or if you have decent earphones and people around you hear your music, it's too loud," says Palmer. So lower the volume (if a song's just too good to sush, turn the bass up and the treble down), and invest in good earplugs. The best ones, the custom-fitmusicians' type (sold at music stores and Etymotic Research,, block out up to 25 decibels, bringing a 110-decible concert down to a safe -- for three hours, anyway -- 85. For unexpected blasts, you have two options: namely, your index fingers, which can shut out 15 20 20 decibels.

Our good friend, Mead Killion., founder and driving force to Chicago-based Etymotic, (link above), is a mentor and professor of Catherine. Mead has been to Pittsburgh a few times and takes credit for introducing the two of us while we both lived in Evanston. (Another story) Mead came to Pittsburgh to speak at the grand opening of the MUSICIANS' Hearing Clinic a few years ago.

Funny side-bar about ink like this. Catherine often can't win as this time the UPMC connection was made and that doesn't please her bosses on the academic side at Pitt's School of Health and Rehab Sciences. And, at other times it goes to the other department. She's got two jobs. More than enough for both of us.

This time the academic chair, Dr. McNeil, might give Catherine a free pass. He was just in China on some tour and went to Chengdu for a day. Catherine has a godess like stature and reputation in that part of the world -- and he now knows all about it. It is great to be praised so far from home and have others find out first-hand. We still need to meet to talk and de-brief about his trip -- and I hope that is soon. Had I known he was going to be Chengdu, I would have had him bring me back some more badminton equipment.

By the way, if anyone here is headed to Chengdo, let me know. I have an assignment for you. Simple really.

Get yours on news stands today!

The last time a good friend had ink in a national newstand magazine, I didn't get a copy. Marilyn Davis, Ph.D., prime organizer of eVote,, was part of a cover story on voting technology and discussion groups, including blogs, in Linux Journal.

As I post on a Sunday afternoon, Catherine is back from her DC trip yesterday and is at DePaul giving a talk to parents of babies that have been identified with some issues with their hearing. While in DC, (some exciting news yet to be shared on that), a few of Catherine's fellow board members and staffers at the national organziation had remarked that they had seen my news on the national LP.Org web site. A couple of weeks ago I was on the front page of the Libertarian site, which goes into their magazine too.

So, from time to time, the news flows back and forth as we both are sources.

I'm sorta waiting for an article to run in the AP about Pittsburgh by Allison S. I gave a longer interview just last week on our city and its decline. Perhaps my mentions will be included in that story. If AP editors feels a similar story ran recently, perhaps she'll post it to her blog. (hint, hint)

An educational reporter from the Trib couldn't connect with me this past week. She was writting about a possible switch of time to the school day for Pgh Public Schools. I called her a handful of times but we still have not connected.

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