Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Mr. Roberts doesn't know when city council's votes occur

Mr. Roberts told our city council president that he was against a bill that was slated to pass. Mr. Robers had thought that the final vote was the other day. Nothing from Mr. Roberts was put on paper, yet it was requested.

City Council votes to spend leftover funds despite recovery team's opposition: "Pittsburgh City Council approved some small budget changes yesterday that were opposed by the Act 47 recovery team, which may also get it in hot water with the city's fiscal oversight board."

We need to end encumbered funds for year after year spending. This is a plank in Platform.For-Pgh.Org within the finance section.

The administration and various departments have had secret passbooks that are leveraged for matters that council may not want.

Weird accounting that favors the administration has to go, even if and when I'm heading the administration. Ideal accounting principles would have ongoing, weekly reports and charts as normal operations. We need to run the city more like a household. The administration policy is twisted by design. Even members of city council don't know when or if money in various accounts from past years has been spent -- or not.

Block grants for neighborhood needs should have listings on the reports too. Not only is the budget process in need of an overhaul, but same too the general fund and various balances within the system. Income from one year should be matched with spendings that same year.

Consistent treatment for all departments is but a pipedream now.

Act 47 coordinators have an obligation to inform city council when actions violate the plan. They don't have an obligation to make statements on their likes and dislikes. The obligation stands for violations. Wants, needs and violations are all distinct.

The mayor has squirreled away money in so many different locations that it might take a year of constant searching to uncover the situations.

Another matter is the lack of any capital money. Now the West End landslide occurs and the budget impact is $600,000. But, no money is available.

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