Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Public Hearing: 11 am on Thursday, Feb 10, 2005

The citizens of Pittsburgh called for a public hearing about Sala's and Twanda's bill to limit and refine public comment before city council.

I think that the bill was attempting to split hairs. It is hard to say you can talk on issues that come before the city but you can't do an "self promotion" or can't address any "politics."

Come to the public hearing if you value the Sunshine Laws and the First Amendment.

Sala Udin has stated that the bill he introduced originally is changing. Great. He also made a mention at the end of today's meeting (Feb 9) that caused me to send him this email.

Dear Sala,

I heard your comment at the end of today's city council meeting about the
public hearing I helped to call for tomorrow. By the way, that public
hearing isn't going to be on tv, so it seems. Fine.

You have a suite of changes to make to the proposed bill before city council
now about limits to public hearings.

I would like to know what's to come.

Can you send me an email of what you are going to do with amendments?

I asked for the update last week. You sent me to the City Clerk's office. I
know what's in the city clerk's office now. I know that there have been
suggestions from the city's lawyers. I'd love to see those too.

I think it is silly to hold a public hearing on something that isn't going
to happen. Let's not talk about something that is dead.

If you hold back substantial changes until after the public hearing, your
choosing our city, our citizens' voices, our hope of getting a better law

Post the changes on your own blog, if you want. If you don't have a blog,
I'll do it. Or, better yet, post the possible changes on my blog after this
mention. My blog allows comments from anyone. Same too with the wiki. Post
changes (pending) at the

Sala's reply via email:
There is no "suite" of changes anticipated at this time. The only change
I intend to make, so far, is the modification or deletion of "personal
attacks." I will await the input from public hearing and feedback from
colleagues, to determine if there are additional changes.

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